"Actions" alternative in Java (Eclipse) & GUI Recommendation - java

I have recently switched from C# to JAVA, although I have a few questions.
I love how Visual Studio's GUI builder is laid out, is there a similar style one for JAVA?
Also in C#, you have an actions tab in the GUI designer, so you can click on an element and select properties and then select actions.. How is this done within Eclipse?

You can try WindowBuilder .It is moved to the Eclipse project since eclipse 3.7 and is included in the Java Developers version by default. You can download the Java Developers version at here or install it as a plugin if you already have an eclipse but no WindowBuilder installed.


Eclipse WindowBuilder can't change value

I am working with the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers 2018-12 (4.10) on Ubuntu 18.04 with the JDK 1.8 (202) on a Java project, I have installed WindowBuilder components for drag and drop designing with Java Swing Components:
I can successfully add components but can't change any field value like bounds value or text value in Ubuntu eclipse I have worked on it in windows and able to change there but here is this bug.
I've checked the code and working with windows eclipse WindowBuilder
Not working even in a new project.
I had this issue and for me the solution was to download last good build directly from update site instead of Eclipse Marketplace.

What is the method to use different programming languages in Eclipse?

I am trying to set up Eclipse that I follow below steps and I guess need some help :)
Firstly, I want to say that I've download JRE from here:
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html and set up jre-8u60-windows-x64.exe
Now, I am dealing with to download Eclipse but I cannot decide which IDE I should download from here:
https://eclipse.org/downloads/ (My operating system is Windows 8.1 - 64 Bit)
Is there any difference between these IDEs? I want to Eclipse which contains Java and C/C++ programming for now and I might install other programming languages for the future. Which IDE must I download?
You won't find an Eclipse distribution that supports both Java and C/C++ out of the the box.
If you want a single IDE for both, you can download the distribution for Java, and later install C/C++ components.
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers is the basic Java IDE. Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers includes additional tools for developing Java Enterprise Edition applications such as webapps and EJBs. So, if you are a beginner or you mostly work on Java Standard Edition, download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.
Then, as this post suggests, You can go to Help -> Install New Software menu item to install C/C++ components.

NetBeans IDE 8.0.2 Support for Netbeans IDE 7

I am starting a computer science class and need to download Netbeans IDE on my Mac 10.6.8. The latest Netbeans edition compatible with my Mac is NetBeans 7. However, in my class, we use NetBeans IDE 8.0.2
Am I able to transfer projects between both versions (via thumb drive) and edit them on both versions of Netbeans?
Thanks for the Help!
You can try it, but I have had trouble in the past with some custom Ant extensions Netbeans uses breaking when you try to use an older version of Netbeans than the one the project was created with. The other way seems to be less problematic. I have almost always been able to open projects created with an older version of Netbeans with a newer one.
I think there are two options:
Copy the sources but just create a new project with the older Netbeans using existing sources as needed. If you haven't customized a lot of settings this is usually fine.
Use Maven projects instead of Ant projects (which are just called Java applications in the Netbeans projects window). Just select Maven in the categories list in the new project dialog. These projects are less closely tied to the Netbeans versions, they can even be imported fairly reliably into Eclipse and Intellij.
copy the source folder(netbeansprojects[Your project]\src) and copy it to a thumb drive. Open a new project in your pc (the one in your class, 8.0.2) and go to THAT projects src, delete it, and replace it with the one from you're flash drive.

Porting a Netbeans JavaFx project to Eclipse

I'm working on a JavaFx project on NetBeans 7.3 my question is : Is it possible to port a Netbeans JavaFx project to eclipse (juno preferably) successfully, what are the issues I may face, and if it is possible what is the best way to do it
Have a look at the plugins provided by e(fx)clipse: http://www.efxclipse.org/

Can't create Java Web Application in NetBeans

I want to write a java web application using NetBeans 7.0.1, but i can't find the option Java Web in File -> New Project. Do i need to get any special Java edition to do that?
Go to the Tools menu and select Plugins.
Click on the "Available Plugins" tab.
Check the box for "Java EE Base" (note: on older NetBeans versions, the plugin to install was called "Java Web Applications").
Click the "Install" button.
Click your way through the dialogs until the plugin and its dependencies are installed.
Restart the IDE.
You should now find "Java Web" in File -> New Project.
Go to the Tools menu and select Plugins.
Click on the "Available Plugins" tab.
Check the box for "Java EE Base".
Click the "Install" button.
Select "Web Projects" from plugin list
Check the term & condition checkbox
Click next and wait while NetBeans downloading the plugin
Restart IDE
My answer will provide images for you to understand easily.
Go to Tools -> Plugins like this image
In Plugins windows, select Available Plugins tab, choose and install Java EE Base like this image
Now just follow the instruction and install the plugin, when it's done, restart the Netbeans, then you can create Java Web Application like this image
I had problems while finding the plugins under the Available plugins tab. The reason was under the settings tab, the three checkboxes were unchecked. I checked them all and then I can see the plugins under the Available plugins Tab.
And then I followed the steps mentioned in other answers. Hope this is also useful to this context.
Well, maybe you cant find Java Web in the installation list, so, search for Java EE Base, in Netbeans 7.x is the option, and includes the comment that includes Java Web and EE.
If you have NetBeans 8.2+ and installed the EE edition, open the plugin panel from Tools -> Plugins. Go to the installed tab and check the Java EE Base plugin. Then activate that plugin.
If you need other options as well the select all the plugins under the Web and Java EE category and activate them.
In my case Above mentioned thing didn't worked for me.
I have installed multiple JDK (JDK version 8 and 9) due to which Netbeans 8.2 might not working as expected and then I was unable to create project.
Then I removed JDK9 and cleared cache from \Users\admin\AppData in windows.
Then I was able to create Java Project.
