Rendering a filled form in the template - java

I'm using Play! framework 20 on a java project and I have a problem with passing a form to the view.
In the controller I have the following code:
Filter filter = new Filter();
//add some state to the filter object
Form<Filter> filterForm = form(Filter.class).fill(filter);"FilterForm: " + filterForm.get().toString()); // So far so good
return ok(filterView.render(filterForm));
And in the template:
#filterForm.hasErrors() // renders false // renders true!!
#* #filterForm.get().toString() *# throws an Exception: No Value
I also get the same error if in the controller I fill the filter state via a Map:
filterForm = filterForm.bind(aMapWithTheState);
This behaviour is only when filling the filter in code. when I do filterForm.bindFromRequest() in other methods all works fine.

I had to use the form's bind method using a map with the state as I did before. But the correct way is to also pass the properties name:
Map<String, String> formState = new HashMap<String, String>();
formState.put("name", name);
formState.put("birthDate", birthDate);
formState.put("address", address);
filterForm = filterForm.bind(formState, "name", "birthDate", "address");
Despite that the documentation says that the property names are not mandatory.


Adding card source works in 19.45.0, fails in 20.0.0 and above

I am playing with Stripe-Java and I'm trying to add a card to a customer.
My code looks like this:
Customer stripeCustomer = Customer.retrieve("cus_xxxxxxx");
Map<String, Object> cardParam = new HashMap<String, Object>();
cardParam.put("number", "4242424242424242");
cardParam.put("exp_month", "11");
cardParam.put("exp_year", "2022");
cardParam.put("cvc", "123");
Map<String, Object> tokenParam = new HashMap<String, Object>();
tokenParam.put("card", cardParam);
Token token = Token.create(tokenParam);
//user token
Map<String, Object> sourceParam = new HashMap<String, Object>();
sourceParam.put("source", token.getId());
//add to customer
This works successfully on Stripe-Java version 19.45.0 but not on 20.0.0 or any versions above. Has the method to add a card changed?
A nullpointer exception is thrown
This : stripeCustomer.getSources() will be null in v20.0.0 and above of the library because it pins to API version 2020-08-27 where customer.sources was removed by default. [0] [1]
The sources property on Customers is no longer included by default.
You can expand the list but for performance reasons we recommended
against doing so unless needed.
You would need to explicitly expand [2] "sources" when retrieving the Customer in order to populate customer.getSources()
CustomerRetrieveParams params = CustomerRetrieveParams.builder()
Customer stripeCustomer = Customer.retrieve("cus_xxxxxxx", params, null);
Also, your code uses the legacy Token API, and is passing raw card details from your server that puts you in PCI scope, you should look into the recommended integration paths :

What is the best way to pass multiply parameters as one http query parameter?

I have java web application (servlet) that does user authentication using SalesForce Server OAuth Authentication Flow. This OAuth Authentication provides "state" query parameter to pass any data on callback. I have a bunch of parameters that I want to pass through this "state" query param. What is the best way to do it? In java in particularly?
Or in other words, what is the best way to pass an array or map as a single http query parameter?
You can put all in json or xml format or any other format and then encode in base64 as a one large string. Take care that params can impose some hard limit on some browser/web server.
So, I have done it this way. Thank you guys! Here are some code snippets to illustrate how it works for me:
// forming state query parameter
Map<String, String> stateMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
stateMap.put("1", "111");
stateMap.put("2", "222");
stateMap.put("3", "333");
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(stateMap);
String stateJSON = jsonObject.toString();
System.out.println("stateJSON: " + stateJSON);
String stateQueryParam = Base64.encodeBase64String(stateJSON.getBytes());
System.out.println("stateQueryParam: " + stateQueryParam);
// getting map from state query param
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
stateMap = objectMapper.readValue(Base64.decodeBase64(stateQueryParam.getBytes()), LinkedHashMap.class);
System.out.println("stateMap: " + stateMap);
Here is output:
stateJSON: {"1":"111","2":"222","3":"333"}
stateQueryParam: eyIxIjoiMTExIiwiMiI6IjIyMiIsIjMiOiIzMzMifQ==
stateMap: {1=111, 2=222, 3=333}

