Okta Client Credentials Access Token Issue - java

When i am trying to get access token through client credentials flow in okta ,i have got sucessfully,but by using that access token i am not able to fetch any user details.Like the code below
The above token object is jwtAuthenticationToken Which is used in web application.
i am using spring-boot okta

The Client Credentials flow is intended for server-side (confidential) client applications with no end user, which normally describes machine-to-machine communication.
It wouldn't have user context and it won’t have a user tied to the access token.


Using Keycloak as Authorization Server with Zuul as API Gateway

I'm currently building a microservice backend with Spring Boot, Zuul as API Gateway and Keycloak as Authentication and Identity Provider.
For my frontend I'm currently using Angular as an SPA with the Authorization Code Grant.
The API Gateway should validate each request (if the user is authorized) via Keycloak before sending it to the microservice.
Each microservice ( ResourceServer) should be able to get the user information for the current request by using the introspection endpoint.
What would be the correct way to implement this, or is this even a bad design and I'm on the wrong way?
Typically, you have two options:
JWT given to client: The client (Angular SPA in your case) authenticates and receives the JWT. The JWT token can be verified by an party using the Keycloak public key. It also contains a lot of user information.
JWT given to back-end: The client is given the temporary authorization code grant. It is forwarded to a backend system, which exchange it for the JWT. The backend system will need to create a user session, store the JWT in the user session and use a session ID cookie (or a similar mechanism) to match the client to the session.
The proposed architecture is a mix of both worlds. Option 1 would be more natural.
Option 1: The client authenticates with Keycloak and gets the JWT. It then attaches the JWT to each request. Zuul can check that the JWT is signed by the trusted Keycloak instance and that it has not yet expired (without contacting Keycloak). The microservice can do the same. If more than the basic user information is needed, the microservice can contact Keycloak.
Option 2: I can't tell you if option 2 is possible with Zuul. Let's assume that it is. If so, the gateway would redirect unauthenticated requests to Keycloak. Once the client has received the authorization code grant, it is redirected to the API gateway. The API gateway then contacts Keycloak to exchange the code for the JWT and saves it in a session. The client is given a session ID. When a request is forwarded to the micro service, the JWT is added to the request. The client never sees the JWT.
These descriptions assume that you are using Open ID Connect, which is supported by Keycloak. If you use an OAuth 2 setup, most things still apply but a few details are more complicated, e.g. instead of the JWT containing all the information you get an opaque token that can only be validated against an introspection endpoint.

How to access Graph API from a Web API with ADAL JS issued implicit grant token

I have a Web API built in Java that returns database information to an SPA. I need to check the user's group information using AAD Graph API before delivering the response. Right now the Web API accepts the request and reads the user's token (eyJ...).
What are the next steps for the application to be ready to send a request to Graph API on behalf of the user?
I have tried sending the request with the Authorization: Bearer ey... header using the user's token but receive a Authentication_MissingOrMalformed error. I have also tried various edits to the app manifest and delegated permissions with no luck.
The access token that your API received is intended only for your API. What you need is to obtain a new access token, on behalf of the current user, for the Azure AD Graph API.
Fortunately, this is exactly what the on-behalf-of flow is for. From Authentication Scenarios for Azure AD:
Delegated User Identity with OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of Draft Specification
The flow discussed below assumes that a user has been authenticated on another application (such as a native application), and their user identity has been used to acquire an access token to the first-tier web API.
The native application sends the access token to the first-tier web API.
The first-tier web API sends a request to Azure AD’s token endpoint, providing its client ID and credentials, as well as the user’s access token. In addition, the request is sent with an on_behalf_of parameter that indicates the web API is requesting new tokens to call a downstream web API on behalf of the original user.
Azure AD verifies that the first-tier web API has permissions to access the second-tier web API and validates the request, returning a JWT access token and a JWT refresh token to the first-tier web API.
Over HTTPS, the first-tier web API then calls the second-tier web API by appending the token string in the Authorization header in the request. The first-tier web API can continue to call the second-tier web API as long as the access token and refresh tokens are valid.
Be sure to configure your API to request the right set of permissions for the Azure AD Graph API.
Edit: If you are constructing the token request yourself, the request that your API would make to Azure AD to get a new token to the Graph API on behalf of the current user would be a POST against:
With the following parameters in the body (un-encoded, for readability, in reality these would be application/x-www-form-urlencoded, of course):
Where {tenant-id} is the directory identifier (domain name or Guid value), {access-token} is the access token that your SPA provided to your API (the one you're exchanging for an access token to the Graph API), {api-client-id} is the client ID for your API, and {api-client-secret} is the API's secret password credential.
(Note, for simplicity, this example uses password credentials (client_secret) to authenticate the API, though it could very well be using instead an assertion signed by a client certificate.)

