I need to write a HTTP client which to communicate with Floodlight OpenFlow controller via its REST API.
For testing I did it in python, and it worked OK. But now I'm in a situation where it has to be done in Java, of which I'm admittedly still at the beginner's level. One of my apps uses AsyncHttpClient to dispatch async GET requests, and works just fine. Now as a Floodlight's REST client, it has to do POST and DELETE with JSON encoded body. My code for an async POST request works very much as expected.
But no luck with DELETE.
Somehow it doesn't write JSON string into its request body.
The code is almost identical with POST. For debugging, I don't feed an AsyncCompletionHandler instance to execute() method.
System.out.println(ofEntry.toJson()); // this returns {"name": "xyz"} as expected.
Future<Response> f = httpClient.prepareRequest(new RequestBuilder("DELETE")
.setUrl("http://" + myControllerBaseUrl + urlPathFlowPostDelete)
.setHeader("content-type", "application/json")
System.out.println(f.getStatusCode()); // returns 200.
System.out.println(f.getResponseBody()); // returns {"status" : "Error! No data posted."}.
Just to make sure, I peeped into packet dump with wireshark, and found out the server isn't lying :)
The author of the library has written an extensive amount of relevant, valuable information, but unfortunately I can't find example code specifically for building a DELETE request.
I'd very much appreciate any suggestions, pointers, and of course pinpoint solutions!
Not sure that replying to my own question is appropriate here, but I have just found a related thread at the floodlight-dev Google group.
Problem with Static Flow Pusher DELETE REST method
So this could be a problem with Floodlight REST API which requires message body for a DELETE request to identify what to be deleted, whereas AHC is simply compliant with RFC2616.
I will follow the thread at Google group, and see how it will conclude among developers.
I use bootstrap translation framework (Git : https://forums.adobe.com/external-link.jspa?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FAdobe-Marketing-Cloud%2Faem-translation-framework-bootstrap-connector%2Fblob%2Fmaster%2Fbundle%2Fsrc%2Fmain%2Fjava%2Fcom%2Fadobe%2Fgranite%2Ftranslation%2Fconnector%2Fbootstrap%2Fcore%2Fimpl%2FBootstrapTranslationServiceImpl.java) : I use this method uploadTranslationObject for posting to my server and one request is completed.
I just have a small doubt like i use human translation the response will be coming after some X delay time.Now i am wondering how do i get the response once the translated response is ready from my server??
I have the logic of returning the translated xml on my server but question is how do i return it?? I mean where should my server post on some api or will ame keeps constantly looking for the response?
Can someone please let me know with a small code or a existing method? I need to find in which method of the code will the response from server will be handled ??
Thanks In Advance.
You will have to monitor the status of the Documents(TranslationObjects). When you upload the TO for translation via uploadTranslationObject() change the status of the TO to 'SUBMITTED' or 'TRANSLATION_IN_PROGRESS'.
Then in the getTranslationObjectStatus() you will make request to your server to know if the TO are translated or not. If the TO is translated then you can change the status of the TO to 'TRANSLATED'. The method getTranslationObjectStatus() will return TranslationStatus as TRANSLATED, this will invoke getTranslatedObject() where you will download the translated TO and return it as InputStream.
Note: getTranslationObjectStatus() and other status update helper methods will be called when you refresh the TranslationJob Page.
I want to access a full rest service with basic http auth running.
However there is no way to for the javascript browser client to suppress the authenticate box when a wrong credential is provided.
I thought about different methods to solve this problem
someone suggested to remove the WWW-Authenticate Header with a filter (i dont think this is a clean approach)
i could rewrite my app to not use Basic Http Auth at all (i think this is too much trouble)
i could write a proxy that talks to my regular service
I like the last approach the best.
I keep my regular Rest Interface, but also have the option to use this interface with clients that are not that flexible.
Furthermore I can later proxy Http Requests unsupported by some browsers.
The idea is to have a /api/proxy/{request} path that proxies to /api/{request} and returns a Facebook-Graph-like JSON query { data: {data}, error: {error}}
This is the stub of the Proxy class
public class ProxyResource {
#Path("{url: [a-zA-Z/]*}")
public String get(#Context Request request, #PathParam("url") String url) {
// remove proxy/ from path
// resend request
// verify result
I can access the Request (which seems to be a ContainerRequest). How can I modify the request without building it from scratch to resend it.
Edit: when somebody knows a better approach i am delighted to hear about it.
As I started to digg deeper into this, i found out that not the 401 was the problem. The www-authenticate header sent back from the server caused the browser to open the login box.
If somebody is interested I've written a little nodejs proxy to remove a www-authenticate from all server requests.
As this is not the answer to my original question I will leave it open.
First off, I'm using an older version of Restlet (1.1).
