How do I respond to tickets with camel Jira Producer? - java

I'm following the examples here -> Working on 05-knative-source-jira
When running this integration, I'm able to read and log new jira issues just fine, I fall down when I try to use info from the ticket, or respond to the ticket with the jira addComment producer.
I've tried just putting a static ticket number in for the IssueKey option, but I get build errors and can't even get the producer to run.
I've tried tinkering with the URI...
Ex: Changing URI to -> .to("jira://addComment?IssueKey=EQ-7") returns below on build
No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (String) values: [jira://addComment&IssueKey=EQ-7]
I've tried this with both ? and &, as well as adding properties to the URI with similar results.
I feel like I'm missing something pretty fundamental, so any docs pointers would be well appreciated.
Full integration here
// camel-k: language=groovy
.log('Recieved: ${body}')

I ended up sorting through enough docs to find the answer. I'll share details just for others who might find this (or if I google it again).
The key was to
a) Set the required headers for the issue key. Seting headers examples
b) Ensure that my properties are set correctly. I used a configmap to set my properties, and then referenced them as shown below in the URI. I believe this should also be possible through DSL but URI was easiest for me to just get working.
Functional Integration below.
.setBody().simple("We've recieved the ticket -- we'll update you soon!")


Java Service - SOAP Responses return always NULL to .NET

I have an SOAP 1.1 Service developed with Spring Boot in Java which responses without any problems to any of my requests and deliver a valid SOAP-response.
Now the problem is as soon as I add this service as Service Reference to any .NET/C# project the reference gets created and I can send requests but the response (Which get definitely sent from my SOAP-Service) cant be mapped back and the object in my .NET application is always null.
I already found out what the problem might be but I don't know exactly how (of if it is even possible like this) to change my xsd/wsdl to generate all the sources correctly.
First of all here is my .xsd from my Java Spring Boot project for the generation of the WSDL & Service Reference:
Here is the code from the generated Service Reference from Visual Studio in a C# project:
[System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute([NAMESPACE]/processing", Use=System.Web.Services.Description.SoapBindingUse.Literal, ParameterStyle=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapParameterStyle.Bare)]
[return: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("processingResponse", Namespace="http://[NAMESPACE]/base", IsNullable=true)]
public processingResponse processing([System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Namespace="http://[NAMESPACE]/base", IsNullable=true)] processingRequest processingRequest) {
object[] results = this.Invoke("processing", new object[] {
return ((processingResponse)(results[0]));
I found out if I change the following line
[return: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("processingResponse", Namespace="http://[NAMESPACE]", IsNullable=true)]
and add "Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified":
[return: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("processingResponse", Namespace="http://[NAMESPACE]", IsNullable=true, Form = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)]
The response gets mapped correctly to my Object and it seem to work like this without any problems at the moment.
The problem is that I want to change my .xsd to generate these sources correctly from the start - I already tried to add Form=Unqualified to the "AppDataDataResult" element inside the "processingResponse" complexType but it doesnt work.
Adding this property directly to the processingResponse Element isn't working either cause it's not possible cause the <xs:element/> is one level beneath the schema definition/tag.
I havent found any concrete solution to this problem cause it seems to be very specific with the Spring Boot Framework Java, and the generation of the wsdl.
I hope someone can help me with this problem cause it doesnt seem to be a big one (Its "only" a attribute which needs to get added during the generation of the sources) but I cant seem to find a solution to this. Thanks in advance for the help!
I found the Problem and it was a really simple fix for this Issue - In my Spring Boot Project I was returning JAXBElements and a Parameter for the response is the "QName" which indicates the Object of the Response. The Problem here was that the SOAP-Response did not have the relevant Namespace to identify the Object during the generation of Sources in .NET. So I added the correct Namespace-URI to the QName-Object and now the objects gets resolved and returns the correct responses:
final QName qname = new QName(NAMESPACE_URI, "processingResponse");
return new JAXBElement<>(qname, ProcessingResponse.class, processingResponse);
In the end it was a pretty stupid/simple problem but I tried everything else but havent tried to most obvious/easiest.

Braintree create submerchant unsuccessful but with no errors in the result object

I wanted to use the Braintree Marketplace (I've got the approval and signed to use the marketplace functionality). I used JAVA for my backend and played with the Sandbox account.
I was trying to create a submerchant accorinding to the tutorials in the overview and the specific section. E.g., the code I directly copied from the guide is (I'VE ALSO TRIED TO USE MY VALID PERSONAL INFORMATION BELOW):
MerchantAccountRequest request = new MerchantAccountRequest().
streetAddress("111 Main St").
descriptor("Blue Ladders").
Result<MerchantAccount> result = gateway.merchantAccount().create(request);
I've also tried to use the testing first name
so that the creation should always succeed. The code snippet is:
Result<MerchantAccount> result = gateway.merchantAccount().create(
new MerchantAccountRequest().
However, in any case, when I tried to check if the result is successful (and if not, what the errors are):"Is the result successful? " + result.isSuccess());
ValidationErrors errors = result.getErrors();"Number of errors returned " + result.getErrors().size());
The result.isSuccess() always returns false, while there are no errors in result.getErrors(). I also cannot find any (error) information from the sandbox web account. Any insights what might go wrong? or is this because I haven't enabled the marketplace functionality?
I work at Braintree. If you have more questions, you can always get in touch with our support team. It looks like you already have an open ticket with us and got a response, but I'll post his here for others who have the same problem.
You're looking for result.getErrors().getAllDeepValidationErrors() not just result.getErrors().
For more information on this type of failure, see the validation errors page in the Braintree docs.