Authenticating a user using Google

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how to authenticate a user in my REST service. I plan to use Google Sign-in (on Android, namely). I can't quite figure out how to authenticate users on my server. I do not want to have any authorizations (other than validating the identity of the user), all I want to do is when I receive a request, validate that the user is who he (or she) says he is.
My understanding is that the user will login, get some sort of token from Google, then send that token along his request to my server which I will use to validate his identity. However, from what I read, the user will encode their requests in a JWT (json web token), which I will then use to validate their identity without ever talking to the Google server directly. Did I understand properly?
On Google's documentation, it says
If you do not require offline access, you can retrieve the access token and send it to your server over a secure connection. You can obtain the access token directly using GoogleAuthUtil.getToken() by specifying the scopes without your server's OAuth 2.0 client ID.
But it does not say what the server should do with the token.
You have an android app which enables user to log in via Google+ Sign-In, and then this Android app will call your REST API. What you want is how your service authenticates this request. This Android client will send request to your service with token, and you need to validate this token for authentication. Is my understanding right?
If so, you need to validate the token sent to your service. The reference you mentioned is for Google API calls, in your case; it's your own service API call. For the Android side, just follow the reference, in your service side you can use TokenInfo validation to authenticate users.

Java: Access an API that uses SAML authentication

I have a web project that needs to pull some data from a hosted versionone instance. The versionone instance uses SAML authentication for single sign-on.
The single sign-on itself uses a username and pin+one-time password for authentication so it is nearly impossible to hard-code those values into the application.
Is there a way to handle this situation? Can I set something in the header of the request to bypass the single-signon process?
As of release 13.1, VersionOne supports OAuth2 for authentication against the API endpoints. Both the Webserver flow (where the hosted instance POSTs auth tokens to your waiting HTTP server) and the Out-of-band flow (where the hosted instance gives the user a code to copy/paste to the client) are supported.
That may be a better match for your requirements, as the SAML process is difficult to complete without a web browser and user present.
Once the OAuth2 credentials are obtained by the app, it can operate without user intervention. At any time, the user may revoke the app's permissions inside of VersionOne.
With OAuth2, the process is:
Register your app with VersionOne, thus creating a client secret
Configure the app with the client secret data from the registration
Have the app request a permission grant, which sends you to the VersionOne server.
Login to the server as the user you wish the app to act as, and accept the grant.
Copy the grant code back to the app if using the out-of-band flow.
The app contacts the VersionOne instance and exchanges the code for a persistent token.
The app can apply the token as an "Authorization: Bearer " HTTP header to achieve access to the VersionOne endpoint
If the token has expired and the request returns Unauthorized, the client may attempt to refresh the token and try again, without user intervention.
There is some documentation available on the VersionOne community site.
And a few (in-progress) examples in the VersionOne OAuth2 Examples repository
We also have a (beta) HTTP proxy that can run on your app's server, forwarding requests to the VersionOne instance after wrapping them with OAuth2 and SSL.

how to handle user session into the oauth provider?

I finalize my OAuth 1.0a provider based on Jersey but I'm facing a small issue I don't know how to deal with
During the OAuth dance, the user has to authenticate with his credentials (login/password)
With my implementation, for the moment, he has to authenticate every time
During the authorization step, the only token which is sent to the web service is the request token related to the consumer
Jersey doesn't manage session
How can I avoid to ask authentication if the user is already authenticate?
The client application which uses your oAuth provider should maintain state in the session. As a minimum it has to keep the access token as that will be needed to access the user's data. The presence of a valid access token could be used as an indicator that the user is authenticated.
it seems that when the user first authenticates to the web service, the web service should provide a login cookie which is validated each time the user wants to authorize a new client
could you assess this method?
now I need to find how handle cookie with jersey...
