I am creating a UDP messaging system for Android application.
For that I have created a seperate class with sending, receiving, parsing threads.
The class has to be instanciated only one - ie. only one UDP server!
Now, in Android you have multiple activities in your design which are basically different classes.
I would like to use my UDP communication iterface from those different classes.
But currently UDP CI is instanciated once in the main class. Therefor I cannot access the object from different classes.
Moreover, the CI parse module will have to change settings/UI/... of the whole app depending on the message.
Do I need to have instantiation at all if I do not need more than 1 object?
Is it a good choice to have everything in the class static?
At some point I will need to talk the other way round (obj->main). Should I use callbacks or just pass necessary resources from main to the CI and do things with them in CI?
I hope I described the problem clear enough. Please ask me if any questions arise.
Either store it in Application Context (which is a singleton).
Or do the connection in Service and let each Activity retrieve data if they want.
It seems like that your different classes need an instance of Or formally speaking have a dependency on UDP Cl. To address this, we have two options -
use a dependency injection framework e.g. guice to inject such dependencies automatically in different classes
Old school way - Create a singleton for UDP Cl and all the classes which need UDP Cl can do something like UDBCl.getInstance() to get instance of UDP Cl
I personally prefer method 1 because that is unit test friendly. Method 2 will be quicker to solve your problem
Create an instance of the first class in the second class..
Also, you can use bundles to transfer data between classes.
I am sending some packets through kryonet that simply hold an "Entity" variable. I created the entity class myself. The thing is that when registering the entity class, the class file on the server and the client are not exactly the same.
On the client side, I did not include some methods because they rely on accessing variable that are only server side and I completely removed all constructors because the client will not be the one creating entities, the server will. On the server wide I left out the render method since the server will not be rendering.
Does it really matter what methods and constructors are there? Does kryonet only look to see if the variables are the same (cause they are)? Thanks!
By the way, if you were wondering, Entity is an abstract method and therefore when I create new types of entities like "Player" for example, they extend it and add even more methods and variable. I hope that is alright for sending those in a packet too.
I am not sure what you are asking but as far as I understand I will try my best to answer your question.
So I think what you are trying to do is you have a base class called Entity and you extend it to different classes. You implement some methods in class which will be sent to client and some which will be sent to server.
So as you asked does it matter what methods and constructor are there, the answer is NO. Till the time you have an empty Constructor (required by Kryo serializer) kryonet is fine with whatever constructor you have. Just you need to make sure you have an empty constructor. I have many classes in kryonet with more than 2 constructors and they work perfectly fine.
A tip, since you are sending data on network, if I was you I would have removed all the data variables which will not be used in client and abstracted out the classes even more.
Also why are you sending methods in classes? Just curious. I think you should have methods in server and client and you should take the data out of the packet (classes) and then send it to the method in your server or client.
If anything is not clear let me know.
I am taking a look into Spring as a web framework, however I am needing a bit of help getting my head around DI.
The concept of objects getting constructed in the container on run time is such a new concept.
I am just wondering how this will reflect in a big application, would I have some modules doing work that are more highly coupled or should every object be initialised at runtime?
It all seems a little intensive to me, I mean say for example I have a CSV file data mining application that removes the data per row - each rows data is encapsulated in one of my own CSVRow objects for processing or whatever. These objects are instantiated whenever an Excel file maybe uploaded to the server. I don't know how many I will need to create?
I seem to be getting a bit lost, any clarity, an overview or some guidance would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I'll try to put it simply:
use dependency injection for stateless classes that have logic (business logic, persistence logic, front-end logic)
use new for value objects
Broadly speaking, an application is made up of a collection of classes that implement the business logic.
Normally each object is responsible to obtain references of the objects it needs (and this object's dependencies).
I think it is obvious that this leads to:
1) tightly coupled classes
2) code hard to test since each object instantiates specific classes it depends on and if there needs to be a change, the code must be modified.
So using Dependency Injections the objects do not instantiate the dependent objects themselves but an "external component" provides the dependencies at the object creation time i.e. injects the dependencies into the objects.