aem 6.1 extend user properties

Printscreen additional fields useradmin
How can I add some new User Properties to the CQ Users?
I found an solution but it don't work -->
I tried to manipulate in CRX the UserProperties.js with new Properties, I see them in useradmin but if I try to add the new propertie in Java Code (not via useradmin) I can save it without error, but the value is empty in useradmin.
And if I try to add some value via useradmin for the new propertie, all user gets the same value.
How can I add new User Properties, that I can set the Value via Java code like the standard properties.
user = userManager.createUser(username, password);
ValueFactory valueFactory = session.getValueFactory();
emailValue = valueFactory.createValue(email);
givennameValue = valueFactory.createValue(givenname);
nameValue = valueFactory.createValue(name);
//User class just accepts Value Object
user.setProperty("profile/" + UserProperties.EMAIL, emailValue);
user.setProperty("profile/" + UserProperties.FAMILY_NAME, nameValue);
user.setProperty("profile/" + UserProperties.GIVEN_NAME, givennameValue);
I found an solution.
Go to crx /libs/cq/security/widgets/source/widgets/security/UserProperties.js
add the fields you need in the items array of the user (Caution - there are items for user and items for groups in the same place)
in the loadRecord method of your JS, you have to add each new field to the "record" object
"fieldLabel":CQ.I18n.getMessage("My Field"),
"anchor":"100% -155",
loadRecord: function(rec) {
var type = rec.get("type");
if (type=="user") {
this.activeForm = this.userForm;
this.hiddenForm = this.groupForm;
if ( {
this.pwdButtons.each(function(bt) {bt.hide(); return true;} )
} else {
this.pwdButtons.each(function(bt) {; return true;} )
} else {
this.activeForm = this.groupForm;
this.hiddenForm = this.userForm;
//is loading additional property from json and show it in formular["myfield"] = rec.json["myfield"];
In the java code you can then add the new properties via the "user" object to the new properties. Note that the properties are put into the subfolder "profile".
user.setProperty("profile/" + "myfield", myFieldValue);
Did you try the second approach, posted by "pedro" in the link you've posted?
It probably has to do with pushing the new field to the record:
i hope this may helps you the file exist on http://[host name]:[port]/crx/de/index.jsp#/libs/cq/security/widgets/source/widgets/security/UserProperties.js
and you will have two major properties the first one is for the user this.userForm the other one is this.groupForm for groups.

About inserting dynamic data into the static content at run time

I have a template like this in properties file: Dear xxxxxx, you are payment is succesfull.
After loading this template from properties file, I want to replace that "xxxxxx" with dynamic data in Java class.
Please help me on this.
I used Message.format("template",object array which is having dynamic data);
Try this way
placeholderReplacementMap is map that contain your static value and dynamic value key pair
Map<String, Object> placeholderReplacementMap = new HashMap<>();
StrSubstitutor substitutor = new StrSubstitutor(placeholderReplacementMap);
placeholderReplacementMap.put("xxxxxx", dynamicValue);
String newString = substitutor.replace("Dear xxxxxx","you are payment is succesful");

dynamodb: how to filer all items which do not have a certain attribute?

I have a table of users with a primary hash key of userId. each user may/may not have a string attribute called "environment".
I would like to get all the users which have "environment"="xyz" or which do not have the "environment" attribute.
The following code will filter those users with environment=xyz, but how do I filter those items with no environment at all? Dynamo API will not allow to filter on an empty String.
AmazonDynamoDBClient client = DbClientManager.getDynamoDbClient();
ArrayList<AttributeValue> avList = new ArrayList<AttributeValue>();
avList.add(new AttributeValue().withS("xyz"));
Condition scanFilterCondition = new Condition()
Map<String, Condition> conditions = new HashMap<>();
conditions.put("environment", scanFilterCondition);
ScanRequest scanRequest = new ScanRequest()
ScanResult result = client.scan(scanRequest);
For now I just dropped the scan filter, and I do the filtering client-side. Bit is there any way to do it server side?
Hope I'm not too late.
I've found useful function which you could use in the query. I did not check with ScanRequest but with QueryRequest works as charm.
QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest()
queryRequest.setFilterExpression(" attribute_not_exists(yourAttributeName) ")
attribute_not_exists(yourAttributeName) works with ":aws-sdk:1.11.11"
also you could use attribute_exists(yourAttributeName)
You need to use the NULL ComparisonOperator.
Check out this link:
NOT_NULL : The attribute exists.
NULL : The attribute does not exist.
Does this work for you?
I my case also, attribute_not_exists(attribute) worked. You can refer to this question:- How to check whether an attribute is not present in dynamoDB filter expression
for more details.
