Error creating queue with WebSphere MQ API - java

I trying to create queues using PCF command in the WebSphere API as detailed in $MQM_HOME/samp/pcf/samples/ The creation fails when i add a description
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQCA_Q_DESC, "Created using MQMonitor");
I get the error: MQJE001: Completion Code 2, Reason 3015 : MQRCCF_CFST_PARM_ID_ERROR
Is there another way of setting the description, i'm using version 6 of the API.

The Commands page in the PCF manual states that:
The required parameters and the
optional parameters are listed. On
platforms other than z/OSĀ®, the
parameters must occur in the order:
All required parameters, in the order stated, followed by
Optional parameters as required, in any order, unless specifically
noted in the PCF definition.
The section Change, Copy and Create Queue lists the required parameters in the following order:
Optional parameters, including QDesc
The same manual provides required parameters and their order for all PCF commands so no need to play hide-and-seek trying out parms and orders in the future.

It turns out the addParameter on the PCFMessage should in a certain sequence (stumbled on it). If i change the add parameters if works. This is not just for creating queues, but for channels as well.
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQCA_Q_NAME, qname);
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQIA_Q_TYPE, PCFConstants.MQQT_LOCAL);
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQCA_Q_DESC, qdesc);
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQIA_DEF_PERSISTENCE, PCFConstants.MQPER_PERSISTENT);
the above will execute without error.
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQCA_Q_NAME, qname);
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQCA_Q_DESC, qdesc);
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQIA_Q_TYPE, PCFConstants.MQQT_LOCAL);
command.addParameter(PCFConstants.MQIA_DEF_PERSISTENCE, PCFConstants.MQPER_PERSISTENT);
the above will fail after moving around the description.
I haven't seen it documented in the Java docs, and if thats the case i looks forward to some hide and seek.


How do I respond to tickets with camel Jira Producer?

I'm following the examples here -> Working on 05-knative-source-jira
When running this integration, I'm able to read and log new jira issues just fine, I fall down when I try to use info from the ticket, or respond to the ticket with the jira addComment producer.
I've tried just putting a static ticket number in for the IssueKey option, but I get build errors and can't even get the producer to run.
I've tried tinkering with the URI...
Ex: Changing URI to -> .to("jira://addComment?IssueKey=EQ-7") returns below on build
No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (String) values: [jira://addComment&IssueKey=EQ-7]
I've tried this with both ? and &, as well as adding properties to the URI with similar results.
I feel like I'm missing something pretty fundamental, so any docs pointers would be well appreciated.
Full integration here
// camel-k: language=groovy
.log('Recieved: ${body}')
I ended up sorting through enough docs to find the answer. I'll share details just for others who might find this (or if I google it again).
The key was to
a) Set the required headers for the issue key. Seting headers examples
b) Ensure that my properties are set correctly. I used a configmap to set my properties, and then referenced them as shown below in the URI. I believe this should also be possible through DSL but URI was easiest for me to just get working.
Functional Integration below.
.setBody().simple("We've recieved the ticket -- we'll update you soon!")

JMeter JSR233 result to dashboard

I have a JMeter test that insert an input via an HTTP call to an asynchronous java-service and then collects an exposed metric on another java-service via a groovy script.
The script then saves the collected metric as a JMeter variable to be reviewed as a performance metric.
I would like to publish this value inside the JMeter -generated dashboard but I can't find a way to save this variable as a JMeter output.
Is there a way? seems JMeter is primarily aimed to test HTTP synchronous services but it's capable of doing such collection of data.
You can use variable(s) in custom graph definitions:
You can graph any sample_variable in CSV over time, you can customize your graphs by settings their properties in the file.
They must use the id prefix custom_:
To specify that this graph is a customized one :
Here is an example of a custom graph configuration that graphs the variable ts-hit:
jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_testGraph.title=Chunk Hit of Hits
jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_testGraph.set_X_Axis=Over Time of Hits :
Declare the JMeter Variable you're saving in the JSR223 script as a Sample Variable, in order to do this add the next line to file:
Then you can configure your custom chart like:
jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_testGraph.title=Your custom chart title Y axis name
jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_testGraph.set_X_Axis=Over Time custom content message
replace foo with the actual JMeter Variable name of your choice and next time you generate HTML reporting dashboard you should see your variable values plotted over time
More information:
Reporting configuration
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

