I can't understand how to get a JanusGraphManagement instance from a graph created with the ConfiguredGraphFactory.
I tried doing something like this:
JanusGraphFactory.Builder config = JanusGraphFactory.build();
config.set("storage.hostname", storageHostname);
config.set("storage.port", storagePort);
config.set("storage.backend", STORAGE_BACKEND);
config.set("index.search.backend", SEARCH_BACKEND);
config.set("index.search.hostname", indexHostname);
config.set("index.search.port", indexPort);
config.set("graph.graphname", graphName);
JanusGraph graph = config.open();
JanusGraphManagement mgmt = graph.openManagement();
But it generates the following exception:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Gremlin Server must be configured to use the JanusGraphManager.
The gremlin-server is ruinning with the following configuration:
port: 8182
scriptEvaluationTimeout: 180000
# channelizer: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.channel.WebSocketChannelizer
channelizer: org.janusgraph.channelizers.JanusGraphWebSocketChannelizer
graphManager: org.janusgraph.graphdb.management.JanusGraphManager
graphs: {
#graph: conf/gremlin-server/janusgraph-cql-es-server.properties,
ConfigurationManagementGraph: conf/gremlin-server/janusgraph-cql-es-server-configured.properties
And the JanusGraph's one is this:
cache.db-cache = true
cache.db-cache-time = 180000
cache.db-cache-size = 0.25
What I'd like to do is to define the graph schema directly from Java code, that's why I need to the a managment instance and a traversal source is not enough
They really don't seem to want you to do this from Java. Check my initial commit to an example repo I built.
The general deal is that there is a bunch of internal magic happening. You need to make a new embedded instance of the ConfigurationManagementGraph and a few other things. The steps to get ConfiguredGraphFactory up and running are:
// the configuration file you used for your ConfigurationManagementGraph in your `janusgrpah-server.yaml` file
val mgrConfFile = File("conf/janusgraph-cql-configurationgraph.properties")
// load the configuration
val base = CommonsConfiguration(ConfigurationUtil.loadPropertiesConfig(mgrConfFile))
// modify a fe wthings specific to the ConfigurationManagementGraph
base.set("graph.graphname", "name-of-this-graph-instance")
base.set("graph.unique-instance-id", "some-super-unique-id")
base.set("storage.lock.local-mediator-group", "tmp")
// duplicate the config for some reason?
val local = ModifiableConfiguration(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.ROOT_NS, base, BasicConfiguration.Restriction.NONE)
// build another type of configuration?
val config = GraphDatabaseConfiguration(base, local, instanceId, local)
// create the new ConfigurationManagementGraph instance
return ConfigurationManagementGraph(StandardJanusGraph(config))
Don't forget that you will still need to create a template configuration first.
Now, you can use the singleton ConfiguredGraphFactory anywhere in your application, just like the docs say.
val myGraph = ConfiguredGraphFactory.open("myGraph")
Keep in mind that you may not need to do this. The Client.submit() function comes in handy for most things. For example:
// connect to the gremlin server
val cluster = Cluster.build("localhost").create()
val client = cluster.connect<Client.ClusteredClient>()
// example: get a list of existing graph names
val existingGraphs = client.submit("ConfiguredGraphFactory.getGraphNames()").all().get()
// check if a graph exists
val exists = existingGraphs.any { it.string == "myGraph" }
// create a new graph with the existing template
// (note: this *cannot* be cast to a JanusGraph, even though that would make this really useful)
val myGraph: TinkerGraph = client.submit("ConfiguredGraphFactory.getGraphNames()").all().get().first().get(TinkerGraph::class.java)
As #FlorianHockmann pointed out on the JanusGraph discord server, it's preferable to not use these objects directly from your Java. Instead, it's better to use a Client.SessionedClient when you connect, like so
val cluster = Cluster.build("localhost").create()
val session = cluster.connect<Client.SessionedClient>()
Since you've established a session, you can now save and re-use variables on the server. As Florian put it,
client.submit("mgmt = ConfiguredGraphFactory.open('myGraph').openManagement()").all().get()
// afterwards you can use it:
client.submit("// do stuff with mgmt").all().get()
Just don't forget to call session.close() when you're done!
Check out this gist I made for an example
I'm trying to access a GigE camera using the Genicam reference implementation by trying to look at the online resources and existing existing resources (aravis, harvesters) and follow the GenTL standard using the SNFC which every Genicam compatible camera supports. The producer I'm currently using is from Basler since the camera I have here is from them.
