Why is this attempt at a binary search crashing? - java

I am fairly new to the concept of a binary search, and am trying to write a program that does this in Java for personal practice. I understand the concept of this well, but my code is not working.
There is a run-time exception happening in my code that just caused Eclipse, and then my computer, to crash... there are no compile-time errors here though.
Here is what I have so far:
public class BinarySearch
// instance variables
int[] arr;
int iterations;
// constructor
public BinarySearch(int[] arr)
this.arr = arr;
iterations = 0;
// instance method
public int findTarget(int targ, int[] sorted)
int firstIndex = 1;
int lastIndex = sorted.length;
int middleIndex = (firstIndex + lastIndex) / 2;
int result = sorted[middleIndex - 1];
while(result != targ)
if(result > targ)
firstIndex = middleIndex + 1;
middleIndex = (firstIndex + lastIndex) / 2;
result = sorted[middleIndex - 1];
lastIndex = middleIndex + 1;
middleIndex = (firstIndex + lastIndex) / 2;
result = sorted[middleIndex - 1];
return result;
// main method
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] sortedArr = new int[]
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29
BinarySearch obj = new BinarySearch(sortedArr);
int target = sortedArr[8];
int result = obj.findTarget(target, sortedArr);
System.out.println("The original target was -- " + target + ".\n" +
"The result found was -- " + result + ".\n" +
"This took " + obj.iterations + " iterations to find.");
} // end of main method
} // end of class BinarySearch

In Java, array indexing is zero-based. That is, the valid range of indexes is 0 up to, but not including, the array length. You are indexing from 1 to the array length. Try replacing this:
int firstIndex = 1;
int lastIndex = sorted.length;
int firstIndex = 0;
int lastIndex = sorted.length - 1;
Also, as #Daniel's points out in his answer, in the case when you update lastIndex, the update should be to middleIndex - 1 (instead of to middleIndex + 1 as you have it now).

int result = sorted[middleIndex - 1];
should be
int result = sorted[middleIndex];
If lastIndex = 1, you try to access sorted[-1].
lastIndex = middleIndex + 1;
should be
lastIndex = middleIndex - 1;
or you may try to access past the end of sorted.
And, included for completeness, as Ted Hopp spotted, you should start with
firstIndex = 0;
lastIndex = sorted.length-1;
since array indices are 0-based.

The while loop in your method findTarget() is running infinitely. So I am guessing that the error you get at run time should be about memory related as it keeps running for ever.
would you consider some changes in your method findTarget()? If yes, try the sample below:
int firstIndex = 0;
int lastIndex = sorted.length-1;
while (firstIndex <= lastIndex) {
middleIndex = (firstIndex + lastIndex) / 2;
if (sorted[middleIndex] == targ) {
return middleIndex;
} else if (sorted[middleIndex] < targ) {
firstIndex = middleIndex + 1;
} else {
lastIndex = middleIndex - 1;
return -1;

Not only was my index logic off (as Ted and Daniel have pointed out above), but also the code block within the if statement should be switched with that of the else.
Here is the corrected code:
public class BinarySearch
// instance variables
int[] arr;
int iterations;
// constructor
public BinarySearch(int[] arr)
this.arr = arr;
iterations = 0;
// instance method
public int findTarget(int targ, int[] sorted)
int firstIndex = 0;
int lastIndex = sorted.length - 1;
int middleIndex = (firstIndex + lastIndex) / 2;
int result = sorted[middleIndex];
while(result != targ)
if(result > targ)
lastIndex = middleIndex - 1;
middleIndex = (firstIndex + lastIndex) / 2;
result = sorted[middleIndex];
firstIndex = middleIndex + 1;
middleIndex = (firstIndex + lastIndex) / 2;
result = sorted[middleIndex];
return result;
// main method
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] sortedArr = new int[]
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29
BinarySearch obj = new BinarySearch(sortedArr);
int target = sortedArr[8];
int result = obj.findTarget(target, sortedArr);
System.out.println("The original target was -- " + target + ".\n" +
"The result found was -- " + result + ".\n" +
"This took " + obj.iterations + " iterations to find.");
} // end of main method
} // end of class BinarySearch


Trying to implement merge sort with some modifications

I am trying to implement merge sort algorithm with some optimization like using temp storage only once and avoiding the copy till the last.Everything is okay and many test files are passing except some.The thing that is happening here is with unsorted array,the algorithm is showing some problems.I have written print statements in my code trying to reach the problem,but unable to do so.As many tests are passing,i believe there is nothing major wrong in the program,just it misses something.
