How can I split the data over multiple lines in a JTextArea? - java

How can I put each line of the host in the message body? I work with a JTextArea.
String host = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName().toString();
texto_recepcion.setText(host + texto_recepcion.getText() + dpRecepcion.getAddress() + " " + mensaje_recibido + "\n");
How it is now:

I resolve my question with append function.
String host = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName().toString();
texto_recepcion.append(host); // ***Use the function append for solve the problem***
texto_recepcion.setText(texto_recepcion.getText() + dpRecepcion.getAddress() + " " + mensaje_recibido + "\n");
Thanks a lot

Why don't you add the newline character "\n" to the beginning of the string?
texto_recepcion.setText("\n" + host + texto_recepcion.getText() + dpRecepcion.getAddress() + " " + mensaje_recibido);


How to remove specific line from multi-line string

I have below java string as command output
String output = "NIC Value\n"
+ "------ -----\n"
+ "vmn0 on \n"
+ "vmn1 on \n"
+ "vmn2 on \n"
+ "vmn3 on \n"
+ "vmn4 on";
I want to remove second line with dash from above string. How can I do it?
I tried it using contains method but it is generating blank line after removing second line.
if(output!=null && output.contains("-"))
output = output.replace("-","");
This is complete answer you are looking for:
String output = "NIC Value\n"
+ "------ -----\n"
+ "vmn0 on \n"
+ "vmn1 on \n"
+ "vmn2 on \n"
+ "vmn3 on \n"
+ "vmn4 on";
String str = Stream.of(output.split("\n"))
.filter(s -> !s.contains("--"))
You can use this to remove that line and use the result,
String result = output.replace("------ -----\n", "");
It will replace that line with an empty String

cannot find symbol method append (String)

I don't get it why it says it cannot find symbol append.
do i need to use Stringbuffer? i got this code on a tutorial for receipts from youtube, and the uploader disabled comments so I can't ask him directly. please help me. Im still an amateur at java.
Tell me if I need to post my whole code or what code would you want to see to see errors. thanks in adv.
Calendar timer = Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat tTime = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
SimpleDateFormat Tdate = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
jtxtReceipt.append("\ Water Station Receipt:\n" +
"Reference:\t\t\t" + refs +
"\n=========================================\n" +
"Mineral:\t\t\t" + jtxtMineral.getText() + "\n\n" +
"Purified:\t\t\t" + jtxtPurified.getText() + "\n\n" +
"Travel:\t\t\t" + jtxtTravel.getText() + "\n\n" +
"VAT:\t\t\t" + jtxtVat.getText() + "\n"+
"\n========================================\n" + "\n" +
"Tax:\t\t\t" + jtxtTax2.getText() + "\n" +
"Subtotal:\t\t\t" + jtxtSubTotal.getText() + "\n" +
"Total:\t\t\t" + jtxtTotal.getText() + "\n" +
"===========================================" +
"\nDate:" + Tdate.format(timer.getTime()) +
"\ntTime:" + tTime.format(timer.getTime()) +
"\n\t\tThank you ");
The append method doesn't exist in the String class. You can either user a StringBuilder to do the job, or if it's a light concatenation, just use the + operator
The append method doesn't work on TextField Palette. So, if You're on TextField Palette, replacing that with TextArea Palette should solve the problem.

Using JSON data as a String object in Java

I am using HTTP Client to send different kinds of requests (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) where I am sending the JSON as a data to post with different requests.
I have a JSON data like:
{ "createdByID": "100000", "createdByName": "Admin", "modifiedByID": "100000", "modifiedByName": "Admin" }
Now, to store this JSON into a string, I have to add double quotes wherever necessary so that this can be stored as
String jsonData = "{" + "\"" + "createdByID" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + "100000" + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "createdByName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + "Admin" + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "modifiedByID" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + "100000" + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "modifiedByName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + "Admin" + "\"" + "}"
Does anyone use any tool/utility to convert the JSON data such that it can be stored in a string object?
Please share if anyone has already done this
Hey if you store the json as a sting in your code then only you need to add double codes.
Try to read json from a text file , then you don't need to add double quotes and other stuffs.
More over java does not consider double quotes after compiling your code.

Android printing arabic using zebra printer imz320 shows as reversed character

here is the zpl code from android
String zplcode="^XA^LRN^CI0^XZ\n" +
"\n" +
"^XA^CWZ,E:TT0003M_.FNT^FS^XZ\n" +
"^XA\n" +
"\n" +
"^FO10,50^CI28^AZN,50,50^F16^FDZebra Technologies^FS\n" +
"^FO10,150^CI28^AZN,50,100^F16^FDUNICODE^FS\n" +
"^FO020,260^CI28^AZN,50,40^F16^FDSwiss 721 Arabic: زيبرة تكنوليجيز اوربا المحدودة^FS\n" +
"^PQ1\n" +
the result is reversed arabic characters
any suggestion ?
thanks in advance
The problem was solved by including this line in the ZPL code:
^PA1,1,1,1^FS ^FX Enables Advanced Text ^FS
String zplcode="^XA^LRN^CI0^XZ\n" +
"\n" +
"^XA^CWZ,E:TT0003M_.FNT^FS^XZ\n" +
"^XA\n" +
"\n" +
"^PA1,1,1,1^FS ^FX Enables Advanced Text ^FS"+
"^FO10,50^CI28^AZN,50,50^F16^FDZebra Technologies^FS\n" +
"^FO10,150^CI28^AZN,50,100^F16^FDUNICODE^FS\n" +
"^FO020,260^CI28^AZN,50,40^F16^FDSwiss 721 Arabic: زيبرة تكنوليجيز اوربا المحدودة^FS\n" +
"^PQ1\n" +

How can I add a newline character to a String in Java?

In a Java application, I am creating a String like below (by concatenation):
String notaCorrente = dataOdierna + " - " + testoNotaCorrente;
My problem is that I want to add also something like an HTML newline character at the end of this String (that will be shown into an HTML page).
How can I implement it?
The newline character in Java is "\n" which will look like this:
String notaCorrente = dataOdierna + " - " + testoNotaCorrente + "\n";
However, this will not display as you expect on your HTML page. You can try adding an html break tag, or add the
(Line Feed) and 
 (Carriage Return) HTML entities:
String notaCorrente = dataOdierna + " - " + testoNotaCorrente + "<br>";
String notaCorrente = dataOdierna + " - " + testoNotaCorrente + "
For a newline that will result in a line break in HTML, use
String notaCorrente = dataOdierna + " - " + testoNotaCorrente + "<br>";
For a newline that will result in a line break in your text editor, use
String notaCorrente = dataOdierna + " - " + testoNotaCorrente + System.lineSeparator();
And for both, use
String notaCorrente = dataOdierna + " - " + testoNotaCorrente + "<br>" + System.lineSeparator();
Why not \n?
\n is specific to certain operating systems, while others use \r\n. System.lineSeparator() will get you the one that is relevant to the system where you are executing your application. See the documentation for more info on this function, and Wikipedia for more info on newlines in general.
Simply, need to add <br/> (break line tag of HTML).
String notaCorrente = dataOdierna + " - " + testoNotaCorrente + "<br/>";
so, while you are going to display this content, <br/> tag will rendered on HTML page in form of new line.
