Is possible to use .class files that are not in the build? - java

I wanted to add a system of adding more "commands" to my program from out side of it.
Basically, a folder that would be in the same directory as my jar (executable) that can have a varying number of "extensions"
Each "extension" would be a .class file that extends a certain abstract class that has methods defined for identification, etc.
However, I can't seem to find out if it's even possible to control these .class files from outside my main package.
Is this possible? If so how? And if not is there an alternative I could try?

As far as I understand you. You want to build a plugin system.
If so you should think about the java service provider approach.
In this approach you define a service provider interface (SPI) in your main
package and use the java META-INF/services location to lookup implementations.
In this case you can add extensions just by putting a jar file on the classpath.
As of java 1.6 you can use java.util.ServiceLoader.
Or you take a look at apache discovery
It's more powerful than the java.util.SerivceLoader since it lets you pass constructor arguments the the services it instantiates.
A possible plugin loader implementation could look like:
public interface ServiceInterface {
public class PluginHost {
public ServiceLoader<ServiceInterface> loadPlugins() {
File[] pluginLibraries = getPluginLibraries();
URL[] pluginLibUrls = new URL[pluginLibraries.length];
for (int i = 0; i < pluginLibUrls.length; i++) {
try {
pluginLibUrls[i] = pluginLibraries[i].toURI().toURL();
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to load plugin: "
+ pluginLibraries[i], e);
URLClassLoader pluginsClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(pluginLibUrls,
ServiceLoader<ServiceInterface> serviceLoader = ServiceLoader.load(
ServiceInterface.class, pluginsClassLoader);
return serviceLoader;
private File[] getPluginLibraries() {
// please implement

It's possible.
Jars are just zipped class files.
As long as the class files are in the classpath you're fine.
Unzip a jar file (rename from .jar to .zip and unzip) to see what the directory structure should be for the java packages.

Sure you can load a class at runtime and create a Class object also:
See this Class#forName(String, boolean, ClassLoader) API:
See this tutorial for examples.

For a simple extension mechanism have a look at ServiceLoader.
For a more complete extension mechanism have a look at OSGi.


Best approach to dynamically load modules (classes) in Java

I'm currently writing an application that requires to operate on different type of devices. My approach would be to make a "modular" application that can dynamically load different classes according to the device they need to operate on.
To make the application easily extensible, my goal is to assign a specific path to the additional modules (either .jar or .class files) leaving the core program as it is. This would be crucial when having different customers requiring different modules (without having to compile a different application for each of them).
These modules would implement a common interface, while the "core" application can use these methods defined on the interface and let the single implementations do the work. What's the best way to load them on demand? I was considering the use of URLClassLoader but i don't know if this approach is up-to-date according to new patterns and Java trends, as I would like to avoid a poorly designed application and deprecated techniques. What's an alternative best approach to make a modular and easily extensible application with JDK 9 (that can be extended just by adding module files to a folder) ?
Additionnaly to the ServicerLoader usage given by #SeverityOne, you can use the to declare the different instanciation of the interface, using "uses"/"provides" keywords.
Then you use a module path instead of a classpath, it loads all the directory containing your modules, don't need to create a specific classLoader
The serviceLoader usage:
public static void main(String[] args) {
ServiceLoader<IGreeting> sl = ServiceLoader.load(IGreeting.class);
IGreeting greeting = sl.findFirst().orElseThrow(NullPointerException::new);
System.out.println( greeting.regular("world"));
In the users project:
module {
In the provider project:
module pl.tfij.java9modules.greetings {
with pl.tfij.java9modules.greetings.Greeting;
And finally the CLI usage
java --module-path mods --module
Here is an example; Github example (Thanks for "tfij/" repository initial exemple)
Edit, I realized the repository already provides decoupling examples:
It sounds like you might want to use the ServicerLoader interface, which has been available since Java 6. However, bear in mind that, if you want to use Spring dependency injection, this is probably not what you want.
There are two scenarios.
Implementation jar's are on classpath
In this scenario you can simply use ServiceLoader API (refer to #pdem answer)
Implementation jar's not on classpath
Lets Assume BankController is your interface and CoreController is your implementation.
If you want to load its implementation dynamically from dynamic path,c create a new module layer and load class.
Refer to the following piece of code:
private final BankController loadController(final BankConfig config) {
System.out.println("Loading bank with config : " + JSON.toJson(config));
try {
//Curent ModuleLayer is usually boot layer. but it can be different if you are using multiple layers
ModuleLayer currentModuleLayer = this.getClass().getModule().getLayer(); //ModuleLayer.boot();
final Set<Path> modulePathSet = Set.of(new File("path of implementation").toPath());
//ModuleFinder to find modules
final ModuleFinder moduleFinder = ModuleFinder.of(modulePathSet.toArray(new Path[0]));
//I really dont know why does it requires empty finder.
final ModuleFinder emptyFinder = ModuleFinder.of(new Path[0]);
//ModuleNames to be loaded
final Set<String> moduleNames = moduleFinder.findAll().stream().map(moduleRef -> moduleRef.descriptor().name()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
// Unless you want to use URLClassloader for tomcat like situation, use Current Class Loader
final ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
//Derive new configuration from current module layer configuration
final Configuration configuration = currentModuleLayer.configuration().resolveAndBind(moduleFinder, emptyFinder, moduleNames);
//New Module layer derived from current modulee layer
final ModuleLayer moduleLayer = currentModuleLayer.defineModulesWithOneLoader(configuration, loader);
//find module and load class Load class
final Class<?> controllerClass = moduleLayer.findModule("org.util.npci.coreconnect").get().getClassLoader().loadClass("org.util.npci.coreconnect.CoreController");
//create new instance of Implementation, in this case org.util.npci.coreconnect.CoreController implements org.util.npci.api.BankController
final BankController bankController = (BankController) controllerClass.getConstructors()[0].newInstance(config);
return bankController;
} catch (Exception e) {;}
return null;
Reference :