I have tried to implement the program and it is successful in many ways,just 3 cases doesn't pass.But,the main problem i am facing is that test case Mergesort_two() doesn't pass because its simple .It's just calling two numbers and asserting in sorted form,but my program is denying it.I believe its a minor error which i am unable to figure out.
public static void mergesort(int[] input, int[] temp,
int start, int end,
boolean intoTemp) {
if (start == end) {
if ((start + 1) == end) {
if (intoTemp == true) {
temp[start] = input[start];
if (start < end) {
if (intoTemp == false) {
intoTemp = true;
int mid = (start + end)/2;
mergesort(input, temp, start, mid, intoTemp);
mergesort(input, temp, mid, end, intoTemp);
merge(input, temp, start, mid, end);
System.out.println("Input Array: " + Arrays.toString(input) +
" Temp: " + Arrays.toString(temp) + " intoTemp: " +
intoTemp + "Start Mid End: " + start + " " + mid + " " + end);
else if(intoTemp == true) {
intoTemp = false;
int mid = (start + end)/2;
mergesort(input, temp, start, mid, intoTemp);
mergesort(input, temp, mid, end, intoTemp);
merge(temp, input, start, mid, end);
System.out.println("Input Array: " + Arrays.toString(input) +
" Temp: " + Arrays.toString(temp) + " intoTemp: " +
intoTemp + "Start Mid End: " + start + " " + mid + " " + end);
if (start == 0 && end == input.length) {
System.arraycopy(temp, 0, input, 0, input.length);
/** Merges input[start...mid-1] with input[mid...end-1] into
* output[start...end-1]. The input array should not be modified at
* all, and only start...end-1 of the output array should be changed.
* #param input Input array
* #param output Output array
* #param start Starting index
* #param mid Midpoint index
* #param end Ending index+1
public static void merge(int[] input, int[] output,
int start, int mid, int end) {
if (input == null || (start == mid && mid == end)) {
int i = start;
int j = mid - 1;
int k = mid;
int index = start;
while (i <= j && k < end) {
if (input[i] <= input[k]) {
output[index] = input[i];
if (input[i] > input[k]) {
output[index] = input[i];
while (i <= j) {
output[index] = input[i];
while (k < end) {
output[index] = input[k];
////// Test Cases
public void testMergesort_Two() {
System.out.println("mergesort one element");
int[] array = new int[2];
// Already sorted
array[0] = 10; array[1] = 13;
assertEquals(array[0], 10);
assertEquals(array[1], 13);
// Unsorted
array[0] = 3; array[1] = -4;
assertEquals(array[0], -4);
assertEquals(array[1], 3);
public void testMergesort_Large() {
System.out.println("mergesort one large");
Random rng = new Random();
for(int s = 3; s < 20; ++s) {
int[] array = new int[s];
int[] orig = new int[s];
// Fill with random values.
for(int i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
array[i] = rng.nextInt();
orig[i] = array[i];
// Make sure both arrays agree
for(int i = 0; i < s; ++i)
assertEquals(orig[i], array[i]);
public void testMergeInterleaved() {
// Various cases where the left/right halves are interleaved. We test
// this by picking a modulo m and moving all the elements where
// e % m < m/2 to the right side.
System.out.println("merge reverse sorted");
for(int s = 3; s < 20; ++s) {
int[] array = new int[s];
int mid = 0;
// Move the elements of the array around into the two halves.
for(int m = 2; m < 5; ++m) {
// Populate the array with 0...s-1
for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
array[i] = i;
int[] left = new int[s];
int[] right = new int[s];
int lc = 0, rc = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < s; ++i)
if(array[i] % m < m/2)
right[rc++] = array[i];
left[lc++] = array[i];
// Copy back into the array
int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < lc; ++i)
array[j++] = left[i];
for(int i = 0; i < rc; ++i)
array[j++] = right[i];
mid = lc; // Midpoint
int[] output = new int[s];
Arrays.fill(output, -1);
// TODO: check different endpoints...
