out of memory for Java application - java

I'm creating a Java application for image processing , and after a while of working on this program I got Out of memory exception because I think the Image objects taking a lot of memory space ,I can save the images as files to hard disk and read them when i need but that may took milli-seconds vs Nano-seconds if I use RAM with object.what I can do to solve this?

First of all, use a memory profiler such as YourKit to figure out what it is exactly that's consuming the memory (for example, it could be due to the accidental retention of some unneeded references). Once you understand how your program is actually using the memory, you can formulate a plan of attack.

Perhaps you have issues with not disposing images you are not using.


Build jar with unlimited RAM usage on running

I am building a very complex software that will be used for production and will run on a server as a service.
I need to make this jar have set max RAM usage when running with some calculations made by my program, i have seen that there are ways for setting the memory before running the built program, but i would like to set how much memory the jar is going to use when i am running it, is this possible?
There are two issues here. As mentioned above, you can only request up to a specific amount of memory. Efficient garbage collection can help you reclaim memory that is no longer needed.
The second, and probably real, issue here is metering how much memory is actually used by the application. There are many frameworks (e.g., JMeter) for measuring how much memory is used - and this can be done with respect to the amount of data used. When doing NP-complete (or even just more than O(n) problems) this can be very useful from the users perspective ("This works well with up to 2 ||| objects")

Java big list object causing out of memory

I am using Java Spring ibatis
I have java based reporting application which displays large amount of data. I notice when system try to process large amount of data it throws "out of memory" error.
I know either we can increase the memory size or we can introduce paging in reporting application.
any idea ? i am curious if there is some thing like if list object is large enough split it into memory and disk so we don't have to make any major change in the application code ?
any suggestion appreciated.
The first thing to do should be to check exactly what is causing you to run out of memory.
Add the following to your command line
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/where/you/want
This will generate a heap dump hprof file.
You can use something like the Eclipse Memory Analyser Tool to see which part of the heap (if at all) you need to increase or whether you have a memory leak.

Java Memory Leak Due to Massive Data Processing

I am currently developing an application that processes several files, containing around 75,000 records a piece (stored in binary format). When this app is ran (manually, about once a month), about 1 million records are contained entirely with the files. Files are put in a folder, click process and it goes and stores this into a MySQL database (table_1)
The records contain information that needs to be compared to another table (table_2) containing over 700k records.
I have gone about this a few ways:
METHOD 1: Import Now, Process Later
In this method, I would import the data into the database without any processing from the other table. However when I wanted to run a report on the collected data, it would crash assuming memory leak (1 GB used in total before crash).
METHOD 2: Import Now, Use MySQL to Process
This was what I would like to do but in practice it didn't seem to turn out so well. In this I would write the logic in finding the correlations between table_1 and table_2. However the MySQL result is massive and I couldn't get a consistent output, sometimes causing MySQL giving up.
METHOD 3: Import Now, Process Now
I am currently trying this method and although the memory leak is subtle, It still only gets to about 200,000 records before crashing. I have tried numerous forced garbage collections along the way, destroying properly classes, etc. It seems something is fighting me.
I am at my wits end trying to solve the issue with memory leaking / the app crashing. I am no expert in Java and have yet to really deal with very large amounts of data in MySQL. Any guidance would be extremely helpful. I have put thought into these methods:
Break each line process into individual class, hopefully expunging any memory usage on each line
Some sort of stored routine where once a line is stored into the database, MySQL does the table_1 <=> table_2 computation and stores the result
But I would like to pose the question to the many skilled Stack Overflow members to learn properly how this should be handled.
I concur with the answers that say "use a profiler".
But I'd just like to point out a couple of misconceptions in your question:
The storage leak is not due to massive data processing. It is due to a bug. The "massiveness" simply makes the symptoms more apparent.
Running the garbage collector won't cure a storage leak. The JVM always runs a full garbage collection immediately before it decides to give up and throw an OOME.
It is difficult to give advice on what might actually be causing the storage leak without more information on what you are trying to do and how you are doing it.
The learning curve for a profiler like VirtualVM is pretty small. With luck, you'll have an answer - at least a very big clue - within an hour or so.
you properly handle this situation by either:
generating a heap dump when the app crashes and analyzing that in a good memory profiler
hook up the running app to a good memory profiler and look at the heap
i personally prefer yjp, but there are some decent free apps as well (e.g. jvisualvm and netbeans)
Without knowing too much about what you're doing, if you're running out of memory there's likely some point where you're storing everything in the jvm, but you should be able to do a data processing task like this the severe memory problems you're experiencing. In the past, I've seen data processing pipelines that run out of memory because there's one class reading stuff out of the db, wrapping it all up in a nice collection, and then passing it off to another, which of course requires all of the data to be in memory simultaneously. Frameworks are good for hiding this sort of thing.
Heap dumps/digging with virtualVm hasn't been terribly helpful for me , as the details I'm looking for are often hidden - e.g. If you've got a ton of memory filled with maps of strings it doesn't really help to tell you that Strings are the largest component of your memory useage, you sort of need to know who owns them.
Can you post more detail about the actual problem you're trying to solve?

Whats a good java debugger?

