I'm working on project, which uses custom Layout Manager. My goal is rotate all components by 180°.
I have some screen which consists of JFrame. I also have some LayoutHandler, which defines some layers of layout. Each layer is instance of LayerLayout which implements LayerManager2 from java.awt
The flow works probably like this:
I have JFrame, which represents the display. This JFrame has some default contentpane. The application set to this contentpane Layout which is represented by LayerHandler:
graphicalDisplayJFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(new LayerLayout(layerHandler));//graphicalDisplayJFrame is JFrame which represents the display
The layerHandler just somehow manage the layers which are LayerLayouts which implemetns LayerLayout2 from java.awt. So it looks like layout of layouts or whatever it is. I'm not much experienced with creating custom layouts.
There I have a situation which shows creating of JFrame.
graphicalDisplayJPanel = new JPanel() {
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
g2d.rotate(Math.PI, anchorx, anchory); //rotation 180°
public void paintChildren(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d2 = (Graphics2D) g;
g2d2.rotate(Math.PI, anchorx, anchory);
graphicalDisplayJFrame = new JFrame(); //creation of JFrame
graphicalDisplayJFrame.setContentPane(graphicalDisplayJPanel); //setting JFrame to apply rotation
The first part should make the rotation 180°, but it does not, even when i call repaint on graphicalDisplayJFrame. BUT when I add this:
JLabel hwLabel = new JLabel("Hello world.");
I cause strange thing. The JFrame and all of the components on it is accidentaly rotated by 180°. But its only static behaviour, because there are some text components on display and when there is changed the text on them its again rendered in non rotated way.
So the question is why this could happens?
If i divide it in two parts:
a) Why the Graphics2D on JFrame does not affect the children components on its content pane. Why it only works when I add the JLabel which has no sense here but it was just experiment which caused what I wanted (= repaint with right rotation).
b) I should probably somehow apply the rotation => something like overriding the paint method on each components which are added on the contentPane of JFrame. But how should can I do it? Becouse upper described layout handler just manage a bunch of layouts (layers which are probably custom layouts implementig LayoutManager2 from java.awt) and it is just feeding the components which are put on the layouts and put them on content pane. So the question should probably be where could be the place where I want to implement my custom paining which means apply the rotation (which is this part of code g2d.rotate(Math.PI, anchorx, anchory); //rotation 180°).
I hope it understandable, I made pretty bit effort to understand where could be problem and trying find out the solution, but its behave really strange. So I hope someone with more experience with this could help me out off this struggling and show me the way.
You are applying the rotation at very strange points. Graphics2D.rotate() applies only to things painted after the rotate call, but your paint-overides rotate after calling super.
As for why adding a label causes rotation, hard to tell without seeing the entire code. Probably an effect of partial repaint.
You should not modify essentials like the graphics translation or rotation of the graphics passed to your paint methods. It has the potential to affect the parent components drawing in unexpected way and the effect can easily change depending on JRE version. Instead create a new graphics to pass down to your child components:
public void paintChildren(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create();
try {
g2d.rotate(Math.PI, anchorx, anchory);
} finally {
This method leaves the original Graphics untouched, at least allowing the parent component to render normally. Rotating the graphics is still tricky and will probably have unintended side effects in the rendering process, but at least these effects are now carefully limited to the children of the rotating component.
I am currently programming a game which includes lots of graphical elements. Currently the code looks like this:
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
g.drawImage(ImageLoader.gui_iconbar, xToRel(480), yToRel(810), xToRel(960), yToRel(270), null);
g.drawImage(ClientVariables.getSplashart(Main.selectedCharacter, 0), xToRel(495), yToRel(825), xToRel(135), yToRel(240), null);
//... (don't get confused with xToRel, it just makes changes to the drawing position if you move the camera)
The problem is: there are TONS of these g.draw(whatever); lines. I want to split them in multiple classes but just making 4 classes and copy paste gameFrame.add(GraphicclassXY); doesn't work, logically. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? (It's not a problem if the solution includes making changes from jlabel to canvas for example)
Create logical non-component classes (that don't extend JLabel, JPanel, JFrame, JComponent or other Swing component), give them a public void draw(Graphics g) method, give the class that does the drawing instances of your logical classes, perhaps within some sort of collection, and iterate through the collection and call draw on your instances within the paintComponent method.
