Reference to org.eclipse in Java - java

i am trying to reference:
in my project but through intellisense i can't see it.
Is it an external component? Where can i get there?

If you are developing an Eclipse plug-in you have to add org.eclipse.core.runtime to the plug-in dependencies in the MANIFEST.MF
Open the MANIFEST.MF editor, switch to the 'Dependencies' tab and in the 'Required Plug-ins' section click the 'Add...' button and add org.eclipse.core.runtime. Save the file and should now be able to use this.
Note: org.eclipse.core.runtime is only usable in a plug-in.

I guess you meant:
To use it in your project add:
to your pom.xml if you are using maven or download jar file [1] and add it to your classpath.


Importing Java owlexplanation libraries in Eclipse [duplicate]

I don't know how to use Maven at all. I've been developing for a couple years with Eclipse and haven't yet needed to know about it. However, now I'm looking at some docs that suggest I do the following:
"To include it within your project, just add this maven dependency to your build."
How do I do this with my Eclipse project?
Please assume I know nothing about Maven. I just figured out it might be installed on my computer by typing mvn on the command line, but that's seriously the extent of my knowledge. I would be happy to continue knowing nothing about Maven if there is an equivalent, non-Maven way of following these instructions with Eclipse.
On the top menu bar, open Window -> Show View -> Other
In the Show View window, open Maven -> Maven Repositories
In the window that appears, right-click on Global Repositories and select Go Into
Right-click on "central (" and select "Rebuild Index"
Note that it will take very long to complete the download!!!
Once indexing is complete, Right-click on the project -> Maven -> Add Dependency and start typing the name of the project you want to import (such as "hibernate").
The search results will auto-fill in the "Search Results" box below.
In fact when you open the pom.xml, you should see 5 tabs in the bottom. Click the pom.xml, and you can type whatever dependencies you want.
You need to be using a Maven plugin for Eclipse in order to do this properly. The m2e plugin is built into the latest version of Eclipse, and does a decent if not perfect job of integrating Maven into the IDE. You will want to create your project as a 'Maven Project'. Alternatively you can import an existing Maven POM into your workspace to automatically create projects. Once you have your Maven project in the IDE, simply open up the POM and add your dependency to it.
Now, if you do not have a Maven plugin for Eclipse, you will need to get the jar(s) for the dependency in question and manually add them as classpath references to your project. This could get unpleasant as you will need not just the top level JAR, but all its dependencies as well.
Basically, I recommend you get a decent Maven plugin for Eclipse and let it handle the dependency management for you.
Open the pom.xml file.
under the project tag add <dependencies> as another tag, and google for the Maven dependencies. I used this to search.
So after getting the dependency create another tag dependency inside <dependencies> tag.
So ultimately it will look something like this.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- -->
Hope it helps.
I have faced the similar issue and fixed by copying the missing Jar files in to .M2 Path,
For example: if you see the error message as Missing artifact tws:axis-client:jar:8.7 then you have to download "axis-client-8.7.jar" file and paste the same in to below location will resolve the issue.
C:\Users\UsernameXXX.m2\repository\tws\axis-client\8.7(Paste axis-client-8.7.jar).
finally, right click on project->Maven->Update Project...Thats it.
happy coding.
I have faced same problem with maven dependencies, eg: unfortunetly your maven dependencies deleted from your buildpath,then you people get lot of exceptions,if you follow below process you can easily resolve this issue.

Incorporate javadoc URL for external jar dependency in Maven

I've searched for similar questions already asked, but most have been related to generating new java documentation using javadoc for all of the included dependencies.
My question is more basic - I just want to be able to view the javadoc documentation for an external library in Eclipse when using the "Ctrl+Space" or hovering over an object/method.
For example:
I have a dependency for the "commons-cli" library
By default though, I am not able to view the API documentation for the classes located in this library. I can do this manually, by using the Project Explorer to navigating to the "commons-cli-1.3.jar" file located in Java Resources->Library->Maven Dependencies and then specifying the URL ( for the javadoc in its property dialog box.
Is there a way to incorporate this information into the maven pom.xml file? That way, I don't have to do this manually for every dependency and also it works for anyone checking out my project to their own computer.
Thanks in advance.
Run mvn dependency:sources which downloads the sources for the libraries. Check Maven repo dir (normally ~/.m2 ) if you have sources there - there should be jar with the same name as the lib artifact but appended with -sources. Like this:
If this is the case and you still don't see the javadocs in IDE then you should setup your IDE to use Maven repo as a source for sources.

