Can't deploy application on WebSphere Application Server v8.5 [RAD IDE] - java

I'm using the Rational Application Developer IDE (RAD, which is a modification of eclipse) to modify an existing application. The problem is that I can't deploy the application on WebSphere Application Server v8.5, I actually get a french error message which translates to "Impossible to find the valid parent module to add to the server" and the next and finish buttons are disabled as shown in the screenshot below:
I have done some research I found out that it could be due to the fact that an EAR project doesn't exist but it is actually the case and I'm wondering if there is a configuration tweak to perfom to fix the problem.

What is the version of WebSphere Application Server that you are using and what is the EAR facet version of the EAR project? You may get that error because the EAR facet version is not supported by the server.


Could not find a valid parent module to add to the server when running Project on Websphere

I am getting an error stating that "Could not find a valid parent module to add to the server" when I try to run an application on Websphere using Eclipse.
Are you trying to run a web application on the server or an enterprise application? Traditional WebSphere does not support standalone web applications. Try including the web app in an enterprise app and deploy the enterprise app on the server.
I have managed to solve this by adding <project>PROJECT_NAME</project> inside .project of the EAR Folder

Publishing webapp into local Liberty Stuck from Eclipse

I have a Dynamic Web App in Eclipse deploying into a WebSphere Liberty pluging.
It was deploying fine until I create an Ant file to build an EAR file.
After that automatic Deploy Stuck on 80% of the publishing process
Stay with Msg:
Publishing : myEAR: Waiting for application status from the server.
I remove the ant file but anyway.
What can I do to make Eclipse work as before.
If stuck at about 80% eclipse is usually waiting for the server to print a message saying that the application was started. Do you see a message in the console view similar to the following?
[AUDIT ] CWWKZ0001I: Application Web2EAR started in 0.048 seconds.
If not is there anything in the console view or in the server logs to indicate what might have gone wrong with the application deployment?
I was able to fix this problem by double clicking on the server and unchecking the "run Applications Directly From Workspace" option.
My environment is slightly different. My project is both a Maven Project and a Dynamic Web Project. And I added the Maven dependencies to the Deployment Descriptor.

Unable to install breakpoint in Eclipse: Absent Line Number Information

I have a Java 1.6.0 web application that I am developing using a Kepler Version 2 Eclipse development environment. I am using an Oracle Weblogic Server Administration Console 12c.
I'm running the app locally - and trying to debug it. Instead of stopping at any of the breakpoints I've set - I get the following error:
When I installed the application to Weblogic, I ran the Weblogic console and then installed the application by adding the ear file.
I thought I did everything exactly the same as previous web applications I've done this way - but I was always able to debug those applications.
Also - one other thing that is different. When make any changes and re-build the ear file - I actually have to delete and reinstall from the Weblogic console for the changes to take place. I'm thinking this might be related.
Any suggestions?
Have a jar file added to a build path in any of the projects that
include the classes in your project

hot deployment of tomcat project in weblogic?

i have tomcat project the directory structure is
previously i was using tomcat server, whenever i modified .java files i used to build the project and restarted the server in eclipse through plugin than the changes would have taken effect.
Now in my company they changed from tomcat to weblogic since i am new to it, i used to build war file every time and deploy manually to check the changes.
Can any one tell me how to do hot deployment in web logic. i googled it but it says i need to change project type to dynamic project, that i cant do since it already in development.
is their better way just make changes to java file build and no need to restart the server through eclipse in weblogic 12c.
Eclipse IDE luna
weblogic 12c server
project type : tomcat project structure
I think how you doing that is a little old fashioned. With eclipse luna, tomcat 5.0 - tomcat 8.0 is well supported. And take some effort to turn your project into a 'Dynamic Web Project', in that way you will benifit a lot from the experience of other people.
For hot redeploying, you can try JRebel, it reload your changed java class without reloading the whole applcaition.But it's a commercial software, and I don't know a good and free alternative yet.

Thrown exceptions while deploying EJB Module with Eclipse using Glassfish 3.1

My problem is about eclipse and glassfish 3.1
I create simple EJB Project using Eclipse wizard; choose runtime server (glassfish 3.1, downaload all needed files by Eclipse) and all is ok. After i choose "Run -> Run on server" i get error while deploying.
I tryed to start server before making new ejb module and server sarted correctly, after ejb module is created it's not synchronizing.. I am also sure that right server instance was choosen and there is no PORT conflict.
EJB module is fine for sure, before I did it with Eclipse i was working with Netbeans and all was fine - i am using different instances of glassfish for eclipse and netbenas, so it's not a reason of my problem.
Here is server log:
I put it to pastebin, becouse of it huge content.