Java ServiceLoader: no error, but also no implementations found

I am trying to figure out the ServiceLoader of Java.
I set up a VERY basic test-implementation:
public class BaseThingy {
public BaseThingy(){
Iterator<WriteService> iter = ServiceLoader.load(WriteService.class).iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
WriteService plugin =;
public interface WriteService {
String getText();}
Now, as far as I understood things, I write an implementation, and put the implementing class (with no further files or manifest??) into a jar.
The project itself requires a file: META-INF\services\experimental.plugin.WriteService
In this file, I write the full name of the implementation (in my case. that would be experimental.plugin.WriteHello).
Now, I am working within Intellij as IDE.
Where should I put the file, and where should I put the jar with the implementing class?
I am not getting any errors, but neither is ANY implementation being found.
Or does the jar-file need anything additional after all?
The META-INF/services/experimental.plugin.WriteService must be in the classpath as well as the JAR with the implementation.

Reflections returning Set with null elements

I'm using Reflections to find classes that have an specific annotation. My project structure is the following
One WAR package:
One JAR package that is included by the war that has a class that executes this code:
Reflections reflections= new Reflections(ClasspathHelper.forWebInfClasses(servletContext))
Set set= reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(CustomAnnotation.class)
CustomAnnotation is also present on the JAR package.
the set size is correct (ie if I have 3 classes with the annotation in my WAR the jar, the set size comes back as 3), but all elements inside it are null instead of Class. I need to get the class and check the annotation parameters inside the class of the JAR.
Anyone got any idea of why this is happening?
Reflections reflections= new Reflections(""); //package that my annoted class is in
Set set= reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(CustomAnnotation.class);
Also does not work, in this case the set length is zero instead of the number of classes with the annotation.
Ok, the real problem was that I was packaging my whole application as an EAR so I had the following:
----> WAR
----> JAR
The jar was included in the EAR lib folder and not on the WAR lib folder. So the jar classes couldn't see the war classes, once i made the WAR depend on the JAR directly like this:
----> WAR
---------> JAR
It started working. But the original question still stands, there might be situations where I want the Jar classes included in the EAR instead of the WAR (if i have multiple wars that need to use my jar for instance).
I guess I can't do it using the reflections library. So I did it by hand:
public static List<Class<?>> getClassesAnnotatedWith(Class annotation, ServletContext servletContext) {
List<Class<?>> webClasses, jarClasses;
webClasses= getClassesAnnotedWithFromClassLoader(annotation, servletContext.getClassLoader());
jarClasses= getClassesAnnotedWithFromClassLoader(annotation, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
for (Class<?> jarClass : jarClasses) {
Class<?> elementToAdd= null;
for (Class<?> webClass : webClasses) {
if ( ! jarClass.getName().equals(webClass.getName())) {
elementToAdd= jarClass;
if(elementToAdd != null) {
return webClasses;
private static List<Class<?>> getClassesAnnotedWithFromClassLoader(Class annotation, ClassLoader classLoader) {
List<Class<?>> classes= new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
Class<?> classLoaderClass= classLoader.getClass();
while (! classLoaderClass.getName().equals("java.lang.ClassLoader")) {
classLoaderClass= classLoaderClass.getSuperclass();
try {
Field fldClasses= classLoaderClass.getDeclaredField("classes");
Vector<Class<?>> classesVector= (Vector<Class<?>>) fldClasses.get(classLoader);
for (Class c : classesVector) {
if (c.isAnnotationPresent(annotation)) {
} catch (Exception e) { }
return classes;
I get the ClassLoader from my WAR package through the ServletContext object. There is also a protection in case a class is defined in both the WAR and the JAR with the annotation and same name (you should probably check if the packages are the same too though).
Note that you should probably never use this code in your own projects (maybe only for debugging). It involves reflecting the ClassLoader class to make the "classes" property public. This property might not exists in Java 9 for example, so beware. This might also have some security problems if you are interacting modules written by third parties.
i had one a similar problem. are you sure, you included the annotation-classes into your classpath? if they are not loaded, they will somehow be found but not really returned and without any exception or anything
The Reflections library gave me various problems. Now I am using the reflection part of the Guava library: until now, no unexpected behavior has occurred.
In any case, I think that it is very rare that the source of the problem is the Java classloader.
Maybe try to load the class CustomAnnotation.class before to use it in the Reflections API.
Your code should work on conventional environments.
However, in different environments, such as osgi, you get:
1) urls with different protocol (bundle/vfs/...)
2) different class loader.
In the first case, you should a) add the relevant UrlType (see the DefaultUrlTypes in Vfs for examples), or b) use different method to get the urls (see other methods in ClasspathHelper and examine the returned URL list)
In the second case, you should a) pass the customClassLoader to Reflections constructor or ConfigurationBuilder in order resolving will happen, or b) query the store directly reflections.getStore().get(TypeAnnotationsScanner.class)
see also #8339845, JbossIntegration

