Java big list object causing out of memory - java

I am using Java Spring ibatis
I have java based reporting application which displays large amount of data. I notice when system try to process large amount of data it throws "out of memory" error.
I know either we can increase the memory size or we can introduce paging in reporting application.
any idea ? i am curious if there is some thing like if list object is large enough split it into memory and disk so we don't have to make any major change in the application code ?
any suggestion appreciated.

The first thing to do should be to check exactly what is causing you to run out of memory.
Add the following to your command line
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/where/you/want
This will generate a heap dump hprof file.
You can use something like the Eclipse Memory Analyser Tool to see which part of the heap (if at all) you need to increase or whether you have a memory leak.


How do I analyze a Java heap dump when local memory is less than the size of the dumped heap? [duplicate]

I have a HotSpot JVM heap dump that I would like to analyze. The VM ran with -Xmx31g, and the heap dump file is 48 GB large.
I won't even try jhat, as it requires about five times the heap memory (that would be 240 GB in my case) and is awfully slow.
Eclipse MAT crashes with an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException after analyzing the heap dump for several hours.
What other tools are available for that task? A suite of command line tools would be best, consisting of one program that transforms the heap dump into efficient data structures for analysis, combined with several other tools that work on the pre-structured data.
Normally, what I use is included within Eclipse Memory Analyzer and described here, and I do that onto one our more beefed up servers (download and copy over the linux .zip distro, unzip there). The shell script needs less resources than parsing the heap from the GUI, plus you can run it on your beefy server with more resources (you can allocate more resources by adding something like -vmargs -Xmx40g -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit to the end of the last line of the script.
For instance, the last line of that file might look like this after modification
./MemoryAnalyzer -consolelog -application org.eclipse.mat.api.parse "$#" -vmargs -Xmx40g -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit
Run it like ./path/to/ ../today_heap_dump/jvm.hprof
After that succeeds, it creates a number of "index" files next to the .hprof file.
After creating the indices, I try to generate reports from that and scp those reports to my local machines and try to see if I can find the culprit just by that (not just the reports, not the indices). Here's a tutorial on creating the reports.
Example report:
./ ../today_heap_dump/jvm.hprof org.eclipse.mat.api:suspects
Other report options:
org.eclipse.mat.api:overview and org.eclipse.mat.api:top_components
If those reports are not enough and if I need some more digging (i.e. let's say via oql), I scp the indices as well as hprof file to my local machine, and then open the heap dump (with the indices in the same directory as the heap dump) with my Eclipse MAT GUI. From there, it does not need too much memory to run.
I just liked to add two notes :
As far as I know, only the generation of the indices is the memory intensive part of Eclipse MAT. After you have the indices, most of your processing from Eclipse MAT would not need that much memory.
Doing this on a shell script means I can do it on a headless server (and I normally do it on a headless server as well, because they're normally the most powerful ones). And if you have a server that can generate a heap dump of that size, chances are, you have another server out there that can process that much of a heap dump as well.
First step: increase the amount of RAM you are allocating to MAT. By default it's not very much and it can't open large files.
In case of using MAT on MAC (OSX) you'll have file MemoryAnalyzer.ini file in It wasn't working for me to make adjustments to that file and have them "take". You can instead create a modified startup command/shell script based on content of this file and run it from that directory. In my case I wanted 20 GB heap:
./MemoryAnalyzer -vmargs -Xmx20g --XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit ... other params desired
Just run this command/script from Contents/MacOS directory via terminal, to start the GUI with more RAM available.
I suggest trying YourKit. It usually needs a little less memory than the heap dump size (it indexes it and uses that information to retrieve what you want)
The accepted answer to this related question should provide a good start for you (if you have access to the running process, generates live jmap histograms instead of heap dumps, it's very fast):
Method for finding memory leak in large Java heap dumps
Most other heap analysers (I use IBM require at least a percentage of RAM more than the heap if you're expecting a nice GUI tool.
Other than that, many developers use alternative approaches, like live stack analysis to get an idea of what's going on.
Although I must question why your heaps are so large? The effect on allocation and garbage collection must be massive. I'd bet a large percentage of what's in your heap should actually be stored in a database / a persistent cache etc etc.
This person
wrote a custom "heap analyzer" that just exposes a "query style" interface through the heap dump file, instead of actually loading the file into memory.
Though I don't know if "query language" is better than the eclipse OQL mentioned in the accepted answer here.
The latest snapshot build of Eclipse Memory Analyzer has a facility to randomly discard a certain percentage of objects to reduce memory consumption and allow the remaining objects to be analyzed. See Bug 563960 and the nightly snapshot build to test this facility before it is included in the next release of MAT. Update: it is now included in released version 1.11.0.
A not so well known tool - works well for large heaps. It works by sampling so it doesn't have to read the entire thing, though a bit finicky.
This is not a command line solution, however I like the tools:
Copy the heap dump to a server large enough to host it. It is very well possible that the original server can be used.
Enter the server via ssh -X to run the graphical tool remotely and use jvisualvm from the Java binary directory to load the .hprof file of the heap dump.
The tool does not load the complete heap dump into memory at once, but loads parts when they are required. Of course, if you look around enough in the file the required memory will finally reach the size of the heap dump.
I came across an interesting tool called JXray. It provides limited evaluation trial license. Found it very useful to find memory leaks. You may give it a shot.
Try using jprofiler , its works good in analyzing large .hprof, I have tried with file sized around 22 GB.
$499/dev license but has a free 10 day evaluation
When the problem can be "easily" reproduced, one unmentioned alternative is to take heap dumps before memory grows that big (e.g., jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap.bin <pid>).
In many cases you will already get an idea of what's going on without waiting for an OOM.
In addition, MAT provides a feature to compare different snapshots, which can come handy (see for instructions and a description).

