I have an App that is started from "share via" menu and get the list of the selected files as an input. Now, what I would like to do is to let the user be able to run file browsing app from my App and then get back the results.
I know for example that I can start phonebook and obtain the choosen contact(s) with following code:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI);
startActivityForResult(intent, PICK_CONTACT);
So the question is: is there a similar way to run the file browser and to get in return a list of all files selected?
EDIT: the "possible duplicated post" is actually only partially similar, as it ask how to start the file manager inside a specific path, and by the way hasn't an accepted answer. What I really need, if it is possible, is to start the file manager (if there is one) to a specific path and then get in return the selected files.
thank you all very much
I've added a button to my application which is supposed to open the download folder of the phone, and from there you should be able to click on files that were stored there, from the same app. Right now im saving some data there.
Problem is; I cant open the saved files in the folder.
I can see the files stored right there, but when I press one of them you immediatley go back to the app and not the file that you pressed.
Is there something I'm missing? Are you not supposed to open files stored in external storage from another app?
I've tried adding permissions in manifest and checkSelfpermission for checks in runtime, but with no success.
Here's the button for opening download folder:
private void openSavedLocation(){
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(ExportAndImport.this, Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)
ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(ExportAndImport.this, new String[] {Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}, 1);
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT);
Uri uri = Uri.parse(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS).getPath());
intent.setDataAndType(uri, "text/xml");
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Open Folder"));}
I can open the file perfectly when Im opening it outside the app, not via this "createChooser". What could i be missing?
Any help is appreciated.
but when I press one of them you immediatley go back to the app and not the file that you pressed
That is what your code does. ACTION_GET_CONTENT says "let the user pick a piece of content". It does not say "open that piece of content in some other app". There is no single Intent action for saying "let the user pick a piece of content, then open that piece of content in some other app".
Is there something I'm missing?
If you want to try to open the XML in some other app:
Use startActivityForResult(), not startActivity(), for your ACTION_GET_CONTENT request (and get rid of the createChooser() bit)
Override onActivityResult() to get the result of the user's choice
If the user chose something (i.e., you get RESULT_OK in onActivityResult()), create an ACTION_VIEW Intent wrapped around the Uri that you get from the Intent passed into onActivityResult(), and call startActivity() on the ACTION_VIEW Intent
If, instead, your objective is to open this XML in your app, you would:
Use startActivityForResult(), not startActivity(), for your ACTION_GET_CONTENT request (and get rid of the createChooser() bit)
Override onActivityResult() to get the result of the user's choice
If the user chose something (i.e., you get RESULT_OK in onActivityResult()), get the Uri of the content from the Intent passed into onActivityResult(), then use ContentResolver to do something useful with that Uri (e.g., openInputStream() to read in the content)
Here's the button for opening download folder
ACTION_GET_CONTENT uses the MIME type. It will not necessarily honor your supplied starting Uri.
I want to take a picture with the standart system service
Intent takePictureIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
startActivityForResult(takePictureIntent, REQUEST_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
and AFTERWARDS I want to give it a custom name and directory or path (which should happen in another activity after I've taken the photo with the camera activity)
The problem is that if I create a file with all the attributes (name, path) and give it to the intent I cant do it in the activity after having taken the photo instead I would need to determine its attributes before I open the Intent(take the photo).
(as suggested in the Google article:https://developer.android.com/training/camera/photobasics#TaskPath)
Should I just get the fullsize Bitmap then open the other activity and then save it and determine its attributes?
Is there a way to do it as suggested in the article but somehow the other way around?(create the File afterwards)
Let me know if you have any idea.
I apreceate any help.
Thank you!
I want to take a picture with the standart system service
Your code is launching any one of hundreds of possible camera apps. The specific app might have been pre-installed by a device manufacturer, or it might be an app that the user installed.
The problem is that if I create a file with all the attributes (name, path) and give it to the intent I cant do it in the activity after having taken the photo instead I would need to determine its attributes before I open the Intent(take the photo).
Should I just get the fullsize Bitmap then open the other activity and then save it and determine its attributes?
There is no means of having ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE give you a "fullsize Bitmap" directly. You can either get a thumbnail-sized Bitmap or have it write a full-sized photo to a location of your choice.
Is there a way to do it as suggested in the article but somehow the other way around?(create the File afterwards)
No. However, there is nothing stopping you from opening the photo via its file in your activity, then modifying that photo and writing it back out. You could overwrite the original file, or you could write to some new location.
So, for example, if your concern is that you do not want the photo to be in a user-accessible location until your activity is done with it, you could pass a Uri to ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE that points to a private location in getCacheDir(), then have your activity write the final version of the photo to a file on external storage.