Adding Maven Dependencies to XML with Intellij IDEA

I'm currently watching a tutorial on adding a Maven dependency to a pom.xml file and it does not appear to be working as it should. I downloaded the external jar file to the library and in the video his xml code is automatically updated with the dependency. Since mine was not automatically updated I tried to generate a dependency. My artifact did not show up in the artifact list. So, I tried to manually enter in the following code:
This created red squiggly lines under the dependency tags with an error message of, "Invalid content was found starting with element 'dependency'".
If someone could walk me through step by step how I can get this to work I would it appreciate it very much.
1) After setting environment variable JAVA_HOME, install Apache Maven here,
2) If you have already created a new project in Intellij IDEA, open the command prompt and access the directory of the pom.xml file (example type: "cd C:\Users\Kyle\IdeaProjects\MavenDemo").
3) Type: mvn compile
4) In Intellij type alt+insert to generate a dependency. If you have downloaded it correctly from the Maven repository it should be there.
mvn compile //Inside project folder

maven- not downloading new added dependency in pom.xml file

I need new third party jar for reading csv in maven based project. So, I did entry in pom.xml for same as below.
But when I run mvn install or mvn package command, It does not download newly added dependency and just build project and generate war.
I am trying to get the issue! Please share solution if anybody face this earlier!
Try running a forced update:
mvn clean install -U
The -U (uppercase U) forces maven to look at all dependencies and try to update them.
If the dependency is defined in a <dependencies> block that is within a <dependencyManagement> block, adding it without the version number to a <dependencies> block that is outside <dependencyManagement> may fix the problem.
This is because the purpose of <dependencyManagement> block is to manage dependency versions, and not to install the dependencies. See this other article: Differences between dependencyManagement and dependencies in Maven
I resolved this issue by following steps:
1). Remove concerned jar from local /m2 folder.
2). Run mvn eclipse:eclipse command
3). And last run: mvn clean install
Now I am looking for concerned jar in my project class path!
If you are using IntelliJ Idea as your editor then simply follow 3 simple steps:
Right click on your project
Select Maven (last option probably)
Select "Reload project"
And that's it, IntelliJ Idea will download the dependencies and now you can proceed further.
Menu -> Project -> Clean -> Select the project
Right Click on the project -> Maven -> Maven clean
Right Click on the project -> Maven -> Maven install
Happened to me and it has fixed my problem. Hope it helps you.
I deleted .m2 folder and then from eclipse ran maven install then took maven update project. It resolved my issue and jar file got downloaded.
You can usually resolve these errors by updating Maven dependencies as follows:
Right-click on your top-level project (not on the pom.xml file) in the Project Explorer view.
From the menu, choose Maven > Update project
Make sure ForceUpdate of Snapshots/Releases is checked, and click OK.
You'll see a progress indicator in the lower-right-hand corner of the application window. When the update completes, you should be able to generate code normally, and the error markers should disappear.
In IntelliJ
Right-click on your root folder of the project in the Project Explorer view. From the menu, choose Maven > Reload project.
After that, your new dependencies will be downloaded. Then you should be able to generate code normally, and all the error markers will disappear.

Using Apache SystemUtils Java

I am trying to use the Apache Java library SystemUtils to determine the operating system being used. Here is a link:
I am using netbeans to create my application. I can not figure out how to use the library. I have tried importing it but it does not seem to be installed. I have tried finding a download and adding that but I am unable to find one.
Could someone please give me some advice on how to get this library working using netbeans?
Download the
Extract it, and find the commons-lang-2.5.jar
Add that jar to the classpath of your project by:
right click your project > Properties > Libraries > Add Jar/Folder
Instructions for Netbeans 6.7. It should not be too different in other versions.
Select your project
Open Run > Set Project Configuration > Customize...
In Categories, select Libraries
In the Compile tab, click on Add JAR/Folder...
Select the commons-lang JAR.
If you are using Maven, just include the commons-lang dependency in the <dependencies> section of your pom.xml:
