Set a fixed value for a Progress Bar - java

I'm developing an application which will use a Progress Bar.
The problem is that I don't want to use the method setProgressBar(), just because I want to regulate the loading amount manually.
In fact when I use, for instance, setProgress(20), the bar will keep updating by 20 every time.
I mean, I need to call a kind of "set" method which take an input as parameter and set the fixed amount on the progress bar without change it time after time.
Is it possible?

As the documentation states:
setProgress(int progress)
Set the current progress to the specified value.
Meaning you can set the progress of the progressbar to the fixed value you want. The only thing you need to do is call it on the right time.

You should write like this!
ProgressDialog progressdialog = new ProgressDialog(this);
Finally, you should set the progress wtih this method


(Java) Setting a new default UI object as early as possible

I've made a custom progress bar UI class that extends BasicProgressBarUI. I know I can change the UI of a progress bar simply by invoking progressBar.setUI(). However, I'm thinking this is a waste of processing time as the environment has already initialized the default UI object.
My question is therefore: how can I as early as possible in an application set some property that makes all progress bars use as a default my own progress bar UI? If I have to create some more classes to do this, this is of course fine.
Thanks for an answer!

get progress in onStopTrackingTouch not onProgressChanged in seekbar

I'm new to android development ,
I use onProgressChanged to get current progress as progress is a parameter of the function .
but I want to get only the final value of progress when user release the seekbar not the Immediate value.
Thanks in advance.
The onStopTrackTouch method defined in OnSeekBarChangeListener is called when the user stops sliding the SeekBar (i.e., has finished the touch gesture) and provides the "final value".

How to handle progress dialog correctly in android?

I am new in android and java. I am in a trouble in implementing progress dialog correctly.
I have a code like this
ProgressDialog dialog= new ProgressDialog(Main.this);
but by implementing this, my method runs well but no progress dialog is visible, again when i comment out the dismiss method, the dialog doesnt stop and i had to force close the app,then how to use this dialog? in aditional dont want to bring any thread here, is there any way to use dialog without any thread? Thanks
Problem here is that any long running tasks such as fetching data from the Internet must be run inside a separate thread, otherwise you're likely to get an ANR if your code runs for more then 5 seconds. The ideal solution in my opinion is to implement an AsyncTask: it lets you run tasks in a separate thread and helps you easily update your UI thread, showing ProgressDialogs or ProgressBars to let your users know that your app is currently busy. Simply place all your ProgressDialog initialization code inside the onPreExecute() method of the AsyncTask, and the dialog.dismiss() call to onPostExecute(). Hope this helps.
Yes, you no need to use Thread class. You can use AsyncTask instead. Start the progress dialog when you call the AsyncTask, dismiss it in the postExecute method.
I personally prefer AsyncTask for progress dialog.
In your onPreExecute, create your above code. In doInBackground, do your background tasks and in onPostExecute display an alertdialog saying work done !

Update JProgressBar Without Knowing Progress

I want to use a JProgressBar but I don't have any measurement of progress for how long the task will take to complete. The idea is to have a progress bar displaying the status of a shutdown process but I don't know how long it takes, and I have no way of editing the class that does the shutdown process.
Is there a way to use a JProgressBar without having any indication of the progress?
Call setIndeterminate(true).
From the javadocs:
To indicate that a task of unknown length is executing, you can put a
progress bar into indeterminate mode. While the bar is in
indeterminate mode, it animates constantly to show that work is
occurring. As soon as you can determine the task's length and amount
of progress, you should update the progress bar's value and switch it
back to determinate mode.
You can have a JProgressBar which displays in indeterminate mode, as described here. The default animation is a 'bouncer,' that is, the progress indicator will go back and forth between the two ends of the bar until you stop it.

"removedialog" issue when displaying 2 dialogs at the same time

In the method "OnCreate" of my actvity, I'm displaying a little progress dialog while loading data. It's done every time the "OnCreate" method is called so even when the screen orientation change.$
In the nominal case, there is no problem even if the user change the screen orientation.
But, if the user opens another dialog (used to select an item in a list), then change the orientation, the progress dialog is displayed behind the "list" dialog and is not impacted by the "removeDialog".
Do you have any clues on that behavior ?
call "removeDialog" or "dismissDialog" before "startDialog" with try-catch and so on. You can call "removeDialog" or "dismissDialog" several times...
