How to wait from thread1 until notified by thread2 - java

I am new to multi-threading and While I am reading about multi threading, thought of writing this fancy multi-threading code to do the following.
My counter class is as follows.
class Counter {
private int c = 0;
public void increment() {
System.out.println("increment value: "+c);
public void decrement() {
System.out.println("decrement value: "+c);
public int value() {
return c;
This Counter object is shared between two threads.
Once threads are started, I need to do the following.
I want Thread2 to wait until the Thread1 increments the count of the Counter object by 1.
Once this is done, Then Thread 1 informs thread2 and then Thread1 starts waiting for thread2 to decrement value by 1.
Then thread2 starts and decrements value by 1 and informs thread1 again and then thread2 start waiting for thread1. Repeat this process for few times.
How can I achieve this. Many thanks in advance.
I have done the following.
public class ConcurrencyExample {
private static Counter counter;
private static DecrementCount t1;
private static IncrementCount t2;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Counter counter = new Counter();
Thread t1 = new Thread(new IncrementCount(counter));
Thread t2 = new Thread(new DecrementCount(counter));
public class DecrementCount implements Runnable {
private static Counter counter;
public DecrementCount(Counter counter) {
this.counter = counter;
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
public class IncrementCount implements Runnable {
private static Counter counter;
public IncrementCount(Counter counter) {
this.counter = counter;
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {

Check out Semaphore. You'll need two, one for each thread: incSemaphore and decSemaphore. In DecrementCount do:
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
Implement IncrementCount symmetrically. Initial value of incSemaphore should be 1 and 0 for decSemaphore.
BTW your Counter requires synchronization as well (see synchronized keyword and AtomicInteger).

Synchronizers enable threads to wait for one another. See CountDownLatch and Semaphore.
See Synchronizers section in the java.util.concurrent package

- First your increment() and decrement() must be using synchronized keyword to avoid the Race Condition See this Brian's Rule
When we write a variable which has just been read by another thread, or reading a variable which is just lately written by another thread, must be using Synchronization. And those atomic statements/Methods accessing the fields' data must be also synchronized.
- Its the JVM Thread Scheduler that has control Which thread will enter the Running State, how long its gonna stay there, and where it will go after its work has been done.
- One Cannot be sure of which thread will run first.....
- You can also use SingleThreadExecutor from java.util.concurrent, this completes one task before moving onto the second.

Use Condition with boolean flag.
final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
final Condition incremented= lock.newCondition();
final Condition decremented= lock.newCondition();
Change your Counter to below
Explanation :
We have used two conditions one is incremented and one is decremented. based on boolean flag we check whether we have to wait on one condition or not.
class Counter {
private int c = 0;
boolean increment = false;
final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
final Condition incremented = lock.newCondition();
final Condition decremented = lock.newCondition();
public void increment() throws InterruptedException {
Lock lock = this.lock;
try {
increment = true;
System.out.println("increment value: " + c);
} finally {
public void decrement() throws InterruptedException {
Lock lock = this.lock;
try {
while (!increment)
System.out.println("decrement value: " + c);
increment = false;
} finally {
public int value() {
Lock lock = this.lock;
try {
return c;
} finally {


Synchronized, join, and thread safety

I have read through other examples, but do not understand why this code with the commented out t.join() does not always have the end value 5000 for count, but when the code is commented in, count always is 5000 at the end. But why? I thought that the static lock object can only be owned by one thread at a time and when it is owned that the other threads have to wait until it is released. So I do not understand why join() is necessary and what exactly is happening.
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MyClass implements Runnable {
private static int count = 0;
private static Object lock = new Object();
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
ArrayList<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 5000; i++)
threads.add(new Thread(new MyClass()));
for (Thread t : threads)
// for (Thread t : threads)
// t.join();
System.out.println("Total count = " + MyClass.getCount());
public void run() {
synchronized (lock) {
public static int getCount() {
return count;

How wait() and notifyAll() prevents deadlock in given code snippet?

