Implementing Spring-like package scanning in Android - java

I'm attempting to implement a package-scanning feature, similar to Spring's component-scan, for the Android framework I'm developing. Basically, I would like to be able to specify a base package, e.g. and retrieve all Class instances that have a particular annotation. I don't want to have to register every component with my framework as that would defeat the purpose of the auto scanning.
Based on my research, it seems that it's not possible with Java to retrieve resources given a package name using reflection. However, I briefly looked into the Reflections framework, and I'm wondering if there is an Android-compatible equivalent. If not, perhaps there is a slightly less obvious way to accomplish what I want to do.
I looked into the Spring source a bit to see how they achieved this, but I don't think what they are doing would work within the Dalvik runtime.
Currently, the below code has been the best I can do to retrieve all classes that contain a specific annotation, but frankly it's a pretty poor solution. It makes some really unsafe assumptions about the ClassLoader plus it scans (and loads) all application classes.
public Set<Class<?>> getClassesWithAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
Field dexField = PathClassLoader.class.getDeclaredField("mDexs");
PathClassLoader classLoader = (PathClassLoader) Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
DexFile[] dexs = (DexFile[]) dexField.get(classLoader);
for (DexFile dex : dexs) {
Enumeration<String> entries = dex.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
String entry = entries.nextElement();
Class<?> entryClass = dex.loadClass(entry, classLoader);
if (entryClass != null && entryClass.isAnnotationPresent(annotation)) {
return classes;

I wanted to find all the subclass at runtime.
So I've been looking for android class scanning.
This is my final code from what I gathered in web.
You will get the idea.
public static void findSubClasses(Context context, Class parent) {
ApplicationInfo ai = context.getApplicationInfo();
String classPath = ai.sourceDir;
DexFile dex = null;
try {
dex = new DexFile(classPath);
Enumeration<String> apkClassNames = dex.entries();
while (apkClassNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String className = apkClassNames.nextElement();
try {
Class c = context.getClassLoader().loadClass(className);
if (parent.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
android.util.Log.i("nora", className);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// android.util.Log.i("nora", className);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

I share the opinion of Joop Eggen and find his approach a good one. In Android I try to avoid the usual web app features which lead to a long lasting application start. I do not use reflection or package scanning.
But if you want to .... if I understand it correctly you want to have an annotation for a class. Instead of using annotations you could also use marker interfaces (to just have more possibilites).
1) Look at
Annotation: Java custom annotation and dynamic loading
Has an implementation in the question which just answers your question.
Annotation: Scanning Java annotations at runtime
Interface: Find Java classes implementing an interface
Interface: Is something similar to ServiceLoader in Java 1.5?
Interface: How can I get a list of all the implementations of an interface programmatically in Java?
Interface: Since the approach is expensive, maybe the ServiceLoader is a compromise between execution time and comfort, since it loads only the classes given in the services file. On the other hand if only classes with a certain interface are in your package then the ServiceLoader isn't that faster.
2) AndroidAnnotations
I would prefer the way AndroidAnnotations work (maybe an integration in AndroidAnnotations is the preferable way): It automatically adds an extra compilation step that generates source code, using the standard Java Annotation Processing Tool. So instead of runtime scanning you execute code based on the annotations generated during compile time.
I think the Bean/EBean annotation could work for you (only single class):
A scan-feature is not available, see this thread
3) Writing your own annotation processor
See APT (Annotation Processing Tool). The idea would be to generate a static function which returns a list of classes which are annotated, so that no class scanning is needed.
A very good ressource is

Take a look at Vogar's ClassPathScanner. It uses it to find test cases on the class path.

