h2o code in R is not working - strange error message - java

I cannot seem to get the h2o code to load in R. I tried to start up h2o using the following codes:
h2o.init(max_mem_size = "5g")
This did not work so I tried the code below and got the following error message.
'''H2O is not running yet, starting it now...
<simpleError in system2(command, "-version", stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE): '""' not found>
Error in value[3L] :
You have a 32-bit version of Java. H2O works best with 64-bit Java.
Please download the latest Java SE JDK from the following URL:
I tried downloading the Java update, but the link does not work. I am not sure how to fix the error. I am trying to do PCA on my dataset.

That is the correct link: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html Are the double quotes at the end of the link part of the error message? Or did that get added when you formatted your question here? If you remove the quotes at the end, the link works.
Please download Java 11 because Java 14 (the latest) was just released and we don't officially support it yet. H2O system requirements (Java 8-13) are listed here.


Oracle 11gR2 Design Center Can't find Java Virtual Machine

I'm having an issue with Oracle 11g R2 Design Center feature. When I click it, it gives me the error below:
C:\app[username]\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\bin\win32>call setowbenv.bat
WARNING: Unknown directive: SetSkipJ2SDKCheck
WARNING: Could not find jvm.cfg! in 'C:\app[username]\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\jdk\jre\lib\jvm.cfg'
WARNING: Cannot find default VM "client" at C:\app[username]\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\jdk
ERROR: Cannot find VM at: C:\app[username]\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\jdk
I've tried many things to resolve this, as listed below:
Download 32b version of JDK (actually, I've downloaded multiple to rule out the version issue, both 32 and 64)
Point environment variable and path to JDK installation
Change sqldeveloper.cfg file to include SetJavaHome {path to JDK}
Move the jvm.cfg file to the directory it's expected to be at
Checked the paths to ensure the expected files were there
With step 4, after doing so I receive a different error message:
"Client VM is unsupported"
With step 5, after doing so I realized the path to the executable was not in:
But instead in:
So, from all of this I feel that if I can change the path the Oracle Design Center is using to the correct path, then this should resolve. Problem is, I'm unsure where to find this. Also, if it helps I believe the Design Center uses JDeveloper, since the error suggests to view the Oracle 9i JDeveloper Install Guide at jdev\install.html. I tried going to this link but I'm not sure if it exists anymore because it took me to Google. I chose the most relevant link but still, I did not find any information regarding this issue. If anyone can help I'd be very thankful, this has been running me in circles for 3 days now.

why getting inside PHPdebugger?

Problem started from here.
page1.php code snippet:
<a href=page2.php?subid=1>xyz</a>
Nothing related gets logged in php error log. Tried try.. catch block and this seems page1.php works perfectly but gets in trouble while redirecting to page2.php. the javaBridge connection breaks?
PHP notice: Undefined index: start_debug, debug_host, debug_port in PHPdebugger.php
PHP Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to :0
Moreover, PHPdebugger.php is an automatically generated file for JavaBridge (JavaBridge/java/PHPdebugger.php) so there can't be any issue in the file.
Looks there's an issue with latest version of the bridge (7.0.1) which enables the PHPDebugger by default. See the mailing list archive: https://sourceforge.net/p/php-java-bridge/mailman/message/35776970/.
Check for newer version or downgrade to 6.2.1.
Alternatively a forked version exists (https://github.com/belgattitude/php-java-bridge/releases) with the PHPDebugger disabled by default. A basic installation can be found here, but will drop support of the Java.inc in favour of the soluble-japha client in coming releases (major version only).

R-Java error using XLConnect

I have trouble with using XLConnect library. I am getting an error for the below code:
wb<-loadWorkbook("name.xlsx", create = NULL)
And the related error is:
Error: IllegalArgumentException (Java):
I cant solve this problem. I searched a lot of topics. However, I couldn't manage to solve.
I use RStudio as gui. The version are as below:
R : [64-bit] C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.5
RStudio : Version 1.0.136
Java : Version 8 Update 121 (build 1.8.0_121-b13)
Windows : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
I will be very glad for any help or suggestion.
Thanks a lot.

RJDBC, Java connection to Oracle database crashing

I have a script that opens with some code to start a connection to an Oracle database, however the code is crashing RStudio as soon as it runs. The exact code was run successfully on another machine previously.
The script opens by loading the required RJDBC package:
library("RJDBC", lib.loc="C:/R/library")
After, this I run the code below:
drv = JDBC("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver", classPath="C:/R/ojdbc7.jar", identifier.quote = " ")
however this crashes Rstudio - there is no error statement, the program simply crashes stating that "R encountered a fatal error . The session was terminated." When I attempt run this at the command line in regular R (not RStudio) it crashes also.
If this is being caused by some conflict between R and machine, is there a way to determine what is causing it?
I had exactly the same problem, having just upgraded my Java distribution from v6 to v8 (both Java Runtime and Java Developer Kit, running on Windows 7). I don't what the reason is, but after reinstalling v6 (and keeping v8), the problem was resolved.
In also encountered this problem but in my case the issue was that I had previously set JAVA_HOME in ~/.Renviron that did not match the version in place when rJava was installed. Simply removing JAVA_HOME was the fix in my case.
I was also experiencing the same sort of crash trying to connect to SQL Server.
Setting the JAVA_HOME variable as described https://www.r-bloggers.com/connecting-r-to-an-oracle-database-with-rjdbc/ the crashes went away:
Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME='C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_172')
drv <- JDBC("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver",
"c:/Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.4 for SQL Server/sqljdbc_6.4/enu/mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre8.jar")

Errors with Propel commands in Symfony 1

I work on a project developed with Symfony 1.2 and I can’t use the following propel commands without generating errors :
propel:build-schema, propel:build-model, propel:build-forms.
I use:
Apache 2.4
PHP 5.4.27
Propel as ORM
When executing the commands “php symfony propel:build-schema” and “php symfony propel:build-model”, I receive this error message :
PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of Win32FileSystem::compare() should be compatible with FileSystem::compare($f1, $f2) in D:\vmd\application\lib\vendor\symfony\lib\plugins\sfPropelPlugin\lib\vendor\phing\system\io\Win32FileSystem.php on line 475
When executing the command “php symfony propel:build-forms”, I receive this message (but the forms could be generated) :
PHP Warning: ob_start(): function '' not found or invalid function name in D:\vmd\application\lib\vendor\symfony\lib\config\sfApplicationConfiguration.class.php on line 157
I looked on the forums, but I found nothing working, as this person before me :
Problem with Java 8 ?
I wonder if my problem hasn’t come after I upgraded to Java 8 ...
I have now the jre1.8.0_71 version.
Upgrading to Symfony 1.3 and 1.4 :
I tried to upgrade to Symfony 1.3 and 1.4 and I installed SfPropelORMPlugin, but I had other problems, even more important because I could even not access the homepage of the website, for instance.
Can anybody help me ?
I think the command should be:
symfony propel-build-model
symfony propel-build-schema (given you have correct propel.ini)
symfony cc (to clear cache dont forget this command)