I have placed a JPanel object inside a JScrollPane and scrolling works as expected. By overriding paintComponent() I have attempted to do custom painting within the JPanel object. However when the JPanel object is placed within the JScrollPane the JPanel no longer paints properly (instead shows only its background color).
Because my application demands the JPanel to be updated constantly, a separate thread is constructed to repaint the JPanel at a specific interval.
The following excerpts of code show my current project:
a) paintComponent() from my JPanel (This method has been cut down to only the painting, the actual paint will be a constantly updating BufferedImage supplied from another thread instead of this big pink static box):
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
//Render Frame
// 'RXDisplayCanvas' is the JPanel.
Graphics2D G2D = (Graphics2D)RXDisplayCanvas.getGraphics();
//800 and 600 are arbitrary values for this example, real values are calculated at runtime. The value calculation code is verified to work (as its used elsewhere in a similar scenario)
G2D.fillRect(0, 0, 800, 600);
b) The 'updater' thread that periodically repaints the frame:
public void run() {
long MaxFrameTime;
long Time;
// 'FPSLimit' is a integer value (default to 30)
MaxFrameTime = Math.round(1000000000.0 / FPSLimit);
Time = System.nanoTime();
SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
// 'RXDisplayCanvas' is the JPanel.
RXDisplayCanvas.repaint(); //When using this, the JPanel does not display correctly.
//RXDisplayCanvas.paintImmediately(0, 0, RXDisplayCanvas.getWidth(), RXDisplayCanvas.getHeight()); When using this, the JPanel renders correctly but flickers.
}catch(InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException e){}
Time = System.nanoTime() - Time;
if(Time < MaxFrameTime){
Thread.sleep(Math.round((MaxFrameTime - Time)/1000000.0));
}catch(InterruptedException ex){}
I have taken into account that repaint() does not cause a immediate repainting of the screen but the issue lies with the incorrect rendering of the screen. When the program is left alone, it merely renders the background color of the JPanel until the JScrollPane is scrolled in which it renders correctly for one frame before the next repaint() call paints the incorrect display.
When switching repaint() out for paintImmediately() (in excerpt b) the frame rendered correctly but heavy flickering was present where it constantly alternated between painting the background color and painting the pink box. I have tried adding and removing layout managers, disabling the repaint manager as well enabling and disabling the 'double buffered' flag for both components in which all resulted in one of the two behaviors mentioned above (rendering only background or flickering).
Can anyone aid me on this issue?
N.B: I am well aware of Java's variable naming convention, since this is a private project I am choosing to start variable names with capital letters because I think it looks nicer, please do not post comments regarding this.
1) I am not sure about this:
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
// 'RXDisplayCanvas' is the JPanel.
Graphics2D G2D = (Graphics2D)RXDisplayCanvas.getGraphics();
I would recommend doing:
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
Graphics2D G2D = (Graphics2D)g;
G2D.fillRect(0, 0, 800, 600);
Note how I have omitted the getGraphics, and use the current passed in graphic context of paintComponent.
Also note I do not call g2d.dipose() as this causes problem it should only be done on Graphics that you create Component.getGraphics() but in your case you shouldn't even be creating the Graphics context as it already has been created and passed in to the paintComponent method. (see this similar question)
2) No need for SwingUtilities.invokeXXX block for repaint() as it is thread safe. But especially no need for SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait (as this is a blocking call and wait until all pending AWT events gets processed and run() method completes) which is not good and may also be adding to the onscreen visual artefacts you see.
3) I have tried adding and removing layout managers, disabling the repaint manager as well enabling and disabling the 'double buffered' flag for both components in which all resulted in one of the two behaviours mentioned above (rendering only background or flickering). undo all that as I cannot see how that affected the painting.
It would be even more helpful if I had an SSCCE which illustrates the unwanted behaviour. As I could attempt to reproduce your error but I most likely wont be able to (due to the specific conditions that apply to your app that may be causing these visual artefacts)
How can I use a image as background in a JPanel if the paint () method is already used for other purposes? (I'm tried to draw over a image in a panel).
