Rally rest recyclebin - java

In the Rally REST Java API (1.40), how can I create a QueryRequest to find a specific DELETED item by FormattedID.
QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest("recyclebinentry");
I see in an unrestricted query ( e.g. no filter set ), the value for the FormattedID is returned in the "ID" property, but using that property or FormattedID in a query results in the queryResponse.wasSuccessful() being false.

Unfortunately, the Recycle Bin offers only very limited query-ability. As you've found, FormattedID is not accepted, nor are DeletedBy, Name, Type, or other useful identifying fields. The best you can really do is filter by DeletionDate. For example (DeletionDate >= "2013-03-01T15:00:00Z") to narrow your results. Then manually search on the client-side.
I'd recommend posting this as a Feature Request to Rally Ideas, since this is a commonly requested item.


Collect all VersionOne assets and all their attributes using Java

I'm working on a task that requires me to export all assets and all their attribute values into a CSV file. I know that there is an option to export into Excel, but that one has its problems and we decide to give a chance to an API.
The problem I faced is that while I can get all assets of a specific type with the code
IServices services = new Services(connector);
IAssetType requestType = services.getMeta().getAssetType("Request");
Query query = new Query(requestType);
it isn't clean how to return all asset's attributes. There is a getAttributes() for the Asset object
QueryResult result = services.retrieve(query);
for (Asset asset : result.getAssets()) {
Map<String, Attribute> attributes = asset.getAttributes();
but it doesn't seem to return an attribute unless it is explicitly added into a query eg.
Query query = new Query(requestType);
IAttributeDefinition nameAttribute = requestType.getAttributeDefinition("Name");
IAttributeDefinition numberAttribute = requestType.getAttributeDefinition("Number");
QueryResult result = services.retrieve(query);
which doesn't make sense to me, since I may not even know all possible object's attributes!
I feel like getAttributes() method may not be suitable for this purpose, but what else to use then? Any ideas on how I can collect the data I need?
You can use Meta API query to retrieve metadata for specific asset type:
<Server Base URI>/meta.v1/Request
In general VersionOne APIs don't return all available attributes at once as a default. When using the VersionOne Rest api, the most important subset of attributes are returned and no custom fields. The VersionOne sdks are a wrapper around this api so it stands to reason that api business rules are fulfilled in the sdk. You will have to know the names of all possible attributes of an asset and explicitly request them. This includes custom fields (Custom_AttributeName). This can be queried by doing a meta query YourVersionOneInstance/meta.v1/YourAssetName. You then will have to iterate through this xml tree and get the attribute names and wrap the proper query plumbing around each attribute.

How to update test results in rally api by providing test set name

I tried with the code in the below previous post .
How to get TestSet ID using Rally Rest API in Java?
i am able to update test results in rally api by providing test set id ,but when I provide test set name , i am getting null pointer exception. I am able to retrieve the test set id for first two iterations , but when creating test case ,test set is null . Do i need to change query parameter ? ,. Can anyone please help me on this.
There are a few updates to the code you provided that allow getting this information. The updates are:
QueryRequest testsetRequest = new QueryRequest("TestSet");
testsetRequest.setFetch(new Fetch("FormattedID","Name"));
testsetRequest.setQueryFilter(new QueryFilter("Name", "=", "TestSetName"));
QueryResponse testSetQueryResponse = restApi.query(testsetRequest);
System.out.println(String.format("\nTestSet: %d",testSetQueryResponse.getTotalResultCount()));
String TestSetref = testSetQueryResponse.getResults().get(0).getAsJsonObject().get("_ref").toString();

Retrieving full objects from a query done via Bolt protocol

In Neo4J, I want to use the bolt protocol.
I installed the 3.1 version of Neo4J.
I my Java project, that already works well with normal HTTP Rest API of Neo4J, I integrate with Maven the needed drivers and achieve to perform request with BOLT.
The problem is everywhere you make a search about bolt they give example like this one :
MATCH (a:Product) return a.name
But I don't want the name, I want all the data of all product, what ever i know or not before what are these columns, like here:
MATCH (a:Product) return * --> here I retrieve only the ids of nodes
I found there https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-jdbc/tree/master/neo4j-jdbc-bolt we can "flatten" the result but it seems to not work or I didn't understand how it works:
GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt://localhost:7687/?flatten=-1", AuthTokens.basic( "neo4j", "......." ) );
I put the ?flatten=-1 at the end of my connection address... but that changed nothing.
Anyone can help? Or confirm it's not possible or not working ?
Ok I understood my error, I didn’t dig enough in the object returned. So used to have a JSON formatted response, I didn’t see that I have to search in the StatementResult object to find the wanted object with its properties. In fact Eclipse in the “expressions” shows “in fly” only the ids, but inside the object data are there.
Record oneRecord = rs.next();
String src = oneRecord.get("m").get("source");
That way I can reconstruct my object

Unboundid not returning requested LDAP attributes. Why?

