Cut out parts of the cone in java3d - java

I want to cut out top of the Primitive Cone in java3d and i want to get rid of the bottom part so I can have a lamp cover that looks something like this:
How can I do this?

You could try and do some boolen shape operations on the cone but I'm not sure it would be easier than just creating a new shape by defining two rings of vertices and connect them to form triangles.
Accessing and modifying the default cone shape might be harder than it seems, but I'm not sure about this. I never tried because creating my own shapes directly was easier :)
There's some math involved to calculate the positions of the vertices but I guess that's what your homework is really about. It's actually not that hard with a bit of sine/cosine usage and you'd most probably get some easier to read and understand code as well as potentially better visual results.


OpenGL very large mesh clipping

For my work I had to get into OpenGL 3d rendering recently, and I admit I'm quite new to this topic.
Without getting into too much detail, I have to deal with a HUGE array of data (vertices) from which I need to draw a shape. Basically, think of a plane of a very odd shape in 3d space. This shape is being added to on the fly. Think of a car moving on a plane and painting it's trail behind it - but not just a simple trail, but with holes, discarded sections, etc. And it generates a new section several times per second for hours.
So, obviously, what you end up with is A LOT of vertices, that do get optimized somewhat, but not enough. Millions of them.
And obviously I can't just feed it to a GPU of embedded system as a vertex VBO.
So I've been reading about culling and clipping, and as far as I understand I only need to display the visible triangles of this array, and not render everything else.
Now, how do I do that properly?
The simplest brute-force solution would be to go through all triangles, and if they lie outside of frustum - just not draw them. Generate a buffer of what I DO draw and pass it to GPU
One idea I had is to divide world space into squares, a kind of chunks, and basically split the "trail" mesh between them. So each square will hold data for it's part of the trail, and then I could use frustum culling, maybe, to decide which squares to render and which to skip.
But I'm not convinced it's a great solution. I also read that you should reduce the number of GL function calls as much as possible, and calling it for hundreds of squares doesn't seem great.
So I decided to ask for advice among people who would understand the subject better then me. Sadly, I don't get much learning time - I need to dive right into it.
If anyone could give me some directed tips it'd be appreciated.
You'd be better off using some form of spatial partitioning tree (e.g. OctTree, QuadTree, etc). That's a similar approach to your second suggestion, however because it's hierarchical, searching the tree is O(logN) vs O(n).

Creating 2D Angled Top Down Terrain Instead of Fully Flat

Similar to the game Factorio im trying to create "3D" terrain but of course in 2D Factorio seems to do this very well, creating terrain that looks like this
Where you can see edges of terrain and its very clearly curved. In my own 2D game Ive been trying to think of how to do the same thing, but all the ways I can think of seem to be slow or CPU intensive. Currently my terrain looks like this:
Simply 2D quads textured and drawn on screen, each quad is 16x16 (except the water thats technically a background but its not important now), How could I even begin to change my terrain to look more like a Factorio or other "2.5D" games, do they simply use different textures and check where the tile would be relative to other tiles? Or do they take a different approach?
Thanks in advance for your help!
I am a Factorio dev but I have not done this, so I can only tell you what I know generally.
There is a basic way to do it and then there are optional improvements.
Either way you will need two things
Set of textures for every situation you want to handle
Set of rules "local topology -> texture"
So you have your 2d tile map, and you move a window across it and whenever it matches a pattern, you apply an appropriate texture.
You probably wouldn't want to do that on the run in every tick, but rather calculate it all when you generate the map (or map segment - Factorio generates new areas when needed).
I will be using your picture and my imba ms paint skills to demonstrate.
This is an example of such rule. Green is land, blue is water, grey is "I don't care".
In reality you will need a lot of such rules to cover all cases (100+ I believe).
In your case, this rule would apply at the two highlighted spots.
This is all you need to have a working generator.
There is one decision that you need to make here. As you can see, the shoreline runs inside the tile, not between tiles. So you need to chose whether it will run through the last land tile, or the last water tile. The picture can therefore be a result of these two maps (my template example would be from the left one):
Both choices are ok. In fact, Factorio switched from the "shoreline on land" on the left to the "shoreline on water" on the right quite recently. Just keep in mind that you will need to adjust the walking/pathfinding to account for this.
Now note that the two areas matched by the one pattern in the example look different. This can be a result of two possible improvements that make the result nicer.
First is that for one case you can have more different textures and pick a random one. You will need to keep that choice in the game save so that it looks the same after load.
Another one is more advanced. While the basic algorithm can already give you pretty good results, there are things it can't do.
You can use larger templates and larger textures that span over several tiles. That way you can draw larger compact pieces of the terrain without being limited by the fact that all the tiles need to be connectable to all (valid) others.
The example you provided are still 2D textures (technically). But since the textures themselves are 'fancy 3D', they appear to be 3D/2D angled.
So your best bet would be to upgrade your textures. (and add shadow to entities for extra depth).
The edges you asked about are probably layed-out by checking if a 'tile' is an edge, and if so it adds an edge-texture on top the background. While the actual tile itself is also a flat image (just like the water). Add some shadow afterwards and the 3D illusion is complete.
I hope this answers your question, otherwise feel free to ask clarification.