Here is the code snippet:
public class PrintEvenOdd
public static class SynchronizedThreadMonitor {
public final static boolean ODD_TURN = true;
public final static boolean EVEN_TURN = false;
private boolean turn = ODD_TURN;
public synchronized void waitTurn(boolean oldTurn) {
while (turn != oldTurn) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("InterruptedException in wait(): " + e);
public synchronized void toggleTurn(){
turn ^= true;
public static class OddThread extends Thread {
private final SynchronizedThreadMonitor monitor;
public OddThread(SynchronizedThreadMonitor monitor) {
this.monitor = monitor;
public void run() {
for (int i=1; i<=100; i+=2) {
System.out.println("i= " + i);
public static class EvenThread extends Thread {
private final SynchronizedThreadMonitor monitor;
public EvenThread(SynchronizedThreadMonitor monitor) {
this.monitor = monitor;
public void run() {
for (int i=2; i<=100; i+=2) {
System.out.println("i= " + i);
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
SynchronizedThreadMonitor monitor = new SynchronizedThreadMonitor();
Thread t1 = new OddThread(monitor);
Thread t2 = new EvenThread(monitor);
Using 2 threads to print numbers. One prints odd numbers and another prints even numbers.
In my understanding, both waitTurn and toggleTurn share the same LOCK of the instance. So if one holds the LOCK, the other method could not run. So if EvenThread first invokes waitTurn method and wait for the turn change, it holds the LOCK, then OddThread could not enter the toggleTurn method and set the turn. This should lead to a deadlock as per my understanding. But it did not happen.
Can someone please explain why the deadlock did not happen?
"So IF EvenThread first run waitTurn method and wait for the turn change, it holds the LOCK, the OddThread could NOT enter the toggleTurn method"
It holds the LOCK only small period of time, until method wait() is invoked. Method wait() releases the LOCK and allows another thread to enter the critical section.

