With exactly the same workload one server shows high cpu load - java

I'm running hadoop and have 2 identically configured servers in the cluster. They're running the same task, same configuration, same everything, and both are totally dedicated as hadoop task nodes (workers).
The job I'm running through this cluster is highly IO bound.
On one server I see 60-100MB/sec of IO and a CPU load of 5-10, on the other server I see 40-60MB/sec of IO and a CPU load of 60-90 (and the box is almost unusable in terms of even running a simple shell).
I've run smartctl and don't get any disk warnings.
Any suggestsions on what I might do next to identify the root difference between these boxes? These results have been consistent over many hours of processing.

It smells of partition misalignment on 4096-byte physical / 512-byte logical disk sectors.


Cluster gets into state where members restart repeatedly and clients cannot update the data in the cluster

We've been using Hazelcast for a number of years but I'm new to the group.
We have a cluster formed by a dedicated Java application (it's sole purpose is to provide the cluster). It's using the 3.8.2 jars and running JDK 1.8.0_192 on Linux (Centos 7).
The cluster manages relatively static data (ie. a few updates a day/week). Although an update may involve changing a 2MB chunk of data. We're using the default sharding config with 271 shards across 6 cluster members. There are between 40 and 80 clients. Each client connection should be long-lived and stable.
"Occasionally" we get into a situation where the Java app that's providing the cluster repeatedly restarts and any client that attempts to write to the cluster is unable to do so. We've had issues in the past where the cluster app runs out of memory due to limits on the JVM command line. We've previously increased these and (to the best of my knowledge) the process restarts are no longer caused by OutOfMemory exceptions.
I'm aware we're running a very old version and many people will suggest simply updating. This is work we will carry out but we're attempting to diagnose the existing issue with the system we have in front of us.
What I'm looking for here is any suggestions regarding types of investigation to carry out, queries to run (either periodically when the system is healthy or during the time when it is in this failed state).
We use tools such as: netstat, tcpdump, wireshark and top regularly (I'm sure there are more) when diagnosing issues such as this but have been unable to establish a convincing root cause of this issue.
Any help greatly appreciated.
As per the problem description.
Our only way to resolve the issue is to bounce the cluster completely - ie. stop all the members and then restart the cluster.
Ideally we'd have a system to remained stable and could recover from whatever "event" causes the issue we're seeing.
This may involve config or code changes.
Updating entries the size of 2MBs has many consequences - large serialization/deserialization costs, fat packets in the network, cost of accommodating those chunks in JVM heap etc. An ideal entry size is < 30-40KB.
To your immediate problem, start with GC diagnosis. You can use jstat to investigate memory usage patterns. If you are running into lot of full GCs and/or back-to-back full GCs then you will need to adjust heap settings. Also check the network bandwidth, which is usually the prime suspect in the cases of fat packets traveling through the network.
All of the above are just band-aid solutions, you should really look to break your entries down to smaller entries.

JMeter message throughput too low

I am trying to use JMeter to test an ActiveMQ cluster. As per requirements, I need to get at least 2k messages per second as a test. The issue is that I can't get to the required number of messages.
I am trying to test it against a local queue before going into the cluster, and the results are not good. In a PC (quite beefy) with Windows 10 installed, the best I can do is a few hundred messages per second. In a Mac (Macbook Pro) with OSX 10, I can pump it up to around 1.5k.
I have tried different configurations in JMeter: varying the number of threads, size of messages, Request&Response mode vs Request only... But nothing does the trick.
When I run custom code, I can push around 10k messages into the queue in a second. Are there any particular configurations that I might be missing? I have been through the tutorials online, but I can't find anything that fixes the issue.
JMeter default configuration is good for tests development and debugging, but when it comes to conducting the high load you need to remember several important points:
Don't use GUI for tests execution, you are supposed to be running tests using non-GUI mode
Default JVM Heap allocation is 512 Mb only, you will definitely need to raise this setting in JMeter startup script. Same applies to stack size and garbage collector settings. See JVM Tuning: Heapsize, Stacksize and Garbage Collection Fundamental article to learn more about JVM internals.
Don't use Listeners during the load test, they cause huge overhead in terms of resources utilization and don't add any value.
Reduce usage of Pre/Post Processors and Assertions to the absolute minimum.
See 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure for above points explained and few more tips.
As a last resort in case you hit the hardware limits of a single load generator machine you can always consider running JMeter in distributed mode and add more JMeter engines.
I found the answer after fiddling with it for hours. Turns out there is a checkbox that is unticked by default which makes all messages persistent. When I ticked it, I got the throughput that I was looking for.

