I am trying to use Proguard to shrink the jar size.
I configured Proguard in Maven pom.xml. It failed to find all the embedded dependency jars.
It can read and parse out all dependency jars which is referenced in the current module, but for dependencies which are embedded in the other modules, it failed to find it.
For example, My current module is moduleA and it depends another module moduleB. And module B has a dependency moduleC. It can find all classes which are directly inside moduleB, but it failed to parse out all classes which are inside moduleC. My configuration for proguard is as following:
<option>-keep public class * { *; }</option>
I had similar problem, however it could find the references mentioned in the plugin's configuration dependencies section.
However, if I tried to use the proguard-base-4.10 the proguard-maven-plugin (with com.pyx4me groupId) still used the proguard-4.3.jar (you can see it in the maven output in the console); looks like the plugin is only working with a "proguard" artifact, not a "proguard-base".
So I configured the dependencies section to look like:
but this one is not available in the central maven repo (the latest version is 4.4).
What I did was to download the proguard-4.10 manually from proguard download section and install the proguard.jar in the local maven repository under the version 4.10 - and now everything works fine.
There is a newer version of that plugin at: https://github.com/wvengen/proguard-maven-plugin
I have a multi module maven project wie quarkus modules and some custom libraries which are local maven repositories (so they can be used by the other maven projects/modules). However, so that local maven repositories are recognizable und usable by your other local maven projects, you have to manually index them for some reason. I.e. add a config like this for quarkus index to the application.properties of the project including the local maven repo dependency:
quarkus.index-dependency.<index-name>.group-id = <group-id-of-local-maven-repo>
quarkus.index-dependency.<index-name>.artifact-id = <artifact-id-of-local-maven-repo>
The problem is, this causes issues for me becausse if you have 3 layers of project dependencies, say:
Project A (custom local maven repo library)
Project B (custom local maven repo library, includes Project A dependency)
application.properties (indexing Project A library dependency)
Project C (Local maven project for an end product, includes Project B
library dependency - and through it indirectly Project A).
application.properties (indexing Project B library dependency and config for datasources or other app related things)
Then when you generate an uber-jar (fat jar) of Project C for deployment, it for some reason uses application.properties of Project B in the packaged jar, instead of from the project which im building (Project C). Thus, the app is missing key configs and does not work. Maven seems to use an inverse priority here, which i dont know if thats a bug or not. When i asked about this, i was simply told that:
"My dependencies should not have application.properties".
I tried to find a way to prevent manual indexing via application.properties and found the maven jandex plugin - which is supposed to generate an index. The next problem is, this seems to only work in some projects but not in others in the dependency hierarchy, resulting in the same situation as before, and i don't understand why. This is the pom.xml config for the plugin i have included in all 3 projects (the entire pom.xml for all is too long, so let me know if you need more info):
The odd thing is, this works to the extend that i no longer have to index Project B library dependency in Project C application.properties, but Project B library dependency still has to manually index Project A library dependency - thus rendering the entire exercise futile. Project C having an application.properties was never the issue, and is obviously needed. Project B still requires a properties file to point to Project A now, how do i solve this?
I have a parent module POM in the root folder containing all these projects, over which this maven jandex dependency is distributed to all modules, so it looks like this:
Maven parent module (contains all dependencies and versions used by all project sub modules)
Project A (custom local maven library repo), own pom.xml with inheritance from parent module
Project B (custom local maven library repo, includes Project A library), own pom.xml with inheritance from parent module
application.properties - Indexes Project A dependency manually, this is the problematic one which needs to go!
Project C (Local maven project for REST API etc., includes Project B library), own pom.xml with inheritance from parent module
pom.xml (parent module POM, containing maven jandex dependepency among others)
Edit: One of the projects, "entity", where all the database access objects are stored, does not run the jandex plugin during mvn clean install. This is the POM of the project:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/io.smallrye/jandex-maven-plugin -->
When i force the execution of the jandex goal with mvn io.smallrye:jandex-maven-plugin:3.0.0:jandex it creates an META-INF/jandex.jdx file, but it does not produce one when i run mvn clean install. This is not a solution since i need to build the project, run the jandex plugin and install it into my local repositories separately. Also, notice that im using the "io.smallrye" version of the jandex plugin since the "org.jboss" version seems to not work at all.
I figured it out. The jandex plugin was set in the <pluginManagement> section of the POM configuration, which made it not run on mvn clean install. I had to move it to the plugins section so it gets executed. Thanks #Ladicek for making me look closer and keep trying!
I use maven to build a multi module project. My module 2 depends on Module 1 src at compile scope and module 1 tests in test scope.
Module 2 -
This works fine. Say my module 3 depends on Module1 src and tests at compile time.
Module 3 -
When I run mvn clean install, my build runs till module 3, fails at module 3 as it couldn't resolve the module 1 test dependency. Then I do a mvn install on module 3 alone, go back and run mvn install on my parent pom to make it build. How can I fix this?