CSSE240_Assign4.merge(array, output, 0, mid, s);
for(int i = 0; i < s; ++i)
assertEquals(output[i], i);
testMergesort_Two Failed : expected <-4> but was <3>
testMergeInterleaved Failed: expected <0> but was <1>
testMergeSort_Large Failed : expected:<-1131373963> but was:<-2038582366>
Changes noted in comments.
public static void mergesort(int[] input, int[] temp,
int start, int end,
boolean intoTemp) {
if (start == end) {
if ((start + 1) == end) {
if (intoTemp == true) {
temp[start] = input[start];
if (intoTemp == false) {
intoTemp = true;
int mid = (start + end)/2;
mergesort(input, temp, start, mid, intoTemp);
mergesort(input, temp, mid, end, intoTemp);
merge(temp, input, start, mid, end);
} else {
intoTemp = false;
int mid = (start + end)/2;
mergesort(input, temp, start, mid, intoTemp);
mergesort(input, temp, mid, end, intoTemp);
merge(input, temp, start, mid, end);
public static void merge(int[] input, int[] output,
int start, int mid, int end) {
int i = start;
int j = mid; // using j instead of k
// and mid instead of j
int index = start;
while (i < mid && j < end) { // using mid
if (input[i] <= input[j]) {
output[index] = input[i];
} else { // change
output[index] = input[j]; // was input[i]
while (i < mid) { // using mid
output[index] = input[i];
i++; // changed order for consistency
while (j < end) {
output[index] = input[j];
j++; // changed order for consistency

Find the largest index occurrence of a number using binary search

This code, generates a random number, sorts it in ascending order and does the binary search to find a target value. MY QUESTION IS HOW DO I MODIFY THIS CODE TO FIND THE LARGEST INDEX OF THE GIVEN TARGET. For example the array has { 1, 2 , 3, 5, 5, 5, 5}, the target is 5, so the output should be 6 instead of 3. Thankyou.
import java.util.*;
public class Sort
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("How many numbers do you want? ");
int howMany = in.nextInt();
int [] myArray = getSortedRandomArray(howMany);
System.out.print("\nFor what value would you like to search? ");
int target = in.nextInt();
int index = bsearch ( myArray, target);
if (index >= 0)
System.out.println("The value " + target + " occurs at index " + index);
System.out.println("The value " + target + " does not occur in the array. ");
public static int bsearch(int[] arr, int key)
int lo = 0, hi = arr.length - 1;
while (lo < hi)
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (arr[mid] <= key)
lo = mid + 1;
if (arr[mid] > key)
hi = mid;
if (arr[lo] == key) {
return lo;
else if ((arr[lo] != key) && (arr[lo-1] == key)){
return lo - 1;
System.out.print("The value " + key + " does not occur in the array. ");
return -1 ;
public static int[] getSortedRandomArray (int howMany)
int[] returnMe = new int [howMany];
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < howMany ; i++)
returnMe[i] = rand.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE) + 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= (howMany - 1); i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= howMany - i -1; j++)
int tmp = 0;
if (returnMe[j] > returnMe[j+1])
tmp = returnMe[j];
returnMe[j] = returnMe[j + 1];
returnMe[j + 1] = tmp;
System.out.print("Here is a random sorted array: ");
for ( int i = 0; i < howMany; i++)
System.out.print(returnMe[i] + " ");
return returnMe;
You can do this by modifying the binary search algorithms code like this:
public static int bsearch(int[] arr, int key) {
int lo = 0, hi = arr.length - 1;
while (lo < hi) {
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (arr[mid] <= key)
lo = mid + 1;
if (arr[mid] > key)
hi = mid;
if (arr[lo] == key) {
return lo;
else {
return lo - 1;
This code instead searches for the first number larger than key. That can be any number, 6 or 10000, it doesn't matter. As you can see, if arr[mid] is equal to key, the code will still run on the interval [mid, hi]. Why those two returns at the end? Well if input array is like the one you gave, lo will end being the index of the last 5, but if we add another number at the end of input array, lo will be index of the number behind the last 5. Therefore, we have 2 different cases.
Also, you can't do it with a linear loop like other answers, because that reduces the algorithm to O(n) and it ends just being a linear search on a reduced array.
