why getting inside PHPdebugger? - java

Problem started from here.
page1.php code snippet:
<a href=page2.php?subid=1>xyz</a>
Nothing related gets logged in php error log. Tried try.. catch block and this seems page1.php works perfectly but gets in trouble while redirecting to page2.php. the javaBridge connection breaks?
PHP notice: Undefined index: start_debug, debug_host, debug_port in PHPdebugger.php
PHP Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to :0
Moreover, PHPdebugger.php is an automatically generated file for JavaBridge (JavaBridge/java/PHPdebugger.php) so there can't be any issue in the file.

Looks there's an issue with latest version of the bridge (7.0.1) which enables the PHPDebugger by default. See the mailing list archive: https://sourceforge.net/p/php-java-bridge/mailman/message/35776970/.
Check for newer version or downgrade to 6.2.1.
Alternatively a forked version exists (https://github.com/belgattitude/php-java-bridge/releases) with the PHPDebugger disabled by default. A basic installation can be found here, but will drop support of the Java.inc in favour of the soluble-japha client in coming releases (major version only).


h2o code in R is not working - strange error message

I cannot seem to get the h2o code to load in R. I tried to start up h2o using the following codes:
h2o.init(max_mem_size = "5g")
This did not work so I tried the code below and got the following error message.
'''H2O is not running yet, starting it now...
<simpleError in system2(command, "-version", stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE): '""' not found>
Error in value[3L] :
You have a 32-bit version of Java. H2O works best with 64-bit Java.
Please download the latest Java SE JDK from the following URL:
I tried downloading the Java update, but the link does not work. I am not sure how to fix the error. I am trying to do PCA on my dataset.
That is the correct link: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html Are the double quotes at the end of the link part of the error message? Or did that get added when you formatted your question here? If you remove the quotes at the end, the link works.
Please download Java 11 because Java 14 (the latest) was just released and we don't officially support it yet. H2O system requirements (Java 8-13) are listed here.

WARN EclipseJavaCompiler Using unsupported java version '11', assuming latest supported version '9' when running AEM 6.5 on Java 11

When running AEM 6.5.3 on Java 11 I noticed suspicious WARN messages appearing in error.log from time to time:
08.01.2020 16:33:06.236 WARN [ [1578497585926] GET /editor.html/content/* HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.commons.compiler.impl.EclipseJavaCompiler Using unsupported java version '11', assuming latest supported version '9'
It looked like a warning during JSP compilation but forcing JSP recompilation is not triggering this WARN. I wonder if this is a known issue and if it can cause any troubles when executing JSPs?
It looks like this issue is already fixed in SLING-8322 but is not released yet. I assume that, at the moment of writing, it is impossible to use Java 10+ code in any AEM JSP files. Beyond that, all works fine - experience from two different projects.

Problems with jCifs authentication on oracle RDMS embedded jvm

I'm using jCifs 1.3.17 to connect and list files on remote windows share.
Everything works fine on my local JRE(5,6,7), but the same code executed on oracle 11g database ( crashes with following stack:
jcifs.smb.SmbAuthException: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad
password. at
jcifs.smb.SmbTransport.checkStatus(SmbTransport.java:546) at
jcifs.smb.SmbTransport.send(SmbTransport.java) at
jcifs.smb.SmbSession.sessionSetup(SmbSession.java) at
jcifs.smb.SmbSession.send(SmbSession.java:218) at
jcifs.smb.SmbTree.treeConnect(SmbTree.java:176) at
jcifs.smb.SmbFile.doConnect(SmbFile.java:911) at
jcifs.smb.SmbFile.connect(SmbFile.java:954) at
jcifs.smb.SmbFile.connect0(SmbFile.java:880) at
jcifs.smb.SmbFile.exists(SmbFile.java) at
I found out, that user password lenght might cause the problem:
1. Windows env jdk1.5.0_22 -> works with long passwords
2. Oracle linux, RDMS embeded JVM -> works with short password only (8 characters)
3. Oracle linux, RDMS embeded JVM -> long password fails with error shown above.
Sample code:
NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication(domain,
SmbFile dir = new SmbFile(path,auth);
I heard somewhere about problems with oracle embedded jvm and bugs in JCE, but this shouldn't be the case, as jcifs have its own implementation of algorithms such as RC4 or DES. Does anyone have a clue what can be the case? Is there a way to walk this around?
Unfortunately I didn't find any answer to the issue mentioned above.
As a walkaround, I have used older version of jcifs (jcifs-1.2.25), which seems to work properly with oracle db embedded jvm.
I have imported jcifs lib again (1.3.17) and it is working like a charm. I ended up with conclusion, that the java library was not imported properly. Reimport (loadjava) with option "-force" and manual compilation of invalid objects solves the problem always, but (I cant't figure why) in my case it must be loaded in following order :
1. Load my program lib (will cause errors)
2. Load jcifs lib with force option
3. compile and resolve
It seems that oracle jvm is unpredictable :)

