Slide tab bar like in android market [closed] - java

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does anyone know how to implement the bar like in android market (Categories, featured, top paid...) I've also seen it in the new version of SuperUser so i know it can be done. Thank you for your responses!

Thanks to Selvin for the response.
See as suggested:
or this for a quick tutorial:

Jake Wharton's Android-ViewPagerIndicator is a good option, but it doesn't support underline bar movement like below images(you can see what "underline bar movement" is as video at here).
I think Astuetz's PagerSlidingTabStrip is an another good option for this regard, since it gives more natural and interactive user experience.
This implementation is available at Github.
Also you can download sample app at Play Store.


How to create a filter/effect for camera app? [closed]

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Closed last month.
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Actually I made a camera app by learning on YouTube and other platform but now I want to add some real time filter can anyone tell me how to make a filter that works in real time....? I'm newbie 🙂
Anyone ell me how to make a filter that work live
Here the GitHub demo code you can implement it in your code.
CameraView that's you can try.
You can use this one also and Editor Like WhatsApp.

Trying to redirect incoming call to custom made UI in android [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to redirect incoming calls on a custom made UI instead of default Android screen.
I have tried doing it using many ways like using CallScreeningService or InCallService but still not able to figure out the solution.
Can anyone provide a small sample working solution?
User arekolek provided an answer to my question with his own source sample at the end.
I verified it working back when he posted it, and should still work on current Android versions. Hope that helps, I would suggest providing feedback to there if it does.

Circular Progress bar for step counter/fitness application [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Hello everyone. Please help me! How can I make a custom view like this. I need this view for a fitness application and after a lot of search results, I can't find exact solution for this. If you know a library for views like this, please let me know. Or If you know how can I make this view by hand in kotlin or java for android, please share with me!
Use circular progress bar. you can use this library from git.
Implementation is there.

Is it is possible to mark code in IntelliJ? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm currently still learning the basics of Java and I have dozens of exercises, many times I have trouble finishing them and I'm forced to either ask for help or copy the answers from Github. I want to be able to mark the code I didn't write myself so I can focus on what I have trouble with. I've only found something like that for Visual Studio Code. Thanks in advance.
You can use Bookmarks in Intelij to "save" a place in your code and revisit them later.
Furthermore, you can use Shift+Ctrl+NUMBER to toggle the bookmark for the given NUMBER and you can goto that bookmark with Ctrl+NUMBER.
You can either use bookmarks or yur could use comments to add some text of what you understand and what not.

Data from a website [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I was just sitting and thinking what I should do in programming.
And I thought of a csgo item value calculator.
Then I thought how would I get the prices of the items.
So my question is how do I get information from ex. // And retrieve the price of the item, which is in this: market_commodity_orders_header_promote
What I would recommend is getting some kind of API tool such as PostMan or Fiddler and use them to sniff the website. See if its calling any kind of API, and if it is, see if you can take advantage of that API to do what you need to do.
Website Scraping is also a valid option. Either way you should have a look and see which method would work best for you given your problem and experience level.
The most important part is research research research. Google everything before you ask. We all wish you the best of luck!