If you update your bsearch algorithm a little you can ask it to seek higher matches recursively. However whether this is more efficient than a linear loop would depend on what the input array looked like.
public static int bsearch(int[] arr, int key, int lo, int hi) {
while (lo <= hi) {
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (arr[mid] == key) {
System.out.println("The value " + key + " is found at " + mid);
int higherResult = bsearch(arr, key, mid + 1, hi);
if (higherResult < 0) {
return mid;
return higherResult;
if (arr[mid] < key) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else {
hi = mid - 1;
return -1;

Optimal algorithm for finding max value

I need to design an algorithm to find the maximum value I can get from (stepping) along an int[] at predefined (step lengths).
Input is the number of times we can "use" each step length; and is given by n2, n5 and n10. n2 means that we move 2 spots in the array, n5 means 5 spots and n10 means 10 spots. We can only move forward (from left to right).
The int[] contains the values 1..5, the size of the array is (n2*2 + n5*5 + n10*10). The starting point is int[0].
Example: we start at int[0]. From here we can move to int[0+2] == 3, int[0+5] == 4 or int[0+10] == 1. Let's move to int[5] since it has the highest value. From int[5] we can move to int[5+2], int[5+5] or int[5+10] etc.
We should move along the array in step lengths of 2, 5 or 10 (and we can only use each step length n2-, n5- and n10-times) in such a manner that we step in the array to collect as high sum as possible.
The output is the maximum value possible.
public class Main {
private static int n2 = 5;
private static int n5 = 3;
private static int n10 = 2;
private static final int[] pokestops = new int[n2 * 2 + n5 * 5 + n10 * 10];
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < pokestops.length; i++) {
pokestops[i] = Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % 5) + 1;
//TODO: return the maximum value possible
This is an answer in pseudocode (I didn't run it, but it should work).
fill dp with -1.
dp(int id, int 2stepcount, int 5stepcount, int 10stepcount) {
if(id > array_length - 1) return 0;
if(dp[id][2stepcount][5stepcount][10stepcount] != -1) return dp[id][2stepcount][5stepcount][10stepcount];
else dp[id][2stepcount][5stepcount][10stepcount] = 0;
int 2step = 2stepcount < max2stepcount? dp(id + 2, 2stepcount + 1, 5stepcount, 10stepcount) : 0;
int 5step = 5stepcount < max5stepcount? dp(id + 5, 2stepcount, 5stepcount + 1, 10stepcount) : 0;
int 10step = 10stepcount < max10stepcount? dp(id + 10, 2stepcount, 5stepcount, 10stepcount + 1) : 0;
dp[id][2stepcount][5stepcount][10stepcount] += array[id] + max(2step, 5step, 10step);
return dp[id][2stepcount][5stepcount][10stepcount];
Call dp(0,0,0,0) and the answer is in dp[0][0][0][0].
If you wanna go backwards, then you do this:
fill dp with -1.
dp(int id, int 2stepcount, int 5stepcount, int 10stepcount) {
if(id > array_length - 1 || id < 0) return 0;
if(dp[id][2stepcount][5stepcount][10stepcount] != -1) return dp[id][2stepcount][5stepcount][10stepcount];
else dp[id][2stepcount][5stepcount][10stepcount] = 0;
int 2stepForward = 2stepcount < max2stepcount? dp(id + 2, 2stepcount + 1, 5stepcount, 10stepcount) : 0;
int 5stepForward = 5stepcount < max5stepcount? dp(id + 5, 2stepcount, 5stepcount + 1, 10stepcount) : 0;
int 10stepForward = 10stepcount < max10stepcount? dp(id + 10, 2stepcount, 5stepcount, 10stepcount + 1) : 0;
int 2stepBackward = 2stepcount < max2stepcount? dp(id - 2, 2stepcount + 1, 5stepcount, 10stepcount) : 0;
int 5stepBackward = 5stepcount < max5stepcount? dp(id - 5, 2stepcount, 5stepcount + 1, 10stepcount) : 0;
int 10stepBackward = 10stepcount < max10stepcount? dp(id - 10, 2stepcount, 5stepcount, 10stepcount + 1) : 0;
dp[id][2stepcount][5stepcount][10stepcount] += array[id] + max(2stepForward, 5stepForward, 10stepForward, 2stepBackward, 5backForward, 10backForward);
return dp[id][2stepcount][5stepcount][10stepcount];
But your paths don't get fulled explored, because we stop if the index is negative or greater than the array size - 1, you can add the wrap around functionality, I guess.
