I have this code to build a string of coordinates:
public String generateUrl(CompleteRoutingResponseShort completeRoutingResponse) {
if (completeRoutingResponse == null)
return "CompleteRoutingResponse is null";
UriBuilder builder = UriBuilder
builder.queryParam("lineGeom", getCoordsLists(completeRoutingResponse));
return builder.build().toString();
private String getCoordsLists() {
List<String> lists = new ArrayList<>();
for (AlternativeShort alternative : completeRoutingResponses.alternatives)
String list = "( " + alternative.coords.stream().map(item -> String.format("%.4f , %.4f", item.x, item.y))
.collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + ")";
// list.replace("+","");
return String.join(", ", lists);
however I get this url as an output:
how can I remove the + signs ?
In your getCoordsLists() method you are joining the collectors with ", "
thats why, after building the url it is adding spaces after every coordinate.
so just replace the ", " with "," in the following line:
String list = "( " + alternative.coords.stream().map(item -> String.format("%.4f , %.4f", item.x, item.y))
.collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + ")";
It is happening because default url encoder is replacing the spaces by "+" so that the link will not be broken.
You should also replace the last line in the same way, where you are returning the string.