How can I run FitNesse tests from Eclipse IDE?
I was trying to use jUnit Runner. I want to know the steps to implement the runner class and execute FitNesse tests.
Does the unit test from the project help? The Suite annotation defines which tests to run.
public class FitNesseRunnerTest {
To run a test class we can mention it in the Suite as a suite class using the #SuiteClasses({TestClass.class}).
If there are three packages with three different sets of integration tests I would have to manually include my test suite in all the three packages. I want to know if there is a way to automatically include my test class such that whenever any test suite runs in the project this particular class would load automatically?
I want to do this because in future if I add another integration test this class should automatically run even if I forget to mention it in #SuiteClasses({}).
I tried to run it by mentioning it in the #SuiteClasses({}); but I want to automate this. I am expecting it to run whenever an Integration test runs in that project.
I have an Intellij IDEA project with Junit5 tests in the tests folder. The tests works if I click on the play button using IDEA's GUI. However, I need to be able to use the command line to run those tests but I don't know how.
Given the project folder how can I use the command line to run the tests in the tests folder without relying on IDEA's GUI?
You can use the JUnit ConsoleLauncher:
The ConsoleLauncher is a command-line Java application that lets you launch the JUnit Platform from the console. For example, it can be used to run JUnit Vintage and JUnit Jupiter tests and print test execution results to the console.
To run all tests from a package you can run:
java -jar junit-platform-console-standalone-1.5.2.jar
-cp 'build/classes/java/test'
--select-package com.mypackage
You can read the tutorial from MKyong for an introduction: JUnit 5 ConsoleLauncher examples
Most build systems provide test targets. For example:
Gradle: ./gradlew test
Maven: mvn test
In Java, you can create a junit test suites and put all your junit test cases in it. This allows you to run all your test cases all at once and get the testing results immediately (e.g. how many tests passsed and failed, and which tests failed). Is there something equivalent in Scala within the ScalaTest?
I don't know if there's anything equivalent for ScalaTest but in general this is a bad idea. It requires you to keep your test suite class up to date when you add new tests. Both your IDE and your build tool should let you be able to automatically discover and run all tests at once.
If you're using maven or gradle, just placing all your tests under the src/test/scala directory should be enough that running the test target will execute all test
I have arquillian set up here with some integration tests, but so far I'm running them with:
mvn clean test -Parq-jbossas-managed
I would like to run and see the errors/successes on the Testng eclipse plugin. How do I do that?
I have tried to add a testng running config, selection a class to test, but it didn't work.
Any ideas?
Running TestNG from its Eclipse plugin or from maven are two different things!
The TestNG Eclipse plugin comes with its own version of TestNG - afaik, this isn't possible (without starting eclipse processes from you build process)
If reporting matters to you, you should have a look at ReportNG
To start a test run with your Eclipse Plugin (so you can see it in Eclipse's dedicated view), you have to select your test-class (or your test-xml) and use Run As -> TestNG test.
I have like trillion test packages with bazillion tests and I want to run just some of packages. Now I must run whole project (some tests takes long to complete) or I need to run every single file manually. How is possible to run just some packages in NetBeans ? I can't find this option ...
It's probably not what you want, but the NetBeans help topic, Running a JUnit Test, says:
If you want to run a subset of the
project's tests or run the tests in a
specific order, you can create test
suites that specify the tests to run
as part of that suite. After creating
a test suite you run the suite in the
same way you run a single test class.
Creating a test suite is covered in the topic Creating a JUnit Test.
If you use JUnit 4 then try ClasspathSuite and its regex filters.