I'm working on a Hibernate project and I configured everything.
So, I generated the beans and hbm files.
Then, I wrote a test class to test the project(I used the Client class)
When I executed the code, the following exception was thrown:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.singleImplementationSanityCheck(LoggerFactory.java:192)
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.performInitialization(LoggerFactory.java:113)
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(LoggerFactory.java:269)
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggerFactory.java:242)
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggerFactory.java:255)
at org.aness.test.HiberM.<clinit>(HiberM.java:12)
Exception in thread "main"
the code is :
import org.aness.beans.*;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class HiberM {
final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Client.class);
public static void main(String[]arg){
Configuration cfg = new Configuration().configure();
SessionFactory sf =cfg.buildSessionFactory();
Session s = sf.openSession();
Transaction tx =s.beginTransaction();
Client c =new Client();
c.setRaisonSociale("peugeot algerie");
c.setAdresseActivite("blida zone atlas");
that's the whole problem.
the hibernate cfg file is : *
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
<session-factory name="apurement">
<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.password">root</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost/apurement</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">root</property>
<property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property>
the client mapping is :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<!-- Generated 27 d?c. 2012 11:47:54 by Hibernate Tools 3.4.0.CR1 -->
<class name="org.aness.beans.Client" table="client" catalog="apurement">
<id name="clientId" type="int">
<column name="client_id" />
<generator class="assigned" />
<property name="raisonSociale" type="string">
<column name="raison_sociale" length="150" not-null="true" />
<property name="numeroRc" type="string">
<column name="numero_rc" length="45" not-null="true" />
<property name="identificationFiscale" type="string">
<column name="identification_fiscale" length="45" not-null="true" />
<property name="adresseActivite" type="string">
<column name="adresse_activite" length="250" not-null="true" />
<property name="adressePersonelle" type="string">
<column name="adresse_personelle" length="250" />
<property name="telephone" type="string">
<column name="telephone" length="45" not-null="true" />
<property name="fax" type="string">
<column name="fax" length="45" not-null="true" />
<set name="domiciliations" table="domiciliation" inverse="true" lazy="true" fetch="select">
<column name="client_id" not-null="true" />
<one-to-many class="org.aness.beans.Domiciliation" />
Two possibilities :
Your Hibernate.cfg.xml is not on classpath. What folder is it in?
Else you may try updating the version of slf4j jar
I think you've hit this issue.
It seems you're using SLF4J version 1.5.8 (or thereabouts), as the source code of org.slf4j.LoggerFactory with tag 'SLF4J_1.5.8' has line numbers that match those in your stacktrace.
I would recommend updating to later version of SLF4J.
My application contains both ORM and OGM. For ORM I was wrote some named queries in xyz.hbm.xml. But while using OGM those queries caused for exception. I am using OGM 4.1.3.Final version. Please help someone.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<!-- Generated Jan 1, 2015 1:53:57 PM by Hibernate Tools 3.4.0.CR1 -->
<class name="mkcl.os.apps.edumiss.model.student.Admission" table="ADMISSION">
<id name="id" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="ADMISSION_ID" />
<generator class="uuid" />
<property name="studentId">
<column name="STUDENTID" />
<property name="schoolId">
<column name="SCHOOL_ID" />
<property name="academicYearId" type="int">
<column name="ACADEMICYEARID" />
<property name="sectionRollNumber" type="int">
<column name="SECTIONROLLNUMBER" />
<property name="admissionDate" type="java.util.Date">
<column name="ADMISSIONDATE" />
<property name="schoolLeavingDate" type="java.util.Date">
<column name="SCHOOL_LEAVING_DATE" />
<property name="standardId" type="short">
<column name="STANDARDID" />
<property name="standardName" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="STANDARD_NAME" />
<property name="sectionId">
<column name="SECTION_ID" />
<property name="sectionName">
<column name="SECTION_NAME" />
<property name="reasonForLeaving">
<column name="REASON_FOR_LEAVING" />
<property name="streamId" type="short">
<column name="STREAM_ID" />
<property name="streamName" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="STREAM_NAME" />
<property name="admissionType" column="ADMISSION_TYPE">
<type name="org.hibernate.type.EnumType">
<param name="useNamed"></param>
<param name="enumClass">mkcl.os.apps.edumiss.model.student.AdmissionType</param>
<property name="createdBy" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="CREATED_BY" />
<property name="createOn" type="java.util.Date">
<column name="CREATED_ON" />
<property name="modifiedBy" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="MODIFIED_BY" />
<property name="lastModified" type="java.util.Date">
<column name="LAST_MODIFIED" />
<property name="patternId" type="integer">
<column name="PATTERN_ID"></column>
<sql-query name="getAdmissionForAcademicYear">
<return alias="admission" class="mkcl.os.apps.edumiss.model.student.Admission"></return>
ADMISSION admission
admission.STUDENTID = :mkclIdentificationNumber
admission.ACADEMICYEARID = :academicYearId
this throws
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: class org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode has interface org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor as super class
if I am removing above query from hbm file then it worked fine. But I have to keep those queries in .hbm.xml file as it is.