Secondly, I'm not sure I'm doing the correct thing. Here's what I'm trying to do...
I'm creating a reporting service (resource). I'd like my service to listen for POST requests. The body of the request will contain the report definition. I'd like the response to be the CSV file generated by the service (the report). Is responding to a POST request in this manner OK from a REST standpoint (if not, then how to refine this resource)?
I can't seem to figure out how the acceptRepresentation() generates the response. I've tried setting the Representation parameter passed into the method to a new FileRepresentation. I've also tried to utilize the represent() method, but it doesn't seem like that method is called as part of the POST processing.
How can I accomplish this seeming easy task?
Calling the getResponse().setEntity() method from acceptRepresentation() will accept the new FileRepresentation and accomplish what I'd like to.
I don't know whether my title is correctly articulated, but I have following problem:
I have a self-written Java webserver, that handles incoming client requests. It works fine with all the request methods (GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS, DELETE, ...). It also works fine with sending files and stuff when I use http.
GET and POST also work when I call a page over https, but all the other request methods do not work (Nothing has changed within in the Javascript, that sends the requests to the server ... it just runs with SSL). I can't seem to find anything as to why that is the case. Do the request methods work differently when I add SSL? I thought it is merely an addition to make the communication more safe? Am I wrong?
EDIT: There are also differences between different browsers ... most don't even get to send the request, chrome got to readyState = 4 :( btw, I tested with Chrome 2.0, Firefox 3.0.11, Opera 9.63, IE7, IE8, Safari 3.2.1.
Hope someone can shed some light.
The request methods should work the same, as you expect be it HTTP or HTTPS.
It is really difficult for us to help you out because
you have a home grown web server which nobody knows but you, and
you've not included any error message from the client or logs from the server. "other request methods do not work" is just not descriptive enough. You are going to have to be much more detailed than that.
Assuming a connection issue, my I suggest you try your client on a well know web server to see if it can connect? The problem could be in the client.
The problem was in the call for the function!
The function is defined as follows:
function getHead( url, targetDiv ){
// generate the HTTPREQUESTOBJECT ... let's call it 'req'
req.open( "HEAD", url, true );
// some more magic happens with the response
I changed the call for the function from:
onclick="getHead( 'http://localhost/Home', 'optionsdiv' )
onclick="getHead( 'localhost/Home', 'optionsdiv' )
The first call is of course only for http, not for https! so switching that made it work :)
Another method I found to work as well, was following: I add a try-catch like this:
req.open( "HEAD", "https://"+url, true );
catch( err ){
req.open( "HEAD", "http://"+url, true );
Works almost perfectly on my end excpet the little browser-differences which drive me nuts!
I'm trying to find out, unambiguously, what method (GET or POST) Flash/AS2 uses with XML.sendAndLoad.
Here's what the help/docs (http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=LiveDocs_Parts&file=00002340.html) say about the function
Encodes the specified XML object into
an XML document, sends it to the
specified URL using the POST method,
downloads the server's response, and
loads it into the resultXMLobject
specified in the parameters.
However, I'm using this method to send XML data to a Java Servlet developed and maintained by another team of developers. And they're seeing log entries that look like this:
GET /portal/delegate/[someService]?svc=setPayCheckInfo&XMLStr=[an encoded version of the XML I send]
After a Google search to figure out why the POST shows up as a GET in their log, I found this Adobe technote (http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/159/tn_15908.html). Here's what it says:
When loadVariables or getURL actions are
used to send data to Java servlets it
can appear that the data is being sent
using a GET request, when the POST
method was specified in the Flash
This happens because Flash sends the
data in a GET/POST hybrid format. If
the data were being sent using a GET
request, the variables would appear in
a query string appended to the end of
the URL. Flash uses a GET server
request, but the Name/Value pairs
containing the variables are sent in a
second transmission using POST.
Although this causes the servlet to
trigger the doGet() method, the
variables are still available in the
server request.
I don't really understand that. What is a "GET/POST hybrid format"?
Why does the method Flash uses (POST or GET) depend on whether the data is sent to a Java servlet or elsewhere (e.g., a PHP page?)
Can anyone make sense of this? Many thanks in advance!
Have you try doing something like that :
var sendVar=new LoadVars();
var xml=new XML("<r>test</r>");
var receiveXML=new XML();
function onLoad(success) {
if (success) {
} else {
sendVar.sendAndLoad("http://mywebserver", receiveXML, "POST");
The hybrid format is just a term Macromedia invented to paint over its misuse of HTTP.
HTTP is very vague on what you can do with GET and POST. But the convention is that no message body is used in GET. Adobe violates this convention by sending parameters in the message body.
Flash sends the same request regardless of the server. You have problem in Servlet because most implementation (like Tomcat) ignores message body for GET. PHP doesn't care the verb and it processes the message body for GET too.