Implementing Spring-like package scanning in Android

I'm attempting to implement a package-scanning feature, similar to Spring's component-scan, for the Android framework I'm developing. Basically, I would like to be able to specify a base package, e.g. and retrieve all Class instances that have a particular annotation. I don't want to have to register every component with my framework as that would defeat the purpose of the auto scanning.
Based on my research, it seems that it's not possible with Java to retrieve resources given a package name using reflection. However, I briefly looked into the Reflections framework, and I'm wondering if there is an Android-compatible equivalent. If not, perhaps there is a slightly less obvious way to accomplish what I want to do.
I looked into the Spring source a bit to see how they achieved this, but I don't think what they are doing would work within the Dalvik runtime.
Currently, the below code has been the best I can do to retrieve all classes that contain a specific annotation, but frankly it's a pretty poor solution. It makes some really unsafe assumptions about the ClassLoader plus it scans (and loads) all application classes.
public Set<Class<?>> getClassesWithAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
Field dexField = PathClassLoader.class.getDeclaredField("mDexs");
PathClassLoader classLoader = (PathClassLoader) Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
DexFile[] dexs = (DexFile[]) dexField.get(classLoader);
for (DexFile dex : dexs) {
Enumeration<String> entries = dex.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
String entry = entries.nextElement();
Class<?> entryClass = dex.loadClass(entry, classLoader);
if (entryClass != null && entryClass.isAnnotationPresent(annotation)) {
return classes;
I wanted to find all the subclass at runtime.
So I've been looking for android class scanning.
This is my final code from what I gathered in web.
You will get the idea.
public static void findSubClasses(Context context, Class parent) {
ApplicationInfo ai = context.getApplicationInfo();
String classPath = ai.sourceDir;
DexFile dex = null;
try {
dex = new DexFile(classPath);
Enumeration<String> apkClassNames = dex.entries();
while (apkClassNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String className = apkClassNames.nextElement();
try {
Class c = context.getClassLoader().loadClass(className);
if (parent.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
android.util.Log.i("nora", className);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// android.util.Log.i("nora", className);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
I share the opinion of Joop Eggen and find his approach a good one. In Android I try to avoid the usual web app features which lead to a long lasting application start. I do not use reflection or package scanning.
But if you want to .... if I understand it correctly you want to have an annotation for a class. Instead of using annotations you could also use marker interfaces (to just have more possibilites).
1) Look at
Annotation: Java custom annotation and dynamic loading
Has an implementation in the question which just answers your question.
Annotation: Scanning Java annotations at runtime
Interface: Find Java classes implementing an interface
Interface: Is something similar to ServiceLoader in Java 1.5?
Interface: How can I get a list of all the implementations of an interface programmatically in Java?
Interface: Since the approach is expensive, maybe the ServiceLoader is a compromise between execution time and comfort, since it loads only the classes given in the services file. On the other hand if only classes with a certain interface are in your package then the ServiceLoader isn't that faster.
2) AndroidAnnotations
I would prefer the way AndroidAnnotations work (maybe an integration in AndroidAnnotations is the preferable way): It automatically adds an extra compilation step that generates source code, using the standard Java Annotation Processing Tool. So instead of runtime scanning you execute code based on the annotations generated during compile time.
I think the Bean/EBean annotation could work for you (only single class):
A scan-feature is not available, see this thread
3) Writing your own annotation processor
See APT (Annotation Processing Tool). The idea would be to generate a static function which returns a list of classes which are annotated, so that no class scanning is needed.
A very good ressource is
Take a look at Vogar's ClassPathScanner. It uses it to find test cases on the class path.
I found this issue in the Android issue tracker. It appears that ClassLoader.getResource(String) is 'working as expected', in that it returns null. This is expected because the DalvikVM does not keep the resources around after compiling. There are workarounds listed in the issue, but there may be another way to access the classes you desire.
Use the PackageManager to get a hold of an instance of ApplicationInfo. ApplicationInfo has a public field called sourceDir which is the full path (a String) to the location of the source directory for that application. Create a File from this String, and you should be able to navigate to your package within the source directory. Once there, you can use the method from my original answer to find the classes you are looking for.
String applicationSourceDir =
getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(androidPackageName, 0).sourceDir;
You should be able to use the ClassLoader.getResource(String) to get a URL to your specific package (the passed in String being the package name you are interested in delimited by path separators rather than periods). With this URL you can then call getFile(), from which you can create a Java File to the package folder. Call packageFile.listFiles() from there, and you have your classes/subpackages.
Be recursive with the subpackages, and with the classes find the Class object using the static Class.forName(String) method.
In your java build process incorporate the class path scanning, generating injection data/code. This could then be ported too to Dalvik. It is even more efficient that dynamic scanning.

