performace issue with the code ,exponential working - java

I have two lists of type object with data , the first one is principal entity and the second is dependent entity.
In addition I have key table that relate between the principal and depended entity objects.
In the first for statement I get one instance of type object and then I go and loop on every instance of the second entity and trying to find
Match between them (i think exponential problem…) ,if match is find update the principal entity with the reference object .
The following code is working but I check it from performance perspective and it's not working in efficient way.
Do you have an idea/tips how to improve this code from perforce aspect.
In the JVM monitor I found that EntityDataCreator.getInstanceValue have a problem.
This is the method start
// start with the principal entity
for (Object principalEntityInstance : principalEntityInstances) {
List<Object> genObject = null;
Object refObject = createRefObj(dependentMultiplicity);
// check entries in dependent entity
for (Object dependentEntityInstance : toEntityInstances) {
boolean matches = true;
for (String[] prop : propertiesMappings) {
// Get properties related keys
String fromProp = prop[0];
String toProp = prop[1];
Object fromValue = EntityDataCreator.getInstanceValue(fromProp, principalEntityInstance);
Object toValue = EntityDataCreator.getInstanceValue(toProp, dependentEntityInstance);
if (fromValue != null && toValue != null) {
if (!fromValue.equals(toValue)) {
matches = false;
if (matches) {
// all properties match
if (refObject instanceof List) {
genObject = (List<Object>) refObject;
refObject = genObject;
} else {
refObject = dependentEntityInstance;
if (refObject != null) {
EntityDataCreator.createMemberValue(principalEntityInstance, navigationPropName, refObject);
public static Object getInstanceValue(String Property, Object EntityInstance) throws NoSuchFieldException,
IllegalAccessException {
Class<? extends Object> EntityObj = EntityInstance.getClass();
Field Field = EntityObj.getDeclaredField(Property);
Object Value = Field.get(EntityInstance);
return Value;

my guess would be your best bet is to go through both lists once, prepare all data that you need in hashtables, then do one iteration. this way, your problem becomes N+M instead of N*M
Map<String,List<Object>> principalMap = new HashMap<String,List<Object>>();
for (Object principalEntityInstance : principalEntityInstances) {
List<String> keys = getKeysFor(principalEntityInstance);
for(String key : keys) {
List<Object> l = principalMap.get(key);
if(l==null) {
l = new ArrayList<Object>();
the do the same for dependentEntityInstance - this way, your searches will be much faster.

I might be misunderstanding your question, but I would suggest defining an equals method for your entities and a hashing method for them, so that you can leverage all the goodness that java already has for searching and matching entities already.
When at all possible rely on Java's infrastructure I think, Sun/Oracle spent a long time making it really fast.


