Drawing on a JPanel without repainting background - java

I have an algorithm that displays pretty fractals on a JPanel. I want to be able to show gridline 'crosshairs' on the fractal panel whenever a user hovers his mouse on the panel.
I have achieved this with a quick, simple method for drawing on stuff which goes like this (fractal is the name of the fractal JPanel):
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
Graphics g = fractal.getGraphics();
// <problematic part>
// This is computationally expensive to do. It takes a good 0.2 seconds.
// This must be done to clear 'old' crosshairs
// </problematic part>
Color c = fractal.getColourScheme().getGridlineColour();
g.setColor(new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), 50));
// Draw crosshairs around the mouse's current point
g.drawLine(e.getX(), 0, e.getX(), fractal.getHeight());
g.drawLine(0, e.getY(), fractal.getWidth(), e.getY());
As illustrated, I have to repaint() in order to clear any old crosshairs.
I have a feeling I need to paint my crosshairs on something like a Glass Pane to go on top of my JPanel - however, JPanel doesn't provide a Glass Pane. JRootPane does though - can I use this instead?
Currently I'm painting the fractal pixel by pixel with lots of little Line2Ds. I will eventually change this to producing a BufferedImage - in which case, would this problem even matter?

I think your idea of using a glass pane would solve your problem permanently. It would no longer matter how you choose to draw the fractal itself, or whether it is displayed in a JPanel or any other type of component. Each object should really be responsible for it's own data and actions, so a different object really would probably be a good design choice.
That being said, you will still need to repaint the glass pane.
You should be able to use the public void repaint(long tm, int x,
int y,
int width,
int height) method to only repaint certain parts of the panel, instead of repainting the whole thing.
The JavaDoc states:
Adds the specified region to the dirty region list if the component is
showing. The component will be repainted after all of the currently
pending events have been dispatched.


JFrame + custom LayoutManeger + work with Graphisc2D (rotation)

I'm working on project, which uses custom Layout Manager. My goal is rotate all components by 180°.
I have some screen which consists of JFrame. I also have some LayoutHandler, which defines some layers of layout. Each layer is instance of LayerLayout which implements LayerManager2 from java.awt
The flow works probably like this:
I have JFrame, which represents the display. This JFrame has some default contentpane. The application set to this contentpane Layout which is represented by LayerHandler:
graphicalDisplayJFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(new LayerLayout(layerHandler));//graphicalDisplayJFrame is JFrame which represents the display
The layerHandler just somehow manage the layers which are LayerLayouts which implemetns LayerLayout2 from java.awt. So it looks like layout of layouts or whatever it is. I'm not much experienced with creating custom layouts.
There I have a situation which shows creating of JFrame.
graphicalDisplayJPanel = new JPanel() {
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
g2d.rotate(Math.PI, anchorx, anchory); //rotation 180°
public void paintChildren(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2d2.rotate(Math.PI, anchorx, anchory);
graphicalDisplayJFrame = new JFrame(); //creation of JFrame
graphicalDisplayJFrame.setContentPane(graphicalDisplayJPanel); //setting JFrame to apply rotation
The first part should make the rotation 180°, but it does not, even when i call repaint on graphicalDisplayJFrame. BUT when I add this:
JLabel hwLabel = new JLabel("Hello world.");
I cause strange thing. The JFrame and all of the components on it is accidentaly rotated by 180°. But its only static behaviour, because there are some text components on display and when there is changed the text on them its again rendered in non rotated way.
So the question is why this could happens?
If i divide it in two parts:
a) Why the Graphics2D on JFrame does not affect the children components on its content pane. Why it only works when I add the JLabel which has no sense here but it was just experiment which caused what I wanted (= repaint with right rotation).
b) I should probably somehow apply the rotation => something like overriding the paint method on each components which are added on the contentPane of JFrame. But how should can I do it? Becouse upper described layout handler just manage a bunch of layouts (layers which are probably custom layouts implementig LayoutManager2 from java.awt) and it is just feeding the components which are put on the layouts and put them on content pane. So the question should probably be where could be the place where I want to implement my custom paining which means apply the rotation (which is this part of code g2d.rotate(Math.PI, anchorx, anchory); //rotation 180°).
I hope it understandable, I made pretty bit effort to understand where could be problem and trying find out the solution, but its behave really strange. So I hope someone with more experience with this could help me out off this struggling and show me the way.
You are applying the rotation at very strange points. Graphics2D.rotate() applies only to things painted after the rotate call, but your paint-overides rotate after calling super.
As for why adding a label causes rotation, hard to tell without seeing the entire code. Probably an effect of partial repaint.
You should not modify essentials like the graphics translation or rotation of the graphics passed to your paint methods. It has the potential to affect the parent components drawing in unexpected way and the effect can easily change depending on JRE version. Instead create a new graphics to pass down to your child components:
public void paintChildren(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create();
try {
g2d.rotate(Math.PI, anchorx, anchory);
} finally {
This method leaves the original Graphics untouched, at least allowing the parent component to render normally. Rotating the graphics is still tricky and will probably have unintended side effects in the rendering process, but at least these effects are now carefully limited to the children of the rotating component.