this is a solution but i am not sure how optimal it is !
i did some optimization on it but i think much more can be done
I posted it with the example written in question
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
public class FindMax {
private static int n2 = 5;
private static int n5 = 3;
private static int n10 = 2;
private static final int[] pokestops = new int[n2 * 2 + n5 * 5 + n10 * 10];
public static int findMaxValue(int n2, int n5, int n10, int pos, int[] pokestops) {
if (n2 <= 0 || n5 <= 0 || n10 <= 0) {
return 0;
int first;
int second;
int third;
if (pokestops[pos] == 5 || ((first = findMaxValue(n2 - 1, n5, n10, pos + 2, pokestops)) == 5) || ((second = findMaxValue(n2, n5 - 1, n10, pos + 5, pokestops)) == 5) || ((third = findMaxValue(n2, n5, n10 - 1, pos + 10, pokestops)) == 5)) {
return 5;
return Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(first, second), third), pokestops[pos]);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < pokestops.length; i++) {
pokestops[i] = Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % 5) + 1;
//TODO: return the maximum value possible
int max = findMaxValue(n2, n5, n10, 0, pokestops);
System.out.println("Max is :" + max);
You need to calculate following dynamic programming dp[c2][c5][c10][id] - where c2 is number of times you've stepped by 2, c5 - by 5, c10 - by 10 and id - where is your current position. I will write example for c2 and c5 only, it can be easily extended.
int[][][][] dp = new int[n2 + 1][n5 + 1][pokestops.length + 1];
for (int[][][] dp2 : dp) for (int[][] dp3 : dp2) Arrays.fill(dp3, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
dp[0][0][0] = pokestops[0];
for (int c2 = 0; c2 <= n2; c2++) {
for (int c5 = 0; c5 <= n5; c5++) {
for (int i = 0; i < pokestops.length; i++) {
if (c2 < n2 && dp[c2 + 1][c5][i + 2] < dp[c2][c5][i] + pokestops[i + 2]) {
dp[c2 + 1][c5][i + 2] = dp[c2][c5][i] + pokestops[i + 2];
if (c5 < n5 && dp[c2][c5 + 1][i + 5] < dp[c2][c5][i] + pokestops[i + 5]) {
dp[c2][c5 + 1][i + 5] = dp[c2][c5][i] + pokestops[i + 5];
I know the target language is java, but I like pyhton and conversion will not be complicated.
You can define a 4-dimensional array dp where dp[i][a][b][c] is the maximum value that you can
get starting in position i when you already has a steps of length 2, b of length 5 and c of length
10. I use memoization to get a cleaner code.
import random
values = []
memo = {}
def dp(pos, n2, n5, n10):
state = (pos, n2, n5, n10)
if state in memo:
return memo[state]
res = values[pos]
if pos + 2 < len(values) and n2 > 0:
res = max(res, values[pos] + dp(pos + 2, n2 - 1, n5, n10))
if pos + 5 < len(values) and n5 > 0:
res = max(res, values[pos] + dp(pos + 5, n2, n5 - 1, n10))
if pos + 10 < len(values) and n10 > 0:
res = max(res, values[pos] + dp(pos + 10, n2, n5, n10 - 1))
memo[state] = res
return res
n2, n5, n10 = 5, 3, 2
values = [random.randint(1, 5) for _ in range(n2*2 + n5*5 + n10*10)]
print dp(0, n2, n5, n10)
Suspiciously like homework. Not tested:
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
public class Main {
private static Step[] steps = new Step[]{
new Step(2, 5),
new Step(5, 3),
new Step(10, 2)
private static final int[] pokestops = new int[calcLength(steps)];
private static int calcLength(Step[] steps) {
int total = 0;
for (Step step : steps) {
total += step.maxCount * step.size;
return total;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < pokestops.length; i++) {
pokestops[i] = Math.abs(rand.nextInt() % 5) + 1;
int[] initialCounts = new int[steps.length];
for (int i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) {
initialCounts[i] = steps[i].maxCount;
Counts counts = new Counts(initialCounts);
Tree base = new Tree(0, null, counts);
static class Tree {
final int pos;
final Tree parent;
private final int currentTotal;
static Tree max = null;
Tree[] children = new Tree[steps.length*2];
public Tree(int pos, Tree parent, Counts counts) {
this.pos = pos;
this.parent = parent;
if (pos < 0 || pos >= pokestops.length || counts.exceeded()) {
currentTotal = -1;
} else {
int tmp = parent == null ? 0 : parent.currentTotal;
this.currentTotal = tmp + pokestops[pos];
if (max == null || max.currentTotal < currentTotal) max = this;