Different deserialization behavior between Java 8 and Java 11

I have a problem with deserialization in Java 11 that results in a HashMap with a key that can't be found. I would appreciate if anyone with more knowledge about the issue could say if my proposed workaround looks ok, or if there is something better I could do.
Consider the following contrived implementation (the relationships in the real problem are a bit more complex and hard to change):
public class Element implements Serializable {
private static long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final int id;
private final Map<Element, Integer> idFromElement = new HashMap<>();
public Element(int id) { = id;
public void addAll(Collection<Element> elements) {
elements.forEach(e -> idFromElement.put(e,;
public Integer idFrom(Element element) {
return idFromElement.get(element);
public int hashCode() {
return id;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof Element)) {
return false;
Element other = (Element) obj;
return ==;
Then I create an instance that has a reference to itself and serialize and deserialize it:
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Element> elements = Arrays.asList(new Element(111), new Element(222));
Element originalElement = elements.get(1);
Storage<Element> storage = new Storage<>();
Element retrievedElement = storage.deserialize();
if (retrievedElement.idFrom(retrievedElement) == 222) {
If I run this code in Java 8 the result is "ok", if I run it in Java 11 the result is a NullPointerException because retrievedElement.idFrom(retrievedElement) returns null.
I put a breakpoint at HashMap.hash() and noticed that:
In Java 8, when idFromElement is being deserialized and Element(222) is being added to it, its id is 222, so I am able to find it later.
In Java 11, the id is not initialized (0 for int or null if I make it an Integer), so hash() is 0 when it's stored in the HashMap. Later, when I try to retrieve it, the id is 222, so idFromElement.get(element) returns null.
I understand that the sequence here is deserialize(Element(222)) -> deserialize(idFromElement) -> put unfinished Element(222) into Map. But, for some reason, in Java 8 id is already initialized when we get to the last step, while in Java 11 it is not.
The solution I came up with was to make idFromElement transient and write custom writeObject and readObject methods to force idFromElement to be deserialized after id:
transient private Map<Element, Integer> idFromElement = new HashMap<>();
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream output) throws IOException {
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream input) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
idFromElement = (HashMap<Element, Integer>) input.readObject();
The only reference I was able to find about the order during serialization/deserialization was this:
For serializable classes, the SC_SERIALIZABLE flag is set, the number of fields counts the number of serializable fields and is followed by a descriptor for each serializable field. The descriptors are written in canonical order. The descriptors for primitive typed fields are written first sorted by field name followed by descriptors for the object typed fields sorted by field name. The names are sorted using String.compareTo.
Which is the same in both Java 8 and Java 11 docs, and seems to imply that primitive typed fields should be written first, so I expected there would be no difference.
Implementation of Storage<T> included for completeness:
public class Storage<T> {
private final ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
public void serialize(T object) {
try (ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(buffer)) {
} catch (Exception ioe) {
public T deserialize() {
ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayIS = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer.toByteArray());
try (ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(byteArrayIS)) {
return (T) objectInputStream.readObject();
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
return null;
As mentioned in the comments and encouraged by the asker, here are the parts of the code that changed between version 8 and version 11 that I assume to be the reason for the different behavior (based on reading and debugging).
The difference is in the ObjectInputStream class, in one of its core methods. This is the relevant part of the implementation in Java 8:
private void readSerialData(Object obj, ObjectStreamClass desc)
throws IOException
ObjectStreamClass.ClassDataSlot[] slots = desc.getClassDataLayout();
for (int i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) {
ObjectStreamClass slotDesc = slots[i].desc;
if (slots[i].hasData) {
if (obj == null || handles.lookupException(passHandle) != null) {
} else {
defaultReadFields(obj, slotDesc);
* Reads in values of serializable fields declared by given class
* descriptor. If obj is non-null, sets field values in obj. Expects that
* passHandle is set to obj's handle before this method is called.
private void defaultReadFields(Object obj, ObjectStreamClass desc)
throws IOException
Class<?> cl = desc.forClass();
if (cl != null && obj != null && !cl.isInstance(obj)) {
throw new ClassCastException();
int primDataSize = desc.getPrimDataSize();
if (primVals == null || primVals.length < primDataSize) {
primVals = new byte[primDataSize];
bin.readFully(primVals, 0, primDataSize, false);
if (obj != null) {
desc.setPrimFieldValues(obj, primVals);
int objHandle = passHandle;
ObjectStreamField[] fields = desc.getFields(false);
Object[] objVals = new Object[desc.getNumObjFields()];
int numPrimFields = fields.length - objVals.length;
for (int i = 0; i < objVals.length; i++) {
ObjectStreamField f = fields[numPrimFields + i];
objVals[i] = readObject0(f.isUnshared());
if (f.getField() != null) {
handles.markDependency(objHandle, passHandle);
if (obj != null) {
desc.setObjFieldValues(obj, objVals);
passHandle = objHandle;
The method calls defaultReadFields, which reads the values of the fields. As mentioned in the quoted part of the specification, it first handles the field descriptors of primitive fields. The values that are read for these fields are set immediately after reading them, with