High CPU, possibly due to context switching?

One of our servers is experiencing a very high CPU load with our application. We've looked at various stats and are having issues finding the source of the problem.
One of the current theories is that there are too many threads involved and that we should try to reduce the number of concurrently executing threads. There's just one main thread pool, with 3000 threads, and a WorkManager working with it (this is Java EE - Glassfish). At any given moment, there are about 620 separate network IO operations that need to be conducted in parallel (use of java.NIO is not an option either). Moreover, there are roughly 100 operations that have no IO involved and are also executed in parallel.
This structure is not efficient and we want to see if it is actually causing damage, or is simply bad practice. Reason being that any change is quite expensive in this system (in terms of man hours) so we need some proof of an issue.
So now we're wondering if context switching of threads is the cause, given there are far more threads than the required concurrent operations. Looking at the logs, we see that on average there are 14 different threads executed in a given second. If we take into account the existence of two CPUs (see below), then it is 7 threads per CPU. This doesn't sound like too much, but we wanted to verify this.
So - can we rule out context switching or too-many-threads as the problem?
General Details:
Java 1.5 (yes, it's old), running on CentOS 5, 64-bit, Linux kernel 2.6.18-128.el5
There is only one single Java process on the machine, nothing else.
Two CPUs, under VMware.
We don't have the option of running a profiler on the machine.
We don't have the option of upgrading the Java, nor the OS.
As advised below, we've conducted captures of load average (using uptime) and CPU (using vmstat 1 120) on our test server with various loads. We've waited 15 minutes between each load change and its measurements to ensure that the system stabilized around the new load and that the load average numbers are updated:
50% of the production server's workload: http://pastebin.com/GE2kGLkk
34% of the production server's workload: http://pastebin.com/V2PWq8CG
25% of the production server's workload: http://pastebin.com/0pxxK0Fu
CPU usage appears to be reduced as the load reduces, but not on a very drastic level (change from 50% to 25% is not really a 50% reduction in CPU usage). Load average seems uncorrelated with the amount of workload.
There's also a question: given our test server is also a VM, could its CPU measurements be impacted by other VMs running on the same host (making the above measurements useless)?
Attaching the snapshot of the threads in three parts (pastebin limitations)
Part 1: http://pastebin.com/DvNzkB5z
Part 2: http://pastebin.com/72sC00rc
Part 3: http://pastebin.com/YTG9hgF5
Seems to me the problem is 100 CPU bound threads more than anything else. 3000 thread pool is basically a red herring, as idle threads don't consume much of anything. The I/O threads are likely sleeping "most" of the time, since I/O is measured on a geologic time scale in terms of computer operations.
You don't mention what the 100 CPU threads are doing, or how long they last, but if you want to slow down a computer, dedicating 100 threads of "run until time slice says stop" will most certainly do it. Because you have 100 "always ready to run", the machine will context switch as fast as the scheduler allows. There will be pretty much zero idle time. Context switching will have impact because you're doing it so often. Since the CPU threads are (likely) consuming most of the CPU time, your I/O "bound" threads are going to be waiting in the run queue longer than they're waiting for I/O. So, even more processes are waiting (the I/O processes just bail out more often as they hit an I/O barrier quickly which idles the process out for the next one).
No doubt there are tweaks here and there to improve efficiency, but 100 CPU threads are 100 CPU threads. Not much you can do there.
I think your constraints are unreasonable. Basically what you are saying is:
1.I can't change anything
2.I can't measure anything
Can you please speculate as to what my problem might be?
The real answer to this is that you need to hook a proper profiler to the application and you need to correlate what you see with CPU usage, Disk/Network I/O, and memory.
Remember the 80/20 rule of performance tuning. 80% will come from tuning your application. You might just have too much load for one VM instance and it could be time to consider solutions for scaling horizontally or vertically by giving more resources to the machine. It could be any one of the 3 billion JVM settings are not inline with your application's execution specifics.
I assume the 3000 thread pool came from the famous more threads = more concurrency = more performance theory. The real answer is a tuning change isn't worth anything unless you measure throughput and response time before/after the change and compared the results.
If you can't profile, I'd recommend taking a thread dump or two and seeing what your threads are doing. Your app doesn't have to stop to do it:
So - can we rule out context switching or too-many-threads as the problem?
I think you concerns over thrashing are warranted. A thread pool with 3000 threads (700+ concurrent operations) on a 2 CPU VMware instance certainly seems like a problem that may be causing context switching overload and performance problems. Limiting the number of threads could give you a performance boost although determining the right number is going to be difficult and probably will use a lot of trial and error.
we need some proof of an issue.
I'm not sure the best way to answer but here are some ideas:
Watch the load average of the VM OS and the JVM. If you are seeing high load values (20+) then this is an indicator that there are too many things in the run queues.
Is there no way to simulate the load in a test environment so you can play with the thread pool numbers? If you run simulated load in a test environment with pool size of X and then run with X/2, you should be able to determine optimal values.
Can you compare high load times of day with lower load times of day? Can you graph number of responses to latency during these times to see if you can see a tipping point in terms of thrashing?
If you can simulate load then make sure you aren't just testing under the "drink from the fire hose" methodology. You need simulated load that you can dial up and down. Start at 10% and slowing increase simulated load while watching throughput and latency. You should be able to see the tipping points by watching for throughput flattening or otherwise deflecting.
Usually, context switching in threads is very cheap computationally, but when it involves this many threads... you just can't know. You say upgrading to Java 1.6 EE is out of the question, but what about some hardware upgrades ? It would probably provide a quick fix and shouldn't be that expensive...
e.g. run a profiler on a similar machine.
try a newer version of Java 6 or 7. (It may not make a difference, in which case don't bother upgrading production)
try Centos 6.x
try not using VMware.
try reducing the number of threads. You only have 8 cores.
You many find all or none of the above options make a difference, but you won't know until you have a system you can test on with a known/repeatable work load.