for (int i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) {
children[i] = new Tree(pos + steps[i].size, this, counts.decrement(i));
// uncomment to allow forward-back traversal:
//children[2*i] = new Tree(pos - steps[i].size, this, counts.decrement(i));
static class Counts {
int[] counts;
public Counts(int[] counts) {
int[] tmp = new int[counts.length];
System.arraycopy(counts, 0, tmp, 0, counts.length);
this.counts = tmp;
public Counts decrement(int i) {
int[] tmp = new int[counts.length];
System.arraycopy(counts, 0, tmp, 0, counts.length);
tmp[i] -= 1;
return new Counts(tmp);
public boolean exceeded() {
for (int count : counts) {
if (count < 0) return true;
return false;
static class Step {
int size;
int maxCount;
public Step(int size, int maxCount) {
this.size = size;
this.maxCount = maxCount;
There's a line you can uncomment to allow forward and back movement (I'm sure someone said in the comments that was allowed, but now I see in your post it says forward only...)

Java: How to sum the elements of two arrays with different lengths

I am trying to add the elements of two arrays with different lengths together.
The code below is only for the same length and here is all I have so far.
//for the same lengths
int[]num1 = {1,9,9,9};
int[]num2 = {7,9,9,9};// {9,9,9}
int total = 0, carry = 1;
int capacity = Math.max(num1.length,num2.length);
int []arraySum = new int [capacity];
for (int i = capacity - 1 ; i >= 0; i--)
arraySum[i] = num1[i]+ num2[i];
if (arraySum[i] > 9)
arraySum[i] = arraySum[i] % 10;
num2[i-1] = num2[i-1] + carry;
for(int i = 0; i < arraySum.length; i++)
What should I do if I change the elements in num2 and length to like {9,9,9}?
I know I probably need to put another for-loop as an inside for-loop and control the indices of the array with smaller length but how....?? One more thing... what should I do for those for-loops conditions because num1 and num2 will be eventually INPUTED by the user.
Well, you can tell that the inputs are limited because if num1[0] + num2[0] > 9 the carry has no index to be placed, then it can't be compiled. So, I need to shift the whole array to the right and place the carry from num1[0] + num2[0]. Here is the problem!! Where should I put the shifting code? I am kinda confused.......
Actually, you declare an int[] array with the capacity as Math.max(num1.length, num2.length).
It is not encough. You should set the capacity as Math.max(num1.length, num2.length) +1.
See if num1 is {1,9,9,9} and num2 is {9,9,9,9}, how can the arraySum to represent the sum {1,1,9,9,8}?
So we need to declare it as below to consider if carry is needed.
int[] arraySum = new int[capacity + 1];
Then when print the sum, check if arraySum[0] is 0 or 1, if it euqals to 0, do not print it in Console.
Modified code for reference is as follows:
package question;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// for the same lengths
int[] num1 = { 1,9,9,9 };
int[] num2 = { 9,9,9,9};// {9,9,9}
// 1999+9999 = 11998, its length is greater than the max
int capacity = Math.max(num1.length, num2.length);
int[] arraySum = new int[capacity + 1];
int len2 = num2.length;
int len1 = num1.length;
if (len1 < len2) {
int lengthDiff = len2 - len1;
* Flag for checking if carry is needed.
boolean needCarry = false;
for (int i = len1 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* Start with the biggest index
int sumPerPosition =0;
if (needCarry) {
sumPerPosition = num1[i] + num2[i + lengthDiff] +1;
needCarry = false;
sumPerPosition = num1[i] + num2[i + lengthDiff];
if (sumPerPosition > 9) {
arraySum[i + lengthDiff + 1] = sumPerPosition % 10;
needCarry = true;
arraySum[i + lengthDiff + 1] = sumPerPosition % 10;
* Handle the remaining part in nun2 Array
for (int i = lengthDiff - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* Do not need to care num1 Array Here now
arraySum[i + 1] = num2[i]+1;
arraySum[i + 1] = num1[i] ;
if (arraySum[i + 1] > 9) {
arraySum[i + 1] = arraySum[i + 1] % 10;
needCarry = true;
} else {
needCarry = false;
* Handle the last number, if carry is needed. set it to 1, else set
* it to 0
if (needCarry) {
arraySum[0] = 1;
} else {
arraySum[0] = 0;
} else {
int lengthDiff = len1 - len2;
* Flag for checking if carry is needed.