I found this issue in the Android issue tracker. It appears that ClassLoader.getResource(String) is 'working as expected', in that it returns null. This is expected because the DalvikVM does not keep the resources around after compiling. There are workarounds listed in the issue, but there may be another way to access the classes you desire.
Use the PackageManager to get a hold of an instance of ApplicationInfo. ApplicationInfo has a public field called sourceDir which is the full path (a String) to the location of the source directory for that application. Create a File from this String, and you should be able to navigate to your package within the source directory. Once there, you can use the method from my original answer to find the classes you are looking for.
String applicationSourceDir =
getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(androidPackageName, 0).sourceDir;
You should be able to use the ClassLoader.getResource(String) to get a URL to your specific package (the passed in String being the package name you are interested in delimited by path separators rather than periods). With this URL you can then call getFile(), from which you can create a Java File to the package folder. Call packageFile.listFiles() from there, and you have your classes/subpackages.
Be recursive with the subpackages, and with the classes find the Class object using the static Class.forName(String) method.

In your java build process incorporate the class path scanning, generating injection data/code. This could then be ported too to Dalvik. It is even more efficient that dynamic scanning.


Is that possible implement the same code but only enabled when imported the jar

Is that possible implement the same code but only enabled when adding a dependency to SpringBoot project?
If possible, how to achieve it?
I want to implement the code like this:
DoSomethingUtil doSomethingUtil = new DoSomethingUtil();
doSomethingUtil.send("API URL", "System A", "Hello");
It would do nothing when project didn't add the implement of the
After adding to pom.xml that which would implement the, it would really do something.
Given that you don't need to know about DoSomethingUtil anywhere else in your code, you can run something on it only if it's present in your classpath (without importing it) if you use reflection all the way:
try {
Class<?> dsuClass = Class.forName("do.something.util.DoSomethingUtil");
Object dsuInstance = dsyClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
Method sendMethod = dsuClass.getDecaredMethod("send", String.class, String.class, String.class);
sendMethod.invoke(dsuInstance, "API URL", "System A", "Hello");
} catch (Exception ignored) {}
You may want to revisit the poor error handling above to distinguish (at least) between class not being present in the classpath and send() method invocation failure.
What you appear to be describing is adding a dependency, not "importing" something.
Will it work?
Sort of. What you could do is overlay the definition of the.pkg.DoSomethingUtil with another version of the.pkg.DoSomethingUtil in a different JAR file. It can work, but it makes your application sensitive to the order of the JARs on the runtime classpath. That makes your application fragile ... to say the least.
You can probably make this work with classic Java if you have full control of the runtime classpath. However:
I'm not sure if it will work with SpringBoot.
If you tried this sort of thing on Android, the APK builder would protest. It treats the scenario of two classes with the same full name as an error.
I think there is a better solution:
Refactor the code so that there is a DoSomethingUtil interface and two classes; e.g. RealDoSomethingUtil and DummyDoSomethingUtil.
Replace new DoSomethingUtil() with a call to a factory method.
Implement the factory method something like this:
private static Class<?> doSomethingClass;
public static synchronized DoSomethingUtil makeDoSomethingUtil() {
if (doSomethingClass == null) {
try {
doSomethingClass = Class.forName("the.pkg.RealDoSomethingUtil");
} catch (Exception ex) {
doSomethingClass = the.pkg.DummyDoSomethingUtil.class;
return (DoSomethingUtil) (doSomethingClass.newInstance());
Put RealDoSomethingUtil into the add-on JAR file, and DoSomethingUtil, RealDoSomethingUtil and the factory method into the main JAR file.
You should probably make the exception handling more selective so that it deals with different classloader errors differently. For example, if RealDoSomethingUtil exists but can't be loaded, you probably should log that ... or maybe let the exception crash the application.
You could also make use of ServiceLoader, but I don't know if it would be simpler ...
The java Service Provide API (SPI) is there to detect wether implementation(s) of an interface exists.
You have a jar with an interface DoSomethingUtil in your application.
Possibly on the class path an implementation jar (MyDoSomethingUtilImpl implements DoSomethingUtil), with an entry in META-INF/services.
You must check whether the interface is implemented.
One could make a fallback implementation.