desc.setPrimFieldValues(obj, primVals);
and importantly: This happens before it calls readObject0 for each of the non-primitive fields.
In contrast to that, here is the relevant part of the implementation of Java 11:
private void readSerialData(Object obj, ObjectStreamClass desc)
throws IOException
ObjectStreamClass.ClassDataSlot[] slots = desc.getClassDataLayout();
for (int i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) {
ObjectStreamClass slotDesc = slots[i].desc;
if (slots[i].hasData) {
if (obj == null || handles.lookupException(passHandle) != null) {
} else {
FieldValues vals = defaultReadFields(obj, slotDesc);
if (slotValues != null) {
slotValues[i] = vals;
} else if (obj != null) {
defaultCheckFieldValues(obj, slotDesc, vals);
defaultSetFieldValues(obj, slotDesc, vals);
private class FieldValues {
final byte[] primValues;
final Object[] objValues;
FieldValues(byte[] primValues, Object[] objValues) {
this.primValues = primValues;
this.objValues = objValues;
* Reads in values of serializable fields declared by given class
* descriptor. Expects that passHandle is set to obj's handle before this
* method is called.
private FieldValues defaultReadFields(Object obj, ObjectStreamClass desc)
throws IOException
Class<?> cl = desc.forClass();
if (cl != null && obj != null && !cl.isInstance(obj)) {
throw new ClassCastException();
byte[] primVals = null;
int primDataSize = desc.getPrimDataSize();
if (primDataSize > 0) {
primVals = new byte[primDataSize];
bin.readFully(primVals, 0, primDataSize, false);
Object[] objVals = null;
int numObjFields = desc.getNumObjFields();
if (numObjFields > 0) {
int objHandle = passHandle;
ObjectStreamField[] fields = desc.getFields(false);
objVals = new Object[numObjFields];
int numPrimFields = fields.length - objVals.length;
for (int i = 0; i < objVals.length; i++) {
ObjectStreamField f = fields[numPrimFields + i];
objVals[i] = readObject0(f.isUnshared());
if (f.getField() != null) {
handles.markDependency(objHandle, passHandle);
passHandle = objHandle;
return new FieldValues(primVals, objVals);
An inner class, FieldValues, has been introduced. The defaultReadFields method now only reads the field values, and returns them as a FieldValuesobject. Afterwards, the returned values are assigned to the fields, by passing this FieldValues object to a newly introduced defaultSetFieldValues method, which internally does the desc.setPrimFieldValues(obj, primValues) call that originally was done immediately after the primitive values had been read.
To emphasize this again: The defaultReadFields method first reads the primitive field values. Then it reads the non-primitive field values. But it does so before the primitive field values have been set!
This new process interferes with the deserialization method of HashMap. Again, the relevant part is shown here:
private void readObject( s)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
int mappings = s.readInt(); // Read number of mappings (size)
if (mappings < 0)
throw new InvalidObjectException("Illegal mappings count: " +
else if (mappings > 0) { // (if zero, use defaults)
Node<K,V>[] tab = (Node<K,V>[])new Node[cap];
table = tab;
// Read the keys and values, and put the mappings in the HashMap
for (int i = 0; i < mappings; i++) {
K key = (K) s.readObject();
V value = (V) s.readObject();
putVal(hash(key), key, value, false, false);
It reads the key- and value objects, one by one, and puts them into the table, by computing the hash of the key and using the internal putVal method. This is the same method that is used when manually populating the map (i.e. when it is filled programmatically, and not deserialized).
Holger already gave a hint in the comments why this is necessary: There is no guarantee that the hash code of the deserialized keys will be the same as before the serialization. So blindly "restoring the original array" could basically lead to objects being stored in the table under a wrong hash code.
But here, the opposite happens: The keys (i.e. the objects of type Element) are deserialized. They contain the idFromElement map, which in turn contains the Element objects. These elements are put into the map, while the Element objects are still in the process of being deserialized, using the putVal method. But due to the changed order in ObjectInputStream, this is done before the primitive value of the id field (which determines the hash code) has been set. So the objects are stored using hash code 0, and later, the id values is assigned (e.g. the value 222), causing the objects to end up in the table under a hash code that they actually no longer have.
Now, on a more abstract level, this was already clear from the observed behavior. Therefore, the original question was not "What is going on here???", but
if my proposed workaround looks ok, or if there is something better I could do.
I think that the workaround could be OK, but would hesitate to say that nothing could go wrong there. It's complicated.
As of the second part: Something better could be to file a bug report at the Java Bug Database, because the new behavior is clearly broken. It may be hard to point out a specification that is violated, but the deserialized map is certainly inconsistent, and this is not acceptable.
(Yes, I could also file a bug report, but think that more research might be necessary in order to make sure it is written properly, not a duplicate, etc....)
I want to add one possible solution to the excellent answers above:
Instead of making idFromElement transient and forcing the HashMap to be deserialized after the id, you could also make id not final and deserialize it before calling defaultReadObject().
This makes the solution more scalable, since there could be other classes / objects using the hashCode and equals methods or the id leading to similar cycles as you described.
It might also lead to a more generic solution of the problem, although this is not yet completely thought out: All the information that is used in the deserialization of other objects needs to be deserialized before defaultReadObject() is called. That might be the id, but also other fields that your class exposes.