Using threads to modify an object

I'm new to threads. I wanted to get two threads to increment an integer to a certain value. because int type is immutable, I switched to atomic integer. I also tried to wrap an int to a class and that didn't work either. I also tried static/volatile int and that didn't work. I also tried to use fairness policy. The main issue is that "counterObj" is not incremented correctly and is still set to 0 even though it is injected to both threads.
My expected running behavior:
thread value
thread 0 0
thread 1 1
thread 0 2
What I wrote so far:
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Application app = new Application();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
private void launch() throws InterruptedException {
int increments = 100;
AtomicInteger counterObj = new AtomicInteger(0);
CounterThread th1 = new CounterThread("1", counterObj, increments);
CounterThread th2 = new CounterThread("2", counterObj, increments);
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class CounterThread implements Runnable {
private final String threadID;
private AtomicInteger counterObj;
private int bound;
public CounterThread(String threadID, AtomicInteger counter, int bound) {
this.threadID = threadID;
this.counterObj = counter;
this.bound = bound;
public synchronized void run() {
while (counterObj.get() < bound) {
synchronized (this) {
System.out.println("Thread " + threadID + " finished");
public void start() throws InterruptedException {
Thread thread = new Thread(this, threadID);
I think your program is exiting before your threads get a chance to do anything (probably due to the ordering of your starts and joins. I would move your thread starting logic into your main(or launch) method. Something like the following.
Thread thread1 = new Thread(new MyCounterRunnable("1", counterObj, increments));
Thread thread2 = new Thread(new MyCounterRunnable("2", counterObj, increments));
Then, in your main, you need to call join after starting the follows:
thread1.start(); // starts first thread.
thread2.start(); // starts second thread.
thread1.join(); // don't let main exit until thread 1 is done.
thread2.join(); // don't let main exit until thread 2 is done.
What you really are wanting is for only one thread to increment an int at a time.
The int variable is the resource you want in the synchronized block, so the different threads can increment it one at a time.
This can be done using syncrhonize alone.
Disclaimer: I didn't run the code so it could have some typo or Exceptions to be removed from the Application class.
public class Application {
private int theVar = 0;
private int increments = 100;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Application app = new Application();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public synchronized addOne(){
private void launch() throws InterruptedException {
Runnable counter1 = new Counter(this, increments), counter2 = new Counter(this, increments);
Thread t1 = new Thread(counter1);
Thread t2 = new Thread(counter2);
A counter class
public class Counter implements Runnable{
private Application app;
int rounds = -1;
public Counter(Application app, rounds){ = app;
this.rounds = rounds;
public void run(){
while(int i=0; i<rounds; i++){;
AtomicInteger takes care of atomicity itself, so you shouldn't need to use synchronized -- but only if you play by the rules, and do your atomic operations in one call.
You're failing to do this, because you call counterObj.get() then depending on the result counterObj.incrementAndGet(). You need to avoid this because you want the check and the update to be part of the same atomic chunk of work.
You can get close with:
while(counterObj.incrementAndGet() < bound) {} ;
But this will always increment at least once, which may be once too many.
Slightly more involved:
IntUnaryOperator incrementWithLimit = x ->
( x < bound ? x + 1 : x );
while(counterObj.updateAndGet(incrementWithLimit) < bound) {};
That is, we've created a function that increments a number only if it's lower than bound, and we tell AtomicInteger to apply that.
There are a couple of issues with your code:
Thread.join method works only if the thread has started, else it does nothing. So you must reorder your code, but if you just move the join method after start, when starting the first thread by calling CounterThread.start, the main thread will wait until the started thread has finished, blocked in the Thread.join method, and only then will continue to starting the second one. A solution is to make an additional method in the CounterThread class, that will be called after both threads have been started:
public void waitFinish() throws InterruptedException {
synchronized (this) is synchronizing on the CounterThread instance that has been created when you called new CounterThread(...), but you have two instances so each will be synchronizing on a different object. For synchronized to work, you need to use a common instance of an object, in this case you can use the shared counterObj.
Only the AtomicInteger methods are guaranteed to be thread safe, so after you check if the bound has been reached outside the synchronized block, when entering the synchronized block the value can already be changed by another thread. So you need to do a recheck inside the synchronized block OR to first synchronize on the shared lock(counterObj) before the check and increment.
while (true) {
synchronized (counterObj) {
if (counterObj.get() < bound)
else break;
Note that the AtomicInteger class synchronized methods aren't helping now, but because it is a mutable object, it helps to use it as a shared lock. If you used an Integer instead, being immutable, a new instance will have been created when you incremented it. So now, it's only function is a wrapper holding the integer result.
Putting it all together:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Application app = new Application();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
private void launch() throws InterruptedException {
int increments = 100;
AtomicInteger counterObj = new AtomicInteger(0);
CounterThread th1 = new CounterThread("1", counterObj, increments);
CounterThread th2 = new CounterThread("2", counterObj, increments);
public class CounterThread implements Runnable {
private final String threadID;
private AtomicInteger counterObj;
private int bound;
private Thread thread;
public CounterThread(String threadID, AtomicInteger counter, int bound) {
this.threadID = threadID;
this.counterObj = counter;
this.bound = bound;
public void run() {
while (true) {
synchronized (counterObj) {
if (counterObj.get() < bound)
else break;
System.out.println("Thread " + threadID + " finished");
public void start() throws InterruptedException {
thread = new Thread(this, threadID);
public void waitFinish() throws InterruptedException {
I've included a double check on the AtomicInteger, this appears to be what you've been trying to accomplish.
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class DualCounters{
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(0);
int bounds = 3;
Thread a = new Thread(()->{
int last = 0;
last = i.getAndIncrement();
System.out.println("a last " + last);
Thread b = new Thread(()->{
int last = 0;
last = i.getAndIncrement();
System.out.println("b last " + last);
System.out.println(i.get() + " afterwards");
The double check is a broken concept in java, the AtomicInteger offers tools for accomplishing this without any synchronization.
int a;
while((a = i.getAndIncrement())<bounds){
Now a will never be greater than bounds inside of the while loop. When the loop is finished i and a could have a value greater than bounds.
If that was an issue, there is always the other method getAndUpdate
while((a = i.getAndUpdate(i->i<bounds?i+1:i)<bounds){

How to use a lock in Java to wait for the special condition?