/* I wrapped the Genicam classes with my own. Here are the relevant parts */
tl = new GenicamTransportlayer("/opt/pylon/lib/gentlproducer/gtl/ProducerGEV.cti");
if0 = tl.getFirstInterface();
dev0 = if0.getFirstDevice();
ds = dev0.getFirstDataStream();
I'm able to connect to the System, Interface, Device, DataStream, connect the nodemaps and am now trying to set up the buffers for acquisition. To do so I need to get the maximum payload size from the camera. The GenTL standard document standard says, I need to query it from the DataStream module using
boolean definesPayloadSize = ds.getInfoBool8(StreamInfoCommand.STREAM_INFO_DEFINES_PAYLOADSIZE);
which gives me 0 or false. The producer MAY provide a PayloadSize feature which can be queried using
which is obviously also 0 and with being a may I cannot rely on it. The standard further tells me if both fail, I need to inquire via the remote devices NodeMap to read the PayloadSize:
long payloadSizeFromRemoteMap = dev0.remoteMap.getIntegerNode("PayloadSize").getValue();
This gives me 0 too. The standard goes on that if the producer does not implement an interface standard (whatever this means?), the required payload size has to be queried via the producer using the StreamInfo Commands which also fails (GenTL maps the constant STREAM_INFO_PAYLOAD_SIZE to 7 which produces a BufferTooSmallException on the System port).
At this point I'm confused on what to do. Most of my nodes are locked (I can overwrite TLParamsLocked but still cannot change parameters, eg, execute a load of the default parameter set) so I cannot set Width/Height/ImageFormat to infer the PayloadSize:
/* Trying to set a default configuration fails */
IEnumeration userSetSelector = dev0.remoteMap.getEnumerationNode("UserSetSelector");
log.debug("Loading Feature set: " + userSetSelector.getEntries().get(0).getName());
// Prints: Loading Feature set: EnumEntry_UserSetSelector_Default
// AccessException: Node is not writable. : AccessException thrown in node 'UserSetLoad' while calling 'UserSetLoad.Execute()' - Node is not writable.
Without knowing the size of the buffers I cannot continue. How can I infer the PayloadSize to set them up?
I have a C# application that performs mail merges with MS Office (using Interop API).
I am now trying to have it support Open office.
I want to use OpenOffice SDK:
Does not look crystal clear to me right now....
I somehow managed to get the mail merge code to work.
The thing is we need to create a "DataSource" before actually performing the MailMerge and I encounter difficulties to do it.
I can get a sample in Java here:
I would need to convert this into C#.
My difficulty is that Java uses this object to perform its casts:
XStorable store = ( XStorable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, xDs);
There is nothing equivalent in C#.
I converted the code this way:
public static void CreateDataSource(string dataSourceProvidedFilePath, string dataSourceSavedFilePath)
XComponentContext oStrap = uno.util.Bootstrap.bootstrap();
XMultiServiceFactory _rMSF = (XMultiServiceFactory)oStrap.getServiceManager();
// the XSingleServiceFactory of the database context creates new generic
// com.sun.star.sdb.DataSources (!)
// retrieve the database context at the global service manager and get its
// XSingleServiceFactory interface
XSingleServiceFactory xFac = (XSingleServiceFactory) _rMSF.createInstance("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext");
//(XSingleServiceFactory)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XSingleServiceFactory.class, _rMSF.createInstance("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext"));
// instantiate an empty data source at the XSingleServiceFactory
// interface of the DatabaseContext
Object xDs = xFac.createInstance();
// register it with the database context
XNamingService xServ = (XNamingService)xFac;
//(XNamingService)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamingService.class, xFac);
XStorable store = ( XStorable) xDs;
//( XStorable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, xDs);
XModel model =( XModel) xDs;
//( XModel)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class, xDs);
//on détermine le fichier ou sera sauvegardée la data source
string dataSourcePathURL = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(dataSourceProvidedFilePath), dataSourceSavedFilePath + ".odb").ConvertToOpenOfficeURL();
xServ.registerObject("NewDataSourceName", xDs);
// setting the necessary data source properties
XPropertySet xDsProps = (XPropertySet)xDs;
//(XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, xDs);
// Adabas D URL
xDsProps.setPropertyValue("URL", new uno.Any("sdbc:adabas::MYDB1"));
// force password dialog
//xDsProps.setPropertyValue("IsPasswordRequired", new Boolean(true));
// suggest dsadmin as user name
xDsProps.setPropertyValue("User", new uno.Any("dsadmin"));
Some casts worked fine:
XNamingService xServ = (XNamingService)xFac;
//(XNamingService)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamingService.class, xFac);
But some other casts throw an exception:
XStorable store = ( XStorable) xDs;
//( XStorable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, xDs);
Unable to cast transparent proxy to type 'unoidl.com.sun.star.frame.XStorable'.
Is there a way to have this code correctly converted to C#?
Otherwise, do you know any other resource showing how to create an Open Office DataSource in Java?
First I tried using C# and encountered the same error you described.
Then I tried the example using Java and ended up with a null value for XStorable. So I think your problem is not due to C#, but because for some reason the empty data source is not getting created properly.
In Create a libreoffice text-based datasource and set settings with java, the poster seems to have had success, so I'm not sure what went wrong when I tried it.
This code to print data sources does work for me: https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Database/Data_Sources_in_OpenOffice.org_API.
My application connects to the Genesys Interaction Server in order to receive events for actions performed on the Interaction Workspace. I am using the Platform SDK 8.5 for Java.
I make the connection to the Interaction Server using the method described in the API reference.
InteractionServerProtocol interactionServerProtocol =
new InteractionServerProtocol(
new Endpoint(
Next, I need to register a listener for each Place I wish to receive events for.
