How do you access RDS databases from AWS - java

I'm looking at the AWS API and I can't seem to find a method to help me get info on an existing RDS database. I also tried to use a method that gets a list of all the RDS databases but failed at that too.
I looked at 2 methods and apparently they aren't what I'm looking for or I'm using them wrong.
Method 1:
I looked at ModifyDBInstanceRequest, to see if I could specify the name of an existing database and if I could query it for its properties (mysql version, storage size, etc.)
The following piece of code didn't do as I expected. ad-dash-test is an existing db in RDS. When I ran my code, it said the engine version is null, even though this is an existing db and I specified it by its DB Instance name.
ModifyDBInstanceRequest blah = new ModifyDBInstanceRequest("ad-dash-test");
System.out.println("the engine ver is " + blah.getEngineVersion());
Method 2:
I tried using the DescribeDBInstancesResult method but it looks like it's used for newly created RDS databases, not existing ones.
DescribeDBInstancesResult db = new DescribeDBInstancesResult();
List<DBInstance> list = db.getDBInstances();
System.out.println("list length = " + list.size());
The list length that returns is 0 and I have 8 RDS instances.
I didn't find any examples in Amazon's SDK for RDS and using my logic and the API docs didn't seem to help. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance for your help.

In both of your methods, you are just building a Request object, and you are never sending the request to AWS.
Try the following in your second example:
// Instantiating rdsClient directly is deprecated, use AmazonRDSClientBuilder.
// AmazonRDSClient rdsClient = new AmazonRDSClient(/*add your credentials and the proper constructor overload*/);
AmazonRDS rdsClient = AmazonRDSClientBuilder.defaultClient();
DescribeDBInstancesRequest request = new DescribeDBInstancesRequest();
DescribeDBInstancesResult result = rdsClient.describeDBInstances(request);
List<DBInstance> list = result.getDBInstances();
System.out.println("list length = " + list.size());
An example for method 1 (for modifying your instance(s)) should be similar.


How to correctly update SNMP4j agent MIB values correctly

I'm trying to create an SNMP4j agent and am finding it difficult to understand the process correctly. I have successfully created an agent that can be queried from the command line using snmpwalk. What I am having difficulty with is understanding how I am meant to update the values stored in my implemented MIB.
The following shows the relevant code I use for creating the MIB (I implement Host-Resources-MIB)
agent = new Agent("" + port);
modules = new Modules(DefaultMOFactory.getInstance());
HrSWRunEntryRow thisRow = modules.getHostResourcesMib().getHrSWRunEntry()
final OID ashEnterpriseMIB = new OID(".");
thisRow.setHrSWRunIndex(new Integer32(1));
thisRow.setHrSWRunName(new OctetString("RunnableAgent"));
thisRow.setHrSWRunPath(new OctetString("All is good in the world")); // Max 128 characters
thisRow.setHrSWRunParameters(new OctetString("Everything is working")); // Max 128 characters
thisRow.setHrSWRunType(new Integer32(HrSWRunTypeEnum.application));
thisRow.setHrSWRunStatus(new Integer32(HrSWRunStatusEnum.running));
This appears to be sufficient to create a runnable agent. What I do not understand is how I am meant to change the values stored in the MIB (how do I, for example, change the value of HrSWRunStatus). There seem to be a few kludge ways but they don't seem to fit with the way the library is written.
I have come across numerous references to using/overriding the methods
But cannot find any examples where this is done. Any help would be gratefully received.
In protected void registerManagedObjects(), you need to do something like new MOMutableColumn(columnId, SMIConstants.SYNTAX_INTEGER, MOAccessImpl.ACCESS_READ_WRITE, null); for your HrSWRunStatus. Take a look at the example of SNMP4J-agent source.

List of Places using Platform SDK

My application connects to the Genesys Interaction Server in order to receive events for actions performed on the Interaction Workspace. I am using the Platform SDK 8.5 for Java.
I make the connection to the Interaction Server using the method described in the API reference.
InteractionServerProtocol interactionServerProtocol =
new InteractionServerProtocol(
new Endpoint(
Next, I need to register a listener for each Place I wish to receive events for.
RequestStartPlaceAgentStateReporting requestStartPlaceAgentStateReporting = RequestStartPlaceAgentStateReporting.create();
The way it is now, my application requires the user to manually specify each Place he wishes to observe. This requires him to know the names of all the Places, which he may not necessarily have [easy] access to.
How do I programmatically obtain a list of Places available? Preferably from the Interaction Server to limit the number of connections needed.
There is a method you can use. If you check methods of applicationblocks you will see cfg and query objects. You can use it for get list of all DNs. When building query, try blank DBID,name and number.
there is a .net code similar to java code(actually exatly the same)
List<CfgDN> list = new List<CfgDN>();
List<DN> dnlist = new List<Dn>();
CfgDNQuery query = new CfgDNQuery(m_ConfService);
list = m_ConfService.RetrieveMultipleObjects<CfgDN>(query).ToList();
foreach (CfgDN item in list)
foo = (DN) item.DBID;
Note : DN is my class which contains some property from platform SDK.
KeyValueCollection tenantList = new KeyValueCollection();
tenantList.addString("tenant", "Resources");
RequestStartPlaceAgentStateReportingAll all = RequestStartPlaceAgentStateReportingAll.create(tenantList);

How to query Custom Object in Salesforce?