Limiting the number of java core and heap dumps

Many times my java process is crashing with Java Cores and Heap Dumps.
When that happens, the resulting core files fill up my File System.
So, we need to periodically remove them to not fill up the File system.
Is there any way of limiting the size of heap or javacore?
More importantly, is there a way to make sure previous java core is overwritten by another core file Like a rollover mechanism(log4j) for Java process cores?
If -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError is present in your application, the heap dump is getting generated because your application is asking it to get generated on OOM. If you don't want that, remove the argument. But, that will not fix your actual problem for sure.

Heap space error with Apache POI XSSF

I am trying to parse a large excel file(.xlsx) using Apache POI XSSF library. After 100,000 rows it throws heap space error. I tried increasing the memory but it does not help. Is there a workaround for this problem? Or can someone suggest me a another library to parse large excel files.
You can use
Have a look at this thread for details.
Efficient way to search records from an excel file using Apache-POI
Try the latest (stable!) Version from Apache POI.
Alternatives might be smartXLS
When facing the most common OutOfMemoryError, namely the one "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space", some simple aspects must first be understood.
Java applications are allowed to use a limited amount of memory. This limit is specified during application startup. To make things more complex, Java memory is separated different regions named heap space and permgen.
The size of those regions is set during the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) launch by specifying parameters such as -Xmx and -XX:MaxPermSize. If you do not explicitly set the sizes, platform-specific defaults will be used.
So – the “[java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space][1]” error will be triggered when you try to add more data into the heap space area, but there is not enough room for it.
Based on this simple description, you have two options
Give more room to the data structures
Reduce the size of the data structures used
Giving more room is easy - just increase the heap size by changing the -Xmx parameter, similar to the following example giving your Java process 1G of heap to play with:
java -Xmx1024m com.mycompany.MyClass
Reducing the size of the data structures typically takes more effort, but this might be necessary in order to get rid of the underlying problems - giving more room can sometimes just mask the symptoms and postpone the inevitable. For example, when facing a memory leak you are just postponing the time when all the memory is filled with leaking garbage.
In your case, reading the data in smaller batches and processing each batch at the time might be an option.

Java : Get heap dump without jmap or without hanging the application

In few circumstance, our application is using around 12 GB of memory.
We tried to get the heap dump using jmap utility. Since the application is using some GB of memory it causes the application to stop responding and causes problem in production.
In our case the heap usage suddenly increases from 2-3 GB to 12GB in 6 hours. In an attempt to find teh memory usage trend we tried to collect the heap dump every one hour after restarting the application. But as said since using the jmap causes the application to hang we need to restart it and we are not able to get the trend of memory usage.
Is there a way to get the heap dump without hanging the application or is there a utility other than jmap to collect heap dump.
Thoughts on this highly appreciated, since without getting the trend of memory usage it is highly difficult to fix the issue.
Note: Our application runs in CentOS.
Try the following. It comes with JDK >= 7:
/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-YOUR-VERSION/bin/jcmd PID GC.heap_dump FILE-PATH-TO-SAVE
/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_91/bin/jcmd 25092 GC.heap_dump /opt/hd/3-19.11-jcmd.hprof
This dumping process is much faster than dumping with jmap! Dumpfiles are much smaller, but it's enough to give your the idea, where the leaks are.
At the time of writing this answer, there are bugs with Memory Analyzer and IBM HeapAnalyzer, that they cannot read dumpfiles from jmap (jdk8, big files). You can use Yourkit to read those files.
First of all, it is (AFAIK) essential to freeze the JVM while a thread dump / snapshot is being taken. If JVM was able to continue running while the snapshot was created, it would be next to impossible to get a coherent snapshot.
So are there other ways to get a heap dump?
You can get a heap dump using VisualVM as described here.
You can get a heap dump using jconsole or Eclipse Memory Analyser as described here.
But all of these are bound to cause the JVM to (at least) pause.
If your application is actually hanging (permanently!) that sounds like a problem with your application itself. My suggestion would be to see if you can track down that problem before looking for the storage leak.
My other suggestion is that you look at a single heap dump, and use the stats to figure out what kind(s) of object are using all of the space ... and why they are reachable. There is a good chance that you don't need the "trend" information at all.
You can use GDB to get the heap dump without running jmap on the target VM however this will still hang the application for the amount of time required to write the heap dump to disk. Assuming a disk speed of 100MB/s (a basic mirrored array or single disk) this is still 2 minutes of downtime.
The only true way to avoid stopping the JVM is transactional memory and a kernel that takes advantage of it to provide a process snapshot facility. This is one of the dreams of the proponents of STM but it's not available yet. VMWare's hot-migration comes close but depends on your allocation rate not exceeding network bandwidth and it doesn't save snapshots. Petition them to add it for you, it'd be a neat feature.
A heap dump analyzed with the right tool will tell you exactly what is consuming the heap. It is the best tool for tracking down memory leaks. However, collecting a heap dump is slow let alone analyzing it.
With knowledge of the workings of your application, sometimes a histogram is enough to give you a clue of where to look for the problem. For example, if MyClass$Inner is at the top of the histogram and MyClass$Inner is only used in MyClass, then you know exactly which file to look for a problem.
Here's the command for collecting a histogram.
jcmdpidGC.class_histogram filename=histogram.txt
To add to Stephen's answers, you can also trigger a heap dump via API for the most common JVM implementations:
example for the Oracle JVM
API for the IBM JVM

