I want to make two programs. where program 1 will have a static collection and some getter/setter to access/update its values.
I want that program 2 should be able to access/call getter/setter of program1. so that static collection can be shared among many programs/process
*i dont want to engage any port.
You can't just declare a variable static (or super-static) and expect it to be available in code outside of your program - it just doesn't work that way. What you need is some sort of inter-process communication, and the possibilities are endless. To name a few:
- serialize / deserialize to and from a file (local or on the network)
- sockets (basically, you open a network connection between two ports on localhost)
- a database
- shared memory (whether this is possible depends on the OS)
Your OS of choice may offer other means, but the principle remains the same: whenever the variable changes, one application needs to notify the other.
This cannot be done just with static variables. They are accessable everywhere inside the JVM your program run in, but can't be accessed that simple. Use RMI, or sockets, or input streams to handle this interprocess communication.
There is no strait way to do this. RMI or CORBA should work. But it will be an overkill. You may use plain old sockets to communicate between Java apps. Or use java.nio channels.
I have a general question about a best practice or pattern to solve a problem.
Consider that you have three programs running on seperate JVMs: Server, Client1 and Client2.
All three processes make changes to an object. When the object is changed in either client, the change in the object (not the new object) must be sent to the server. It is not possible just to send the new object from the client to the server because both clients might update the object at the same time, so we need the delta, and not the result.
I'm not so worried about reflecting changes on the server back to the clients at this point, but lets consider that a bonus question.
What would be the best practice for implementing this with X amount of processes and Y amount of object classes that may be changed?
The best way i can think of is consistently using the Command pattern to change the object on the client and the server at the same time, but there has to be a better way?
One of the possible ways to solve that is the Remote Method Invocation system in Java. Keep all the data values on the Server, then have the clients use remote calls to query them.
This would however require some smart caching to reduce the amount of pointless calls. In the end you would end up with something similar to the Command Pattern.
Modern games try to solve this issue with something I'd call an Execute-Then-Verify pattern, where every client has a local copy of the game world, that allows him to come to the same conclusion for each action as the server would. So actions of the player are applied to the local copy of the game world assuming that they are correct, then they are sent to the server, which is the ultimate instance to either accept that or revoke it later on.
The benefit of this variant of local caching is, that most players do not experience much lag, however in the case of contradictory actions they might experience the well-known roll-backs.
In the end it very much depends on what you are trying to do and what is more important for you: control over actions or client action flow.
I am creating a UDP messaging system for Android application.
For that I have created a seperate class with sending, receiving, parsing threads.
The class has to be instanciated only one - ie. only one UDP server!
Now, in Android you have multiple activities in your design which are basically different classes.
I would like to use my UDP communication iterface from those different classes.
But currently UDP CI is instanciated once in the main class. Therefor I cannot access the object from different classes.
Moreover, the CI parse module will have to change settings/UI/... of the whole app depending on the message.
Do I need to have instantiation at all if I do not need more than 1 object?
Is it a good choice to have everything in the class static?
At some point I will need to talk the other way round (obj->main). Should I use callbacks or just pass necessary resources from main to the CI and do things with them in CI?
I hope I described the problem clear enough. Please ask me if any questions arise.
Either store it in Application Context (which is a singleton).
Or do the connection in Service and let each Activity retrieve data if they want.
It seems like that your different classes need an instance of Or formally speaking have a dependency on UDP Cl. To address this, we have two options -
use a dependency injection framework e.g. guice to inject such dependencies automatically in different classes
Old school way - Create a singleton for UDP Cl and all the classes which need UDP Cl can do something like UDBCl.getInstance() to get instance of UDP Cl
I personally prefer method 1 because that is unit test friendly. Method 2 will be quicker to solve your problem
Create an instance of the first class in the second class..
Also, you can use bundles to transfer data between classes.
I wrote program in java which is using some kind of win lib and now I want to write one more program to simulate other one. I mean, it should be going like that :
first program asking lib for some simple data ( just true false)
and other program in this same time by using function from this lib setting some variable in this lib which might be return to first program...
both programs are independent first (lets say "getter") in java and second ("setter") in c++... I have already set all variables in lib as static but it didn't solved problem.
Is this kind of solution even possible? or I have to use maybe some kind of socket or else
thanks for replay
I've been working with this kind of stuff (Java + dll + another programs) and I can tell that the libraries executed from another program and Java doesn't share the static variables, so I think you won't be able to do it that way.
The example that I have uses a window, whose size is 0, to exchange messages between the two programs (Java and VB 6.0), the first call between the two programs share the window handler, but I think this isn't the best way to do it, and, in addition, it has some limitations.
