How to obtain PayloadSize from Genicam reference implementation? - java

I'm trying to access a GigE camera using the Genicam reference implementation by trying to look at the online resources and existing existing resources (aravis, harvesters) and follow the GenTL standard using the SNFC which every Genicam compatible camera supports. The producer I'm currently using is from Basler since the camera I have here is from them.
/* I wrapped the Genicam classes with my own. Here are the relevant parts */
tl = new GenicamTransportlayer("/opt/pylon/lib/gentlproducer/gtl/ProducerGEV.cti");
if0 = tl.getFirstInterface();
dev0 = if0.getFirstDevice();
ds = dev0.getFirstDataStream();
I'm able to connect to the System, Interface, Device, DataStream, connect the nodemaps and am now trying to set up the buffers for acquisition. To do so I need to get the maximum payload size from the camera. The GenTL standard document standard says, I need to query it from the DataStream module using
boolean definesPayloadSize = ds.getInfoBool8(StreamInfoCommand.STREAM_INFO_DEFINES_PAYLOADSIZE);
which gives me 0 or false. The producer MAY provide a PayloadSize feature which can be queried using
which is obviously also 0 and with being a may I cannot rely on it. The standard further tells me if both fail, I need to inquire via the remote devices NodeMap to read the PayloadSize:
long payloadSizeFromRemoteMap = dev0.remoteMap.getIntegerNode("PayloadSize").getValue();
This gives me 0 too. The standard goes on that if the producer does not implement an interface standard (whatever this means?), the required payload size has to be queried via the producer using the StreamInfo Commands which also fails (GenTL maps the constant STREAM_INFO_PAYLOAD_SIZE to 7 which produces a BufferTooSmallException on the System port).
At this point I'm confused on what to do. Most of my nodes are locked (I can overwrite TLParamsLocked but still cannot change parameters, eg, execute a load of the default parameter set) so I cannot set Width/Height/ImageFormat to infer the PayloadSize:
/* Trying to set a default configuration fails */
IEnumeration userSetSelector = dev0.remoteMap.getEnumerationNode("UserSetSelector");
log.debug("Loading Feature set: " + userSetSelector.getEntries().get(0).getName());
// Prints: Loading Feature set: EnumEntry_UserSetSelector_Default
// AccessException: Node is not writable. : AccessException thrown in node 'UserSetLoad' while calling 'UserSetLoad.Execute()' - Node is not writable.
Without knowing the size of the buffers I cannot continue. How can I infer the PayloadSize to set them up?


Internal Server Error due to long XQuery duration (MarkLogic)

I have am currently running through some queries using the Java API provided by MarkLogic. I have installed it through adding the required dependencies to my library. The connection is set up using
DatabaseClient client = DatabaseClientFactory.newClient("localhost", 8000, secContext, ConnectionType.DIRECT);
From here some XQueries are ran using the code shown below
ServerEvaluationCall evl = client.newServerEval().xquery(query);
EvalResultIterator evr = evl.eval();
//Do something with the results
However, certain queries takes a long time to process causing an internal error.So Other then reducing the query time required, I am wondering if there is there a way to overcome this? Such as increasing of connection time limit for instance.
Query used
xquery version "1.0-ml";
let $query-opts := /comments[fn:matches(text,".*generation.*")]
$query-opts, fn:count($query-opts), xdmp:elapsed-time()
I know the regular expression used can be easily replaced by word-query. But for this instance I would like to just used regular expression for searching.
Example Data
<text>iCloud sync settings are not supposed to change after an iOS update. In the case of iOS 10.3 this was due to a bug.</text>
On the basis of your provided data I'd use xdmp:estimate and a cts query.
xdmp:estimate(cts:search(doc(), cts:and-query((
cts:element-word-query(xs:QName("text"), "generation")
This will search all documents in your /comments/ directory for an element text containing the word generation. As you already know, this will only use indexes and does not require loading/parsing documents.
This also will not find any false-positives because there is only one text element per document/fragment (if your shown data is correct).

How to correctly update SNMP4j agent MIB values correctly

I'm trying to create an SNMP4j agent and am finding it difficult to understand the process correctly. I have successfully created an agent that can be queried from the command line using snmpwalk. What I am having difficulty with is understanding how I am meant to update the values stored in my implemented MIB.
The following shows the relevant code I use for creating the MIB (I implement Host-Resources-MIB)
agent = new Agent("" + port);
modules = new Modules(DefaultMOFactory.getInstance());
HrSWRunEntryRow thisRow = modules.getHostResourcesMib().getHrSWRunEntry()
final OID ashEnterpriseMIB = new OID(".");
thisRow.setHrSWRunIndex(new Integer32(1));
thisRow.setHrSWRunName(new OctetString("RunnableAgent"));
thisRow.setHrSWRunPath(new OctetString("All is good in the world")); // Max 128 characters
thisRow.setHrSWRunParameters(new OctetString("Everything is working")); // Max 128 characters
thisRow.setHrSWRunType(new Integer32(HrSWRunTypeEnum.application));
thisRow.setHrSWRunStatus(new Integer32(HrSWRunStatusEnum.running));
This appears to be sufficient to create a runnable agent. What I do not understand is how I am meant to change the values stored in the MIB (how do I, for example, change the value of HrSWRunStatus). There seem to be a few kludge ways but they don't seem to fit with the way the library is written.
I have come across numerous references to using/overriding the methods
But cannot find any examples where this is done. Any help would be gratefully received.
In protected void registerManagedObjects(), you need to do something like new MOMutableColumn(columnId, SMIConstants.SYNTAX_INTEGER, MOAccessImpl.ACCESS_READ_WRITE, null); for your HrSWRunStatus. Take a look at the example of SNMP4J-agent source.