So in your example, the idea is that you can have for example a CsvRow object instantiated by Spring (along with all its dependencies) and get an object whenever needed. It is also possible to switch to for example CsvRow2 object (another implementation) by just changing your configuration
You don't need to use DI for your CSV row abstraction. Once you get the file, when you start parsing it, your code can create the CSVRow things as it goes. You don't need to wire them up.
You certainly could if you wanted to. You would grab your applicationContext and just get the beans by name. You would want to do this if the CsvRow had dependencies that you wanted Spring to manage for you.
I think of Spring as a way to create "singletons". When I want to guarantee there's only one instance of a class in the application, use Spring to create it. But, instead of being a traditional singleton with a static INSTANCE field or similar, it's a POJO with whatever constructors / setters you need. Spring creates the instance at runtime for you and makes sure that creation only happens once.
I'm writing a small application in RCP to wrap around the business logic in another (non-RCP) simulation library. I can access and use the library fine from any of my plugins, but I don't know where I should put the instance of the Simulation library so that, say, one of the command handlers can make calls to it.
From reading the docs it sounds like I should be storing 'global' information like this in the workbench - but I still don't really understand how to do that.
First, the business layer (BL) can and should reside in its' own plugin. That will provide decent decoupling between the layers.
Second, you should carefully decide what the interface should be and which classes are exposed. Ideally, you should mostly expose interfaces and data objects.
Finally, decide how the "hand shake" works. E.g., how to obtain the initial interface to the BL. Since it is a Plugin, it could have an Activator which loads it. You could add a method in the activator which returns the BL interface.
If you are looking for something more decoupled, you could create an extension point or deploy the BL as an OSGi service, but that's a bit of an overkill for you need.
If I understand you correctly, I see two ways:
Store the instance in the model plug-in itself, using ‘SimulationFactory.getInstance(String myAppId)‘. The passed String is a constant in you app that is always used, when obtaining the reference.
Define a new class e.g. GlobalAccess in you app that is initilized with an instance of your model and has some getter (whether you use a single instance again or only provide public static methods is a matter of taste).
The seocond way is similar to some classes in eclipse like platfom or platformui, where you can obtain initial references and navigate through the workbench.
i just found a tutorial that might help you:
Passing Data between Plug-ins
I have a simple RMI 'compute' server application (similar to this) that accepts objects of some interface type from clients over RMI, executes the compute() method of the received object and returns the result over RMI to the remote client. The jobs are 'one-offs' and there is no interaction between the different jobs or between objects of different jobs.
I would like to be able to modify classes and submit instances to the compute server for execution without constantly restarting the server JVM. However when a class that has been modified is submitted again as a parameter to a remote call it's method behaviour does not change (this occurs with anonymous classes also). I have been reading up about serialization and I realise that this is to do with the ClassLoader being unable to modify existing classes.
From my reading on SO and elsewhere I realise that somehow the ClassLoader that loaded the stream class must be GC'd and replaced in order to load a new version of my class. I have an idea how to do this but the situation seems complicated by the underlying RMI runtime and it having its own RMIClassloader.
My question is: What would be the easiest way to load each new version of a class received via RMI parameters. Ideally I'm looking for a way to have each remote call get a new ClassLoader and to dispose of it upon return. Is this feasible to do without an intricate knowledge of customised ClassLoaders and the internals of RMI?
Any pointers to reading materials or examples welcome!
Edit: here is the compute server's remote interface:
public interface ComputationEngine extends Remote {
public Object execute(Task t) throws RemoteException;
and the 'compute job' interface, Task:
public interface Task extends java.io.Serializable {
public Object compute();
The only way to this is to have a new ClassLoader when you want to change a Class.
How about making use of the URLClassLoader and making the code available from a URL
I use it in one of my projects to update APIs when the jar file changes. Take a look here:
Line 184+
Check your emails :-)
This isn't really answering your question, but it might be possible to make changing part of your classes into data instead of the actual class. Use a Map instead of fields, etc. You'd have a lot fewer classes floating around, and your code would probably be simpler too.
I was just curious where exactly the singleton pattern is used...
I know how the pattern works and where it can be used but i personally never used in any real application.
Can some one give an example where it can be used..
