I m fresher and making Desktop APP in netbeans platform in Java SE using SWING technology for Windows, Linux, and MAC OS.In this App we use JAI Library,i made App in widows and then want to run on MAC , and Linux.but before that i have to set or install JAI plugin like jai_imageio-1_1-lib-linux-i586.tar,jai_imageio-1_1-lib-linux-i586-jdk,and jai_imageio-1_1-lib-linux-i586-jre.but i got error for set or install this plugin on SUSE. i also reffer link:enter link description here
but i cant understod that, how to set first CLASSPATH ?so, any one have idea about that then please suggest me or share your idea with me.
In Advance thanks for your regards.
I'm not familiary with JAI but as a tip - if it is provided also as jar you could add it to NetBeans jars libraries and that would solve the problem with compilation.
As there is no OSX specific version, I downloaded the Linux version. Unzipped it and launched the launchpad.app.
I see a java applet on screen, but when I click on install code rally, I get no response.
Please advise on steps to install. Thank you very much.
From CodeRally Manual Installation page:
If you want to install Code Rally but do not want to use the installer
from our downloads page or are using OSX then the following
instructions will guide you through the install process.
Basically you need to build the code manually instead of using an installer. Weird choice from IBM side that there is no installer for OSX, but that's life, I guess.
You don't need to build the code yourself - the manual steps for installation basically involves downloading the different components yourself and installing them.
You are not running your eclipse instance with Java8. The JavaFX tooling is disabled because of this.Make Java8 the default system java or adjust your eclipse.ini to pass -vm pointing to your Java8 install.
I have the latest JDK with Java 8 installed and it works perfectly for any other method or program in my application. However, when I try to install this plugin, I get the previous error.
I am running Mac OSX Yosemite with Eclipse Luna.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!
I decided to simply download the Eclipse that is bundled with this plugin from:
It works fine and recognizes my Java 8.
I use JavaFX on Luna without any Plugin... is that plugin supposed to help you with the GUI Design? if your answer is yes, you better use SceneBuilder and forget about any other plugin/software.
Also... that happens when you try to run a JavaFX program? or when you open Eclipse?
Make sure that you have the jfxrt.jar in your Java dir... if it is, import it to your current project... i know there's something else you can check but i cant remember it rigth now. I'll write it here later.
Anyway, let me know if the previous text helped you
I am new to javacard applet development.How many development tools are there now? Which is the simplest for beginners? As simple as possible...
Thanks in advance
There is a development kits called JCIDE, is free. After installation, can be used directly, no configuration parameters. Unfortunately, when debugging, only set one breakpoint, but normal use is enough. I feel very good, recommended to you.
Here's a ready made set of applets that you can use with standard Eclipse: https://github.com/gracebear/AppletPlayground
There are also links to other open source and free-n-easy to use components.
Normally I use Jcop, which is the a plugin of eclipse. You can install the eclipse first . And then add the JCOP plugin into it.
To starting developing an applet for Java Card :
1. Download and install Java JDK. (on Oracle website), and setup your JAVA_HOME
2. Download eclipse for Java developer in eclipse.org (newest version is Neon). Extract to use it, it's portable app.
3. Download Java Card JCDK 3.0.5 (newest) and install.
4. Install the JCDK plugin on Eclipse
Note: You can following the getting started document in JCDK 3.0.5 how to setup environment and running or compiling the applet.
I am using the latest version of Intellij Idea v14 on Mac OSX Yosemite. The IDE is not showing the javadoc for the core Java classes when I use the Quick Documentation option(^J): I'm getting a blank popup box. Here is how it appears:
I'm guessing the sources are not attached. Intellij is using the JDK6 provided by Apple as it is the recommended version on Mac. How do I fix this? Where can I download the sources for JDK6 by Apple or is there a better solution for this problem?
You can download and attach sources for your JDK in project structure dialog, specifically in SDKs/Sourcepath tab
Other alternative is to download for example Oracle JDK which has the sources bundled with it.
I'm not using Apple JDK so I'm not sure where to download the sources, but this SO post might help with that.
Hope this helps.
Path to the src.jar for Apple's 1.6 JDK: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6/Contents/Home/src.jar
Ive downloaded eclipse classic (3.7.1) today to set up an android development environment.
I also wanted to set up a java mobile dev env with java me 3.0 sdk.
The thing is i dont want to download another eclipse for the java part, so am asking what should i download to add up to my "eclipse classic" install so that i can work on java mobile?
Are you looking for something like EclipseME?
did you even try looking for an eclipse plugin? perhaps there is 'EclipseME'.
google be my guide anyone?
update your install via these instructions