How do I improve jetty response times?

I'm trying to speed test jetty (to compare it with using apache) for serving dynamic content.
I'm testing this using three client threads requesting again as soon as a response comes back.
These are running on a local box (OSX 10.5.8 mac book pro). Apache is pretty much straight out of the box (XAMPP distribution) and I've tested Jetty 7.0.2 and 7.1.6
Apache is giving my spikey times : response times upto 2000ms, but an average of 50ms, and if you remove the spikes (about 2%) the average is 10ms per call. (This was to a PHP hello world page)
Jetty is giving me no spikes, but response times of about 200ms.
This was calling to the localhost:8080/hello/ that is distributed with jetty, and starting jetty with java -jar start.jar.
This seems slow to me, and I'm wondering if its just me doing something wrong.
Any sugestions on how to get better numbers out of Jetty would be appreciated.
Well, since I am successfully running a site with some traffic on Jetty, I was pretty surprised by your observation.
So I just tried your test. With the same result.
So I decompiled the Hello Servlet which comes with Jetty. And I had to laugh - it really includes following line:
You can see for yourself.
My own experience with Jetty performance: I ran multi threaded load tests on my real-world app where I had a throughput of about 1000 requests per second on my dev workstation...
Note also that your speed test is really just a latency test, which is fine so long as you know what you are measuring. But Jetty does trade off latency for throughput, so often there are servers with lower latency, but also lower throughput as well.
Realistic traffic for a webserver is not 3 very busy connections - 1 browser will open 6 connections, so that represents half a user. More realistic traffic is many hundreds or thousands of connections, each of them mostly idle.
Have a read of my blogs on this subject:
You should definitely check it with profiler. Here are instructions how to setup remote profiling with Jetty:
Speedup or performance tune any application or server is really hard to get done in my experience. You'll need to benchmark several times with different work models to define what your peak load is. Once you define the peak load for the configuration/environment mixture you need to tune and benchmark, you might have to run 5+ iterations of your benchmark. Check the configuration of both apache/jetty in terms of number of working threads to process the request and get them to match if possible. Here are some recommendations:
Consider the differences of the two environments (GC in jetty, consider tuning you min and max memory threshold to the same size and later proceed to execute your test)
The load should come from another box. If you don't have a second box/PC/server take your CPU/core into count and setup your the test to a specific CPU, do the same for jetty/apache.
This is given that you cant get another machine to be the stress agent.
Run several workload model
Moving to modeling the test do the following 2 stages:
One Thread for each configuration for 30 minutes.
Start with 1 thread and going up to 5 with a 10 minutes interval to increase the count,
Base on the metrics Stage 2 define a number of threads for the test. and run that number of thread concurrent for 1 hour.
Correlate the metrics (response times) from your testing app to the server hosting the application resources (use sar, top and other unix commands to track cpu and memory), some other process might be impacting you app. (memory is relevant for apache jetty will be constraint to the JVM memory configuration so it should not change the memory usage once the server is up and running)
Be aware of the Hotspot Compiler.
Methods have to be called several times (1000 times ?), before the are compiled into native code.

