I finalize my OAuth 1.0a provider based on Jersey but I'm facing a small issue I don't know how to deal with
During the OAuth dance, the user has to authenticate with his credentials (login/password)
With my implementation, for the moment, he has to authenticate every time
During the authorization step, the only token which is sent to the web service is the request token related to the consumer
Jersey doesn't manage session
How can I avoid to ask authentication if the user is already authenticate?
The client application which uses your oAuth provider should maintain state in the session. As a minimum it has to keep the access token as that will be needed to access the user's data. The presence of a valid access token could be used as an indicator that the user is authenticated.
it seems that when the user first authenticates to the web service, the web service should provide a login cookie which is validated each time the user wants to authorize a new client
could you assess this method?
now I need to find how handle cookie with jersey...
I am trying to set up authentication server for spring boot application. I have multiple microservices application. Let say hospitals, patients, reports applications. I have each of microservices service application to be authenticated before allowing user to access the resources.
Can I know how can I have common authentication logic as a separate application. let say authentication application. I am planning to us (spring security with Auth 2.0 and JWT token).
For example:
When user tries access hospital dashboard page, we will check the user is authenticated
First we need to check whether user is authentication if not I need
to redirect to login service in authentication application.
Once user is logged in, then when he try to access dashboard we will
check the token is valid. If valid then allow user to access the
dashboard service.
Now user try to access patient details which is there in patient.war as a separate project, as the user already logged in we need to valid token, then we need to allow access to resources API what he is trying to access. If token is invalid then we need to redirect to login page.
I have gone through some example they have authentication server and resource server as separate application. i.e #EnableAuthenticationServer and #EnableResourceServer. But I have noted this got deprecated in latest spring boot version if I am right. Please correct me if I am wrong.
How can I have authentication functionality as common war file and let the other resource server access it before allowing the user to access the reset service API?
Which is the right way to build a microservice application?
I need some experts help to understand the best approach we need to implement authentication and authorization in latest spring boot version.
This is a relatively older question but I'll answer since it may help others.
For any microservices-based architecture, the api gateway is an important aspect and it should be there.
All your microservices will be hiding behind the gateway and any calls made to the downstream services (hospitals, patients etc) will go through the gateway.
This gives you multiple advantages.
You can add login (authentication) functionality in the gateway
You can put rate limiter to avoid DOS attacks
A single point of entry for the outside world so your clients don't neet to know the URL of each microservice
Now, the way it works is:
The client sends username/password or client_id/client_secret to the /login endpoint which is inside the gateway (for example GatewayController)
Gateway sends credentials to an "Auth-Service" which authenticates the user from a db or anywhere and creates a JWT (Oauth token)
Gateway returns the jwt back to the client
Client calls the, let's say, /patients endpoint through gateway with the jwt as header "Authorization" parameter
Gateway -> Auth-Service (To validate the token)
If invalid, 403 forbidden is sent. Otherwise, request is forwarded to the downstream service (in this case Patients-Service)
Patients-Service sends the jwt token to Auth-Service to get permissions from inside the token since we know that the token has already been validated.
Once the permissions list is received, the Patients-Service matches them with the permissions mentioned on each api (for example PatientsController)
If any permission matches, the response is served. If not, 403 forbidden is served.
To make it more clear, Auth-Service is called once when the call is for login(authentication). Auth-Service is called twice for all other api calls(validate + permissions).
When i am trying to get access token through client credentials flow in okta ,i have got sucessfully,but by using that access token i am not able to fetch any user details.Like the code below
The above token object is jwtAuthenticationToken Which is used in web application.
i am using spring-boot okta
The Client Credentials flow is intended for server-side (confidential) client applications with no end user, which normally describes machine-to-machine communication.
It wouldn't have user context and it won’t have a user tied to the access token.
I'm currently building a microservice backend with Spring Boot, Zuul as API Gateway and Keycloak as Authentication and Identity Provider.
For my frontend I'm currently using Angular as an SPA with the Authorization Code Grant.
The API Gateway should validate each request (if the user is authorized) via Keycloak before sending it to the microservice.
Each microservice ( ResourceServer) should be able to get the user information for the current request by using the introspection endpoint.
What would be the correct way to implement this, or is this even a bad design and I'm on the wrong way?
Typically, you have two options:
JWT given to client: The client (Angular SPA in your case) authenticates and receives the JWT. The JWT token can be verified by an party using the Keycloak public key. It also contains a lot of user information.
JWT given to back-end: The client is given the temporary authorization code grant. It is forwarded to a backend system, which exchange it for the JWT. The backend system will need to create a user session, store the JWT in the user session and use a session ID cookie (or a similar mechanism) to match the client to the session.
The proposed architecture is a mix of both worlds. Option 1 would be more natural.
Option 1: The client authenticates with Keycloak and gets the JWT. It then attaches the JWT to each request. Zuul can check that the JWT is signed by the trusted Keycloak instance and that it has not yet expired (without contacting Keycloak). The microservice can do the same. If more than the basic user information is needed, the microservice can contact Keycloak.