Faulty repaint() of swing components when using custom background colors

When I use JCheckboxes or JScrollPane (applied to the main component that holds all others in order to generate a scrollable window) together with components that use
component.setBackground(new Color(R, G, B, A));
to define their background color, I am getting some obnoxious repaint() issues. Hovering over JCheckboxes activates MouseListener and the background of the JCheckbox will suddenly display a random other part of the window. This remains even when taking the mouse off the JCheckbox.
The issue disappears when using
BUT will still occur when selecting the checkbox!
The scrollpane will also not properly repaint. ONLY the parts that are outside of the visible frame will be painted several times in a row in direction of scrolling when they come back into the frame. It looks similar to that error on Windows OS when a program crashes and you can "draw" with the window on the screen because it "generates" a new window every time you move it (http://i.stack.imgur.com/L5G5Q.png).
The most interesting part is that the issue completely disappears when I use
Color.grey (or any other pre-generated color)
It also disappears when not selecting a custom background color at all.
So is there an issue with revalidate() and repaint() hidden anywhere in this? Is the use of RGBA a problem, specifically the A (= opacity) part since Color.AnyColor works?
Is the use of RGBA a problem, specifically the A (= opacity) part
Yes, Swing does not support transparent backgrounds.
Swing expects a component to be either:
opaque - which implies the component will repaint the entire background with an opaque color first before doing custom painting, or
fully transparent - in which case Swing will first paint the background of the first opaque parent component before doing custom painting.
The setOpaque(...) method is used to control the opaque property of a component.
In either case this makes sure any painting artifacts are removed and custom painting can be done properly.
If you want to use tranparency, then you need to do custom painting yourself to make sure the background is cleared.
The custom painting for the panel would be:
JPanel panel = new JPanel()
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
g.setColor( getBackground() );
g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
panel.setOpaque(false); // background of parent will be painted first
Similar code would be required for every component that uses transparency.
Or, you can check out Background With Transparency for custom class that can be used on any component that will do the above work for you.

Why is attaching a JPanel better?