boolean needCarry = false;
for (int i = len2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* Start with the biggest index
int sumPerPosition = 0;
if (needCarry) {
sumPerPosition = num2[i] + num1[i + lengthDiff] +1;
needCarry = false;
sumPerPosition = num2[i] + num1[i + lengthDiff];
if (sumPerPosition > 9) {
arraySum[i + lengthDiff + 1] = sumPerPosition % 10;
needCarry = true;
arraySum[i + lengthDiff + 1] = sumPerPosition % 10;
* Handle the remaining part in nun2 Array
for (int i = lengthDiff - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* Do not need to care num1 Array Here now
arraySum[i + 1] = num1[i]+1;
arraySum[i + 1] = num1[i] ;
if (arraySum[i + 1] > 9) {
arraySum[i + 1] = arraySum[i + 1] % 10;
needCarry = true;
} else {
needCarry = false;
* Handle the last number, if carry is needed. set it to 1, else set
* it to 0
if (needCarry) {
arraySum[0] = 1;
} else {
arraySum[0] = 0;
* Print sum
* if arraySum[0] ==1, print 1
* Do not print 0 when arraySum[0] ==0
if(arraySum[0] == 1)
for (int i = 1; i < arraySum.length; i++) {
An example that num1 is {1,9,9,9} and num2 is {9,9,9,9}, the sum result is as follows:
output in Console:
It's quite simpe actually. Inside your loop, check that the current index is valid for both array, and replace the value to add by 0 in case of an invalid index:
int value1 = (i < num1.length) ? num1[i] : 0;
int value2 = (i < num2.length) ? num2[i] : 0;
arraySum[i] = value1 + value2;
EDIT: I didn't understand that you wanted to right-align the arrays and not left-align them. The simplest solution is probably to write and read everything in the arrays in reverse order. So if the numbers are 456 and 7658, the first array would contain 6, 5, 4 and the second one would contain 8, 5, 6, 7.
Here is more performance centric solution:
public class SumArrays {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] num1 = {1, 9, 9, 9};
int[] num2 = {7, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9};
int[] biggerArray = num1.length > num2.length ? num1 : num2;
int[] smallerArray = num1.length <= num2.length ? num1 : num2;
int[] summedArray = new int[biggerArray.length];
System.arraycopy(biggerArray, 0, summedArray, 0, biggerArray.length);
for (int i = 0; i < smallerArray.length; i++) {
summedArray[i] += smallerArray[i];
for (int i = 0; i < summedArray.length; i++) {
You can use an ArrayList instead of an array and implement a normal addition method to it:
public static ArrayList<Integer> sum(int[] arr, int[] arr2) {
ArrayList<Integer> al = new ArrayList<>();
int i = arr.length - 1;
int j = arr2.length - 1;
int c = 0;
while (i >= 0 && j >= 0) {
int temp = arr[i] + arr2[j] + c;
if (temp >= 10) {
int r = temp % 10;
al.add(0, r);
c = temp / 10;
} else {
al.add(0, temp);
c = 0;
if (i < 0 && j >= 0) {
while (j >= 0) {
al.add(0, arr2[j] + c);
c = 0;
} else if (j < 0 && i >= 0) {
while (i >= 0) {
al.add(0, arr[i] + c);
c = 0;
} else
al.add(0, c);
return al;
for kicks, here is an alternative:
int[] num1 =
{ 1, 9, 9, 9 };
int[] num2 =
{ 7, 9, 9, 9 };
//convert the int array to a string
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(num1.length);
for (int i : num1)
String sNum1 = sb.toString();
StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(num2.length);
for (int i : num2)
String sNum2 = sb2.toString();
//parse the string to an int
int iNum1 = Integer.parseInt(sNum1);
int iNum2 = Integer.parseInt(sNum2);
//add them together
int sum = iNum1 + iNum2;
String sSum = Integer.toString(sum);
// convert num back to array
int[] sumArray = new int[sSum.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < sSum.length(); i++)
sumArray[i] = sSum.charAt(i) - '0';
catch (Exception e)
// couldnt parse ints

How can i fin the index using exponential, binary or interpolatin search recursively? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How can I locate an index given the following constraints? [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
Given an array of n integers A[0…n−1], such that ∀i,0≤i≤n, we have that |A[i]−A[i+1]|≤1, and if A[0]=x, A[n−1]=y, we have that x<y. Locate the index j such that A[j]=z, for a given value of z, x≤ z ≤y
I dont understand the problem. I've been stuck on it for 4 days. Any idea of how to approach it with binary search, exponential search or interpolation search recursively? We are given an element z find the index j such that a [j] = z (a j) am i right?.
