I am working with the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers 2018-12 (4.10) on Ubuntu 18.04 with the JDK 1.8 (202) on a Java project, I have installed WindowBuilder components for drag and drop designing with Java Swing Components:
I can successfully add components but can't change any field value like bounds value or text value in Ubuntu eclipse I have worked on it in windows and able to change there but here is this bug.
I've checked the code and working with windows eclipse WindowBuilder
Not working even in a new project.
I had this issue and for me the solution was to download last good build directly from update site instead of Eclipse Marketplace.
I try to use the WindowBuilder (https://www.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/download.php) to edit the following codes.
But when I open the following file with windowBuilder, there are no buttons as following image. Did I correctly install WindowBuilder?
I have installed the problematic version 1.9.5, because eclipse maket place searched it as follows. On the other hand, from the above site, the version 1.9.5 was removed. I am confused, where eclipse get 1.9.5.
Eclipse market place
Site (https://www.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/download.php)
In eclipse, open Help > eclipse Mareketplace.
Find windowbuilder
Update windowbuilder from installed version to "WindowBuilder Nightly Build 1.9.6 pre" by hit the button which is now installed, but before update, the button was update. Then windowBuilder will work fine.
I have tried remove all eclipse files and reinstall eclipse and also uninstall and reinstall window builder with several existing versions, but the error occured.
The project window within Netbeans IDE is not being displayed. I tried bunch of different things, but the Project window does not open at all.
Things I already tried:
Tried with multiple version of Netbeans and JDE, currently using Netbeans IDE 8.2 on MAC.
Tried to reset windows using Reset Windows, cmd 1, open existing project,
create new project. But still the project window does not open within
Netbeans IDE.
I made a clean install on MAC with different version of Netbeans, but the issue remains in all. Any suggestion would be helpful.
Have you tried running it with java 8? If you're using java 9 or 10, you don't get a Projects window because NB 8.2 isn't compatible with them.
There's more info at How can I install Netbeans with JDK 10.
This is a known issue in Netbeans 8.2. It happened to me when I upgraded my Ubuntu from 16.04 to 18.04. The root cause is that the java version was upgraded to 11 along with the OS.
You can fix this by doing one of the following:
Change the default jdk/jre version in the OS to java 8.
Change the jdk version to 8 in Netbeans by changing its configuration (etc/netbeans.conf). The configuration name is netbeans_jdkhome
like #rocko say, (I don't have 'add comment' right yet, so answer this frame )
I encounter same problem in NB 12.0 .
DEAL) ...my action
I changed JDK1.8 → JDK 11 setting in netbeans/etc/netbeans.conf
After launch NB, then open new project.
Project tree appeared and usable again.
To see projects or files when they disappear on NetBeans, just follow the steps in the image below.
You are not running your eclipse instance with Java8. The JavaFX tooling is disabled because of this.Make Java8 the default system java or adjust your eclipse.ini to pass -vm pointing to your Java8 install.
I have the latest JDK with Java 8 installed and it works perfectly for any other method or program in my application. However, when I try to install this plugin, I get the previous error.
I am running Mac OSX Yosemite with Eclipse Luna.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!
I decided to simply download the Eclipse that is bundled with this plugin from:
It works fine and recognizes my Java 8.
I use JavaFX on Luna without any Plugin... is that plugin supposed to help you with the GUI Design? if your answer is yes, you better use SceneBuilder and forget about any other plugin/software.
Also... that happens when you try to run a JavaFX program? or when you open Eclipse?
Make sure that you have the jfxrt.jar in your Java dir... if it is, import it to your current project... i know there's something else you can check but i cant remember it rigth now. I'll write it here later.
Anyway, let me know if the previous text helped you
As I've tried to create a Java FX 2.0 application project in NetBeans IDE 7.1 Beta, it said I have no FX-enabled JDK. I've managed to set up an "FX-enabled JDK" folowing the instructions on how to create it manually (found here). But I neither need nor want to have multiple JDKs, I want the one and only to be "FX-enabled". Though, the default JDK NetBeans platform entry (referencing the very same JDK installation actually) even does not contain a Java FX tab in its settings. How to fix this?
Unfortunately in NB 7.1 Beta you can't have default JDK being FX enabled.
All new JavaFX projects will refer to Java Platfrom named "Default JFX Platform".
You just need to download and install the JavaFX 2.0 SDK from javafx.com, and it will work.
It doesn't need any other JDK. It installs next to your already installed JDK.
After you have installed the JavaFX SDK you can create a new JavaFX application, and everything will be great.
I have recently switched from C# to JAVA, although I have a few questions.
I love how Visual Studio's GUI builder is laid out, is there a similar style one for JAVA?
Also in C#, you have an actions tab in the GUI designer, so you can click on an element and select properties and then select actions.. How is this done within Eclipse?
You can try WindowBuilder .It is moved to the Eclipse project since eclipse 3.7 and is included in the Java Developers version by default. You can download the Java Developers version at here or install it as a plugin if you already have an eclipse but no WindowBuilder installed.