Square BoundingBox with OpenGL JOGL Java

I'm trying to make a project in OpenGL using JOGL.
If you see my image, I have 4 viewports with different projections but all Teapots are out of "scale", and I want to make something like a bounding box, a square with side 1, that contains all objects on the viewports, to make a scale out of the square.
Any tips?
Unless you're going to use the base teapot model for programs (which you shouldn't), I don't think this is something to spend your time on. When you get into actually using your own models, you will have direct control over the scale.
I would recommend at this point learning about different drawing methods in OpenGL (e.g., GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, GL_LINE_LOOP). Then move on to learning about vertex arrays and maybe write an OBJ importer. I can point you in the right direction if you'd like.
Here is a good place to get started on different drawing techniques.
Happy coding!

Java/Graphics: Plotting 3d coordinates?

I'm coding a programm, that will produce 3d coordinates for a rocket and I would like to do a rudimentally graphic output for this.
it just has to be scaleable and rotationable, so that you can change the view manually.
the postions should be connected by lines and
it ould be nice to have spheres for earth and moon ( and perhaps addtional celestial objects).
I think, there should be some ready stuff for this kind of plott already available, but I couldn't find one.
So that's why I'm here to ask you, if you know such a thing.
and if there isn't I would kike to ask you how a bignner like me should start this?
I ust coded for console apllications, because there was no need for a real graphics output.
thank you in advance for any tip! :)
I don't think there are sand-box ready things you can use to draw customizable 3d objects in Java, if you can live without strange things you can you just a graph library able to draw 3d graphs like for example jMathTools (link).. otherwise you should go into J3D with opengl and similar things.
I don't think they exist just because doing simple things is trivial if you work with OpenGL or similar APIs..
Doing what you need with OpenGL is not complex at all, just a GL_LINE_STRIP to draw the trajectory and some primitives if you need earth, moon and so on.. rotating and scaling come implicitly moving the camera of your viewport..
Take a look at: Java3D or JOGL
I can't believe nobody has mentioned this yet, but the NASA WorldWind project seems like exactly what you need: You can extend it with JOGL if needed, or you can use some of the vast modeling objects already available to mark trajectory and location in 3D coordinates, complete with zooming/rotating and the like. Having accurate Earth layers is nice as well =)
Use JOGL! It is easy to install, and if you know Java it should be easy. There are a few things in JOGL that require you to be decent in trigonometry. This tutorial might help you get started:

Do I need to use OpenGL in my 2D Java sim game?

I have recently been developing a sim game in java, as many of my questions show, and it's come a long way! Graphically, it is somewhat lacking, and at current I'm using shapes for items, people, rooms etc.
I was looking at other similar projects, and noticed that one was using OpenGL. I have been reading CokeAndCode "space invaders 103 - refactoring and OpenGL", and I still don't know if it is something I need in my game or not.
Here is a video that I used for a previous question, but it still shows basically what I have so far (, although I have done a lot of refactoring and re coding over the last few weeks, but graphically, nothing has changed. As I understand it, I'm currently using java2D to do this.
I really don't know how I should continue graphically with this game. This is my first project I have done outside of learning for my own enjoyment, and so I'm still rather new to this.
Thanks in advance!
This could turn into a long subjective conversation quickly but I want to state the fact that you don't need openGL. Your application doesn't need to be the best looking one out there. Nethack still attracts people and between you and me : the graphics sucks.
Do you want to learn about 2D and 3D graphics and textures and so on ? Then try stuff... best way to learn. Then you can add this to your resume.
There are a lot of tutorial to do your first steps in OpenGL or some other graphic library. You can even try Qt Jambi. But once you start, you're in for a ride ;)
According to this, it's still largely possible to implement a working graphical game in Java2D with decent performance, as long as you make sure not to do a certain number of bad things.
It might help you to check and see how your approach is, compared to this.
I have no idea how far along Java has come with OpenGL support, so were I in your place I would probably just see how much refactoring of the Java2D code I could do, and figure out what to do from there.
Hope this helps, at least a bit.
One good side of using opengl (even for 2D graphics) is that you will get (if properly done) hardware graphics acceleration for your scenes.
Also, you can use orthogonal projection and keep one of the axis (Z) as zero to do your 2D graphics. It will be easy if you want to add a 3D effect (like lightning or something) if you use OpenGL.
However it all depends on how much you want to improve the graphics, since adding OpenGL might make things a little more complicated than plain Java2D.
How to continue graphically: use textures, more interesting animations (implement a simple physics engine and/or collision detection, that always looks nice).
When you go 3d (for example using opengl) you can add lighting effects to the equation, that usually does a lot to the aesthetics of the whole. For example if the moving circle was a sphere with a nice texture (marble or something), then you could make it really role over the board, and you could specify diffuse and specular reflection values to vary the lighting like for example here.
Camera movement can also beef up the graphics.