I've just started coding video games and I've heard that doing all your drawing on a JPanel and attaching that panel onto a JFrame is better than simply drawing onto the JFrame. I was just wondering why is this better?
It is better for various reasons, including:
In most Swing components, custom painting is achieved by overriding the paintComponent(Graphics) method. Top-level Swing containers (e.g. JFrame, JApplet, JWindow) have only paint(Graphics). As a result of the common method for painting, people who answer often forget about this difference between common and top-level components, and therefore suggest silly advice. ;)
A JComponent can be added to a JFrame, or a JApplet, or a JDialog, or a constraint of a layout in a JPanel, or a JInternalFrame, or a.. Just when you think your GUI is complete, the client says "Hey, wouldn't it be great to throw in a tool-bar & offer it as an applet as well?" The JComponent approach adapts easily to that.
As explained (complete with code!) by Richante, it is easier to calculate the co-ordinates required for painting the custom component, and if it has a preferred size, to size the JFrame to be 'exactly the right size' to contain the GUI (using pack()). That is especially the case when other components are added as well.
Now, two minor disagreements with the advice offered.
If the entire component is custom painted, it might be better to simply put a BufferedImage inside an ImageIcon/JLabel combo. Here is an example of painting to an image. When it comes time to update it:
Call getGraphics() for a Graphics or createGraphics() for a Graphics2D
Draw the custom painting to that graphics instance
Dispose of the graphics instance
Call repaint() on the label.
It is an easy way to do Double Buffering.
Let me elaborate a bit. In video games, to avoid the flicker caused by redrawing and display smoother graphics, people usually use double buffering. They create an offscreen surface, draw everything on that and then display the entire off-screen surface on the screen in one go.
In Java2D and Swing, the easiest way to do this, is to simply do your game sprite drawing on a JPanel, and then add the JPanel to a JFrame.
Secondly, by drawing things on a JPanel, you allow more GUI widgets and other graphical objects to be displayed on the JFrame without having to paint them manually in the game loop. For example buttons, menus, other panels, even other rendering JPanels.
Thirdly, it allows you to use automatically translated co-ordinates for your game. You can draw everything from the top-left to the bottom-right without having to worry about the window manager specific things like window border-widths, task panes, titles etc.!
Moreover, this is not just a convention only used by Game Programmers in Java. Creating a separate Game Board, Render Panel or Graphics Widget is quite popular when programming games using a library with an internal mainloop such as a GUI Toolkit. You can use a User Form in Windows Forms and a Drawing Board in GTK+.
The JFrame includes things like the menu, title bar and border. Therefore, when you refer to coordinates you have to account for these. You might also decide to add a menu bar, or some other components, to the frame. If your painting is all in a JPanel, then this won't change how you need to refer to coordinates.
For example, try:
public class Test extends JFrame {
public Test() {
setBounds(100, 100, 200, 100);
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.fillRect(0, 0, 50, 50);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Test();
and you will see that the black square is not square! Because (0, 0) is the top left corner of the entire frame, not the corner of the visible area.

java+Swing: efficient overlay of rectangle or other "sprite"