Get ClassLoader Object from Caller

I have implemented a Plugin mechanism and language packs using ResourceBundles in Java.
It works perfectly fine if I want to get a ResourceBundle from the core program (not from a plugin).
The problem is that I want to add the possibility to create a ResourceBundle that is in the plugin and only works within the plugin.
Plugins are loaded using URLClassLoaders and Reflections. I cannot access (I don't want to) plugin ClassLoaders from the translation class.
So, the program loads the plugin and executes a method inside the plugin later (The plugin is not in the Classpath) and that plugin executes the translate method.
In order to archieve this, I want to get the ClassLoader Object from the calling method.
Somethng like this or this might be useful, but I don't see a way to get the Class/ClassLoader and not the name of the class.
I thought that I could use the Stacktrace to get the ClassLoader of the calling method but I can only get the name using .getClassName and no Class or ClassLoader Object of the Caller.
This is what I have:
public static String translate(Locale locale,String s) {
for (ResourceBundle bundle : getResourceBundles(locale/*,Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getClassLoader();*/)) {
try {
return bundle.getString(s);
}catch (MissingResourceException e) {
//ignore/next iteration
return s;
private static Set<ResourceBundle> getResourceBundles(Locale locale,ClassLoader... loaders){
Set<ResourceBundle> bundles=new HashSet<>();
for (ClassLoader loader : loaders) {
ResourceBundle pluginBundle=getResourceBundle(g,loader);
if (pluginBundle!=null) {
return bundles;
I don’t think that this trial and error approach is a good idea. Neither is refetching all bundles for every single string. It doesn’t even seem that this translation service adds a value over the alternative of just letting the plugin read their bundle and call getString on it, at least not a value that justifies the overhead and complexity of the code.
Since the standard ResourceBundle.getBundle methods do already consider the caller’s context, the field declaration and acquisition expression would be a trivial single-liner when being placed within the plugin and invoking getString on it, is not more complicated than invoking your translation service’s method.
For completeness, getting the caller class in a standard way, is possible starting with Java 9. Then, you can do it like
private static final StackWalker STACK_WALKER
= StackWalker.getInstance(StackWalker.Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE);
public static String translate(Locale locale, String s) {
for(ResourceBundle bundle: getResourceBundles(locale,
STACK_WALKER.getCallerClass().getClassLoader())) {
try {
return bundle.getString(s);
}catch (MissingResourceException e) {
//ignore/next iteration
return s;