Running a standalone Hadoop application on multiple CPU cores

My team built a Java application using the Hadoop libraries to transform a bunch of input files into useful output.
Given the current load a single multicore server will do fine for the coming year or so. We do not (yet) have the need to go for a multiserver Hadoop cluster, yet we chose to start this project "being prepared".
When I run this app on the command-line (or in eclipse or netbeans) I have not yet been able to convince it to use more that one map and/or reduce thread at a time.
Given the fact that the tool is very CPU intensive this "single threadedness" is my current bottleneck.
When running it in the netbeans profiler I do see that the app starts several threads for various purposes, but only a single map/reduce is running at the same moment.
The input data consists of several input files so Hadoop should at least be able to run 1 thread per input file at the same time for the map phase.
What do I do to at least have 2 or even 4 active threads running (which should be possible for most of the processing time of this application)?
I'm expecting this to be something very silly that I've overlooked.
I just found this: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAPREDUCE-1367
This implements the feature I was looking for in Hadoop 0.21
It introduces the flag mapreduce.local.map.tasks.maximum to control it.
For now I've also found the solution described here in this question.
I'm not sure if I'm correct, but when you are running tasks in local mode, you can't have multiple mappers/reducers.
Anyway, to set maximum number of running mappers and reducers use configuration options mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum and mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum by default those options are set to 2, so I might be right.
Finally, if you want to be prepared for multinode cluster go straight with running this in fully-distributed way, but have all servers (namenode, datanode, tasktracker, jobtracker, ...) run on a single machine
Just for clarification...
If hadoop runs in local mode you don't have parallel execution on a task level (except you're running >= hadoop 0.21 (MAPREDUCE-1367)). Though you can submit multiple jobs at once and these getting executed in parallel then.
All those
properties do only apply to the hadoop running in distributed mode!
According to this thread on the hadoop.core-user email list, you'll want to change the mapred.tasktracker.tasks.maximum setting to the max number of tasks you would like your machine to handle (which would be the number of cores).
This (and other properties you may want to configure) is also documented in the main documentation on how to setup your cluster/daemons.
What you want to do is run Hadoop in "pseudo-distributed" mode. One machine, but, running task trackers and name nodes as if it were a real cluster. Then it will (potentially) run several workers.
Note that if your input is small Hadoop will decide it's not worth parallelizing. You may have to coax it by changing its default split size.
In my experience, "typical" Hadoop jobs are I/O bound, sometimes memory-bound, way before they are CPU-bound. You may find it impossible to fully utilize all the cores on one machine for this reason.