Problems in h2 version 1.4.x when using the "shutdown compact" statement

Is there some known issue with the mv engine in newer h2 versions and the "shutdown compact" statement ?
I have some java code written originally using the h2 v1.3.175 jar library to create and access embedded databases on a hobby programming project that worked fine, but I recently decided to upgrade the jar to the current version v1.4.181 and i began having "chunk not found" errors , and after that the database seems to get corrupted and i cant connect either from my java code or the web console.
The error is: General error: "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Chunk 10 not found [1.4.181/6]" [50000-181] HY000/50000
After checking my java code i found that the problem seems to be the "shutdown compact" statement i was using in my code before disconnecting the database. Deleting that statement solved the problem.

Java Stored Procedure using MQ

I need to create a Java stored procedure in Oracle. I have used IBM's sample class for creating an MQ message from a simple class outside of Java EE environment. I have tested the class by itself and it is working.
My Oracle vesrion is 11i.
When I am trying to add the jars used in the simple application to load to Oralce along with my simple class, I am getting errors about class not found, even if same jars work with the test case. I am stuck with this for over a week and am desperately hoping that someone would be able to help me with it.
Kinds of errors I am getting are like this from -v flag with loadjava utility on the client
on line 326 / 327, you see this:
creating : class com/ibm/mq/jms/admin/AP loading : class
and then at the end starting from line 6224 to end, it indicates that the above class can’t be resolved:
com/ibm/mq/jms/admin/APRCXI: ORA-29534: referenced object
xxxx.com/ibm/mq/jms/admin/AP could not be resolved
com/ibm/mq/jms/admin/APSDX: ORA-29534: referenced object xxxx.com/ibm/mq/jms/admin/AP could not be resolved exiting : errors
resolving class com/ibm/mq/jms/admin/AP
the command I used is:
c:\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1\bin\loadjava.bat -f -jarsasdbobjects
-prependjarnames -stoponerror -u xxxx/yyyy#SID -v -resolve lib\jms.jar lib\com.ibm.mqjms.jar lib\com.ibm.mq.jmqi.jar lib\dhbcore.jar
lib\fscontext.jar src\com\test\javasp\mq\JmsProducer.java
I also tried with -genmissing option with some additional jars ( list I found here ), but still get similar error for a different class.
Other issue with this that I am facing is that if I get an error and try to use the dropjava command from Oracle, it doesn't work either.
I also saw from this link, that this person was successful, but unfortunately, he/she didn't indicate how they used loadjava to load the jars.
If i can provide any other information, please let me know.
If anyoneone has any idea on how to get the Java Stored Procedure to use IBM MQ working with Oracle 11i, I would really appreciate the help.
Found a detailed answer in this blog entry. I tried it and it worked for me.
In Oracle there is no concept of CLASSPATH, so the standard MQ Client install is useless. You can only load the jars reference by your app within the database schema. Classes are resolved when loaded with the -r option. You can further on specify your own resolved using -r -Resolver (schemas). (check Oracle docs for exact format). So in effect the database schemas becomes the classpath.
Using Websphere MQ classes for Java poses a number of problems, you have to ensure that the Oracle JDK version is at an appropriate support level to connect to the chosen MQ server version. Check the system requirements for websphere MQ Vx.x. You should find IBM's web references. check the support for MQ classed for java.
I have such an issue at the moment trying to connect to Mq using Oracle 10 and JDK 1.4.2. I had to recompile my Java code using JDK 1.4.x. This does not work and I assume it is because I connect to MQ which requires JRE 1.7 as minimum.