Option 2: I can't tell you if option 2 is possible with Zuul. Let's assume that it is. If so, the gateway would redirect unauthenticated requests to Keycloak. Once the client has received the authorization code grant, it is redirected to the API gateway. The API gateway then contacts Keycloak to exchange the code for the JWT and saves it in a session. The client is given a session ID. When a request is forwarded to the micro service, the JWT is added to the request. The client never sees the JWT.
These descriptions assume that you are using Open ID Connect, which is supported by Keycloak. If you use an OAuth 2 setup, most things still apply but a few details are more complicated, e.g. instead of the JWT containing all the information you get an opaque token that can only be validated against an introspection endpoint.
If BASIC authentication was not build to handle logging out, what alternate authentication methods exist for authenticating backend services that need to be able to log out?
I found these references stating that BASIC auth is not able to do log
out without some hackiness:
How to log out user from web site using BASIC authentication?
How do I log out?
We are using BASIC authentication to log into backend applications, and FORM authentication for frontend applications. After our team tested the stack on FireFox/IE, it was found that a user would not be able to log out if they logged into the backend services via BASIC authentication on those browsers. The hacks and workarounds are unacceptable to my team (asking user to enter incorrect credentials, making user close browser, use javascript to send incorrect credentials, ask user to clear browser cache, etc), so we are seeking advice on alternative authentication methods that DO allow logging out
EDIT- My temporary workaround for logout:
I am currently getting around this problem by using FORM authentication. One problem is that my backend services rely on the shared frontend login.html form, and another problem is that Postman does not support logging in via a redirected FORM input, and our client Arquillian calls blow up from the login form.
FORM authentication gets rid of the "I can't log out with BASIC" problem, but now I can't authenticate as straightforwardly.
Form based-authentication
If it's okay to keep the session state on the server, you can go for form-based authentication.
Send the credentials in the form, if the credentials are valid, the server will issue a cookie that will be sent back and forth to identify the session on the server. To logout, the session can be invalidated:
You also can configure your application to expire the sessions due to timeout:
<session-timeout>60</session-timeout> <!-- minutes -->
Token-based authentication
If you want a stateless mechanism, go for token-based authentication.
The client exchanges hard credentials (such as username and password) for a piece of data called token. For each request, instead of sending the hard credentials, the client will send the token to the server to perform authentication and then authorization.
For the token, you could use JSON Web Token (JWT). It's an open standard that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object.
JWT is a generic name for the following types of token:
JSON Web Signature (JWS): The payload is encoded and signed so the integrity of the claims can be verified.
JSON Web Encryption (JWE): They payload is encrypted so the claims are hidden from other parties.
The image was extracted from this page.
The token can define an expiration date in the exp claim. For logout, you can remove the token from the client.
You also could keep the track of the tokens in a whitelist on server-side and invalidate them as you need. There's no need to store the whole token on server side though: Store only a token identifier in the whitelist and use the jti claim to store the token identifier in the token.
I suggest you to have a look at Apache Shiro, especially the way session are managed (https://shiro.apache.org/session-management.html).
They have namely abstracted the concept of session so that it can work in various situations: in a webapp (in such case, it's simply a wrapper around the HTTP session), in a standalone app, etc...
In your particular case, the front-end could open and close (logout from) a Shiro session that is shared with the backend layer.
See the sentence:
Heterogeneous Client Access
For example, a (desktop) application could ‘see’ and ‘share’ the same physical session. We are unaware of any framework other than Shiro that can support this
I'm writing a mobile app that communicates to a remote Java service via REST. I have protected my (SpringBoot) web service with https protection (due to the nature of the data, it needs to be secure) but my question is about which user/password I use to secure the https calls.
Should the username and password I use in the https header be a service account that the client (mobile app) and Java service knows or should it be the public user's username and password? The easiest option is just to use a service account but this means the mobile app will have those details built into it and distributed publically (albeit in compiled form).
Going the other way and using the user's username and password means I'll have to have the logon REST endpoint open and unsecure (which is fine I guess), but it just makes it slightly more fiddly.
Good question, and I would reckon you to use token based authentication and authorization scheme. Firstly you should have a login page where client logs in by providing username and password which is authenticated by calling some remote login service which maintains it's own user store or may use an existing one in your organization if any. Upon a successful authentication, the auth service should provide the client with a valid token, which then be refreshed time to time. The mobile or web client should pass in the token to the downstream microservices when a request is sent and this token should be sent inside the Authorization HTTP header.
Exposing the username and password while passing it around the network normally not considered as a good solution and that's where token becomes handy too. Token is the normal procedure that people use to secure rest endpoints. Yous rest endpoint should intercept each and every request comes at it, passes the token to the auth provider and verifies that. If the token is valid it will allow the request otherwise it should deny it.
Security is a pretty much larger topic and you have X.509 certificates other than tokens to encrypt the data sent across the wire over https and so forth. I suggest you to take a look at the spring security documentation since that will be a good starting point. Spring Security gives lots of hooks for developers which can be used out of the box with some sensible defaults. You can use JWT style tokens, Oauth tokens and spring security supports all these different forms too.