Internal Server Error due to long XQuery duration (MarkLogic)

I have am currently running through some queries using the Java API provided by MarkLogic. I have installed it through adding the required dependencies to my library. The connection is set up using
DatabaseClient client = DatabaseClientFactory.newClient("localhost", 8000, secContext, ConnectionType.DIRECT);
From here some XQueries are ran using the code shown below
ServerEvaluationCall evl = client.newServerEval().xquery(query);
EvalResultIterator evr = evl.eval();
//Do something with the results
However, certain queries takes a long time to process causing an internal error.So Other then reducing the query time required, I am wondering if there is there a way to overcome this? Such as increasing of connection time limit for instance.
Query used
xquery version "1.0-ml";
let $query-opts := /comments[fn:matches(text,".*generation.*")]
$query-opts, fn:count($query-opts), xdmp:elapsed-time()
I know the regular expression used can be easily replaced by word-query. But for this instance I would like to just used regular expression for searching.
Example Data
<text>iCloud sync settings are not supposed to change after an iOS update. In the case of iOS 10.3 this was due to a bug.</text>
On the basis of your provided data I'd use xdmp:estimate and a cts query.
xdmp:estimate(cts:search(doc(), cts:and-query((
cts:element-word-query(xs:QName("text"), "generation")
This will search all documents in your /comments/ directory for an element text containing the word generation. As you already know, this will only use indexes and does not require loading/parsing documents.
This also will not find any false-positives because there is only one text element per document/fragment (if your shown data is correct).

Ebay Finding API

I am making a call from a server that is located in US to FindItemsAdvanced of ebay finding api.
I define ListedIn as "EBAY-ENCA", however, when I make the call - I see that it doesn't return results. I believe that this is because that items are not available to US.
I see that there is a parameter called: AvailableTo - but how can I say "to all countries" ? Writing each iso code in the world could be exhausting..
My code:
ItemFilter marketFilter = new ItemFilter();
ItemFilter conditionFilter = new ItemFilter();
In general this call should work - regardless from where you call the API. So I assume that you get an error message from the API that prevent items from being returned. Be aware that the FindItemsAdvanced call of the eBay Finding API requires either a given "categoryId" or a "keyword". Do you set any of these?
Here is the XML payload of a working call:
<findItemsAdvancedRequest xmlns="">
I've created an example in our API playground. It uses the XML version of the Finding API. Just execute the call to see the valid response with items included. You can adapt and customize the request parameters to your needs and see how the API responses.
The "AvailableTo" filter can only be used once per request with exactly one value. So it won't be possible to add it multiple times or to add it once with multiple values. But I'm not sure if I get your use case right. Do you really want to get only those items that are available world wide? If yes, then I'm afraid this most probably isn't possible without filtering them locally (eg. by filtering for "Worldwide" in the "shipToLocations").

neo4j java rest binding api not returning from getNodeAutoIndexer

I have an application which uses neo4j embedded database. Now, I want to migrate to neo4j server as I need to integrate this application with a web app (using servlets, tomcat).
I want to change the code minimally, So I thought of using java-rest-binding api of neo4j. But I am stuck at getting the auto node index. The method getAutoNodeIndexer doesn't return. In messages.log of the database, It shows
[o.n.k.EmbeddedGraphDatabase]: GC Monitor: Application threads blocked for an additional 254ms [total block time: 2.678s]
I have no idea how to solve this.
I have set the appropriate properties in the, which are
And this is what my code looks like:
graphDb = new RestGraphDatabase("http://localhost:7474/db/data/");
ReadableIndex<Node> autoNodeIndex = graphDb.index().getNodeAutoIndexer().getAutoIndex();
ReadableRelationshipIndex autoRelIndex = graphDb.index().getRelationshipAutoIndexer().getAutoIndex();
It seems that there's a lot of garbage collection going on. Run your app with a bigger heap (e.g. -Xmx1g) and see what happens.
Also, relationship_keys_indexable=X-->Y seems strange. I'd expect a property name there. What happens if you remove this property or enter a valid value?
To state the official documentation:
The node_keys_indexable key allows you to specify a comma-separated
list of node property keys to be indexed. The
relationship_keys_indexable does the same for relationship property