That query is for a relational database, so you don't need the OGM for that.
Why do you want to run an SQL query against OGM, which is for NoSQL?
The default hibernate.archive.autodetection property value is class,hbm, so make sure you set it to class in the persistence.xml file that's associated to the OGM EntityManagerFactory. You do have two separate persistence.xml configurations (one for ORM and one for OGM), right?
according to current version of OGM(5.0) feature document:
Model can not possible to share between OGM and ORM together and this will projected to resolve in next version of OGM.
ORM classes can try to parse the .hbm.xml file and find the named queries which having the syntax of mongo query. so while reading the file OGM unable to parse the syntax of SQL named query and throws an error so I have only way to shift the all the queries into another hbm whose wntry will not be present in nosql_hibernate.xml file so OGM will not parse and my code will run fast else till this feature not support shift to another framework.
Please have a look at the below XML code
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<!-- Generated Feb 17, 2015 10:01:43 PM by Hibernate Tools 4.3.1 -->
<class name="model.main.Family" table="family" catalog="****" optimistic-lock="version">
<id name="idFamily" type="int">
<column name="idFamily" />
<generator class="assigned" />
<many-to-one name="employee" class="model.main.Employee" fetch="select">
<column name="idEmployee" not-null="true" />
<property name="firstName" type="string">
<column name="FirstName" length="45" />
<property name="middleName" type="string">
<column name="MiddleName" length="45" />
<property name="lastName" type="string">
<column name="LastName" length="45" />
<property name="dob" type="date">
<column name="DOB" length="10" />
<property name="passportNumber" type="string">
<column name="PassportNumber" length="45" not-null="true" />
<property name="dateLeft" type="date">
<column name="DateLeft" length="10" />
<property name="lastUpdated" type="timestamp">
<column name="LastUpdated" length="19" not-null="true" />
<set name="visas" table="visa" inverse="true" lazy="true" fetch="select">
<column name="idFamily" />
<one-to-many class="model.main.Visa" />
It is the Hibernate mapping class of my database table Family. We create the database separately using MySQL Work bench and then generate the mapping classes. We auto generated the mapping files using netbeans as mentioned in "Generating Hibernate Mapping Files and Java Classes" section of netbeans tutorial.
Now we have a problem. That is, we changed the primary key (idFamily) of our table Family to an auto generated field inside MySQL. Now, how can we change the above hibernate code so it identifies the idFamily as an auto generated one?
The other question is, manually editing one mapping class without regenerating all the mappings via a tool can "break" the system? For an example, like messing up with relationships?
In Annotation It work for me as
#GeneratedValue(strategy= GenerationType.IDENTITY)
for you hope it works
<generated-value strategy="IDENTITY" />
You're looking for an identity column. That indicates that the column value is auto-generated as an identity for the row by the RDBMS.
<generator class="identity" />
See the these Hibernate docs for more information. According to it:
supports identity columns in DB2, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Sybase and HypersonicSQL. The returned identifier is of type long, short or int.
Just replace your generator class to increment it will treat it as autoincrement
<generator class="increment"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<class name="com.tech.spring4.model.User" table="Customer">
<id name="id" type="long">
<column name="USERID" unique="true"/>
<generator class="increment"/>
<property name="username"><column name="username" length="30" not-null="true"></column></property>
<property name="email"><column name="email" length="100" not-null="true"></column></property>
<property name="address"><column name="address" length="100" not-null="true"></column></property>
I created hibernate.cfg.xml and UserDataFromDb.hbm.xml and tried to put it in a correct place. First time there was exception like "Cannot find hibernate.cfg.xml", but after several replacement correct place was found. New exception was (with except of lots of other trace):
Caused by: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Enum class not found
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.codejava.hibernate.Gender
It is ok, because I've forgotten to change tutorial sample code and print my class name. I've fixed this problem, so, now there are no mentions about class Gender in UserDataFromDb.hbm.xml. Problem is certainly the same.
