How to fix "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already executed." PID: 7664? [closed] - java

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Closed 3 months ago.
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This is my issue when I try to Login on Emulator!
How do I resolve this?

Android Studio, at least in my experience, has been extremely buggy. Try the following steps:
Restart the emulator
Wipe data from the device (using device manager)
Use another emulator (create another device using device manager)
Restart Android Studio
Restart your PC
If none of the above work, create a new project and copy paste your code onto that project. I know it seems silly but it has actually worked for me!
Hope this helps.

I remember having to deal with this error when I was working with Java web services, my problem was I didn't stop the service completely when I needed to reload it and when I tried to start a new instance it couldn't (giving me this error) because I had it already running. My "fix", for what I remember, was just going in the processes and stopping it manually.


Write a native code as background to get data from server [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have created a Go server which communicate well with my flutter code and I can get messages from the server but only when my app is running
My problem is that if the app is not running I can’t get data from the server
So I went though the internet and asked some friends about the problem All I got
It’s I need to implement native code to my Go server so from native code I will create a channel to my dart file
But I don’t know how
You can use Services on Android side (read more here). It feature works only on Android because iOS limits background activity of the app. You need to create a service and do your work in him. Service can be running as separate process and live after user close your app.

How to remotely downgrade apk on device? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Might be a beginner question, i'm new to android studio.
I need to write a simple .apk on java which will load a react web-app.
If the new version of the app crashes, I'd like to downgrade the .apk. I assume by downloading the older version and installing it.
How could I structure the code the proper way to do that?
I'm not asking for the whole source code, just some tips of code structuring.
This ap is not for the market but for internal use.
So the OS version is fixed, 7.1.
You need to set the apk version code correctly, most likely in your root build.gradle file.
If version code 1 is working and installed on your users devices, then apk with version code 2 is installed but crashes, you have two options:
Fix changes and submit to users as new apk version code 3 (they can
update to this version)
Have user uninstall app, and re-install previous apk with version code 1.

Gradle Build Problem: Execution failed for task ':app: mergeDebugResources' [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have just installed Android studio and when I try to run an empty activity it shows a Gradle Build problem.
It looks like an ic_laucher_round.xml file in your project has some error so go to your file and check for error and correct it.
It happened because you've chose Android 7 or higher support, but didn't create the XML file for proper icon creation. Here's the path of missing file:
The easiest way to fix the error is to create this file and to copy ic_launcher.xml content into it. Unless you want the icon on Android 7+ to look different though.
It's obvious, because Android Studio told you so. Please, pay more attention to the output text, especially the red one. It mostly explains what happened and what caused the exception.

Error Launching Android Studio Failed to Create JVM error code -1 [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I even uninstall android studio and java multiple times
[i also checked multiple times environment variables but issue sill persist it waste my lot of time.][2]
Java version check , java environment is completely setup, Android studio gives error for JVM might possible it cached Any help?
Delete :directories(C:\Users\*)
and then reinstall android studio it is working fine now.

Please suggest approach for Java-based web app [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm a Java developer that hasn't coded in about 5 years and wants to polish up my skills. I am going to create a small app that uses an OAuth 2.0 authentication flow and then makes a few REST calls and displays the results. I've got my credentials setup with the OAuth provider.
I used Eclipse back in the day, is that still a solid IDE for this type of project? If I want to share the app with others to show my work, where could I host the code?
Thanks for these and any other pointers.
first off - yes, Eclipse if still a good choice.
if you can, make you app a web-application, and then you can host it in PaaS such as Google AppEngine. then the app itself will be always accessible from any machine that is connected to the web. this way, you will be able to show it to anyone you want.
if you only want to show the code, then GitHub or Google Code are a good choices.