Here is my code to draw as a pencil, but I don´t know how to add the image as background ?
public void paint(Graphics g) {
if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) {
g.fillRect(x, y, 4, 4);
Thanks Diego
Don't draw in the JPanel's paint(...) method but rather use it's paintComponent(...) method. There are several reasons for this, one being that if you use the paint(...) method, then you are also responsible for drawing the JPanel's borders and child components and at risk of messing up the rendering of these guys. Also you lose Swing's automatic double buffering.
First call the parent class's super method before calling any other code in the method. This will allow the JPanel to refresh its background and do any graphics housekeeping that may need to be done.
Next draw your background image using g.drawImage(...),
Then do your pencil drawing.
Hovercraft Full Of Eels gave good advice on one direction to take. Here is another.
Display the image in a (ImageIcon in a) JLabel.
When it comes time to paint:
Call createGraphics() on the BufferedImage to gain a Graphics2D object.
paint the lines or other visual elements to the graphics instance.
dispose of the graphics instance.
Call repaint() on the label.
E.G. as seen in this answer.
I'll start off by telling you what Im trying to do if thats OK, as Im not certain the route Im struggling with is even the best way of achieving my ends.
I have a JFrame containing two JPanels. One contains a number of buttons (buttonPanel), the other is, initially, blank (displayPane). When buttons are pressed the stuff shown in displayPanel changes. The way this is working is each press of a button creates a new object that extends JPanel and then adds that to displayPane
So all the above is working fine and dandy (although I freely admit it may not be the best way of doing it) except for one particular case.
In this particular case I need to create a JLayeredPanel and then draw a clipped image on it. JLayeredPanel because I want to draw some stuff on top of it, clipped because I only want to show part of the area (which exact part is passed to the constructor).
Now, the problem Im having is this. The only way I know to draw a clipped image is through g=thingie.getGraphics(), g.setClip(Shape shape), g.drawImage(various). However, all of that relies on being able to get graphics. But because I am assembling the object first there is no graphics object associated with the JLayeredPane (because its not displayed) so getGraphics is returning null and g.setClip() is throwing a Null Pointer Exception.
Obviously I am doing this wrong somehow and somewhere. Any help would be appreciated, sorry if the question is confusing. I tried to include as much detail as possible and now I am a little concerned I've muddied the issue. I'll keep an eye on this and clarify if required.
Warning!: Wrong answer, see below the line
Why don't you just create a new Graphics object, paint on it and then use it with the update() method?
Graphics g = new Graphics();
This showd be correct
As stated on the comments the previous solution was wrong but it can be done with an Double buffer, create a buffered image and draw on it, then override the paint method of the jLayeredPane pane to draw the image.
private void addStuff() {
BufferedImage bi =
new BufferedImage(100, 100, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR);
Graphics bufferedGraphics = bi.getGraphics();
//Paint stuff
bufferedGraphics.drawLine(0, 0, 50, 50);
javax.swing.JLayeredPane layered;
layered = new JLayeredPane() {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, null);
I created a class that extends a JFrame and added a JPanel inside it, but the paintComponents() method doesn't draw anything on the JPanel. Heres the code for the paintComponents(), I chose to use double image buffering.
public void paintComponents(Graphics graphics) {
bufferedImage = createImage(sizeX, sizeY);
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) bufferedImage.getGraphics();
for (ImageData myImage : imageData) {
g.drawImage(myImage.getImage(), myImage.getX(), myImage.getY(), null);
graphics.drawImage(bufferedImage, 0, 0, null);
Is there anything wrong with this? Btw, I tried paint() and it worked but I dont think it's the proper way to do this.
Thanks for your time. :)
Do not extend a top level component such as a JFrame. Instead keep an instance of a frame, and add a panel to that. All custom painting or addition of components is done in the panel.
When doing custom painting in a panel, do it in the paintComponent method (not paintComponents do not override that).
Other tips
Remember to call super.paintComponent(g);. This is important to ensure that borders and padding etc. are accounted for.
Swap null for this. Every JComponent is an ImageObserver.
please note that JFrame is NOT a JComponent! In fact, the paintComponents(Graphics) method is NEVER called. A fix would be subclassing JPanel and adding your subclassed panel to the frame as the content pane. In the panel override the paintComponents(Graphics) method.