I've replaced both UserDataFromDb.hbm.xml and hibernate.cfg.xml to desktop and even renamed them. So, no there are no either UserDataFromDb.hbm.xml or hibernate.cfg.xml files on my computer (instead of them -- UserData11FromDb.hbm.xml and hiber111nate.cfg.xml on desktop). Exception are still the same:
Caused by: org.hibernate.HibernateException: Enum class not found
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.codejava.hibernate.Gender
though neither Gender class nor even configuration and mapping files exist on computer.
Rebooting computer makes no effect.
OS Windows 7, Hibernate 4.3.6
Config file:
<property name="hibernate.dialect">
<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">
<!-- Assume test is the database name -->
<property name="hibernate.connection.url">
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">
<property name="hibernate.connection.password">
<!-- List of XML mapping files -->
<mapping resource="UserDataFromDb.hbm.xml" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN"
<class name="UserDataFromDb" table="user_history">
<id name="id" type="int" column="id">
<generator class="native"/>
<list name="operations" cascade="all">
<key column="user_id"/>
<list-index column="idx"/>
<one-to-many class="Operation"/>
<property name="maxOpersPerWeek" column="max_opers_per_week" type="int"/>
<property name="currentOpersPerWeek" column="current_opers_per_week" type="int"/>
<property name="lastWeekFirstOperationTime" column="last_week_first_operation_time" type="long"/>
<property name="addTotal" column="add_total" type="long"/>
<property name="getTotal" column="get_total" type="long"/>
<property name="addOpers" column="add_opers" type="int"/>
<property name="getOpers" column="get_opers" type="int"/>
<class name="Operation" table="operations">
<id name="operId" type="int" column="oper_id">
<generator class="native"/>
<property name="userId" column="user_id" type="int"/>
<property name="sum" column="sum" type="long"/>
<property name="time" column="time" type="long"/>
<property name="type" column="type">
<type name="org.hibernate.type.EnumType">
<param name="enumClass">databaseaccess.Type</param>
<param name="useNamed">true</param>
Project -> clean
project -> build
I'm testing the following hql but getting an error
String SQL="From Bid bid where bid.Auction.AuctionId=3655"
Class Bid Mapping File:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<!-- Generated Jan 19, 2011 5:25:35 AM by Hibernate Tools 3.4.0.Beta1 -->
<class name="com.BiddingSystem.Models.Bid" table="BID">
<id name="BidId" type="long">
<column name="BIDID" />
<generator class="native" />
<property name="BidAmount" type="long">
<column name="BIDAMOUNT" />
<many-to-one name="User" class="com.BiddingSystem.Models.Users" fetch="join">
<column name="UserId" />
<many-to-one name="auction" class="com.BiddingSystem.Models.Auction" fetch="join" lazy="false">
<column name="AuctionId" />
<property name="TimePosted" type="java.util.Date" access="field">
<column name="TIMEPOSTED" />
Auction Mapping File:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<!-- Generated Dec 28, 2010 9:14:12 PM by Hibernate Tools 3.4.0.Beta1 -->
<class name="com.BiddingSystem.Models.Auction" table="AUCTION">
<id name="AuctionId" type="long">
<column name="AUCTIONID" />
<generator class="native" />
<property name="StartTime" type="java.util.Date">
<column name="STARTTIME" />
<property name="EndTime" type="java.util.Date">
<column name="ENDTIME" />
<property name="DatePlaced" type="java.util.Date">
<column name="DatePlaced" />
<property name="StartingBid" type="long">
<column name="STARTINGBID" />
<property name="MinIncrement" type="long">
<column name="MININCREMENT" />
<many-to-one name="CurrentItem" class="com.BiddingSystem.Models.Item" fetch="join" not-null="true" cascade="all" unique="true" lazy="false">
<column name="CURRENTITEM" />
<property name="AuctionStatus" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="AUCTIONSTATUS" />
<property name="BestBid" type="long">
<column name="BESTBID" />
<many-to-one name="User" class="com.BiddingSystem.Models.Users" fetch="join">
<column name="UserId" />
Caused by: org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: Auction of: com.BiddingSystem.Models.Bid [From com.BiddingSystem.Models.Bid bid where bid.Auction.AuctionId=3655 and bid.User.UserId=3657]
at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractPropertyMapping.propertyException(AbstractPropertyMapping.java:81)
at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractPropertyMapping.toType(AbstractPropertyMapping.java:75)
at org.hibernate.persister.entity.AbstractEntityPersister.toType(AbstractEntityPersister.java:1449)