I have a button in my application which opens the imdb application in the phone with a imdb id I received from https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/introduction
But I couldnt find anyway(using intents) to make my app recognize the imdb app and open it and if imdb app do not exist then I want to open the web site. How can I accomplish this?
I think I may be able to point you in the right direction. Just to be sure, you seem to be using TMDB but wish to open in the IMDB app?
The code below is from the Android documentation.
It will start your intent if the package manager can find an app with the appropriate intent filter installed on your device. If multiple apps are able to open this intent then an app chooser should pop up, unless the user has previously set a default for this kind of URI.
Intent sendIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
// Always use string resources for UI text.
// This says something like "Share this photo with"
String title = getResources().getString(R.string.chooser_title);
// Create intent to show the chooser dialog
Intent chooser = Intent.createChooser(sendIntent, title);
// Verify the original intent will resolve to at least one activity
if (sendIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {
If you add an else onto that then you can use a view intent like this :
Intent internetIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(movieUrl));
//Watch out here , There is a URI and Uri class!!!!
if (internetIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null){
I also found this (rather old) post about calling an explicit imdb uri
Imdb description
startActivity(android.intent.action.VIEW, imdb:///title/<titleID>);
// take note of the Uri scheme "imdb"
I hope this helps. If you post some more detail , code, links , I might be able to work through this with you.
If my answer is way off base then please be kind and set me right. We are all learning every day!
Good Luck.
So I'm pretty new to the whole Android Studio thing and I've been using the internet to help me with a lot of the things I am doing and needed help on something.
I'm not sure if it's possible to connect this to either a string or an SQL database but I have a Main Layouts with a bunch of buttons that allow me to click on them and choose what external player I would like to use to watch the video. In my MainActivity java class, this is how it finds the button.
case R.id.button3:
intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse("http://videoname.mp4"), "video/*");
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Choose an External Player"));
I wanted to know if "http://videoname.mp4" url can be connected to like a string where I can always update or change the URL instead of manually going to find the URL in the MainActivity java and changing it. As of now I have to manually do it but a different way to do it would be helpful.
I'm sorry if it's all confusing, but if you know, please let me know as soon as.
Thank you.
you just need write your string URL :
open your directory folder /res/values/strings.xml -> write your string : <string name="yourStringName>yourStringURL</string>. to use your string do this
getContext().getString(R.string.yourStringName) in fragment
getString(R.string.yourStringName) in Activity
or you can write directly on your code, put your cursor on your string, then press key alt + enter choose extract string resource fill the resource name with your string name
wherever you need to use it, just do point 1 or 2. also in your Intent
hope this help you, never stop learning!
Add it to strings.xml in your project. That is the recommended way of using strings anyway.
Where does one actually place the code to launch the ParseLoginUI activity?
ParseLoginBuilder builder = new ParseLoginBuilder(MainActivity.this);
startActivityForResult(builder.build(), 0);
Is it in the ParseLoginDispatchActivity? This was not made very clear at all within any of the official documentation:
I'm importing ParseLoginUI into my existing app. What do I once I've installed everything, updated my manifests, my build.gradle and now want to actually launch the Login activity once my app launches?
Do I put something in my manifest to indicate that the ParseLoginActivity should launch first? That doesn't seem to work as an Activity from my main application is required to launch as the initial intent. I'm a little lost here... Any thoughts?
Well I did find one solution, albeit a trivial one:
Intent loginIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, ParseLoginActivity.class); startActivity(loginIntent);
I launched the above Intent with an options menu item, but you could do it with a button or whatever else suits your needs.
If you're importing ParseLoginUI into an existing app, it appears you can just launch ParseLoginActivity with a simple Intent. I wish they mentioned this on their integration tutorial. Seems like the most straightforward way to get it running.
This solution definitely launches the Activity you want, but it doesn't check for whether the user is logged in or not and hence doesn't redirect you to the appropriate pages in your log-in flow (which I believe has more to do with your Manifest). It does, however, allow you to successfully register a user and log in with Parse, which is a great start.
A better solution would be to add the following to the onCreate method in the Activity that launches when your app launches. So if when your app launches you land on FirstActivity, the following will check to see if you are logged in. If you are not, you will be sent the login screen, and if you are logged in you will be sent to the second Activity, which is presumably where your users will want to be when they open your app.
ParseUser currentUser = ParseUser.getCurrentUser();
if (currentUser != null) {
Intent launchMainActivity = new Intent(this, SecondActivity.class);
startActivity(launchMainActivity );
} else {
ParseLoginBuilder builder = new ParseLoginBuilder(FirstActivity.this);
startActivityForResult(builder.build(), 0);