I'm not quite sure how to phrase this, so bear with me.
I have two JPanels in a container JPanel with an OverlayLayout. Both JPanels in the container override paint(Graphics).
The bottom JPanel is opaque and draws some fairly complicated graphics, so it takes a "long" time (10s or 100s of milliseconds) to render.
The top JPanel is transparent and just draws a rectangle or line or simple shape based on mouse input, so it's really quick.
Is there a way to set things up so when I change the simple shape in the upper panel, it doesn't redraw the bottom panel? (e.g. it somehow caches the bottom panel)
I'm vaguely familiar w/ concepts like bitblt, double-buffering, and XOR-drawing but not really sure what to apply here.
You'd be best off using a single JComponent and creating a BufferedImage to store the bottom image. When the paintComponent operation happens on the JComponent, you just blit the bottom image and use the Graphics object to do any further drawing on top of that (from a stored state). Should be fairly efficient.
You'll want to do the complex drawing operations for the bottom BufferedImage in another thread, as the other poster mentions (omitted this by accident, sorry :)). However, you don't want to cause contention on this image, so you must store an additional BufferedImage for this, and blit it synchronously to the other image at the very moment the drawing operations are complete on it.
Focusing on the complicated panel, the key is factoring everything out of paintComponent() except drawImage(). Put everything else in another thread that continually updates an offscreen buffer. Periodically update the screen at some rate that keeps the simple panel responsive. The only hard part is synchronizing, but SwingWorker is a good choice. There's more here.
What's sure is that if the upper panel is target for a full repaint(), then the lower one will be also.
Maybe you can try to optimize the region to repaint on the upper panel in order to avoid repainting all the lower one. But if the painted rectangle in the upper panel covers the whole area, then you end up with full repaint() once again.
Normally, Swing tries to optimize the regions that need a repaint, but it also aggregates these regions when several repaint are performed in a short time, and if I remember well, the aggregated region is just a rectangle that is the union of all repaint rectangles, which is not always optimized but allows for fast computation of repaint events creation.
Now, I think you should follow the advices given in previous replies; indeed, you should really avoid having a paint() method that can perform computations that can be that long (a few 10s of ms should be the real maximum). Painting should be as fast as possible if you don't want to have a GUI that looks unresponsive to the end user. Hence, favour performing the computation only once (and outside the EDT if possible) store the result in a BufferedImage that you just simply draw later on in the paint() method.
EDIT: added other sources of reflection
If you want to optimize the update of the list of points but still keep it in the paint() method, then you can use the clipping region of the passed Graphics to limit the calls to drawing methods, something like:
Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds();
for (Point p: allPoints) {
if (clip.contains(p)) {
// draw p with g graphics
You can even try to optimize the list of points to draw by using a QuadTree instead of a simple List, but you'll have to code it yourself (or find some free implementations, there are probably a few of them out there). With a quadtree, you can optimize the time to find the list of all points that have to be redrawn (based on the Graphics clipping rectangle) and only redraw those points.
Addenda for answer by trashgod and jfpoilpret
1/ OverlayLayout is strange way how to layout JPanels, are you same output with once JPanel (without OverlayLayout and Translucentcy)
2/ (10s or 100s of milliseconds) is maybe small value because there is Native OS Latency (45-75ms for today OS and PC)
3/ synchronizations would be managed by using SwingWorker on BackGround Task and with order, directions and synchronizations for painting processes to the JPanel, maybe your paints are too fast/quickly
4/ you didn't describe more about how, where and which about paint()/paintComponent()
if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
paintImmediately(int x, int y, int w, int h) // or Rectangle r
} else {
Runnable doRun = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
repaint(long tm, int x, int y, int width, int height) // or Rectangle r

creating a pen tool, repainting issue - JAVA

I am trying to create a pen tool using mouse listeners:
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
imageL.setCoordinates(originalPos, e.getPoint());
originalPos = e.getPoint();
The paint function in the JLabel (imageL) receives two sets of points that allow drawing a line based upon the mouse drag. The only issue is that every time the drag is performed, the new layer does not contain the line drawn from the previous mouse drag. The paint function of the JLabel is as follows:
public void paint(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
So essentially my question is: How do I "add" the new line to the current layer?
any help would be great,
Thanks in advance
You want to draw in a JComponent's (and JLabel extends from JComponent) paintComponent method, not the paint method unless you plan to handle all the painting of the component's borders and children. Next, you may wish to have your drawing component hold an ArrayList of Point and add Points to this array list in the mouseDragged method. Then the paintComponent method can iterate through the list and paint all the lines. If all you want to do is paint one line, then have the painting JLabel hold both points in a class field.
For a start, in swing (a JLabel is a swing component, as apposed to the older AWT library) the recommended practice is to override the paintComponent method (not the "paint" method). See The Java Tutorials: Custom Painting for the hows & whys of it.
If you want to custom-paint a-list-of-lines then you're going to have to do just that... not just the "new" one. One way around this is to "update" an image with each new line, and then custom-paint that... this is slightly quicker as you only "paint" the each line once, at the cost of using more memory (to maintain the "backgroun image")... but this technique lends itself to "double buffering", which avoids "that flickering" you get when you draw directly to the screen. See The Java Tutorials: Working with Images for the details. It's actually pretty straight forward.
I suggest you google for "java double buffering example" (avoid Rose India, it's full of crap).
Cheers. Keith.