Multi-module annotation processing in Android Studio

I have a project with multiple modules in Android Studio. A module may have a dependency on another module, for example:
Module PhoneApp -> Module FeatureOne -> Module Services
I've included my annotation processing in the root module but the android-apt annotation processing occurs only at the top most level (PhoneApp) so that it should theoretically have access to all the modules at compile time. However, what I'm seeing in the generated java file is only the classes annotated in PhoneApp and none from the other modules.
In the other modules, I am finding a generated file in the intermediates directory that contains only the annotated files from that module.
My goal is to have a single generated file in PhoneApp that allows me to access the annotated files from all modules. Not entirely sure why the code generation process is running for each and failing to aggregate all annotations at PhoneApp. Any help appreciated.
Code is fairly simple and straight forward so far, checkIsValid() omitted as it works correctly:
Annotation Processor:
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
try {
for (Element annotatedElement : roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(GuiceModule.class)) {
if (checkIsValid(annotatedElement)) {
AnnotatedClass annotatedClass = new AnnotatedClass((TypeElement) annotatedElement);
if (!annotatedClasses.containsKey(annotatedClass.getSimpleTypeName())) {
annotatedClasses.put(annotatedClass.getSimpleTypeName(), annotatedClass);
if (roundEnv.processingOver()) {
} catch (ProcessingException e) {
error(e.getElement(), e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
error(null, e.getMessage());
return true;
private void generateCode() throws IOException {
PackageElement packageElement = elementUtils.getPackageElement(getClass().getPackage().getName());
String packageName = packageElement.isUnnamed() ? null : packageElement.getQualifiedName().toString();
ClassName moduleClass = ClassName.get("", "Module");
ClassName contextClass = ClassName.get("android.content", "Context");
TypeName arrayOfModules = ArrayTypeName.of(moduleClass);
MethodSpec.Builder methodBuilder = MethodSpec.methodBuilder("juice")
.addParameter(contextClass, "context")
.addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.STATIC)
methodBuilder.addStatement("$T<$T> collection = new $T<>()", List.class, moduleClass, ArrayList.class);
for (String key : annotatedClasses.keySet()) {
AnnotatedClass annotatedClass = annotatedClasses.get(key);
ClassName className = ClassName.get(annotatedClass.getElement().getEnclosingElement().toString(),
if (annotatedClass.isContextRequired()) {
methodBuilder.addStatement("collection.add(new $T(context))", className);
} else {
methodBuilder.addStatement("collection.add(new $T())", className);
methodBuilder.addStatement("return collection.toArray(new $T[collection.size()])", moduleClass);
TypeSpec classTypeSpec = TypeSpec.classBuilder("FreshlySqueezed")
.addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.FINAL)
JavaFile.builder(packageName, classTypeSpec)
This is just for a demo of annotation processing that works with Guice, if anyone is curious.
So how can I get all the annotated classes to be included in the generated PhoneApp .java file from all modules?
It's never too late to answer a question on SO, so...
I have faced a very similar complication during one of tasks at work.
And I was able to resolve it.
Short version
All you need to know about generated classes from moduleB in moduleA is package and class name. That can be stored in some kind of MyClassesRegistrar generated class placed in known package. Use suffixes to avoid names clashing, get registrars by package. Instantiate them and use data from them.
Lond version
First of all - you will NOT be able to include your compile-time-only dependency ONLY at topmost module (lets call it "app" module as your typical android project structure does). Annotation processing just does not work that way and, as far as I could find out - nothing can be done about this.
Now to the details. My task was this:
I have human-written annotated classes. I'll name them "events". At compile time I need to generate helper-classes for those events to incorporate their structure and content (both statically-available (annotation values, consts, etc) and runtime available (I am passing event objects to those helpers when using latter). Helper class name depends on event class name with a suffix so I don't know it until code generation finished.
So after helpers are generated I create a factory and generate code to provide new helper instance based on MyEvent.class provided. Here's the problem: I only needed one factory in app module, but it should be able to provide helpers for events from library module - this can't be done straightforward.
What I did was:
skip generating factory for modules that my app module depends upon;
in non-app modules generate a so-called HelpersRegistrar implementation(s):
– they all share same package (you'll know why later);
– their names don't clash because of suffix (see below);
– differentiation between app module and library-module is done via javac "-Amylib.suffix=MyModuleName" param, that user MUST set - this is a limitation, but a minor one. No suffix must be specified for app module;
– HelpersRegistrar generated implementation can provide all I need for future factory code generating: event class name, helper class name, package (these two share package for package-visibility between helper and event) - all Strings, incorporated in POJO;
in app module I generate helpers - as usual, then I obtain HelperRegistrars by their package, instantiate them, run through their content to enrich my factory with code that provides helpers from other modules. All I needed for this was class names and a package.
Voilà! My factory can provide instances of helpers both from app module and from other modules.
The only uncertainty left is order of creating and running processor-class instances in app module and in other modules. I have not found any solid info on this, but running my example shows that compiler (and, therefore, code generation) first runs in module that we depend upon, and then - in app module (otherwise compilation of app module will be f..cked). This gives us reason to expect known order of code processor executions in different modules.
Another, slightly similar, approach is this: skip registrars, generate factories in all modules and write factory in app module to use other factories, that you get and name same way as registrars above.
Example can be seen here: - this is a library where I applied this approach (the one without registrars since I have factories, but that can be not the case for you).
P. S.: suffix param can be switched to simpler "-Amylibraryname.library=true" and factories/registrars names can be autogenerated/incremented
Instead of using Filer to save generated file, use regular java file writing instead. You will need to serialize objects to temp files when processing because even static variables won't save in between modules. Configure gradle to delete the temp files before compilation.

