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I have developed a game with Java in Eclipse, I would now like to take this 1 to 1 and make it into an app, how can I do this? Is that possible? Can I transfer this to Andriod Studio?
I don´t know how i could make this. Do you know a video or an intruduction?
The android JAVA is kinda tricky. It violates the Java principle of Write Once Run Anywhere
To transfer any java project to android, it is best to:
Separate your Java code that handle UI from the one that handles the logique (its even better to wisely organize the project into packages
create a new blank android project
copy the logique Java code/classes to java resource folder
Convert the UI Java code/classes into android activities
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Closed 3 years ago.
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in one side i have an API that store many xml files.
on the other side, an another API have to receive all these files.
i have created a service in the first API that create an ByteArrayOutputStream with all the files and return it.
But i'm not sure it's the best solution if files are too large.
How can i receive in a safe way all the xml files in my second API ?
The best way to develop a file transfer system is to not develop the code yourself. Use an existing solution.
The best way to develop a file transfer system in Java is to minimize the code you write yourself. Use an existing Java library.
There are many software packages, libraries and/or protocols that you could use. Asking us to recommend specific ones is off-topic. When you do your research, make sure that you include your security and integrity requirements in your assessment criteria.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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How should I choose among these buttons: Java vs JavaFx vs Android SDK in Intellij Idea start up? What are the difference among them? Can you guys explain to me? And if I intend to build an Android application, can I select the Java button? Pictures are shown as below...
How to choose?
If you want to create a Android projet, you need to use the Android button. This will setup all the requirements for the Android project to run on a mobile device.
The Java button creates a simple Java project unrelated to the Android framework.
JavaFX is a library to make desktop GUI. Pressing this button will setup a generate some template files ready to program with JavaFX.
As your image points out, you are about to create a new project. If you intend to create an Android project, then just click on the Android button, the IDE will create a basic project structure for you.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am new to android and I have covered the basics in java for backend and xml for frontend. What I would like to know is: is it possible to develop an android application completely using react and node? Also, how would it be implemented? If there are some tutorials available for this that anyone could recommend, that would be helpful. I want to know if android backend can be built in any language other than java, c/cpp.
If you read you will know a bit more of how it works, but to build a native app, you need to use a framework that generates native code, or write in a language that the device can compile, like the ones you sad before. React Native generates native code.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm in the early midst of making a game with Java, and would eventually like to turn it into an android application.
All the developer technical stuff aside, will the code itself remain the same, or will I have to rework the better part of it?
Thanks in advance for the feedback
Yes,you can do like that where your rendering part need to be changed if you want to use it in android. So the better option is use some framework to port your code to work in Android system as well. LibGdx is such a kind of framework where you can develop and test your application in stand alone mode and without changing your code, you can run it in Android as well. Please refer LibGDX site for more information
Android code is java, so yes!
You'll have to change some stuff. For instance, if you're using swing to show stuff on the screen, you'll have to change it to use the android API; but the core of the code should remain the same.
I remember doing my very first videogame in java. Porting it to android only required me to modify little.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can you program external application from Java app.?
I know this is a wierd question but lately I really need to do it.
So the lets say I have "VLC" player or MPC or whatever it is, I want to be able to create a Java/C++ application or whatever it is to control the application such as play the video, pause the video and stuff.
If it possible please let me know and how.
It's certainly possible with VLC. Look here: as well as here: how to control VLC by java
For MPC, I don't know of any resources that can be used to do so. You can at least launch it to the best of my knowledge.
To start (execute) an external application you should use Runtime.getRuntime().exec(params);
or ProcessBuilder class.
See Execute external program in java for more information.
To send key strokes to another application you could use the "Robot" class (
What is expected is to have access to interface to do these operations, you can get some references from
This is java api for controlling the VLC instance embedded in AWT.
I have found this site that describes how to run external programms from java