How to test a web page using selenium through a desktop application? - java

I need to test a webpage via desktop application, I'm trying to use
the selenium IDE, I had sucess to create the test cases, but I'm not
able to execute them on java.
I've been looking for something helpful, but I can't find any help at all.
Thank you

A framework that has been created for just this cause, (it's in Java) can be downloaded here or you can check the project out from github here.
This project was designed to be very simple, yet very effective. This type of framework is a "free version" of my interpretation of a framework that I use every day in production-type environments.
There is a sample test that is enclosed in the project named Assuming you follow the ReadMe to the T, you should have no problem getting started.
Here is what a test would look like in this framework.
#Config(url = "", browser = Browser.FIREFOX) // You are able to specify a "base url" for your test, from which you will test. You may leave `browser` blank.
public class SampleFunctionalTest extends AutomationTest {
* You are able to fire this test right up and see it in action. Right click the test() method, and click "Run As... jUnit test".
* The purpose of this is to show you how you can continue testing, just by taking the semi colon out, and continuing with your test.
public void test() {
// click / validateAttribute
.validateAttribute(props.get("click"), "class", "success") // validate that the class indeed added.
// setText / validateText
.setText("setTextField"), "woot!")
.validateText("setTextField"), "woot!") // validates that it indeed set.
// check / uncheck
.validateChecked("checkbox")) // validate that it checked
.check(props.get("radio.2")) // remember that props come from <class name>.properties, and are always CSS selectors. (why use anything else, honestly.)
.validateUnchecked(props.get("radio.1")) // since radio 1 was selected by default, check the second one, then validate that the first radio is no longer checked.
// select from dropdowns.
.selectOptionByText(By.xpath("//select[#id='select']"), "Second") // just as a proof of concept that you can select on anything. But don't use xpath!!
.validateText("select"), "2") // validateText() will actually return the value="" attr of a dropdown, so that's why 2 works but "Second" will not.
.selectOptionByValue(By.cssSelector("select#select"), "3")
.validateText(props.get("select"), "3")
// frames
.switchToFrame("frame") // the id="frame"
// windows
.switchToWindow("Getting Started with Selenium") // switch back to the test window.
.click(By.linkText("Open a new tab / window"))
.waitForWindow("Google") // waits for the url. Can also be the you are expecting. :) (regex enabled too)
.setText("q"), "google!")
.closeWindow(); // we've closed google, and back on the getting started with selenium page.

You should create an instance of a WebDriver and call methods on the instance of that object.
An easy example is shown here:

I hope you have created the script in webdriver.
Now in the script recorded by the selenium ide you have three methods called
setup, testSomeName and tearDown.
From the very basic: to run this script all you need to do is create a main method in the same class and in that you need to call these methods in the same order as specified above.
After that you just need to run that program.
Here is an example to make it more clear:
public class p_adjcb {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void testP_adjcb() throws Exception {
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
public static void main(String[] args) {
p_adjcb obj = new p_adjcb();
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
If you get any compiler error make sure you have downloaded the selenium-standalone-server.jar file and added it to your class path.
This is a very basic start. Later on you may need to use som framework like junit.
Hope it helps.


JBehave - not possible to have multiple Outcome in a Story?

Is it not possible to have both SUCCCESS and FAILURE Outcome in the story?
Outcome: FAILURE
Given I capture page screenshot
Given I close browser
Outcome: SUCCESS
Given I close browser
Scenario: Sample one
Given I open browser
When I do something
Scenario: Sample two
Given I open browser
When I do another thing
For example, for failures I want to take a screenshot before closing the browser. If successful I just want to close the browser.
I know I can just close the browser at the end of all my scenarios and only have the failure outcome remain. I would like to know if there is a way to do this in the Lifecycle After.
Quoting OP:
For example, for failures I want to take a screenshot before closing the browser. If successful I just want to close the browser.
Now, the interesting question will be which framework are you using for your assertions?
I'll assume you use Junit which comes bundled with JBehave as JBehave relies on knowing there is an error by JUnit's thrown exception.
The idea is to:
a) throw an exception when an error occurs (so need to check on every step)
b) take a screenshot
c) continue with testing (i.e. closing the browser)
So in order to throw an exception, you really do no need to do much as this is done automatically when using JUnit's Assert statement.
so for example
If the above fails an exception will be thrown.
You can capture it as such:
public class RunnerExtension implements AfterTestExecutionCallback {
public void afterTestExecution(ExtensionContext context) throws Exception {
Boolean testResult = context.getExecutionException().isPresent();
System.out.println(testResult); //false - SUCCESS, true - FAILED
public abstract class Tests {
Taken from this answer:
JUnit5 - How to get test result in AfterTestExecutionCallback
So basically you override the standard behaviour -after- each assertion has been executed. In the case above you can add (when an exception is thrown --> take screenshot).
Here is the take a screenshot code for Selenium-Java:
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
// Now you can do whatever you need to do with it, for example copy somewhere
FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File("c:\\tmp\\screenshot.png"));
Hope the above helps!

Get a copy of the source code that the user sees

I search the web for hours, but could not find a helpful direction.
I need to use Java to create a code that "catches" the source code
that the user is asking from the browser.
The application: (the basic idea)
public static void main(String[] args) {
String sourceCode;
sourceCode = catchingTheSourceCode();
Behind the scenes:
the application "catches" the source code of the web page.
And print it to console.
How to implement these methods?
If you are using a WebDriver, you can get the page source using the getPageSource() method:

Take screenshot in selenium (java) only in after method

I have created a automation suite in java selenium using testng frame work.Basically in my suite the scenarios are placed in between before and after method.
I want to take the screen shot for each failed and passed test scenario.For that i have created a separate class and calling it in each script to capture the screenshot before the after Method.
The issue that i am facing here is if the scenario is getting failed the script stopped executing and it is not moving to the take screenshot line of code and so it is not capturing the screenshot for the failed ones.
So i want the take screenshot program to be only placed in after method so before the driver quit it will take the screenshot inspite of the scenario result of pass/fail.
I have written code for nearly 20 scenario using testng.
Can some one tel me the code in the after method only to take the screenshot without so much effecting the code which i have written.
The screenshot program should only be in the after method so it will capture teh screen before driver quit.
Make sure you catch exceptions so you won't exit the code prematurely.
For example, this is how I take screenshots after every test run (passed or failed). I use the exception value (if any) to dynamically name the screenshot files.
First, an example test method:
[DataSource("System.Data.SqlClient", "Data Source=DEV338\\X2B;Initial Catalog=SeleniumDb;Integrated Security=True",
"dbo.F_single_ErkenningAannemerKlasse1", DataAccessMethod.Sequential), TestMethod]
public void erkenningAannemerKlasse1()
catch (Exception e)
exception = e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace;
Then this method executes after every test. Default behaviour in Microsoft UnitTest framework, in this case.
public void Cleanup()
frontUser.takeScreenshot(data.get("testnaam"), data.get("datarow"), exception);

What does this serialization error mean, and how can I prevent it?