Ok, I am reposting this question because it really drives me crazy.
I have enterprise.wsdl downloaded from salesforce and generated to some jars.
I build path those jars to my Android project in Eclipse.
Here is my code:
ConnectorConfig config = new ConnectorConfig();
config.setPassword(password + securityToken);
con = new EnterpriseConnection(config);
String sql = "SELECT something FROM myNameSpace__myCustomObject__c";
but it returns me this error:
[InvalidSObjectFault [ApiQueryFault [ApiFault
exceptionCode='INVALID_TYPE' exceptionMessage='sObject type 'abc__c'
is not supported.'] row='-1' column='-1' ]]
I am pretty sure that my userID has been assigned with profile that has read, edit access to that custom object.
My code also can query standard object.
Anyone can advise me what could be wrong?
From what I know there are three reasons it may give this error.
1. User permission which you said is setup correctly.
2. Do you have the custom object deployed to the org where you are trying to establish the connection?
3. Check the enterprise WSDL if it contains the custom object name which you are trying to query.
Hope it helps.

Print a list of BAPIs using JCo

I established connection to a SAP Server and I would like to print a list of BAPIs in my Java program. I am using sapjco3.jar.
Is there any way to do it?
You can also use the function module SWO_QUERY_API_METHODS. The following code snippet works with JCo 2:
IFunctionTemplate functionTemplate = Repository.getFunctionTemplate("SWO_QUERY_API_METHODS");
JCO.Function function = functionTemplate.getFunction();
ParameterList exportParameter = function.getExportParameterList();
System.out.println("exportParameter: " + exportParameter);
ParameterList importParameter = function.getImportParameterList();
System.out.println("importParameter: " + importParameter);
ParameterList tableParameter = function.getTableParameterList();
System.out.println("tableParameter: " + tableParameter);
As far as I know, there is no "BAPI to get a list of BAPIs", so this would be a non-trivial task. You could try to use RFC_FUNCTION_SEARCH to search for function modules named BAPI*, but that's not guaranteed to give you a) only official BAPIs and b) all of the official BAPIs...
You can use the BAPI_MONITOR_GETLIST to get a list of all BAPIs in your system together with meta data.
You could make an ABAP function searching for all RFC functions in table TFDIR, with FMODE ='R' (remote). However, This will give you all remote-callable function, not only BAPIs.

Error message when querying the datastore

I am new to Java, Eclipse, Google App Engine and the Datastore and am writing my first app to teach myself some new technology both for work and for professional development purposes.
I have a Java app that successfully saves and retrieves data from a datastore that I have created based upon the key. I now want to be able to do more general queries based upon other information in my datastore for meta-code such as:
select key_column from my datastore where other_column = "data to be searched"
To achieve this, I have done some on-line reading and referenced the O'Reilly book Programming Google App Engine. I started with the sample code and it fails with the error message:
An error occured while attempting to contact the server.
Please check your network connect and try again
My code at this point is:
Query q = new Query("Force");
q.addFilter("ForceName", Query.FilterOperator.EQUAL, input);
PreparedQuery pq = datastore.prepare(q);
for (Entity forceresult : pq.asQueryResultIterable()); {
String newinput = (String) result.getProperty("ForceCode");
The error occurs on the last String netinput line.
The datastore code exists and is good - I have successfully written/read from it.
The documentation on the above sample code is lacking however to a newbie in this area, for instance: I am assuming that the Entity 'forceresult' only exists within the for loop and cannot be referenced from outside it - that is fine with me.
However, in the String newinput line, I have coded result.getProperty even though it seems to me that it should be forceresult.getProperty as this is what I want to refer to.
When I code that however, Eclipse tells me that it cannot resolve forceresult even though an Entity has been defined in the line above.
Is result a reserved word that I missed the significance of?
Is my code wrong in any other respect? Perhaps I am not understanding asQueryResultIterable properly yet?
How should I interpret the error message:
An error occured while attempting to contact the server.
Please check your network connect and try again
I hope someone can point me in the right direction either with a specific answer or advice on where to go next in my learning curve.
You have an error in your loop (a ; too much :)). Try this:
for (Entity forceresult : pq.asQueryResultIterable()) {
// ^ ; was here
String newinput = (String) result.getProperty("ForceCode");
Thus your loop was actually empty and the result.getProperty(...) got called outside, where forceresult isn't defined.
