I have been using the Java Netscape LDAP library to modify LDAP entries (http://www.mozilla.org/directory/javasdk.html). I now need a way to delete an entry. I looked through the library but could not find anything that I think would work.
Found “LDAPDelete” but that looks like it’s used from the command line.
If someone could post some sample code of how do this with an object ID it would very helpful.
After searching and finding the object I used the return value from getDN() method as the DN string.
Take a look at LDAPConnection.delete(java.lang.string dn) Thats what you should be using to delete an entry.
In pseudo code:
LDAPConnection myCon = new LDAPConnection("",389);
You'll have to javify that example, but that should work.
Netscape Directory API Documentation
I'm following the examples here -> https://github.com/apache/camel-k-examples. Working on 05-knative-source-jira
When running this integration, I'm able to read and log new jira issues just fine, I fall down when I try to use info from the ticket, or respond to the ticket with the jira addComment producer.
I've tried just putting a static ticket number in for the IssueKey option, but I get build errors and can't even get the producer to run.
I've tried tinkering with the URI...
Ex: Changing URI to -> .to("jira://addComment?IssueKey=EQ-7") returns below on build
No signature of method: org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder.to() is applicable for argument types: (String) values: [jira://addComment&IssueKey=EQ-7]
I've tried this with both ? and &, as well as adding properties to the URI with similar results.
I feel like I'm missing something pretty fundamental, so any docs pointers would be well appreciated.
Full integration here
// camel-k: language=groovy
.log('Recieved: ${body}')
I ended up sorting through enough docs to find the answer. I'll share details just for others who might find this (or if I google it again).
The key was to
a) Set the required headers for the issue key. Seting headers examples
b) Ensure that my properties are set correctly. I used a configmap to set my properties, and then referenced them as shown below in the URI. I believe this should also be possible through DSL but URI was easiest for me to just get working.
Functional Integration below.
.setBody().simple("We've recieved the ticket -- we'll update you soon!")
Is there a way to call solrs analysis api in java using solr-core and get the analyzed tokens.
Analysis api takes fieldName or fieldType and values and give the analyzed tokens.
Is there a way to get those tokens from java?
I found the following link: FieldAnalysisRequestHandler, But I could not get any examples to use it.
In the Admin UI (for which the FieldAnalysisRequestHandler is meant) you can call it by selecting a core and then go to the "Analysis" entry.
See https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/UYDxAQ or https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/FoDxAQ for that.
From a client (which I guess you mean, as you tagged this question with solrj) you need to call the correct URL.
Typically the FieldAnalysisRequestHandler is bound to /analysis/field, see your solrconfig.xml.
From Solrj it should work like this:
SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
solrQuery.set("analysis.fieldtype", "mytype");
solrQuery.set("analysis.fieldvalue", "myval");
QueryResponse solrResponse = solrServer.query(solrQuery);
But it doesn't seem like there's a great support for this in Solrj, probably because it's meant to be called from the Solr Admin UI as mentioned.
I am using SVNKit to checkout svn base repository. Earlier I was using checkout to head for that purpose I was using SVNRevision.HEAD. It was working fine without issue.
below is the syntax of same and revision.Head was used in case of checkout to Head.
doCheckout(SVNURL url,File dstPath,SVNRevision pegRevision,SVNRevision revision, boolean recursive)
but let say if I have to checkout to a specific revision for example 27988, what should be value of pegRevision parameter ?
I am confused please help, I tried HEAD/BASE for pegrevision and also same 27988 etc but it gives error like URL not exist etc .
Just an update, problem was with my code revision was going as 0 always due to some logic issue hence SVN URL was not found and giving error. I tried now with HEAD as pegRevision and 27988 revision works just fine. Thanks!
Well, first, you have to specify an SVNRevision, not an integer.
long targetRev = 27988;
SVNRevision revision = SVNRevision.create( targetRev );
As for pegRevision, you almost certainly want SVNRevision.HEAD. As the docs specify, it is:
the revision at which url will be firstly seen in the repository to
make sure it's the one that is needed
So, HEAD is usually sufficient. When it's not, things get complicated (and very specific), see the svn book.
For some reason my LDAP search doesn't seem to be returning all the attributes available for a given DN.
Using the folling code:
DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(mEnv);
DirContext obj = (DirContext)ctx.lookup(dn);
Attributes attrs = obj.getAttributes(new CompositeName(""));
(Where mEnv is a valid Properties class, and dn is a valid DN)
I'm getting back just 7 attributes ("cn", "orclpassword", "objectclass", "mail", "authpassword;orclcommonpwd", "userpassword", "sn"), whereas I can see in Oracle Directory Manager that there are many more (including "orclIsEnabled" and "pwdaccountlockedtime")
Is anyone able to shed any light on the "missing" attributes.
(Note: my experience with LDAP is pretty limited)
Thanks :-)
There are 2 basic possibilities why an LDAP search will not return attributes you know are there:
You don't have permission to see them (check access control information, or bind as
a more privileged user)
They are defined as "operational" (internal) attributes that are not returned by
default, but will be present if you ask for them by name (by using the version
of getAttributes() that takes an array of attribute names).
Came across this:
"oracle doesn't expose the needed
attributes via the OID LDAP
pwdaccountlockedtime is definitely an operational attribute according to the documentation.
Querying the underlying database (as in your link) should be a last resort.
I am working on a XMPP client on Android, using the Smack library. The roster/messaging/presence stuff is running very well. However, I didn't find a way to store additional profile information (userpicture, the dogs name, ...).
The only way I see from googling is using VCards. But it simply did not work. I tried the following:
VCard vCard = new VCard();
vCard.setField("blafasel", "asdf");
Then I was looking for a way to see that VCard information. It did neither show up in iChat nor in this System.out:
vCard.load(connection, user);
System.out.println(user + " has this vCard: " + vCard.toXML());
So anything went wrong, but theres no indication what it was. I tried this with the google talk server and my own copy of openfire with the same result. Btw, I am using this version of Smack: http://davanum.wordpress.com/2007/12/31/android-just-use-smack-api-for-xmpp/
What am I doing wrong here? What is the correct way of storing profile related information with Smack?
I have checked out the source of Smack and went through the important parts with a debugger, as well as using the Smack Debug Window. The problem is inside the VCard implementation of the Smack API. Saving a VCard does work as described, however the loading is broken.
parseIQ(XmlPullParser parser) is part of the PacketReader.java class and handles different types of packages. It only handles tags with the following namespaces:
It also looks if there is any registered IQProvider in the ProviderManager. And this is the root of my problem. There is no IQProvider for VCards registered. So whatever information is inside of the vCard tag simply gets dropped.
It is not too hard to register this IQProvider though:
ProviderManager.getInstance().addIQProvider("vCard", "vcard-temp", new VCardProvider());
This solved my little example above for saving my own vCard and downloading it again. I am still having trouble with downloading other users vcards... Gonna have a closer look into this and maybe open up another thread for that issue.
You can use the following code to get info.
VCard card = new VCard();
card.load(connection, "user#fqdn");
System.out.println("Voice: "+card.getPhoneHome("VOICE"));
Try setting a vCard for that user with another client first, and see how that changes your results. In order to diagnose further, you'll need to turn on protocol debugging in Smack (use "-Dsmack.debugEnabled=true" on a desktop machine), and post the relevant bits here.