I am coding in GWT 2.3 using Eclipse. While I have had coding experience, it has been limited to client-side. My current project involves creating a mapping program, which takes a list of points from an Excel sheet and places them on a predefined image. Now, I have my servlet and my client code connected, and I already have some idea how to read the Excel file.
My current problem: I get the following error when I load my application on Firefox using Development Mode:
Something other than an int was returned from JSNI method '': JS value of type undefined, expected int
Development Mode's console doesn't give me any errors when I run, those it does tell me there is a [WARN] with two things I'm not using (images which I misnamed, but do not load ever).
Currently, my code is as follows:
In my client side code:
MyServiceAsync service = (MyServiceAsync) GWT.create(MyService.class);
AsyncCallback<String> callback = new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
String details = caught.getMessage();
public void onSuccess(String result) {
//I purposefully have this as an empty method so I could figure out the error
service.readFile("PrinterList.xls", callback);
In my
>public String readFile(String s);
In ``:
>public String readFile(String s) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return "foo";
My AsyncCallback type is String, which seems to be causing the error. The method my client code calls returns a single String at this point, "fubar" (for simplicity). I thought that Strings were automatically serializable, but I am not sure. So, how do I get this error to go away? And how do I make the server code serialized?
What the exception says is basically this:
Client was trying to read an object from the data stream. Based on the signature of called method (or some other hint) the stream reader was expecting an int but found undefined instead.
As for the serializability of String, your assumption is correct. They are serializable without any effort on your part.
Without looking at the code and/or exception trace, it's difficult to say anything more.
Your code seems fine to me. Is there a chance that you are mixing GWT versions? That is you compiled your GWT application with 2.3, but the server classpath contains an older GWT jar (or vice versa). Take a look at:
Project GWT version settings. Project-> Properties -> Google -> Web Toolkit. Which version of GWT is selected there?
Compare the GWT settings with Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries. How many GWT related jars do you see there? Which version? Are there more than one gwt-servlet-x.y.jar?

How can I fill out an online form with Java?

My cell phone provider offers a limited number of free text messages on their website. I frequently use the service although I hate constantly having a tab open in my browser.
Does anyone know/point me in the right direction of how I could create a jar file/command line utility so I can fill out the appropriate forms on the site. I've always wanted to code up a project like this in Java, just in case anyone asks why I'm not using something else.
Kind Regards,
Try with Webdriver from Google or Selenium.
Sounds like you need a framework designed for doing functional testing. These act as browsers and can navigate web sites for testing and automation. You don't need the testing functionality, but it would still serve your needs.
Try HtmlUnit, or LiFT, which is a higher-level abstraction built on HtmlUnit.
Use Watij with the Eclipse IDE. When your done, compile as an .exe or run with a batch file.
Here is some sample code I wrote for filling in fields for a Google search, which can be adjusted for the web form you want to control :
package goog;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import static watij.finders.SymbolFactory.*;
public class GTestCases extends TestCase {
private static activeIE_m;
public static IE attachToIE(String url) throws Exception {
if (activeIE_m==null)
activeIE_m = new IE();
} else {
return (activeIE_m);
public static String getActiveUrl () throws Exception {
String currUrl = activeIE_m.url().toString();
return currUrl;
public void testGoogleLogin() throws Exception {
IE ie = attachToIE("");
if ( ie.containsText("/Sign in/") ) {
if ( ie.containsText("Sign in with your") ||
ie.containsText("Sign in to iGoogle with your")) {
if ( ie.checkbox(name,"PersistentCookie").checked() ){
System.out.println("Login finished.");
public void testGoogleSearch() throws Exception {
//IE ie = attachToIE( getActiveUrl() );
IE ie = attachToIE( "" );
ie.button(value,"Advanced Search").click();
System.out.println("Search finished.");
public void testGoogleResult() throws Exception {
IE ie = attachToIE( getActiveUrl() );,"").click();
System.out.println("Followed link.");
It depends on how they are sending the form information.
If they are using a simple GET request, all you need to do is fill in the appropriate url parameters.
Otherwise you will need to post the form information to the target page.
You could use Watij, which provides a Java/COM interface onto Internet Explorer. Then write a small amount of Java code to navigate the form, insert values and submit.
Alternatively, if it's simple, then check out HttpClient, which is a simple Java HTTP client API.
Whatever you do, watch out that you don't contravene your terms of service (easy during testing - perhaps you should work against a mock interface initially?)
WebTest is yet another webapp testing framework that may be easier to use than the alternatives cited by others.
Check out the Apache Commons Net Package. There you can send a POSt request to a page. This is quite low level but may do what you want (if not you might check out the functional testing suites but it is probably not as easy to dig into).
As jjnguy says, you'll need to dissect the form to find out all the parameters.
With them you can form your own request using Apache's HTTP Client and fire it off.