getting full classpath from a class

I'm looking a utility method so that given a class will return the full classpath required to run this class externally. This means the jar the class is in as well as all jars (or folders) of classes that it uses.
UPDATE: there are tools that analyze .class files to find dependencies. This is not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for something that uses Java's reflection API on an already loaded class. I'll settle for something that analyzes byte code, if it goes recursively into classes it finds through the class loader
Reflection will not help you a lot for this one. You will need to analyse the byte code to find dependencies.
Alright then. I am using a library that I made years ago, that you can download here.
The following code:
package classdep;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.jedo.classfile.ClassFile;
import org.jedo.classfile.ConstantPool;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
List<String> classes = new ArrayList<String>();
classes.add(args[0].replace('.', '/'));
for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); ++i) {
String className = classes.get(i);
URL url = cl.getResource(className + ".class");
if (url == null) {
System.out.println("--- class not found " + className);
} else {
ClassFile classFile = new ClassFile();
InputStream in = url.openStream();
try {
} finally {
ConstantPool cp = classFile.getConstantPool();
for (String name: cp.getClassNames()) {
if (!classes.contains(name)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Will give you all the dependencies of a class. When applied to org.jedo.classfile.ClassFile, it produces the following output:
Followed by a lot of system classes. You need to filter out system classes, and parse the other urls to extract either the .jar file if it is a jar: url, or the directory if it is a file: url.
I don't think this is possible. Certainly, the reflection APIs don't support it.
You can find out a classes classloader, but you cannot find out:
which of the classloader's possible JAR files and directories contained the class,
what the static dependencies of the class are, or
what the dynamic dependencies of the class are; e.g. what it or its dependants loaded using Class.forName().
Actually, this overstates things somewhat:
You can in theory figure out which classes came from which JARs if you can find out what the classpath is. There are possibly ways to dig this out of a classloader.
You can in theory figure out what a classes dependants are, but you been to dig around in the class'es bytecode file using (for instance) BCEL to find this out.
You can in theory figure out what was dynamically loaded if you are prepared to write your own classloader. It may be possible to link this back to the class that initiated the loading using some hairy analysis of the stack frames.
But this is all extremely complicated, and I'd expect it to be unreliable under certain circumstances.
There are cases when you cannot determine this prior to using your class.
This cannot always be known. For instance, a class can be dynamically created at run time and then loaded with a custom ClassLoader.
I do not believe Java stores this information.