I have written a program that reads a webservice, retrieving user data, and then is supposed to push that data to ActiveDirectory, thus updating the user's title, address, phone numbers, etc.
The problem is that when I perform the search using the Unboundid Connection class the requested attributes are not returned. Below is the search code:
SearchResult result = connection.search( properties.getProperty("ldap.search.baseDN"),
SearchScope.SUB, "(cn=" + userId + ")",
"personalTitle", "department", "company", "manager", "telephoneNumber",
"streetAddress", "I", "st", "postalCode", "c", "pager", "mobile",
"fax", "cn");
The above code locates the desired user and the cn attribute is returned as expected, but the other attributes all fail to return. If I connect to AD using JXplorer using the same connection credentials, I'm able to see all the desired attributes exist, but are simply not being returned.
I have tried substituting SearchRequest.ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES, SearchRequest.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES and SearchRequest.REQUEST_ATTRS_DEFAULT rather than listing the fields explicitly, but with no success.
I have also looked at the 'Schema' object returned from 'connection.getSchema()' and can see that personalTitle should exist:
The above code returns:
1.2.840.113556.1.2.615 NAME 'personalTitle' SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE
So maybe this is a user permission issue? Has anyone experienced this and know how to resolve it?
LDAP search result entries only include attributes that actually have values, so the behavior you are seeing from the UnboundID LDAP SDK is appropriate and correct. Even if you explicitly request a particular attribute, that attribute will only be included in the entry if it has one or more values.
I think that you're confused by JXplorer because it's reading the schema to determine what attributes could possibly be included in the entry based on its object classes and is showing them to you so that you can set values for those attributes in the editor. But that doesn't mean that the entry returned by the server actually includes any information about those attributes.
To verify this, you can use the ldap-debugger tool provided with the LDAP SDK to see the actual LDAP communication that occurs. Just run a command like:
tools/ldap-debugger --hostname {directory-server-address} \
--port {directory-server-port} --listenPort {listen-port}
This will create a very simple LDAP proxy server that decodes all requests and responses that pass through it. To use it, simply point JXplorer at the specified listen-port. You will see that when JXplorer retrieves the entry, the entry returned by the server will only contain attributes that actually have values.
If you want to figure out what all the possible attributes are that you can include in a given entry, then use the LDAPConnection.getSchema method to retrieve the server schema, then Schema.getObjectClass for each of the object classes in the target entry, and finally use the ObjectClassDefinition.getRequiredAttributes and ObjectClassDefinition.getOptionalAttributes methods to see what attribute types must and may be used in entries with that object class.

Amazon DynamoDB to Get Items with attribute value of... (Java API)

I'm fairly new to Amazon's AWS and its API for Java, so I'm not exactly sure what the most efficient method for what I'm trying to do would be. Basically, I'm trying to setup a database that will store a project's ID, it's status, as well as the bucket and location when uploaded to an S3 bucket by a user. What I'm having trouble with is getting a list of all the project IDs that have a status of "ready" under the status attribute. Any projects that are of status "ready" need to have their ID numbers loaded to an array or arraylist for later reference. Any recommendations?
The way to do this is to use the scan API. However, this means dynamo will need to look at every item in your table, and check if its attribute "status" is equal to "ready". The cost of this operation will be large, and will charge you for reading every item in your table.
The code would look something like this:
Condition scanFilterCondition = new Condition()
.withAttributeValueList(new AttributeValue().withS("ready"));
Map<String, Condition> conditions = new HashMap<String, Condition>();
conditions.put("status", scanFilterCondition);
ScanRequest scanRequest = new ScanRequest()
ScanResult result = client.scan(scanRequest);
There is a way to make this better, though it requires denormalizing your data. Try keeping a second table with a hash key of "status", and a range key of "project ID". This is in addition to your existing table. This would allow you to use the Query API (scan's much cheaper cousin), and ask it for all items with a hash key of "ready". This will get you a list of the project IDs you need, and you can then get them from the project ID table you already have.
The code for this would look something like:
QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest()
.withHashKeyValue(new AttributeValue().withS("ready"));
QueryResult result = client.query(queryRequest);
The downside to this approach is you have to update two tables whenever you update the status field, and you have to make sure that you keep them in sync. Dynamo doesn't offer transactionality, so you have to be ready for the case where the update to the master project table succeeds, but your secondary status table doesn't. Or vice-versa.
For further reference: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/QueryAndScan.html