Play Framework not recognizing path parameter

I am working on a web-app using the Play Framework. I am trying to pass a variable through a dynamic URI. I am following the example shown here. However, I am getting this error:
not enough arguments for method showClients: (clientId: Long)play.mvc.Result. Unspecified value parameter clientId.
routes file:
GET /clients/{clientId} controllers.Application.showClients
Controller Code:
public static Result showClients(Long clientId) {
Client c = clientFinder.byId(clientId);
return ok(client.render(c));
Does anyone see a problem with my code? After googling around, I have found similar questions, but no one with the exact same problem, so I am thinking it is something simple. Thanks for the help.
Whoops...It looks like I was looking at documentation for a previous version of Play. The current documentation here shows that my routes file should look like this:
GET /clients/:clientId controllers.Application.showClients(clientId : Long)
Thanks to anyone who looked into finding an answer to the question.

Error creating queue with WebSphere MQ API

I trying to create queues using PCF command in the WebSphere API as detailed in $MQM_HOME/samp/pcf/samples/ The creation fails when i add a description
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQCA_Q_DESC, "Created using MQMonitor");
I get the error: MQJE001: Completion Code 2, Reason 3015 : MQRCCF_CFST_PARM_ID_ERROR
Is there another way of setting the description, i'm using version 6 of the API.
The Commands page in the PCF manual states that:
The required parameters and the
optional parameters are listed. On
platforms other than z/OSĀ®, the
parameters must occur in the order:
All required parameters, in the order stated, followed by
Optional parameters as required, in any order, unless specifically
noted in the PCF definition.
The section Change, Copy and Create Queue lists the required parameters in the following order:
Optional parameters, including QDesc
The same manual provides required parameters and their order for all PCF commands so no need to play hide-and-seek trying out parms and orders in the future.
It turns out the addParameter on the PCFMessage should in a certain sequence (stumbled on it). If i change the add parameters if works. This is not just for creating queues, but for channels as well.
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQCA_Q_NAME, qname);
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQIA_Q_TYPE, PCFConstants.MQQT_LOCAL);
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQCA_Q_DESC, qdesc);
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQIA_DEF_PERSISTENCE, PCFConstants.MQPER_PERSISTENT);
the above will execute without error.
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQCA_Q_NAME, qname);
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQCA_Q_DESC, qdesc);
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQIA_Q_TYPE, PCFConstants.MQQT_LOCAL);
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQIA_DEF_PERSISTENCE, PCFConstants.MQPER_PERSISTENT);
the above will fail after moving around the description.
I haven't seen it documented in the Java docs, and if thats the case i looks forward to some hide and seek.

How to set/get profile data with XMPP using Smack

I am working on a XMPP client on Android, using the Smack library. The roster/messaging/presence stuff is running very well. However, I didn't find a way to store additional profile information (userpicture, the dogs name, ...).
The only way I see from googling is using VCards. But it simply did not work. I tried the following:
VCard vCard = new VCard();
vCard.setField("blafasel", "asdf");;
Then I was looking for a way to see that VCard information. It did neither show up in iChat nor in this System.out:
vCard.load(connection, user);
System.out.println(user + " has this vCard: " + vCard.toXML());
So anything went wrong, but theres no indication what it was. I tried this with the google talk server and my own copy of openfire with the same result. Btw, I am using this version of Smack:
What am I doing wrong here? What is the correct way of storing profile related information with Smack?
I have checked out the source of Smack and went through the important parts with a debugger, as well as using the Smack Debug Window. The problem is inside the VCard implementation of the Smack API. Saving a VCard does work as described, however the loading is broken.
parseIQ(XmlPullParser parser) is part of the class and handles different types of packages. It only handles tags with the following namespaces:
It also looks if there is any registered IQProvider in the ProviderManager. And this is the root of my problem. There is no IQProvider for VCards registered. So whatever information is inside of the vCard tag simply gets dropped.
It is not too hard to register this IQProvider though:
ProviderManager.getInstance().addIQProvider("vCard", "vcard-temp", new VCardProvider());
This solved my little example above for saving my own vCard and downloading it again. I am still having trouble with downloading other users vcards... Gonna have a closer look into this and maybe open up another thread for that issue.
You can use the following code to get info.
VCard card = new VCard();
card.load(connection, "user#fqdn");
System.out.println("Voice: "+card.getPhoneHome("VOICE"));
Try setting a vCard for that user with another client first, and see how that changes your results. In order to diagnose further, you'll need to turn on protocol debugging in Smack (use "-Dsmack.debugEnabled=true" on a desktop machine), and post the relevant bits here.