RequestStartPlaceAgentStateReporting requestStartPlaceAgentStateReporting = RequestStartPlaceAgentStateReporting.create();
The way it is now, my application requires the user to manually specify each Place he wishes to observe. This requires him to know the names of all the Places, which he may not necessarily have [easy] access to.
How do I programmatically obtain a list of Places available? Preferably from the Interaction Server to limit the number of connections needed.
There is a method you can use. If you check methods of applicationblocks you will see cfg and query objects. You can use it for get list of all DNs. When building query, try blank DBID,name and number.
there is a .net code similar to java code(actually exatly the same)
List<CfgDN> list = new List<CfgDN>();
List<DN> dnlist = new List<Dn>();
CfgDNQuery query = new CfgDNQuery(m_ConfService);
list = m_ConfService.RetrieveMultipleObjects<CfgDN>(query).ToList();
foreach (CfgDN item in list)
foo = (DN) item.DBID;
Note : DN is my class which contains some property from platform SDK.
KeyValueCollection tenantList = new KeyValueCollection();
tenantList.addString("tenant", "Resources");
RequestStartPlaceAgentStateReportingAll all = RequestStartPlaceAgentStateReportingAll.create(tenantList);
I'm trying to connect to Titan backed with Cassandra (installed with the Rexster Titan-Server package) via Titan-Node.
I get the error...
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find implementation
class: "cassandra"
... when I run the following code....
var Titan = require('titan-node');
var gremlin = new Titan.Gremlin({ loglevel: 'OFF' });
var TitanFactory = gremlin.java.import('com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanFactory');
var graph = TitanFactory.openSync('titan.config');
storage.directory = "/tmp/titan"
storage.backend = "cassandra"
storage.hostname = ""
storage.port = 9160
Any ideas?
I seem to have the required .jar within my Titan installation folder and also in the target/dependency folder within the Titan-Node package.
Why can't Java find the file? Is there a missing classpath entry? If so would it need to be set for the database or for node? I figure it would be node because that's the app trying to load the class.
Dan's suggestion gave me....
'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find implementation
'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find implementation
In fact whatever value you set storage.backend to in the config, that's the name of the class it can't find an implementation for that it reports in the exception message.
If you look in the code here...
...the instantiate method that is throwing the exception uses the method parameter clazzname in the message which is passed in by the call in getImplementationClass. The latter ought to be looking up the class to load via the key set in storage.backend but oddly it doesn't seem to find anything so it uses the value as is. Even so, it still can't find the class even if you set it directly. So there's a second mystery here.
I suppose I will have to go through Rexster until this is fixed.
At this time titan-node supports Titan 0.4.1 java jar files.
You can upgrade it by replacing new Titan jar files.
Then you can use the code bellow to connect to Titan
var Titan = require('titan-node');
var gremlin = new Titan.Gremlin({ loglevel: 'OFF' });
var BaseConfiguration = gremlin.java.import('org.apache.commons.configuration.BaseConfiguration');
var _confObj={'backend':'cassandra','hostname':''};
var TitanFactory = gremlin.java.import('com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanFactory');
conf = new BaseConfiguration();
var graph = TitanFactory.openSync(conf);
var g = gremlin.wrap(graph);
g.addVertex(null, function (err, saturn) {
g.commit(function() {
I'm looking at the AWS API and I can't seem to find a method to help me get info on an existing RDS database. I also tried to use a method that gets a list of all the RDS databases but failed at that too.
I looked at 2 methods and apparently they aren't what I'm looking for or I'm using them wrong.
Method 1:
I looked at ModifyDBInstanceRequest, to see if I could specify the name of an existing database and if I could query it for its properties (mysql version, storage size, etc.)
The following piece of code didn't do as I expected. ad-dash-test is an existing db in RDS. When I ran my code, it said the engine version is null, even though this is an existing db and I specified it by its DB Instance name.
ModifyDBInstanceRequest blah = new ModifyDBInstanceRequest("ad-dash-test");
System.out.println("the engine ver is " + blah.getEngineVersion());
Method 2:
I tried using the DescribeDBInstancesResult method but it looks like it's used for newly created RDS databases, not existing ones.
DescribeDBInstancesResult db = new DescribeDBInstancesResult();
List<DBInstance> list = db.getDBInstances();
System.out.println("list length = " + list.size());
The list length that returns is 0 and I have 8 RDS instances.
I didn't find any examples in Amazon's SDK for RDS and using my logic and the API docs didn't seem to help. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance for your help.
In both of your methods, you are just building a Request object, and you are never sending the request to AWS.
Try the following in your second example:
// Instantiating rdsClient directly is deprecated, use AmazonRDSClientBuilder.
// AmazonRDSClient rdsClient = new AmazonRDSClient(/*add your credentials and the proper constructor overload*/);
AmazonRDS rdsClient = AmazonRDSClientBuilder.defaultClient();
DescribeDBInstancesRequest request = new DescribeDBInstancesRequest();
DescribeDBInstancesResult result = rdsClient.describeDBInstances(request);
List<DBInstance> list = result.getDBInstances();
System.out.println("list length = " + list.size());
An example for method 1 (for modifying your instance(s)) should be similar.