I wrote the test case for junit3.
In eclipse test runner there are Junit 3 and Junit4.
If I use junit 4 I can not run each individual testmethod. So I want to use only Junit 3.
I removed the junit4 plugin from eclipse/plugin. Still I am seeing the Junit4 tag in the test runner option.
How can I remove Junit4 from my test runner option?
You can run an individual testmethod with Junit 4. Just right-click on the method in the outline and choose "run with Junit".
I have an Intellij IDEA project with Junit5 tests in the tests folder. The tests works if I click on the play button using IDEA's GUI. However, I need to be able to use the command line to run those tests but I don't know how.
Given the project folder how can I use the command line to run the tests in the tests folder without relying on IDEA's GUI?
You can use the JUnit ConsoleLauncher:
The ConsoleLauncher is a command-line Java application that lets you launch the JUnit Platform from the console. For example, it can be used to run JUnit Vintage and JUnit Jupiter tests and print test execution results to the console.
To run all tests from a package you can run:
java -jar junit-platform-console-standalone-1.5.2.jar
-cp 'build/classes/java/test'
--select-package com.mypackage
You can read the tutorial from MKyong for an introduction: JUnit 5 ConsoleLauncher examples
Most build systems provide test targets. For example:
Gradle: ./gradlew test
Maven: mvn test
I read an answer about Maven but I was wondering how I would achieve this task in Gradle - Executing JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 tests in a same build.
Currently my Gradle build only picks up tests with:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
My problem is that I'm using #RunWith which needs JUnit4 to run but I want to execute it on a JUnit5 Vintage Engine.
How do I make my build such that I can run JUnit4 and JUnit5 together. Thanks.
Now there is a native Mockito Junit Jupiter for JUnit 5 - https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.mockito/mockito-junit-jupiter
The junit5-migration-gradle project demonstrates how to execute tests based on JUnit 5 using Gradle. In addition, it showcases that existing JUnit 4 based tests can be executed in the same test suite as JUnit Jupiter based tests or any other tests supported on the JUnit Platform.
Basically it boils down to having both engines, Jupiter and Vintage, on the runtime class-path:
dependencies {
dependencies {
How can I run FitNesse tests from Eclipse IDE?
I was trying to use jUnit Runner. I want to know the steps to implement the runner class and execute FitNesse tests.
Does the unit test from the project help? The Suite annotation defines which tests to run.
public class FitNesseRunnerTest {
I am working on a Java project in Eclipse. I use Spock to test my code.
My project contains two directories:
a src directory containing all my Java files
a test directory containing all my Spock tests
I don't use any automation build system.
How can I see the code coverage of my Spock tests?
The Spock runner is based on the JUnit runner.
So you do exactly the same as you do with JUnit
Go to Menu Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
Search for Eclemma Install it and restart Eclipse (after accepting
Right click on any Spock test (or directly)
Select from the menu Coverage as..-> JUnit test
Wait a while and a Coverage window will appear. Enjoy!\
More details are in the official site http://www.eclemma.org/installation.html
I have like trillion test packages with bazillion tests and I want to run just some of packages. Now I must run whole project (some tests takes long to complete) or I need to run every single file manually. How is possible to run just some packages in NetBeans ? I can't find this option ...
It's probably not what you want, but the NetBeans help topic, Running a JUnit Test, says:
If you want to run a subset of the
project's tests or run the tests in a
specific order, you can create test
suites that specify the tests to run
as part of that suite. After creating
a test suite you run the suite in the
same way you run a single test class.
Creating a test suite is covered in the topic Creating a JUnit Test.
If you use JUnit 4 then try ClasspathSuite and its regex filters.