I am trying to use the Apache Java library SystemUtils to determine the operating system being used. Here is a link:
I am using netbeans to create my application. I can not figure out how to use the library. I have tried importing it but it does not seem to be installed. I have tried finding a download and adding that but I am unable to find one.
Could someone please give me some advice on how to get this library working using netbeans?
Download the commons-lang-2.5-bin.zip
Extract it, and find the commons-lang-2.5.jar
Add that jar to the classpath of your project by:
right click your project > Properties > Libraries > Add Jar/Folder
Instructions for Netbeans 6.7. It should not be too different in other versions.
Select your project
Open Run > Set Project Configuration > Customize...
In Categories, select Libraries
In the Compile tab, click on Add JAR/Folder...
Select the commons-lang JAR.
If you are using Maven, just include the commons-lang dependency in the <dependencies> section of your pom.xml:
Need a help !
I'm trying to connect spring security library to my project using Maven.
Library org.springframework.security.core have been downloaded successfully.
But when i'm trying to extend my class(AuthorizedUser.class) from org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.User
Intellij says, that can not resolve it. But other classes and interfaces from: org.springframework.security.core.userdetails resolving well. See the link...
When i goes to external library tree and opened org.springframework.security.core.userdetails library i saw User.class like this See the link...
Please, if anyone knows something about this problem, I'll be very thankful for any information
Windows 7
Intellij IDEA version 2017.2.4 Ultimate
Java version 1.8.0_144
Maven version 3.5.0
Maybe, you just need to create a constructor matching with super class or first try to create a class property instead of extending it just for test. apidoc
if it does not help, probably it is not related to ide, it is possible maven could not resolve dependencies because of some misconfiguration.
You can try these:
1- check local maven repository and confirm right version of jar files are there.
2- try build from commandline with following command and confirm build finish succesfully
mvn clean install
3- Try reimport all maven project
4 - Also, confirm intellij use right maven version, repository and settings xml. You can write "maven settings" on search bar, ant it will lead you to maven settings page.
if you find any of them is not as expected, let me know so I will try to help.
I've searched for similar questions already asked, but most have been related to generating new java documentation using javadoc for all of the included dependencies.
My question is more basic - I just want to be able to view the javadoc documentation for an external library in Eclipse when using the "Ctrl+Space" or hovering over an object/method.
For example:
I have a dependency for the "commons-cli" library
By default though, I am not able to view the API documentation for the classes located in this library. I can do this manually, by using the Project Explorer to navigating to the "commons-cli-1.3.jar" file located in Java Resources->Library->Maven Dependencies and then specifying the URL (https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-cli/apidocs/) for the javadoc in its property dialog box.
Is there a way to incorporate this information into the maven pom.xml file? That way, I don't have to do this manually for every dependency and also it works for anyone checking out my project to their own computer.
Thanks in advance.
Run mvn dependency:sources which downloads the sources for the libraries. Check Maven repo dir (normally ~/.m2 ) if you have sources there - there should be jar with the same name as the lib artifact but appended with -sources. Like this:
If this is the case and you still don't see the javadocs in IDE then you should setup your IDE to use Maven repo as a source for sources.
i am trying to reference:
in my project but through intellisense i can't see it.
Is it an external component? Where can i get there?
If you are developing an Eclipse plug-in you have to add org.eclipse.core.runtime to the plug-in dependencies in the MANIFEST.MF
Open the MANIFEST.MF editor, switch to the 'Dependencies' tab and in the 'Required Plug-ins' section click the 'Add...' button and add org.eclipse.core.runtime. Save the file and should now be able to use this.
Note: org.eclipse.core.runtime is only usable in a plug-in.
I guess you meant:
To use it in your project add:
to your pom.xml if you are using maven or download jar file [1] and add it to your classpath.
[1] http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/eclipse/core/org.eclipse.core.runtime/3.7.0/org.eclipse.core.runtime-3.7.0.jar
I need to add cxf-core, cxf-frontend ext. file in the project. I am trying to add these using maven dependency in pom.xml but it didn't work and version number is getting be red when it is added.
org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-core:2.6.2 not found.
I also tried to add using external .jar libraries. The IDE is Intellij IDEA.
2.6.2 worked for me, I used Eclipse to create a new maven project and pasted in your dependency. It worked, fetched the required jars and give me this dependency hierarchy.
I'm trying to configure the library v7 support in my project so that it uses ActionBarActivity, thus keeping compliant with some of the Android 2.X versions.
First, follow the documentation from Google and imported the project android-support-v7-appcompat as a library in accordance with Section Adding libraries with resources on Support Library Setup. But this way my Maven Build failed because it could not find the dependence of the library in question.
Now, I decided to seek a cleaner solution, keeping my dependences managed by Maven. To do this follow the instructions of the answer, but using version 19.0.1. This made my Maven Build it were executed successfully, but my project is not compiling in my workspace, the following error occurs on first line of my POM:
dependency=[com.android.support:appcompat-v7:apklib:19.0.1:compile]not found in workspace
My dependencies are as follows:
The project in question is on GitHub, if they want to view it: https://github.com/veniltonjr/msplearning
Thank you in advance!
First, there is no apklib for com.android.support:appcompat-v7. It only ships as an aar.
Second, that library is not available in maven-central, it ships with the Android SDK.
You need to manually deploy it to your local maven repository.
Though you can use maven-sdk-deployer to construct and deploy the apk to your local folder. But you github project is failing due to missing internal dependencies.
com.msplearning.android-support-v4:jar:19.1.0, com.msplearning:android-support-v7-appcompat:jar:19.1.0