Intellij on Mac OSX not showing the javadoc - java

I am using the latest version of Intellij Idea v14 on Mac OSX Yosemite. The IDE is not showing the javadoc for the core Java classes when I use the Quick Documentation option(^J): I'm getting a blank popup box. Here is how it appears:
I'm guessing the sources are not attached. Intellij is using the JDK6 provided by Apple as it is the recommended version on Mac. How do I fix this? Where can I download the sources for JDK6 by Apple or is there a better solution for this problem?

You can download and attach sources for your JDK in project structure dialog, specifically in SDKs/Sourcepath tab
Other alternative is to download for example Oracle JDK which has the sources bundled with it.
I'm not using Apple JDK so I'm not sure where to download the sources, but this SO post might help with that.
Hope this helps.
Path to the src.jar for Apple's 1.6 JDK: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6/Contents/Home/src.jar


java version in not match for eclipse

I had java version 8 previous and my eclipse worked just fine. But now I have java version 7 and I can't open eclipse on my computer. What should I do? please help.
I think there are two options:
Upgrade to Java version 8 (or newer).
If you can't do that, downgrade to a version of eclipse that supports Java 7. eclipse 4.5 (Mars) (or earlier as noted on the linked page), as of eclipse 4.6 (Neon) Java 8 is required.
I feel I should note that newer versions of Java (and eclipse) can still target Java 7 (and many earlier versions).
But now I have java version 7 and I can't open eclipse on my computer. What should I do?
Use versions that work together. When you for example look at your second screen shot, it says something like "requiredJavaVersion=1.8" or so.
In other words: you can't just come in and run eclipse with any version of java.
The other answer gives you the required details.
And a final note here: in case you tried to start eclipse with that older JVM in order to "allow" to ensure that eclipse won't allow "java 8" stuff in a project: that isn't the right way then. Instead: eclipse allows you to "define" JDKs to be used for your project. So you can easily tell eclipse: "I have a Java7 jdk sitting here, please use that for project X".
You do not need to run eclipse itself with a Java7 JVM in order to use a Java7 JDK for an eclipse project!
There will be a file under the Eclipse installation directory named as eclipse.ini.
It will launch the eclipse for that specific jdf and you can change the path to your jdk7.
Hope it helps.
It depends basically on which version of the eclipse you have.
If you have eclipse 4.6(Neon) or the latest version, then you must need a newer JDK version of Java (>=1.8 which you need to download). Or If you want to roll back to an older version of Eclipse then consider downloading eclipse 4.5(Mars).
Or If you have an eclipse version of 4.5(Mars) or older then see in eclipse.ini
-Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion = 1.8 and change it to -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion = 1.7 which can be found in the folder containing eclipse.exe file.

What JDK should I use for netbeans?

In Netbeans 8.2, it says to use Java JDK 8.1 or higher. When I use the latest version of JDK, Netbeans will load up but I can’t open or make new projects. When I get 8.1 I can’t use certain features of languages, like timers in Java.
What JDK should I use to have both Netbeans functioning and have all features of Java usable?
This document describes how to install NetBeans IDE 8.2 on your system. Please see the NetBeans IDE 8.2 Release Notes for information about supported operating systems and hardware configurations for the IDE. To learn about the new features included in this release of the IDE see the NetBeans IDE 8.2 Release Information page.
And use 8u191 or 8u192 for Netbeans 8.2
Somewhat specific to Ubuntu, or at least Linux: install Java with SDKman which is somewhat like RVM but for Java. Quite simple to install, it will then manage your JDK versions.
Additionally, umake, or ubuntu-make, will install your IDE or other developer tools. This utility is best installed through the snap package manager to get the latest version.
From umake it's a simple command to then install developer tools such as NetBeans. Currently this installs NB 8.2 which will not run on any JDK nine or higher.
Use SDKman to manage your JDK version (and gradle, and kotlin, and ...). Use umake to handle your IDE version.
My two cents
In the next week or so, umake should upgrade to NetBeans o. There was a bit of a mixup when Apache took over but the umake maintainers are on the ball.
Or, just download NB 9 directly. You'll have to use an older JDK, as specified in the first answer by user5377037.
Why are you running NB 8.x?

Java: Getting a "Requires JDK 5.0 or later" error in Eclipse

I have just installed the JDK1.8.0 32 bit version on my computer and that all seemed to work nicely. I then followed the instructions on this stackoverflow page to add tools.jar to the Eclipse (although, to be honest, I'm not quite sure what that means?). I'm still getting the error: "Requires JDK 5.0 or later. Please download it from".
Could someone please help me understand what the problem is? Also, please let me know if I haven't given enough information, this is my first attempt at using Eclipse and I don't know if you need any other info.
The Oracle JDK installation does not install Java in the location where Eclipse by default looks for it.
I would suggest that you go to and follow instructions to get a default Java installation on your system.
Eclipse will then use that to run itself. You can then tell Eclipse about your Java 8 JDK in Preferences -> Java -> Installed JRE's and that it is to be used by default by the projects you write.
Note that there is not full support for the new Java 8 facilities in Eclipse yet. That will most likely come in Eclipse 4.4 scheduled for June (
When you make a new project, make sure it's using the JRE you want. You may have to change it from default to "use project specific JRE", and then select the 1.8.

BrightScript Eclipse Plugin Not Showing Up After Install on OSX

After installing the BrightScript Eclipse Plugin for Roku development it acted like it installed fine but is not visible anywhere in Eclipse. What am I doing wrong?
I figured this out although I wasted a good part of two days trying to uninstall and reinstall the plugin on various eclipse versions. If you look here:
and look at the release notes for the 9/30/2013 release you'll see that it says the plugin is disabled if not running Java 1.7 or higher. I believe eclipse for mac ships with a version of Java but it must be older than this. I went here:
and downloaded the latest version and there it was. Hope this saves someone else some time.

Download and install JavaFX for Eclipse

I'm an experienced (Java, Eclipse & Maven) developer, and have used a couple of frameworks thus far. Every time I'm trying to start with something new, it seems like there are about a zillion configuration possible for downloading and installing it.
I've looked here for instructions, and all the near pages, but they seem out dated, the Eclipse plugin path is invalid, and when I install the latest version I've found no the site (2.0.2), it says that I have a newer version installed.
Also, the Maven setup in most posts I've read seems obscure.
I'm using:
Windows 7
Eclipse x64 Indigo
JDK x64
Maven 3.0.3
And I don't recall installing the JavaFX.
What an I missing? Where can I read about the setup in order to start working with this framework?
JavaFX gets installed if you install the latest JDK 7 from Oracle (co-bundled).
You can find the Eclipse plugin here:
If your're interested in Maven builds: I've recently released an initial version of Drombler FX, a modular RCP for JavaFX based on OSGi and Maven (POM-first):
I did tried efxclipse but it was not enough for me. I have also tried to give the path of javafx jar file to efxclipse
Window->Prefrences->javafx->"The path to javafx jar which is
. But nothing worked for me I don't know what was going wrong.
Then I just add the jfxrt.jar file to my Library and everything worked fine :-
1. Right click your JRE System Library
2. Build Path
3. Configure Build Path
4. Add External Jars
5. "The path to jfxrt.jar"
You can download jfxrt.jar file from this link.
If you have already downloaded the latest oracle JAVA JDK you will find in this path
That's it everything should work fine.
Try e(fx)clipse at I'm a netbeans developer, but heard a lot of good stuff about that plugin from my eclipse using friends.