Check List has only one non null element and retrieve it using Java 8

How to check whether the list has only one non-null element and if so retrieve the same using java 8 or Streams?
One of my method return list of objects which needs to check whether the returned list contains only one non null object, If so it creates a map as defined below else, needs to log an error as below.
`public void myMethod() {
List<MyClass> tst = getAll();
if(!tst.isEmpty() ) {
if( tst.size() == 1) {
if(tst.get(0)!= null) {
MyClass class1 = tst.get(0);
Map<Integer,MyClass> m =
Stream.of(class1).collect(Collectors.toMap(MyClass:: getId,
else {
LOGGER.error("Multiple object found - {} object", tst.size());
I'm looking for a way to write in a clean and standard format as I have three If conditions
Something like that should do the trick but it's not using streams. If you really need to use streams say so and I'll give it a try with it :)
int notNullCount = 0;
Object myNotNullElement;
for (Object element : myArray){
if (notNullCount > 1){
//Throw exception or do whaterver you need to do to signal this
if (element != null){
myNotNullElement = element;

Check if Object exists in ArrayList in Java

I have the following List of objects:
private List<Object> teamlist = new ArrayList<Object>();
And I'm adding objects to the list like so:
teamlist.add(new MCWarTeam(args[0], joinkey));
Now the objects in the list have no name, but can be referenced by using the list, right? Before I add a new element to the list, how can I check if an object with a certain attribute already exists? This is the constructor of the Objects:
public MCWarTeam(String teamname, String joinkey){
this.teamname = teamname;
this.joinkey = joinkey;
I want to check if there already is a team with the name teamname. Alternatively, is there a better way to store the Objects? Before, I just used a HashMap to add the teamname and joinkey and it worked just fine, but figured using Objects instead would be a better way to do it.
Here is the important code for the event handler:
else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("createTeam")) {
if (args.length > 0 && args.length < 3) {
String joinkey = "";
if (args.length > 1)
joinkey = args[1];
String teamname = args[0];
MCWarTeam newTeam = new MCWarTeam(teamname, joinkey);
if (!teamlist.containsKey(teamname)) {
teamlist.put(teamname, newTeam);
sender.sendMessage("Created new team \"" + teamname + "\" with join key \"" + joinkey + "\" successfully! Teams:");
sender.sendMessage("All teams:");
for (String key : teamlist.keySet()) {
} else
sender.sendMessage("Team already exists!");
return true;
return false;
else if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("joinTeam")) {
if (args.length > 0 && args.length < 3) {
String joinkey = "";
if (args.length > 1)
joinkey = args[1];
String teamname = args[0];
if (teamlist.containsKey(teamname)) {
String teamKey = teamlist.get(teamname).getJoinKey();
if (joinkey == teamKey) {
Bukkit.broadcastMessage("MCWar: " + playername + " joined Team \"" + teamname + "\" successfully!");
} else
sender.sendMessage("Join key incorrect!");
} else {
sender.sendMessage("Team doesn't exist! Teams:");
for (String key : teamlist.keySet()) {
return true;
return false;
Basically, if it returns false, the user will get a message explaining the correct usage of the command he entered.
Java's List<T> has a boolean contains(Object) method, which is handy for situations when you wish to avoid duplicates:
if (!teamlist.contains(newTeam)) {
MCWarTeam class must implement equals in order for this to work. When you override equals, you must also override hashCode.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof MCWarTeam)) {
return false;
MCWarTeam other = (MCWarTeam)obj;
return teamname.equals(other.teamname)
&& joinkey.equals(other.joinkey);
public int hashCode() {
return 31*teamname.hashCode()+joinkey.hashCode();
I'm just looking to check if an Object with the same teamname already exists, but not care about the joinkey?
If joinkey is not part of your object's state that influences equality, it is usually not a good idea to keep it as part of the object as a field. For example, if joinkey is something transient which you use to "connect" teams to other things, making a HashMap<String,MCWarTeam>, using joinkey as the key to the map, and removing joinkey from MCWarTeam should be a good idea.
Based on the description and your comments to other answers, it seems like a good idea to not use a List, but instead store your data in a Map<String, MCWarTeam>, which maps team names into MCWarTeam objects:
private Map<String, MCWarTeam> teams = new HashMap<>();
You can add a team, checking whether a team with the same name already exists, like this:
String teamName = args[0];
if (!teams.containsKey(teamName)) {
teams.put(teamName, new MCWarTeam(teamName, joinKey));
} else {
// do what you want when the team name was already in the map
Retrieving an MCWarTeam object based on team name, e.g. for accessing the joinKey attribute, is easy:
String joinKey = teams.get(teamName).getJoinKey();
Note that using this approach, you shouldn't implement equals or hashCode in MCWarTeam, because you aren't gonna need it; as your map keys are team names, containsKey operates on String objects which already have well-defined equals and hashCode semantics.
In order to search for an MCWarTeam instance in the ArrayList, you'll first have to override equals in order to define what it means for two MCWarTeam instances to be equal to each other. Then you can use indexOf(team) or contains to determine whether a instance is in the List.
However, such a search would take linear time, so a HashSet may be better for your needs (for that purpose you'll need to override both equals and hashCode, and you'll be able to find if an object is in the Set in constant time).
If you implement MCWarTeam equals method properly, then contains should tell you if the object exists.
boolean exists = teamlist.contains(member);
And as #Eran mentioned a HashSet would give you O(1) lookup where list contains is O(n), the only thing is that HashSet doesn't allow duplicates.
And Yes, use the actual type rather than Object
List<MCWarTeam> teamlist = new ArrayList<>();

