I'm working on a task that requires me to export all assets and all their attribute values into a CSV file. I know that there is an option to export into Excel, but that one has its problems and we decide to give a chance to an API.
The problem I faced is that while I can get all assets of a specific type with the code
IServices services = new Services(connector);
IAssetType requestType = services.getMeta().getAssetType("Request");
Query query = new Query(requestType);
it isn't clean how to return all asset's attributes. There is a getAttributes() for the Asset object
QueryResult result = services.retrieve(query);
for (Asset asset : result.getAssets()) {
Map<String, Attribute> attributes = asset.getAttributes();
but it doesn't seem to return an attribute unless it is explicitly added into a query eg.
Query query = new Query(requestType);
IAttributeDefinition nameAttribute = requestType.getAttributeDefinition("Name");
IAttributeDefinition numberAttribute = requestType.getAttributeDefinition("Number");
QueryResult result = services.retrieve(query);
which doesn't make sense to me, since I may not even know all possible object's attributes!
I feel like getAttributes() method may not be suitable for this purpose, but what else to use then? Any ideas on how I can collect the data I need?
You can use Meta API query to retrieve metadata for specific asset type:
<Server Base URI>/meta.v1/Request
In general VersionOne APIs don't return all available attributes at once as a default. When using the VersionOne Rest api, the most important subset of attributes are returned and no custom fields. The VersionOne sdks are a wrapper around this api so it stands to reason that api business rules are fulfilled in the sdk. You will have to know the names of all possible attributes of an asset and explicitly request them. This includes custom fields (Custom_AttributeName). This can be queried by doing a meta query YourVersionOneInstance/meta.v1/YourAssetName. You then will have to iterate through this xml tree and get the attribute names and wrap the proper query plumbing around each attribute.
In Neo4J, I want to use the bolt protocol.
I installed the 3.1 version of Neo4J.
I my Java project, that already works well with normal HTTP Rest API of Neo4J, I integrate with Maven the needed drivers and achieve to perform request with BOLT.
The problem is everywhere you make a search about bolt they give example like this one :
MATCH (a:Product) return a.name
But I don't want the name, I want all the data of all product, what ever i know or not before what are these columns, like here:
MATCH (a:Product) return * --> here I retrieve only the ids of nodes
I found there https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-jdbc/tree/master/neo4j-jdbc-bolt we can "flatten" the result but it seems to not work or I didn't understand how it works:
GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt://localhost:7687/?flatten=-1", AuthTokens.basic( "neo4j", "......." ) );
I put the ?flatten=-1 at the end of my connection address... but that changed nothing.
Anyone can help? Or confirm it's not possible or not working ?
Ok I understood my error, I didn’t dig enough in the object returned. So used to have a JSON formatted response, I didn’t see that I have to search in the StatementResult object to find the wanted object with its properties. In fact Eclipse in the “expressions” shows “in fly” only the ids, but inside the object data are there.
Record oneRecord = rs.next();
String src = oneRecord.get("m").get("source");
That way I can reconstruct my object
I am using the Java API to query elasticsearch. I am building the query this way:
SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = client.prepareSearch(index)
SearchResponse resp = searchRequestBuilder.get();
for (SearchHit hit : resp.getHits().getHits()) {
GeoPoint point = hit.field("location").getValue();
// ... etc
Is there a way to build the request and just get all the fields without specifying them explicitly? Seeing as the HTTP interface doesn't require you to do that.
I'm not sure which version of ES and java client you're on, but according to this javadoc: http://javadoc.kyubu.de/elasticsearch/HEAD/org/elasticsearch/action/search/SearchRequestBuilder.html#addFields(java.lang.String...), If you don't specify any fields, the full _source of the document will be returned.
Another thing I'll note is that the javadoc specifies the fields must be stored (unless you use addFieldDataField). Make sure they're not marked as ignored in your mapping.
How do I retrieve an OrientDB Document/Object or Graph object using its Record ID? (Language: Java)
I'm referring to http://orientdb.com/docs/2.0/orientdb.wiki/Tutorial-Record-ID.html and Vertex.getId() / Edge.getId() methods.
It is just like an SQL query "SELECT * from aTable WHERE ID = 1".
Usage/purpose description: I want to store the generated ID after it is created by OrientDB, and later retrieve the same object using the same ID.
(1) I'd suggest using OrientDB 2.1, and its documentation, e.g. http://orientdb.com/docs/2.1/Tutorial-Record-ID.html
(2) From your post, it's unclear to me whether you need help obtaining the RID from the results of a query, or retrieving an object given its RID, so let me begin by mentioning that the former can be accomplished as illustrated by this example (in the case of an INSERT query):
ODocument result=db.command(new OCommandSQL(<INSERTQUERY>)).execute();
Going the other way around, there are several approaches. I have verified that the following does work using Version 2.1.8:
OrientGraph graph = new OrientGraph("plocal:PATH_TO_DB", "admin", "admin");
Vertex v = graph.getVertex("#16:0");
An alternative and more generic approach is to construct and execute a SELECT query of the form SELECT FROM :RID, along the lines of this example:
List<ODocument> results = db.query(new OSQLSynchQuery<ODocument>("select from " + rid));
for (ODocument aDoc : results) {
(3) In practice, it will usually be better to use some other "handle" on OrientDB vertices and edges in Java code, or indeed when using any of the supported programming languages. For example, once one has a vertex as a Java Vertex, as in the "Vertex v" example above, one can usually use it.
