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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have just installed Android studio and when I try to run an empty activity it shows a Gradle Build problem.
It looks like an ic_laucher_round.xml file in your project has some error so go to your file and check for error and correct it.
It happened because you've chose Android 7 or higher support, but didn't create the XML file for proper icon creation. Here's the path of missing file:
The easiest way to fix the error is to create this file and to copy ic_launcher.xml content into it. Unless you want the icon on Android 7+ to look different though.
It's obvious, because Android Studio told you so. Please, pay more attention to the output text, especially the red one. It mostly explains what happened and what caused the exception.
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Closed last month.
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I have developed a game with Java in Eclipse, I would now like to take this 1 to 1 and make it into an app, how can I do this? Is that possible? Can I transfer this to Andriod Studio?
I donĀ“t know how i could make this. Do you know a video or an intruduction?
The android JAVA is kinda tricky. It violates the Java principle of Write Once Run Anywhere
To transfer any java project to android, it is best to:
Separate your Java code that handle UI from the one that handles the logique (its even better to wisely organize the project into packages
create a new blank android project
copy the logique Java code/classes to java resource folder
Convert the UI Java code/classes into android activities
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Closed 3 months ago.
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This is my issue when I try to Login on Emulator!
How do I resolve this?
Android Studio, at least in my experience, has been extremely buggy. Try the following steps:
Restart the emulator
Wipe data from the device (using device manager)
Use another emulator (create another device using device manager)
Restart Android Studio
Restart your PC
If none of the above work, create a new project and copy paste your code onto that project. I know it seems silly but it has actually worked for me!
Hope this helps.
I remember having to deal with this error when I was working with Java web services, my problem was I didn't stop the service completely when I needed to reload it and when I tried to start a new instance it couldn't (giving me this error) because I had it already running. My "fix", for what I remember, was just going in the processes and stopping it manually.
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Closed 9 months ago.
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I'm pretty new to netbeans and I've ran into this problem:
When i try to open my netbeans project this shows
It also gives me A LOT of exceptions
I have no clue on how to solve this
maybe it works.
First, go to Tools-> Choose Option->In Advanced Options->Click Option then Editing and GUI Builder, where you need to set the Layout Generation.
To ensure the Swing Layout Extension library is not part of project
you can clean build/remove project/check java is in correct path/reinstall net beans
BTW why dont you try intellij community edition
A shot in the dark since I had a similar problem once: I tried to pre-inialize a combobox with some values. Those values were supposed to come out of a (in-memory) database. The database was not available when using the NetBeans designer and therefore the designer could not construct the form and crashed.
So, check if your constructor contains code that has any dependency that works only in a certain environment.
Do NOT use "Allow Editing" if you are not knowing what you are doing / don't have a copy of your source. NetBeans will mess up your form.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have tried unchecking and checking that box inside windows-->preference-->compiler option-->Class file generation. Tried restarting the eclipse.But it didnt work. I am using "eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-win32-x86_64". I have used src zip folder in jdk1.7.0_79.
I just want to write my own program, use map/list etc and debug through methods of these classes and see how it works internally.Please help
The message is complaining about your Java runtime not having debugging information. Attaching source does not fix this problem, it will only enable you to read the source. You didn't compile those classes using Eclipse, so the preference has no relevance. If you want to debug into rt.jar, you need to install and compile/run against a JDK, not a JRE, and even if you have a JDK installed, it sounds like that is not what is being used to run your Java Application. Check your Installed JREs preference page (hint: prefer only having JDKs there) and then your application's Launch Configuration to make sure it's using what you expect.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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What I have searched and trying to do is create and add files to a target project automatically from my program, any idea on how to do it? Because so far I can create files and change whatever is necessary but can't see a way to add those to my other project.
You should just be able to write it to the java project directory. If it looks like it didn't work, try pressing Right Click > Refresh on your java project in eclipse.