at org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.FromElementType.getPropertyType(FromElementType.java:315)
at org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.FromElement.getPropertyType(FromElement.java:487)
at org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.DotNode.getDataType(DotNode.java:611)
at org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.DotNode.prepareLhs(DotNode.java:263)
at org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.DotNode.resolve(DotNode.java:210)
at org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.DotNode.resolveFirstChild(DotNode.java:175)
at org.hibernate.hql.ast.HqlSqlWalker.lookupProperty(HqlSqlWalker.java:571)
at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.addrExpr(HqlSqlBaseWalker.java:4774)
at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.expr(HqlSqlBaseWalker.java:1326)
at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.exprOrSubquery(HqlSqlBaseWalker.java:4471)
at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.comparisonExpr(HqlSqlBaseWalker.java:3944)
at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.logicalExpr(HqlSqlBaseWalker.java:2047)
at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.logicalExpr(HqlSqlBaseWalker.java:1972)
at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.whereClause(HqlSqlBaseWalker.java:831)
at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.query(HqlSqlBaseWalker.java:617)
at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.selectStatement(HqlSqlBaseWalker.java:301)
at org.hibernate.hql.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker.statement(HqlSqlBaseWalker.java:244)
at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.analyze(QueryTranslatorImpl.java:254)
at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.doCompile(QueryTranslatorImpl.java:185)
at org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl.compile(QueryTranslatorImpl.java:136)
at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.<init>(HQLQueryPlan.java:101)
at org.hibernate.engine.query.HQLQueryPlan.<init>(HQLQueryPlan.java:80)
at org.hibernate.engine.query.QueryPlanCache.getHQLQueryPlan(QueryPlanCache.java:124)
at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.getHQLQueryPlan(AbstractSessionImpl.java:156)
at org.hibernate.impl.AbstractSessionImpl.createQuery(AbstractSessionImpl.java:135)
at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.createQuery(SessionImpl.java:1770)
at com.BiddingSystem.server.ServiceImpl.getBid(ServiceImpl.java:1463)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
at net.sf.gilead.gwt.PersistentRemoteService.processCall(PersistentRemoteService.java:174)
Based on your Bid mapping file, your SQL should be like this:-
String SQL="From Bid bid where bid.auction.AuctionId=3655"
But seriously, your camel-casing in your beans are really messed up. Property names in your bean SHOULD begin with small letter first (ex: auctionId, auction, timePosted, etc).
I bet this will work
String SQL="From Bid bid where bid.auction.auctionId=3655"
Properties are supposed to always start with lowercase characters in java.
I have a class Auction that contains a Class Item and Users but when I am getting the class, the class item and Users are not being loaded.
Auction Class Mapping File:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<!-- Generated Dec 28, 2010 9:14:12 PM by Hibernate Tools 3.4.0.Beta1 -->
<class name="com.BiddingSystem.Models.Auction" table="AUCTION">
<id name="AuctionId" type="long">
<column name="AUCTIONID" />
<generator class="native" />
<property name="StartTime" type="java.util.Date">
<column name="STARTTIME" />
<property name="EndTime" type="java.util.Date">
<column name="ENDTIME" />
<property name="StartingBid" type="long">
<column name="STARTINGBID" />
<property name="MinIncrement" type="long">
<column name="MININCREMENT" />
<many-to-one name="CurrentItem" class="com.BiddingSystem.Models.Item" fetch="join" cascade="all">
<column name="ItemId" />
<property name="AuctionStatus" type="java.lang.String">
<column name="AUCTIONSTATUS" />
<property name="BestBid" type="long">
<column name="BESTBID" />
<many-to-one name="User" class="com.BiddingSystem.Models.Users" fetch="join">
<column name="UserId" />
When I am doing this:
Query query=session.createQuery("from Auction where UserId="+UserId);
List <Auction> AllAuctions= new LinkedList<Auction>(query.list());
The Users and Item are null
#ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) would be the annotation based configuration element you are missing. Please refer to the manual to see how to configure this by XML.