I would really appreciate if some one can explain how and where they have used in real application.
Typically singletons are used for global configuration. The simplest example would be LogManager - there's a static LogManager.getLogManager() method, and a single global instance is used.
In fact this isn't a "true" singleton as you can derive your own class from LogManager and create extra instances that way - but it's typically used as a singleton.
Another example would be java.lang.Runtime - from the docs:
Every Java application has a single
instance of class Runtime that allows
the application to interface with the
environment in which the application
is running. The current runtime can be
obtained from the getRuntime method.
That's pretty much the definition of a singleton :)
Now the singleton pattern is mostly frowned upon these days - it introduces tight coupling, and makes things which use the singleton harder to test, as you can't easily mock out that component. If you can get away without it, so much the better. Inject your dependencies where possible instead.
Some examples:
Hardware access
Database connections
Config files
I used the singleton pattern in an online Football Team Store System. we applied the singleton pattern to a ShoppingCart class.
You only needed one instance of the cart per an application instance. so the singleton seemed like it's the best fit for that situation.
Consider the situation of AudioDriverService which is designed in Singleton Pattern. So we are allowed to create just a single instance of AudioDriverService class. Now actually your Windows Media Player or Youtube Player both will share the same object of AudioDriverService rather than creating a new instance.
When you use Logger, you use Singleton pattern for the Logger class. In case it is not Singleton, every client will have its own Logger object and there will be concurrent access on the Logger instance in Multithreaded environment, and multiple clients will create/write to the Log file concurrently, this leads to data corruption.
For example running a trial version of a software with one license and one database connection ,that uses singleton pattern in real word. may be the guru jon skeet can provide example like this.
Singleton pattern is generally useful when the object that is created once and shared
across different threads/Applications.
Consider the case that you are implementing the properties load class for a printer.
Now Printers can be of variant properties. For eg:-
Mono Printer,
Color Printer,
Automatic Scanner Support Printer and so on...
Every time on boot this config file has to load to enable a few buttons/ applications
on the UI say tab or any Printer UI.
The value of the supported features are stored in form of a config table like say 1 if
feature supported and 0 if not supported.
Based on the supported features we enable disable certain functionalities and application
on the UI. Now this config file location in case of printers manufactured by a single company
are always stored at a fixed path.
The file values would change/would be read only in the following scenarios:-
1. On Boot.
2. on Addition or deletion of any new hardware peripheral.
We can use a singleton class to implement the reading of configuration files. As the same values
i.e. the config does not change on UI intervention and can be changed only on hardware intervention.
This is one example I can think of where we can implement Singleton design pattern.
Singleton is a nice design pattern. Before deciding on the pattern first do an in depth analysis of your problem and the solution. If in your solution some object has only one instance and you want to model that in your design then you should use singleton pattern. For example if you are modelling a PC in the software there can be only one instance of a PC with respect to your running program. As Jon Skeet said java.lang.Runtime is modelled as a singleton because for all the java objects that are loaded and running inside a java runtime there is only one instance of runtime.
Again lot of times it is used for the wrong reasons. Never create a singleton so that you can easily access the object (like Object::instance() ) from anywhere without passing the object around. The is the worst use I have ever come across.
I use a media player in my android app, so I extend the mediaplayer class, and used the singleton pattern because I need only one instance, and be able to call the same instance in any other part of my app for check if is playing, or what file is current playing.
Hope it helps you, regards!!!!
Singleton Pattern can be used for loading the configuration , say in a web application, we are supposed to generate a file which is to be stored somewhere in the server. Now, that location can fetched from a config file(properties file) using a singleton class.since the location is to be unique and might change frequently in future, so we use a config file so as can be modified without deploying the application so as to reflect the changes and location will be global and unique through out the application
I used a singleton (actually a couple of them) in an application that used pureMVC. We were unhappy about the complexity this framework introduced (it became complicated and tiering to track method calls through the mvc layers). So we used a central singleton as a mediator to better separate the layers from each other.
Singleton Class is basically used when you have to allow only single instantiation of the class.
Taking real world example, In case of OOP designing of a library, we can create library class as singleton class.