I have an object:
public class Resource {
private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
private boolean processed = false;
public Lock getLock() {
return lock;
public boolean isProcessed() {
return processed;
public void setProcessed(boolean processed) {
this.processed = processed;
I want to stop the thread "one" untill the thread "two" changes the variable "processed" to true. After "processed" is set to true I want to wake up the thread "one" and continue doing some stuff.
I know that we can use wait and notify methods to organize it but it is very dangerous because of interruptions.
If I will use only wait and notify methods there may be a situation when I wait infinity.
If our wait method is interrupted by some reason, we check that the "process" variable is still false after that we can use wait again like here:
It is dangerous to use the code like this because after we checked "!resource.isProcessed()" and before we use "resource.getLock().wait()" another process can set the "process" to true and call "resource.getLock().notify()" (which will not take any effect because we haven't yet called "wait()").
How to wait for some condition safely? How to notify/unlock safely some condition?
As Peter Lawrey answered in comments there are Condition available in java. (Thank you for pointing)
Here is a copy past of the example which is available in the documentation:
class BoundedBuffer {
final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
final Condition notFull = lock.newCondition();
final Condition notEmpty = lock.newCondition();
final Object[] items = new Object[100];
int putptr, takeptr, count;
public void put(Object x) throws InterruptedException {
try {
while (count == items.length)
items[putptr] = x;
if (++putptr == items.length) putptr = 0;
} finally {
public Object take() throws InterruptedException {
try {
while (count == 0)
Object x = items[takeptr];
if (++takeptr == items.length) takeptr = 0;
return x;
} finally {
You can use a CountDownLatch to make one thread await until an operation performed by another thread is completed.
Let's suppose T1 and T2 are your threads and they share a CountDownLatch initialized with a counter of 1. T1 will first await() on the latch, while T2 should perform its operation and then invoke countDown() on the latch to let T1 proceed.
Of course await() in T1 can still be interrupted, so you may want to call it in a loop.
class T1 implements Runnable {
private final CountDownLatch latch;
T1(CountDownLatch latch) {
this.latch = latch;
public void run() {
private void awaitUninterruptibly(CountDownLatch latch) {
boolean interrupted = false;
try {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
interrupted = true;
} finally {
if (interrupted) {
class T2 implements Runnable {
private final CountDownLatch latch;
T1(CountDownLatch latch) {
this.latch = latch;
public void run() {

How to invoke two threads at same time?

I am trying to write Thread Interference Example.
Below is my code:
class Counter {
private int c = 0;
public void increment() {
public void decrement() {
public int value() {
return c;
Suppose Thread A invokes increment at about the same time Thread B invokes decrement.
How to implement this one.
There is not guarantee how they will run it depends on OS scheduler. There is nothing better than this
Thread a = new ThreadA();
Thread b = new ThreadB();
To get two threads to start executing at the same time you can use a latch. (Which is to say, two threads that become available for execution as close together as possible.) Still for a single increment/decrement each it will probably take many runs to observe an interference. For a repeatable experiment you probably want to call increment/decrement several times in parallel and observe the final value of c.
final Counter counter = new Counter()
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
Thread thread1 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
Thread thread2 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
Thread.sleep(10);//give thread 2 a timeslice to hit the await
System.out.println(counter.value()); //non-zero value indicates interference
Now in this example if you try to execute and the output false shows interference.
How it works:
Both the Runnables keep a thread local count which is incremented for each invocation of increment() and decrement(). So after execution for some amount of time if we try to validate the values
Then you can say that:
value of Counter = invocation of increment() - invocation of decrement().
But when you try to verify this at the end of execution you get false. Which shows that the actual counter value was not as expected.
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException
Counter c = new Counter();
IncrementingRunnable incRunnable = new IncrementingRunnable(c);
DecrementingRunnable decRunnable = new DecrementingRunnable(c);
Thread tA = new Thread(incRunnable);
Thread tB = new Thread(decRunnable);
stop = true;
//verify value
int actualCount = c.c;
int expectedCount = incRunnable.count - decRunnable.count;
System.out.println(actualCount == expectedCount);
public static volatile boolean stop = false;
static class IncrementingRunnable implements Runnable{
volatile int count = 0;
private Counter counter;
public IncrementingRunnable(Counter c) {
this.counter = c;
public void run() {
static class DecrementingRunnable implements Runnable{
volatile int count = 0;
private Counter counter;
public DecrementingRunnable(Counter c) {
this.counter = c;
public void run() {
Now try changing the primitive c in Counter to AtomicInteger and see the output again. You will find that now the output is true.
