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Closed 2 years ago.
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Hello everyone. Please help me! How can I make a custom view like this. I need this view for a fitness application and after a lot of search results, I can't find exact solution for this. If you know a library for views like this, please let me know. Or If you know how can I make this view by hand in kotlin or java for android, please share with me!
Use circular progress bar. you can use this library from git.
Implementation is there.
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Closed last month.
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Actually I made a camera app by learning on YouTube and other platform but now I want to add some real time filter can anyone tell me how to make a filter that works in real time....? I'm newbie 🙂
Anyone ell me how to make a filter that work live
Here the GitHub demo code you can implement it in your code.
CameraView that's you can try.
You can use this one also and Editor Like WhatsApp.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to redirect incoming calls on a custom made UI instead of default Android screen.
I have tried doing it using many ways like using CallScreeningService or InCallService but still not able to figure out the solution.
Can anyone provide a small sample working solution?
User arekolek provided an answer to my question with his own source sample at the end.
I verified it working back when he posted it, and should still work on current Android versions. Hope that helps, I would suggest providing feedback to there if it does.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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Please Please click on this
I just want to know.. what the algorithm behind the making online apps by
giving the url of website.
Is there any separate tools for making android app.
So then friends please help, or any idea to make online app, then please
Thanks in advance.. :)
You Can Use WebView in a general case. Otherwise there are some Library for connectivity and getting data from websites and loading in customized view.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to make android program :--
As like this picture.
How can I make??
I have to try Animation??or video???
Pls just tell me the process how can I achieve that.
I think the simplest method would be to use the AnimationDrawable class. The process is pretty simple. You would make a series of images in Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. showing the heart in its various stages. Then you would copy them to the /res/drawable folder in your Android project. Then follow the code examples here. As shown, you can specify the duration of each animation frame as XML code.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does anyone know how to implement the bar like in android market (Categories, featured, top paid...) I've also seen it in the new version of SuperUser so i know it can be done. Thank you for your responses!
Thanks to Selvin for the response.
See as suggested:
or this for a quick tutorial:
Jake Wharton's Android-ViewPagerIndicator is a good option, but it doesn't support underline bar movement like below images(you can see what "underline bar movement" is as video at here).
I think Astuetz's PagerSlidingTabStrip is an another good option for this regard, since it gives more natural and interactive user experience.
This implementation is available at Github.
Also you can download sample app at Play Store.