I'm trying to find memory leaks and performance issues with my java application. Is there a program out there that can help me debug my application and display performance results?
Have a look at jvisualvm in the JDK - a subset of the Netbeans profiler - which can attach to a running Java 6 process and allow you to profile it and do memory analysis.
I used a lot of tools to find why my program eats 100+ Mb of ram, polished the code to remove any possible memory leaks. Later I found that once jvm took some memory from the OS, I doesn't always return it, even if that memory is not used, which often looks like a memory leak. This depends on -Xmx and -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio. I set Xmx to 40 which is roughly how much memory my app should use, and memory usage stays within 10-15 Mb of this range instead of increasing uncontrollably.
Also, jconsole is a great tool. It comes with jdk.
Eclipse has a good memory dump analyzer; but finding a memory leak can be very challenging and requires you to dive deeply into the way the objects are allocated by your application.
It took me 2 full days to figure out that one of my custom JTable cell editor classes was allocating a JDialog upon instantiation, without actually opening it, and the native part of the dialog kept the cell editor instance locked, thus the table, thus the screen and thus all entity objects that were associated with it.
You can try performance inspector tool.Following is the URL.
Java Application performance is directly proportional to how JVM is running your application. This tool gives very good profiling information about JVM.But its not a graphical tool,you need to go through the text file generated. But its one time effort and you can get handy with this tool.I used it many time for performance related issues and it helped me lot.

How to free up memory?

We have been facing Out of Memory errors in our App server for sometime. We see the used heap size increasing gradually until finally it reaches the available heap in size. This happens every 3 weeks after which a server restart is needed to fix this.
Upon analysis of the heap dumps we find the problem to be objects used in JSPs.
Can JSP objects be the real cause of Appserver memory issues? How do we free up JSP objects (Objects which are being instantiated using usebean or other tags)?
We have a clustered Websphere appserver with 2 nodes and an IHS.
EDIT: The findings above are based on the heap-dump and nativestderr log analysis given below using the IBM support assistant
nativestd err log analysis:
alt text http://saregos.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/chart.jpg
Heap dump analysis:
![alt text][2]
Heap dump analysis showing the immediate dominators (2 levels up of hastable entry in the image above)
![alt text][3]
The last image shows that the immediate dominators are in fact objects being used in JSPs.
EDIT2: More info available at http://saregos.com/?p=43
I'd first attach a profile tool to tell you what these "Objects" are that are taking up all the memory.
Eclipse has TPTP,
or there is JProfiler
or JProbe.
Any of these should show the object heap creaping up and allow you to inspect it to see what is on the heap.
Then search the code base to find who is creating these.
Maybe you have a cache or tree/map object with elements in and you have only implemented the "equals()" method on these objects, and you need to implement "hashcode()".
This would then result in the map/cache/tree getting bigger and bigger till it falls over.
This is only a guess though.
JProfiler would be my first call
Javaworld has example screen shot of what is in memory...
(source: javaworld.com)
And a screen shot of object heap building up and being cleaned up (hence the saw edge)
(source: javaworld.com)
UPDATE *************************************************
Ok, I'd look at...
Heap usage increases over time which leads to an OutOfMemory
condition. Analysis of a heapdump shows that the following
objects are taking up an increasing amount of space:
40,543,128 [304] 47 class
40,539,056 [56] 2 java/util/Hashtable 0xa8089170
40,539,000 [2,064] 511 array of java/util/Hashtable$Entry
6,300,888 [40] 3 java/util/Hashtable$HashtableCacheHashEntry
Triggering the garbage collection manually doesn't solve your problem - it won't free resources that are still in use.
You should use a profiling tool (like jProfiler) to find your leaks. You problably use code that stores references in lists or maps that are not released during runtime - propably static references.
If you run under the Sun 6 JVM strongly consider to use the jvisualvm program in the JDK to get an inital overview of what actually goes on inside the program. The snapshot comparison is really good to help you get further in which objects sneak in.
If Sun 6 JVM is not an option, then investigate which profiling tools you have. Trials can get you really far.
It can be something as simple as gigantic character arrays underlying a substring you are collecting in a list, for e.g. housekeeping.
I suggest reading Effective Java, chapter 2. Following it, together with a profiler, will help you identify the places where your application produces memory leaks.
Freeing up memory isn't the way to solve extensive memory consumption. The extensive memory consumption may be a result of two things:
not properly written code - the solution is to write it properly, so that it does not consume more than is needed - Effective Java will help here.
the application simply needs this much memory. Then you should increase the VM memory using Xmx, Xms, XX:MaxHeapSize,...
There is no specific to free up objects allocated in JSPs, at least as far as I know. Rather than investigationg such options, I'd rather focus on finding the actual problem in your application codes and fix it.
Some hints that might help:
Check the scope of your beans. Aren't
you e.g. storing something user or
request specific into "application"
scope (by mistake)?
Check settings of web session timeout in your web application and
appserver settings.
You mentioned the heap consumption grows gradually. If it's indeed so,
try to see by how much the heap size
grows with various user scenarios:
Grab a heapdump, run a test, let the
session data timeout, grab another
dump, compare the two. That might
give you some idea where do the objects on heap come from
Check your beans for any obvious memory leaks, for sure :)
EDIT: Checking for unreleased static resources that Daniel mentions is another worthwhile thing :)
As I understand those top-level memory-eaters are cache storage and objects stored in it. Probably you should make sure that your cache is going to free objects when it takes too much memory. You may want to use weak-ref if you need cache for live objects only.