Regarding a data structure for O(1) get on prefixes

So I am trying to write a little utility in Scala that constantly listens on a bunch of directories for file system changes (deletes, creates, modifications etc) and rsyncs it immediately across to a remote server. (
My configurations are stored in JSON as the follows:-
"localToRemoteDirectories": {
"/workplace/arunavs/third_party": {
"remoteDir": "/remoteworkplace/arunavs/third_party",
"remoteServerAddr": "some Remote server address"
This configuration is stored in a Scala Map (key = localDir, value = (remoteDir, remoteServerAddr)). The tuple is represented as a case class
sealed case class RemoteLocation(remoteDir:String, remoteServerAddr:String)
I am using an actor from a third party:
that listens on these directories (e.g. /workplace/arunavs/third_party and then outputs an Java 7 WatchKind event (EVENT_CREATE, EVENT_MODIFY etc). The problem is that the events sent are absolute path (for instance if I create a file helloworld in third_party dir, the message sent by the actor is (ENTRY_CREATE, /workplace/arunavs/third_party/helloworld))
I need a way to write a getter that gets the nearest prefix from the configuration map stored above. The obvious way to do it is to filter on the map:-
def getRootDirsAndRemoteAddrs(localDir:String) : Map[String, RemoteLocation] =
localToRemoteDirectories.filter(e => localDir.startsWith(e._1))
This simply returns the subset of keys that are a prefix to the localDir (in the above example this method is called with localDir = /workplace/arunavs/third_party/helloworld. While this works, this implementation is O(n) where n is the number of items in my configuration. I am looking for better computational complexity (I looked at radix and patricia tries, but they dont cut it since I feeding a string and trying to get keys which are prefixes to it, tries solve the opposite problem).

How to get vm creation time from the machine's properties

I'm using vijava (5.1) to fetch data from a vCenter about virtual machines.
For that matter I'm using a filter with some properties (for example, guest.hostName, runtime.powerState etc.).
I need to get the creation time for these virtual machines and from what I saw, this info is available in the event logs of the vCenter.
Is there a way to get this info part of the virtual machine's properties?
I searched this info using the vSphere-Client and I didn't - so I guess the only place is from the event logs - but just to be sure, is that the only way?
It is hard to get creation time of virtual machine using vijava api. However you can get other below informations from VirtualMachineConfigInfo.
changeVersion : The changeVersion is a unique identifier for a given version of the configuration. Each change to the configuration updates this value. This is typically implemented as an ever increasing count or a time-stamp. However, a client should always treat this as an opaque string.
modified : Last time a virtual machine's configuration was modified.
Folder rootFolder = serviceInstance.getRootFolder();
InventoryNavigator inventoryNavigator = new InventoryNavigator(rootFolder);
vm = (VirtualMachine) inventoryNavigator.searchManagedEntity(VirtualMachine.class.getSimpleName(), vmName);
VirtualMachineConfigInfo vmConfig = vm.getConfig();
image for information in virtualMachineConfigInfo object
Unless you set the creation time as an extra config property then the event log is the only way I know of. If you want to go the extra config route I created a sample that shows how to use them that is part of the pyvmomi-community-samples project.

List of Places using Platform SDK

My application connects to the Genesys Interaction Server in order to receive events for actions performed on the Interaction Workspace. I am using the Platform SDK 8.5 for Java.
I make the connection to the Interaction Server using the method described in the API reference.
InteractionServerProtocol interactionServerProtocol =
new InteractionServerProtocol(
new Endpoint(
Next, I need to register a listener for each Place I wish to receive events for.
RequestStartPlaceAgentStateReporting requestStartPlaceAgentStateReporting = RequestStartPlaceAgentStateReporting.create();
The way it is now, my application requires the user to manually specify each Place he wishes to observe. This requires him to know the names of all the Places, which he may not necessarily have [easy] access to.
How do I programmatically obtain a list of Places available? Preferably from the Interaction Server to limit the number of connections needed.
There is a method you can use. If you check methods of applicationblocks you will see cfg and query objects. You can use it for get list of all DNs. When building query, try blank DBID,name and number.
there is a .net code similar to java code(actually exatly the same)
List<CfgDN> list = new List<CfgDN>();
List<DN> dnlist = new List<Dn>();
CfgDNQuery query = new CfgDNQuery(m_ConfService);
list = m_ConfService.RetrieveMultipleObjects<CfgDN>(query).ToList();
foreach (CfgDN item in list)
foo = (DN) item.DBID;
Note : DN is my class which contains some property from platform SDK.
KeyValueCollection tenantList = new KeyValueCollection();
tenantList.addString("tenant", "Resources");
RequestStartPlaceAgentStateReportingAll all = RequestStartPlaceAgentStateReportingAll.create(tenantList);