I have an Ontology with some Classes and everything setup to run. What is a good way to fill it up with Individuals and Data?? In Short do a one-way Mapping from Database (as Input) to an Ontology.
public class Main {
static String SOURCE = "http://www.umingo.de/ontology/bento.owl";
static String NS = SOURCE+"#";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM );
// read the RDF/XML file
OntologyPreLoader loader = new OntologyPreLoader();
model = loader.init(model);
My Preloader has a Method init with the goal to copy data from a database into the ontology. Here is the Excerpt.
public OntModel init(OntModel model) throws SQLException{
Resource r = model.getResource( Main.NS + "Tag" );
Property tag_name = model.createProperty(Main.NS + "Tag_Name");
OntClass tag = r.as( OntClass.class );
// statements allow to issue SQL queries to the database
statement = connect.createStatement();
// resultSet gets the result of the SQL query
resultSet = statement
.executeQuery("select * from niuu.tags");
// resultSet is initialised before the first data set
while (resultSet.next()) {
// it is possible to get the columns via name
// also possible to get the columns via the column number
// which starts at 1
// e.g., resultSet.getSTring(2);
String id = resultSet.getString("id");
String name = resultSet.getString("name");
Individual tag_tmp = tag.createIndividual(Main.NS+"Tag_"+id);
System.out.println("id: " + id);
System.out.println("name: " + name);
return model;
Everything is working, but I feel really unsure about this way to preload ontologies. Also every Individual should get its own ID so that i can match it with the database at a later point.
Can i simply define a Property ID and add it to every Individual?
I thought about Adding ID to "Thing" as it is the most basic Type in OWL ontologies.
At first sight it seems ok. One tip is to try convert the Jena model into a RDF serialization and run it through Protégé to get a more clear picture on how your ontology mapping looks like.
You can definitely make your own property to describe the id of every individual.
Beneath is an example on how you can create a similar property in turtle format.(I did not add the prefixes for OWL and rdfs since they are some common)
You can add this in Jena aswell if needed. (or load this into your model in Jena.)
#prefix you: <your domain> .
you:dbIdentificator a owl:DatatypeProperty .
you:dbIdentificator rdfs:label "<Your database identifcator>"#en .
you:dbIdentificator rdfs:comment "<Some valuable information if needed>"#en .
you:dbIdentificator rdfs:isDefinedBy <your domain> .
you:dbIdentificator rdfs:domain owl:Thing .
You could also add owl:Thing to every resource, but that is not the best practice because it is a vague definition of a resource. I would look around for vocabularies that defines more what the resource is. Take a look at GoodRelations. It is a very good defined vocabulary that can describe information even though it is not for commercial use. Especially check out the classes there.
Hope that answered some of your question.
Programatically generating URIs is always somewhat unsettling. If you have Guava, use Preconditions to make some fail-fast assertions about what's coming out of the database (so that your code will let you know if it gets out of alignment with your schema). Use the JDK's URLEncoder to ensure that the id you get from the database is converted to a URI-friendly format (Note that if your data contains characters that cannot be printed in xml and have no percent encoding, you'll need to manually handle them).
For your property/column values, use explicitly create the literal. This makes it very clear whether you are using plain literals, language literals, or typed literals:
// If things can have multiple names in multiple languages, for example
tag_tmp.addProperty(tag_name,model.createTypedLiteral(name, "en"));
Note that you may not wish to define your schema so that it implies things about owl:Thing, because that would have implications outside of your domain. Instead, define a domain-specific notion like a :DatabaseResource. Set the domains of your properties to be that and it's subclasses rather than thing. This way the use of your property implies that the subject with within your domain, rather than simply an owl individual (which is implied by the domain of owl:DatatypeProperty anyway).
EDIT: It's absolutely acceptable to create a representation of the database's unique ID and place it into the RDF model. If you are using owl2, you can define an OWL-2 Key on that property for your :DatabaseResources and keep the same semantics that you had in the database.
EDIT: Noting a portion of your post on the Jena mailing list:
I have a huge MYSQL-Database for read only purpose and want to extract some Data into the Ontology.
I would highly recommend using the TDB Java API to construct a Dataset that backed by your disk. I've worked on very large database exports before, and it's quite possible that your data size won't be tractable otherwise. TDB's indexing requires a lot of disk space, but the memory-mapped IO makes it very difficult to kill due to OOM errors. Finally, once you have constructed the database on disk, you won't have to perform this expensive import operation again (or could at least optimize it).
If you find database creation times to be prohibitive, then you may with to utilize the bulk loader in creative ways. This answer has an example of using the bulk loader from java.
In the Rally REST Java API (1.40), how can I create a QueryRequest to find a specific DELETED item by FormattedID.
QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest("recyclebinentry");
I see in an unrestricted query ( e.g. no filter set ), the value for the FormattedID is returned in the "ID" property, but using that property or FormattedID in a query results in the queryResponse.wasSuccessful() being false.
Unfortunately, the Recycle Bin offers only very limited query-ability. As you've found, FormattedID is not accepted, nor are DeletedBy, Name, Type, or other useful identifying fields. The best you can really do is filter by DeletionDate. For example (DeletionDate >= "2013-03-01T15:00:00Z") to narrow your results. Then manually search on the client-side.
I'd recommend posting this as a Feature Request to Rally Ideas, since this is a commonly requested item.