Heap space out of memory

My application currently consumes quite a lot of memory because it is running physics simulations. The issue is that consistently, at the 51st simulation, Java will throw an error usually because of a heap space out of memory (my program eventually runs thousands of simulations).
Is there anyway I can not just increase the heap space but modify my program so that the heap space is cleared after every run so that I can run an arbitrary number of simulations?
Edit: Thanks guys. Turns out the simulator software wasn't clearing the information after every run and I had those runs all stored in an ArrayList.
There is no way to dynamically increase the heap programatically since the heap is allocated when the Java Virtual Machine is started.
However, you can use this command
java -Xmx1024M YourClass
to set the memory to 1024
or, you can set a min max
java -Xms256m -Xmx1024m YourClassNameHere
If you are using a lot of memory and facing memory leaks, then you might want to check if you are using a large number of ArrayLists or HashMaps with many elements each.
An ArrayList is implemented as a dynamic array. The source code from Sun/Oracle shows that when a new element is inserted into a full ArrayList, a new array of 1.5 times the size of the original array is created, and the elements copied over. What this means is that you could be wasting up to 50% of the space in each ArrayList you use, unless you call its trimToSize method. Or better still, if you know the number of elements you are going to insert before hand, then call the constructor with the initial capacity as its argument.
I did not examine the source code for HashMap very carefully, but at a first glance it appears that the array length in each HashMap must be a power of two, making it another implementation of a dynamic array. Note that HashSet is essentially a wrapper around HashMap.
There are a variety of tools that you can use to help diagnose this problem. The JDK includes JVisualVM that will allow you to attach to your running process and show what objects might be growing out of control. Netbeans has a wrapper around it that works fairly well. Eclipse has the Eclipse Memory Analyzer which is the one I use most often, just seems to handle large dump files a bit better. There's also a command line option, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError that will give you a file that is basically a snapshot of your process memory when your program crashed. You can use any of the above mentioned tools to look at it, it can really help a lot when diagnosing these sort of problems.
Depending on how hard the program is working, it may be a simple case of the JVM not knowing when a good time to garbage collect may be, you might also look into the parallel garbage collection options as well.
I also faced the same problem.I resolved by doing the build by following steps as.
-->Right click on the project select RunAs ->Run configurations
Select your project as BaseDirectory. In place of goals give eclipse:eclipse install
-->In the second tab give -Xmx1024m as VM arguments.
I would like to add that this problem is similar to common Java memory leaks.
When the JVM garbage collector is unable to clear the "waste" memory of your Java / Java EE application over time, OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space will be the outcome.
It is important to perform a proper diagnostic first:
Enable verbose:gc. This will allow you to understand the memory growing pattern over time.
Generate and analyze a JVM Heap Dump. This will allow you to understand your application memory footprint and pinpoint the source of the memory leak(s).
You can also use Java profilers and runtime memory leak analyzer such as Plumbr as well to help you with this task.
Try adding -Xmx for more memory ( java -Xmx1024M YourClass ), and don't forget to stop referencing variables you don't need any more (memory leaks).
Are you keeping references to variables that you no longer need (e.g. data from the previous simulations)? If so, you have a memory leak. You just need to find where that is happening and make sure that you remove the references to the variables when they are no longer needed (this would automatically happen if they go out of scope).
If you actually need all that data from previous simulations in memory, you need to increase the heap size or change your algorithm.
Java is supposed to clear the heap space for you when all of the objects are no longer referenced. It won't generally release it back to the OS though, it will keep that memory for it's own internal reuse. Maybe check to see if you have some arrays which are not being cleared or something.
No. The heap is cleared by the garbage collector whenever it feels like it. You can ask it to run (with System.gc()) but it is not guaranteed to run.
First try increasing the memory by setting -Xmx256m
