Thrown exceptions while deploying EJB Module with Eclipse using Glassfish 3.1 - java

My problem is about eclipse and glassfish 3.1
I create simple EJB Project using Eclipse wizard; choose runtime server (glassfish 3.1, downaload all needed files by Eclipse) and all is ok. After i choose "Run -> Run on server" i get error while deploying.
I tryed to start server before making new ejb module and server sarted correctly, after ejb module is created it's not synchronizing.. I am also sure that right server instance was choosen and there is no PORT conflict.
EJB module is fine for sure, before I did it with Eclipse i was working with Netbeans and all was fine - i am using different instances of glassfish for eclipse and netbenas, so it's not a reason of my problem.
Here is server log:
I put it to pastebin, becouse of it huge content.


unable to deploy two application simulteneously on wildfly using eclipse

I am new to the Jboss server.
I am using wildfly for hot code deployment. And have two dynamic web projects.
I can able to deploy and use hot deployment feature when i deploy one app at a time.
But when i add two DWPs to server and start it, deployment is failing for both application. Is there any setting that we need to enable to allow multiple projects?
I am using eclipse keplar, java 7, jboss 8.
It should not be a problem to deploy on a standard wildfly many ear/war-files.
It is possible that you copy and pasted the project ? In this case the web-context could be on both projects the same.
After you start your wildfly you should see two files like .war.failed or
could you post the error messages?

How to deploy a Spring MVC Maven project from Eclipse to an existing Glassfish server

I've got a Spring MVC Maven project written in Eclipse that was verified as working with an Apache Tomcat 7 as the web container.
I am trying to transfer it to my "server" pc where I want to deploy it to the my existing glassfish (4.1) server as the web container.
I am having a very hard time finding a big enough partial answer to get the rest of the way.
I have tried to just export the .war file to the autodeploy folder which resulted in a "deployfailed" file.
I have tried to setup a "new server" using glassfish tools, but I realized that this is creating a new server and the existing server blocks the socket connection.
Eclipse doesn't see to have standard web commands like build, clean or deploy, but I would happily settle for advice on how to tell it to deploy to the existing glassfish server similar to how I was able to with tomcat at my training location.
Check this answer. Then follow the following steps.
Go to the project in the Project Explorer.
Select the web project.
Right click and select "Run As", you will see glashfish. Select it and click run.

Can't deploy application on WebSphere Application Server v8.5 [RAD IDE]

I'm using the Rational Application Developer IDE (RAD, which is a modification of eclipse) to modify an existing application. The problem is that I can't deploy the application on WebSphere Application Server v8.5, I actually get a french error message which translates to "Impossible to find the valid parent module to add to the server" and the next and finish buttons are disabled as shown in the screenshot below:
I have done some research I found out that it could be due to the fact that an EAR project doesn't exist but it is actually the case and I'm wondering if there is a configuration tweak to perfom to fix the problem.
What is the version of WebSphere Application Server that you are using and what is the EAR facet version of the EAR project? You may get that error because the EAR facet version is not supported by the server.

Spring MVC App runs in Eclipse but not Intellij - 404 Not Found

I've written a Spring MVC app that is functional on an app server. I'm attempting to switch development of this app from Eclipse and to Intellij. I am very new to the IDE so I'm not sure where I have gone wrong here.
When I run this application on the server in Eclipse it goes to localhost just fine and works as expected. I created a run configuration in IntelliJ, the app compiles and the server log says it was deployed successfully.
However in the browser it gives the standard HTTP Status 404 - Resource Not Available.
I really don't think it's the servlet or web.xml because those are working just fine in Eclipse. I've also created a brand new app in Intellij to test it and it works fine. So it must be something specific to IntelliJ that I have misconfigured or not setup at all...any ideas? Let me know if you need to see specific screens or anything.
So after toying with this, making it worse a few times, and then getting it back to the original 404 I found the difference.
Eclipse has an internal tomcat server it runs projects on, Intellij runs its projects on the default tomcat server installed on your computer. Intellij exports the project you are running to the server in the web apps folder as the name of your project.
So after I found that, in my tomcat run configuration in Intellij I had to specifiy the application context. Edit Configurations -> Deployment tab -> Application context, and set it to /YourProjectName. My guess is that this tells tomcat where to find your project within the web apps folder.
I hope this can help anyone else who is a relative beginner to tomcat/java EE and intellij like I am.
There is a plugin in intellij called "Smart Tomcat", it allows running spring or web app with much fewer configurations.

Deploying application on tomcat server through netbeans

I am trying to create a new JSF application in Netbeans. I have transferred my existing java source code files & packages to newly created src folder in the new 'Java Web project with JSF framework' in netbeans & also I have added all the dependencies to the classpath.
But when I try to deploy my application on the Tomcat server through netbeans, it fails with following error
Starting Tomcat process...
Waiting for Tomcat...
Tomcat server started.
In-place deployment at Z:\dev\Px10App\build\web
Z:\dev\Px10App\nbproject\build-impl.xml:732: The module has not been deployed.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 minute 19 seconds)
Any help on resolving this is highly appreciated !
As you noticed, Your project runs fine using Glassfish. The most logical idea behind your problem is that your Tomcat container does not have the required libraries.
Glassfish comes along shipped with all the necessary libraries for a JSF based web application or an EJB App (e.g : jsf-imp*l, Mysql connector, *jsf-api, mojarra impl, the list is long).
You can try copying these libraries in the LIB folder of your tomcat and restart it.
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