I expose the ways I think that could match your problem:
Shared file: pretty easy, just must take care with the encoding.
Memory area: You can use in the dll a memory area for data exchange, this is a truly "static" context
Socket: Maybe is the most flexible since it will work with any program/system.
The last one would be the one that I'll use if I must implement something like that, but that depends on you.
I got two Java web services, hosted in Tomcat on the same server.
Is there any way to share memory (objects) between them?
I can turn the sharing into some kind of web methods calls, however
this is complicated, a lot of changes are required.
this is not really sharing, objects are duplicated, although it should work for my case.
this will expose methods that should not be called by the clients.
Not that I know of. Sounds like it's fraught with peril. It's hard enough to synchronize objects in one app; you have no hope with two. What good could this possibly do?
If it's common methods you need, put them into a service that both can call. If it's common data, put it in a database.
Is there any way to share memory (objects) between them?
You can create a shared memory region that is shared by two JVMs. You can do this using native code, or (in theory) by mapping a file into the address-space of two apps.
But you can't put Java objects in that region. The JVM doesn't support this, either in Java code or in native code. (And even if you could, synchronization would be a big problem.)
So could you use shared memory to share data between two JVMs?
Maybe. But you'd need to treat the share memory segment as a kind of database, and implement a scheme for copying object state between the segment and each JVM's heap. And you'd need to implement a robust synchronization scheme, probably using semaphores.
In short, it would be a significant amount of work to implement, and it wouldn't "feel" like the JVMs were sharing objects. It would be easier to use an existing database or distributed caching solution.
Try using JCS:
Hope it helps! ;)
On Inter process communications, Java says:
To facilitate communication between processes, most operating systems
support Inter Process Communication (IPC) resources, such as pipes and
sockets. IPC is used not just for communication between processes on
the same system, but processes on different systems.
I would rather go for pipes or sockets. This will make your life a lot easier and your web services more flexible, as they can run on two separate machines still with the ability to talk to each other as if they were setting side by side.
This is being said, back to practice. Say for example you have a set of objects {a,b,c} you want to share between your services. Create a data store class that holds {a,b,c} objects and whenever there is an update, do it in the data store dataStore.setA(A new_a). Behind the scene, and for every update, the local data store will notify the remote data store sitting in the other application and transmit all the updates that have just been made. The following DTO can be used to transmit all changes from one data store to another:
public class ObjectUpdateEvent<Source> implements Serializable {
private String fieldName;
private Object previousValue;
private Object newValue;
private Source source;
// Constructor...
Updating an the object "a" can be done the following way
public class DataStore{
// .....
public setA(A new_a){
ObjectUpdateEvent<DataStore> updateDto = new ObjectUpdateEvent<DataStore>();
a = new_a;
EDIT: This is exactly what #duffymo mentioned above.
How about using a shared library.
You can refactor your logic, move them to a separate library, and build as a separate jar.
The jar should be place in tomcat_home/lib directory.
And in your web apps the library dependency should be set as provided ( in maven )
You store create and store the objects you need to be shared in the shared memory, and access them from any web
I am java and php programmer.
In java i can use static class/method so that anyone can use the same one time created class during run-time.
But for php how to do it since it is script based and only run while we refreshing the page?
My main objective is, I want to use syncronized class/method so that it wont clash while executing the PHP...
Need your help to give input.
I am doing portal like multi level marketing(mlm)
Once register a member, we should pay bonus to the uplines
I don't want immidiately calculate the bonus because it is risky and could take some time to finish, so is is better just to register the member and show successfull.
My idea is, after registration, just invoke another class to run bonus with syncronized method so that the bonus calculation will not disturb by another registration.
Given that a php scripts runs from new every sinlge time a "static" class would not be very different from an ordinary class.
If you want to store some sort of state or preserve some data between runs of a php program then there are a number of options.
SESSION variables can be used to store data between requests from a single users as long as he keeps the session open.
COOKIES can be used to store data which persists between sessions as long as the user is using the same browser, on hte same machine and hasnt emptied the cookie jar.
memchached and similar packages can be used to store data and make it available to any php program on the server.
Databases are the most scalable solution as they will persist data between sessions, and between servers. There is some overhead involved is establishing connections and retrieving the data compared with the other solutions.
PHP is shared-nothing. Everything just lives for the Request. If you want to share information between Requests, you have to implement some additional technology layer that can do so. Or look into process control, shared memory segments and semaphores. The latter three are uncommon usage in PHP though. And all of the above will still be asynchronous.
To my knowledge, there is no way to update class Foo in one Request and have it change state immediately in a concurrent Request with PHP.