Why is an iterator empty on a populated-on-demand collection?

I have the following code:
for (String helpId : helpTipFragCache.getKeys())
List<HelpTopicFrag> value = helpTipFragCache.getValue(helpId);
helpTipFrags.put(helpId, value);
The helpTipFragCache has a mechanism to load the cache if values are needed at it is empty. The getKeys() method triggers this and the cache is loaded when this is called. However in the above case, I see varying behavior.
I first debugged it quickly to see if the cache was indeed populating (within eclipse). I stepped through and the for loop was never entered (due to an empty iterator).
I then debugged it again (with the same code) and stepped into the getKeys() and analyzed the whole process there. It then did everything it was supposed to, the iterator had values to iterate over and there was peace in the console.
I have fixed the issue by changing the code to do this:
Set<String> helpIds = helpTipFragCache.getKeys();
helpIds = helpTipFragCache.getKeys();
for (String helpId : helpIds)
List<HelpTopicFrag> value = helpTipFragCache.getValue(helpId);
helpTipFrags.put(helpId, value);
Obviously the debugging triggered something to initialize or act differently, does anyone know what causes this? Basically, what is happening to create the iterator from the returned collection?
Some other pertinent information:
This code is executed on server startup (tomcat)
This code doesn't behave as expected when executed from an included jar, but does when it is in the same code base
The collection is a Set
Additional Code:
public Set<String> getKeys() throws Exception
if (CACHE_TYPE.LOAD_ALL == cacheType)
//Fake a getValue call to make sure the cache is loaded
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(cache.keySet());
public final T getValue(String key, Object... singleValueArgs) throws Exception
T retVal = null;
if (notCaching())
retVal = getSingleValue(key, null, singleValueArgs);
retVal = getSingleValue(key, singleValueArgs);
synchronized (cache)
if (needToLoadCache())
logger.debug("Need to load cache: " + getCacheName());
Map<String, T> newCache = null;
newCache = getNewCache();
newCache = cache;
cache = newCache;
lastUpdatedInMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
forceLoadCache = false;
...//code in here does not execute for this example, simply gets a value that is already in the cache
return retVal;
And back to the original class (where the previous code was posted from):
protected void loadCache(
Map<String, List<HelpTopicFrag>> newCache)
throws Exception
Map<String, List<HelpTopicFrag>> _helpTipFrags = helpDAO.getHelpTopicFrags(getAppName(), _searchIds);
Above, a database call is made to get the values to be put in the cache.
The answer to
Basically, what is happening to create the iterator from the returned collection?
The for loop in your case treats Setas Iterable and uses an Iterator obtained by calling Iterable.iterator().
Set as = ...;
for (A a : as) {
doSth ();
is basically equivalent to
Set as = ...;
Iterator hidden = as.iterator ();
while (hidden.hasNext ()) {
a = ();
doSth ();

