I'm working on a Java application using Seam and I need to forward to a page on a different site, sending some POST data along with it. It needs to occur from the backend.
Any ideas how I can accomplish this?
EDIT: I don't merely need to receive the response - I need to actually direct the user to the new page.
Take a look at HttpClient, you should be able to generate your POST request programatically from the backend, e.g:
PostMethod post = new PostMethod("http://myserver/page.jsp");
post.addParameter("parameter1", "value1");
post.addParameter("parameter2", "value2");
More details here:
We are making use of this end point - https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token
to get the access token.
We make use of apace HTTP classes to make a POST request to this end point in this way -
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_API);
StringBuilder blr = new StringBuilder().append(CLIENT_ID).append("=")
.append((String) accountCredentials.get(CLIENT_ID)).append("&")
.append((String) accountCredentials.get(CLIENT_SECRET))
.append((String) accountCredentials.get(REFRESH_TOKEN))
// The message we are going to post
StringEntity requestBody = new StringEntity(blr.toString());
// the default content-type sent to the server is
// application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
// Make the request
HttpResponse response = HttpUtils.getHttpClient().execute(httpPost);
There has been a recent intimation from google to migrate from out-of-band as they have plans to deprecate this.
We make use of it this way as you can see in the code above -append("&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob");
GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_API is https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token.
I saw some posts mentioning that we have to replace this redirect_uri to localhost.
Can someone explain exactly how this works and what change needs to be done to migrate this successfully ? I tried searching through the documentation to see if there any sample examples but couldn't find anything that matches our use case.
I am referring to this site -
I tried to browse through samples, guides, but it mostly talks about different API's. I didn't find the github links that much useful.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I need to write a HTTP client which to communicate with Floodlight OpenFlow controller via its REST API.
For testing I did it in python, and it worked OK. But now I'm in a situation where it has to be done in Java, of which I'm admittedly still at the beginner's level. One of my apps uses AsyncHttpClient to dispatch async GET requests, and works just fine. Now as a Floodlight's REST client, it has to do POST and DELETE with JSON encoded body. My code for an async POST request works very much as expected.
But no luck with DELETE.
Somehow it doesn't write JSON string into its request body.
The code is almost identical with POST. For debugging, I don't feed an AsyncCompletionHandler instance to execute() method.
System.out.println(ofEntry.toJson()); // this returns {"name": "xyz"} as expected.
Future<Response> f = httpClient.prepareRequest(new RequestBuilder("DELETE")
.setUrl("http://" + myControllerBaseUrl + urlPathFlowPostDelete)
.setHeader("content-type", "application/json")
System.out.println(f.getStatusCode()); // returns 200.
System.out.println(f.getResponseBody()); // returns {"status" : "Error! No data posted."}.
Just to make sure, I peeped into packet dump with wireshark, and found out the server isn't lying :)
The author of the library has written an extensive amount of relevant, valuable information, but unfortunately I can't find example code specifically for building a DELETE request.
I'd very much appreciate any suggestions, pointers, and of course pinpoint solutions!
Not sure that replying to my own question is appropriate here, but I have just found a related thread at the floodlight-dev Google group.
Problem with Static Flow Pusher DELETE REST method
So this could be a problem with Floodlight REST API which requires message body for a DELETE request to identify what to be deleted, whereas AHC is simply compliant with RFC2616.
I will follow the thread at Google group, and see how it will conclude among developers.
I want to get a home timeline from twitter and I was able to get the home timeline using twitter4j and oauth authentication method
ConfigurationBuilder confBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
Twitter twit = new TwitterFactory(confBuilder.build()).getInstance();
User user = twitter.verifyCredentials();
List<Status> statuses = twitter.getHomeTimeline();
but the result is not in the form of .xml or JSON. i also tried
WebResource resource = client.resource("https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json");
but all I get is GET https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json returned a response status of 401 Unauthorized
I googled many times but I just cant get it right. Please I need a sample java code of how to do it. Complete code that can run right away would be really helpful as I got a lot of partially coded program and just couldnt get it to work. thank you in advance
OK, so after looking at the release notes for the 2.2.x versions, it appears there is a way to get the JSON representation from Twitter4J, but it's disabled by default since it uses some extra memory.
So, you need to:
Enable the JSONStore using the jsonStoreEnabled config option
Get the JSON representation of a request using the getRawJson method
Sorry there's no code example, I haven't tried it myself.
401 Unauthorized:
Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect.
You need to authenticate before you perform the query.
I would like to programmatically create a form with fields etc, however i have not been able to find a public factory etc to create a WebForm(class). Once this is done i would like to then submit the form and have my servlet do stuff with the form.
One approach i noticed the tests use is to create a PseudoServer which is a simple socket server. The tests then eventually make a request to some url which replies with some arbitrary html which includes a form. The problem with this is i cant register my own custom servlet to do stuff.
Im thus stuck between wanting a form but being unable to create one, if i wish to unit servletunit.
Is there a way to submit forms to a servlet inside servlet unit ?
Is there a way to combine parts of httpunit the form submitting stuff w/ servlet unit ?
Im guessing probably not because it(httpunit) wants to submit a form via socket and servletunit does not use sockets at all.
As per Andrey's suggestion and my past experimenting i have attempted to to call numerous methods on WebRequest to attempt to communicate the stuff that exists in a form being posted to a server.
selectFile() - to pick the file to be uploaded
setHeaderField() to set content type/charset/encoding.
You can use PostMethodWebRequest to send POST request to any HTTP URL:
WebRequest request = new PostMethodWebRequest(serverUrl);
And then just set form parameters directly in the request object:
request.setParameter('name', 'user1');
request.setParameter('password', '123456');
In a JSP page, I need to do the following (this is psuedo-code):
//Attach new POST params to request
//Make the request go to a 3rd party URL
How do I do this?
The way we are solving this right now (is terrible):
//populate and generate an HTML form
//on window.load submit the HTML form (as a POST) to a 3rd party URL
We want all this to be done on the server side instead of having this JS hack
You can use URLConnection to make POST request, here is an example
There are many ways to send a HTTP POST. I recommend a use of apache HttpClient library.
Here is the previous question and answers on Stack Overflow. The question was for Andriod but should work perfectly with Java.
Another method is to use URLConnection class. There was an answer posted by me on that question.
There is no way to do this in Java. You would need some sort of proxy server or apache re-write rule or something like that. Java is not the right place to do this.