ServiceLoader to find implementations of an interface

I tried to use the Java ServiceLoader to find all classes that implement a specific interface like so:
loader = ServiceLoader.load(Operation.class);
try {
for (Operation o : loader) {
} catch (ServiceConfigurationError e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Uncaught exception", e);
Unfortunately, when I run Eclipse in debug mode the ServiceLoader doesn't find any classes. I feel like I'm missing a trivial point...
ServiceLoader cannot do it.
In order to expose class as a service that can be discovered by ServiceLoader you need to put its name into provider configuration file, as described in Creating Extensible Applications With the Java Platform
There are no built-in ways find all classes that implement a particular interface. Frameworks that can do something similar use their own classpath scanning solutions (and even with custom classpath scanning it's not easy because .class files only store information about interfaces implemented directly, not transitively).
If the implementations are ones that you wrote yourself, you could use AutoService to make them available through the ServiceLoader interface, eg
class Foo implements FooInterface {
class Bar extends Foo {
In order to scan your classpath at runtime for implementations of specific interface you would need to use different solution eg. Reflections (notice s on the end, this is not java's Reflection API)

getting full classpath from a class

I'm looking a utility method so that given a class will return the full classpath required to run this class externally. This means the jar the class is in as well as all jars (or folders) of classes that it uses.
UPDATE: there are tools that analyze .class files to find dependencies. This is not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for something that uses Java's reflection API on an already loaded class. I'll settle for something that analyzes byte code, if it goes recursively into classes it finds through the class loader
Reflection will not help you a lot for this one. You will need to analyse the byte code to find dependencies.
Alright then. I am using a library that I made years ago, that you can download here.
The following code:
package classdep;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.jedo.classfile.ClassFile;
import org.jedo.classfile.ConstantPool;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
List<String> classes = new ArrayList<String>();
classes.add(args[0].replace('.', '/'));
for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); ++i) {
String className = classes.get(i);
URL url = cl.getResource(className + ".class");
if (url == null) {
System.out.println("--- class not found " + className);
} else {
ClassFile classFile = new ClassFile();
InputStream in = url.openStream();
try {
} finally {
ConstantPool cp = classFile.getConstantPool();
for (String name: cp.getClassNames()) {
if (!classes.contains(name)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Will give you all the dependencies of a class. When applied to org.jedo.classfile.ClassFile, it produces the following output:
Followed by a lot of system classes. You need to filter out system classes, and parse the other urls to extract either the .jar file if it is a jar: url, or the directory if it is a file: url.
I don't think this is possible. Certainly, the reflection APIs don't support it.
You can find out a classes classloader, but you cannot find out:
which of the classloader's possible JAR files and directories contained the class,
what the static dependencies of the class are, or
what the dynamic dependencies of the class are; e.g. what it or its dependants loaded using Class.forName().
Actually, this overstates things somewhat:
You can in theory figure out which classes came from which JARs if you can find out what the classpath is. There are possibly ways to dig this out of a classloader.
You can in theory figure out what a classes dependants are, but you been to dig around in the class'es bytecode file using (for instance) BCEL to find this out.
You can in theory figure out what was dynamically loaded if you are prepared to write your own classloader. It may be possible to link this back to the class that initiated the loading using some hairy analysis of the stack frames.
But this is all extremely complicated, and I'd expect it to be unreliable under certain circumstances.
There are cases when you cannot determine this prior to using your class.
This cannot always be known. For instance, a class can be dynamically created at run time and then loaded with a custom ClassLoader.
I do not believe Java stores this information.