static int binarySearch(int[] searchArray, int x) {
int start, end, midPt;
start = 0;
end = searchArray.length - 1;
while (start <= end) {
midPt = (start + end) / 2;
if (searchArray[midPt] == x) {
return midPt;
} else if (searchArray[midPt] < x) {
start = midPt + 1;
} else {
end = midPt - 1;
return -1;
You can use the basic binary search algorithm. The fact that A[i] and A[i+1] differ by at most 1 guarantees you will find a match.
search(A, z):
start := 0
end := A.length - 1
while start < end:
x = A[start]
y = A[end]
mid := (start+end)/2
if x <= z <= A[mid]:
end := mid
else if A[mid] < z <= y
start := mid + 1
return start
Note that this doesn't necessarily return the first match, but that wasn't required.
to apply your algorithms your need a sorted array.
the condition of you problem says that you have an array which has elements that differ with max 1, not necessarily sorted!!!
so, here are the steps to write the code :
check if problem data respects given conditions
sort input array + saving old indexes values, so later can can initial positions of elements
implement you search methods in recursive way
Binary search source
Interpolation search source
Here's full example source :
public class Test {
// given start ======================================================
public int[] A = new int[] { 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8 };
public int z = 4;
// given end =======================================================
public int[] indexes = new int[A.length];
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Test test = new Test();
if (test.z < test.A[0] || test.z > test.A[test.A.length - 1]){
System.out.println("Value z="+test.z+" can't be within given array");
sort(test.A, test.indexes);
int index = binSearch(test.A, 0, test.A.length, test.z);
if (index > -1) {
System.out.println("Binary search result index =\t"
+ test.indexes[index]);
index = interpolationSearch(test.A, test.z, 0, test.A.length-1);
if (index > -1) {
System.out.println("Binary search result index =\t"
+ test.indexes[index]);
public static void sort(int[] a, int[] b) {
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
b[i] = i;
boolean notSorted = true;
while (notSorted) {
notSorted = false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length - 1; i++) {
if (a[i] > a[i + 1]) {
int aux = a[i];
a[i] = a[i + 1];
a[i + 1] = aux;
aux = b[i];
b[i] = b[i + 1];
b[i + 1] = aux;
notSorted = true;
public static int binSearch(int[] a, int imin, int imax, int key) {
// test if array is empty
if (imax < imin)
// set is empty, so return value showing not found
return -1;
else {
// calculate midpoint to cut set in half
int imid = (imin + imax) / 2;
// three-way comparison
if (a[imid] > key)
// key is in lower subset
return binSearch(a, imin, imid - 1, key);
else if (a[imid] < key)
// key is in upper subset
return binSearch(a, imid + 1, imax, key);
// key has been found
return imid;
public static int interpolationSearch(int[] sortedArray, int toFind, int low,
int high) {
if (sortedArray[low] == toFind)
return low;
// Returns index of toFind in sortedArray, or -1 if not found
int mid;
if (sortedArray[low] <= toFind && sortedArray[high] >= toFind) {
mid = low + ((toFind - sortedArray[low]) * (high - low))
/ (sortedArray[high] - sortedArray[low]); // out of range is
// possible here
if (sortedArray[mid] < toFind)
low = mid + 1;
else if (sortedArray[mid] > toFind)
// Repetition of the comparison code is forced by syntax
// limitations.
high = mid - 1;
return mid;
return interpolationSearch(sortedArray, toFind, low, high);
} else {
return -1;