Duplicates in Arraylist, comparing various fields java

I have a code to return an arrayList with the duplicates of an ArrayList
but seems it's not working, I am comparing all items in the array...
public ArrayList<ObjectList> duplicates(ArrayList<ObjectList> someObjectsList) {
ArrayList<ObjectList> ret = new ArrayList<ObjectList>();
for ( ObjectList aSomeObjectsList: someObjectsList) {
String field1 = aSomeObjectsList.get1();
String field2 = aSomeObjectsList.get2();
String field3 = aSomeObjectsList.get3();
String field4 = aSomeObjectsList.get4();
for (ObjectList someObject : ret) {
if (
return ret;
But i guess I am doing something wrong because it doesn't return anything, and I know it has duplictates under this 4 field criteria
Thanks in advance
for (Object someObject : ret) {
if (
The above loop wouldn't work, since it has the size of zero.
Here you go,
public Set<ObjectList> duplicates(ArrayList<ObjectList> someObjectsList) {
Set<ObjectList> originals = new HashSet<ObjectList>();
Set<ObjectList> duplicates = new HashSet<ObjectList>();
for ( ObjectList aSomeObjectsList: someObjectsList) {
boolean added = originals.add(aSomeObjectsList);
return duplicates;
This would work, provided your ObjectList class have the correct implementation of hashCode() and equals() methods.
Disclaimer: This implementation will not provide the information about how many times a particular object was duplicated in the provided list. It will just tell you that a particular object was duplicated. I assumed that that was your real intention. If you wanna count, how many times, you have to modify the code accordingly.
Hint/Suggestion: You should override the equals() method and place your field equality check in there instead, once and for all.
This shouldn't compile - if aSomeObjectsList is an Object then it doesn't have methods get1(), get2(), etc.
Your logic won't work because you aren't checking each element in your input List against the other elements in the input List; rather, you're trying to check the return List.
Also, this is not a really efficient way to check for duplicates in a collection. A better way would be to use a HashMap, where you could check set membership in roughly constant time. If you have to use a List, then sort it first (assuming your objects have a natural ordering) and check adjacent members for equality.
Barring those two, just use List.contains().
Here's a way you can do this. I have defined a basic class ObjectList that shows a way to implement equals and hashCode. Note that this assumes that all the internal variables are non-null. If these variables can contain null then you will need to check for that when computing the equals/hashCode. Also, the objects in this class must also themselves properly implement equals/hashCode.
public class ObjectList {
private int h;
private Object obj1;
private Object obj2;
private Object obj3;
private Object obj4;
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof ObjectList))
return false;
final ObjectList that = (ObjectList) o;
return that.obj1.equals(obj1) && that.obj2.equals(obj2)
&& that.obj3.equals(obj3) && that.obj4.equals(obj4);
public int hashCode() {
// caches the hashcode since it could be costly to recompute every time
// but this assumes that your object is essentially immutable
// (which it should be if you are using equals/hashCode. If this is not
// true and you want to just temporarily use this when doing the duplicate
// test, move the h variable definition from the object level to this method
// and remove this if statement.
if (h != 0)
return h;
h = obj1.hashCode();
h = h * 31 + obj2.hashCode();
h = h * 31 + obj3.hashCode();
h = h * 31 + obj4.hashCode();
return h;
public Collection<ObjectList> duplicates(
final Collection<ObjectList> someObjectsList) {
final Set<ObjectList> unique = new HashSet<ObjectList>(someObjectsList);
final ArrayList<ObjectList> ret = new ArrayList<ObjectList>(someObjectsList);
for (final ObjectList o : unique) {
// The ret list now contains the duplicate instances; instances
// with more than two occurrences will occur multiple times still in
// this list.
return ret;
// If you want a list of unique duplicate instances then, comment out the above
// return and uncomment this one.
// return new HashSet<ObjectList>(ret);
Using Collection<ObjectList> is better, if you can do that, for both the parameter and returned value so you can vary the implementations (ArrayList, Set, etc).