I have a doubt about what you are trying to do but but I'll assume you want to reuse the tests that you have created for a project (module1) in another. As explained in the note at the bottom of the Guide to using attached tests:
Note that previous editions of this guide suggested to use <classifier>tests</classifier> instead of <type>test-jar</type>. While this currently works for some cases, it does not properly work during a reactor build of the test JAR module and any consumer if a lifecycle phase prior to install is invoked. In such a scenario, Maven will not resolve the test JAR from the output of the reactor build but from the local/remote repository. Apparently, the JAR from the repositories could be outdated or completely missing, causing a build failure (cf. MNG-2045).
So, first, to package up compiled tests in a JAR and deploy them for general reuse, configure the maven-jar-plugin as follows:
Then, install/deploy the test JAR artifact as usual (using mvn install or mvn deploy).
Finally, to use the test JAR, you should specify a dependency with a specified type of test-jar:
Regarding to my comment to Pascals question i think i have found a stuitable answer :
The main difference here as you see here is the <phase> tag.
I will create the test-jar and it will be available in the compile phase of the tests and not only after the package phase.
Works for me.
I am trying to use Java samplers in my tests.
I have a separate maven project where I create my extensions. After building the project I get a .jar lib. I include it in my maven plugin like this:
In my extensions i have some invalid transitive dependencies which i excluded from extensions pom.xml. I don't see them in the dependency tree.
When I run the tests, with the flag downloadExtensionDependencies on true, it looks like it tries to download all dependencies (also those excluded) and then the test fails because of that invalid dependency.
Failed to collect dependencies at org.springframework:spring-webmvc:jar:3.1.1.RELEASE -> jasperreports:jasperreports:jar:2.0.5 -> commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.1.redhat-7: Failed to read artifact descriptor for commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.1.redhat-7: Could not transfer artifact org.apache.commons:commons-parent:pom:22-redhat-2 from/to jaspersoft (http://www.jasperforge.org/maven2): www.jasperforge.org: Unknown host www.jasperforge.org -> [Help 1]
Do you have any ideas why is the plugin trying to download the excluded dependencies also?
Use version 2.6.0 of the plugin which has now better default values like not downloading optional dependencies.
And use this to exclude broken or excluded dependencies:
Good time!
Our team uses Maven. One of the project modules has a plugin (maven-jibx-plugin) that requires (for our use-case) a dependency on a proprietary jar:
The problem is when we build the project locally (and even from a command line on the remote machine where jenkins is istalled), everything builds successfully, but when our jenkins instance tries to build it - the build fails with such a message: "Unable to find class 'class-name-from-the-proprietary-jar'". This problem occurred loccally before we added the plugin dependency..
Seems like there is some feature of jenkins maven plugin that do no resolve the plugin dependencies or may be there are some well-known feature of the jenkins maven plugin classloading (JiBX loads proprietary classes with such a construct: SchemaRootBase.class.getClassLoader().loadClass(cname) So that specifing the dependency for the plugin should provide a knowledge for it about the required classes)... Can somebody, please, suggest the workaround?
it turned out that the jenkins instance's JAVA_HOME variable is set to /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_25, but in my maven-compiler-plugin I have <target>1.6</target>. Could it be that the problem is in the 1.7 java version?
Well, finally I've found an answer! The problem is not actually in Jenkins, but rather in Maven itself.
ATTENTION: the undergoing information is tested only for Maven 2.
It turned out that when you have a multimodule project and several modules use the same plugin (with different dependencies), Maven would get dependencies set for the first plugin (I mean that the plugin is located in the first module, that Maven builds, with this plugin) and use them for other plugins not overriding the dependencies by the local values.
To clarify this lets have an example. Say there are two modules in the maven build - A and B:
and the module A has such the code in the pom file:
and the module B has such the code in the pom file:
It turns out that when Maven builds the module B it will use the D-module dependency even though you have specified the F-module dependency.
In our project we made such a workaround: we moved the plugin declaration to the parent pom in a pluginManagement section and declared the D-module and F-module dependencies for the plugin (also removed these dependencies from the local modules). Ok, the code is rather ugly (having child dependencies in the parent pom file), but this works!
If somebody shared this issue and managed to overcome it, please, advice the solution.
Try mvn clean install in your workspace
Then you should have the same error every where. Also try and use the same command line Jenkins is using (if any)
I created a library in maven that can be extended by implementing some interfaces. To test the default implementation I have written some hamcrest matchers that currently live in src/test/java.
However, I think they might be useful for users of the library if they want to test their customization.
So how can I make them available? Moving them to src/main would require to make hamcrest a runtime dependency and I don't want that.
There is a way to create a test jar and install it into the repository using the command 'mvn jar:test-jar'. This jar can then be referenced by other projects using the test-jar modifier in the dependency block.
If you want to have this jar built and installed as part of your your normal 'mvn install' build add the following plugin config to your pom:
From http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-attached-tests.html
Then other projects can reference the test jar as follows:
As you said, move it to src/main in a new project. Let that project only be used in a test dependency and you don't pollute your module's classpath.
It sounds like you need to move them to their own project and release it. From there you can determine in the original project what scope you'd like.